< Resansman 2 >

1 Seyè a pale ak Moyiz ansanm ak Arawon, li di yo konsa:
And the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron, saying,
2 -Lè moun pèp Izrayèl yo va rive yon kote pou yo rete, chak moun va moute tant yo toupre làbanyè yo, anba ti drapo branch fanmi zansèt yo. Y'a moute tant yo devan ak sou kote Tant Randevou a, men pa twò pre l'.
Let the children of Israel encamp fronting [each other], every man keeping his own rank, according to [their] standards, according to the houses of their families; the children of Israel shall encamp round about the tabernacle of witness.
3 Tout moun k'ap mache anba làbanyè Jida a va moute kan yo sou bò solèy leve, chak divizyon apa. Se Nakchon, pitit gason Aninabad la, ki te chèf fanmi Jida a.
And they that encamp first towards the east [shall be] the order of the camp of Juda with their host, and the prince of the sons of Juda, Naasson the son of Aminadab.
4 Dapre resansman an, te gen swasannkatòzmil sisan (74.600) gason nan divizyon sa a.
His forces that were numbered, were seventy-four thousand and six hundred.
5 Moun Isaka yo va moute kan yo sou menm bò a, adwat moun Jida a yo. Se Netanèl, pitit gason Swa a, ki te chèf fanmi yo a.
And they that encamp next [shall be] of the tribe of Issachar, and the prince of the sons of Issachar [shall be] Nathanael the son of Sogar.
6 Dapre resansman an, te gen senkannkatmil katsan (54.400) gason nan divizyon sa a.
His forces that were numbered, were fifty-four thousand and four hundred.
7 Moun Zabilon yo va moute kan yo sou menm bò a tou, agoch moun Jida yo. Se Eliyab, pitit gason Elon an, ki te chèf fanmi yo a.
And they that encamp next [shall be] of the tribe of Zabulon, and the prince of the sons of Zabulon [shall be] Eliab the son of Chaelon.
8 Dapre resansman an, te gen senkannsètmil katsan (57.400) gason nan divizyon sa a.
His forces that were numbered, were fifty-seven thousand and four hundred.
9 Konsa, anba làbanyè Jida a, te gen twa divizyon. Sa te fè antou sankatrevensimil katsan (186,400) gason. Se toujou yo menm ki pou mache devan lè y'ap deplase.
All that were numbered of the camp of Juda were a hundred and eighty thousand and six thousand and four hundred: they shall move first with their forces.
10 Tout moun k'ap mache anba làbanyè Woubenn yo va moute kan yo sou bò sid, chak divizyon apa. Se Elisou, pitit gason Chedeyou a, ki te chèf fanmi Woubenn lan.
[This is] the order of the camp of Ruben; their forces [shall be] towards the south, and the prince of the children of Ruben [shall be] Elisur the son of Sediur.
11 Dapre resansman an, te gen karannsimil senksan (46.500) gason nan divizyon sa a.
His forces that were numbered, were forty-six thousand and five hundred.
12 Moun Simeyon yo va moute kan yo sou menm bò a, adwat moun Woubenn yo. Se Cheloumyèl, pitit gason Sourichadayi a, ki te chèf fanmi yo a.
And they that encamp next to him [shall be] of the tribe of Symeon, and the prince of the sons of Symeon [shall be] Salamiel the son of Surisadai.
13 Dapre resansman an, te gen senkannèfmil twasan (59.300) gason nan divizyon sa a.
His forces that were numbered, were fifty-nine thousand and three hundred.
14 Moun Gad yo va rete sou menm bò a, agoch moun Woubenn yo. Se Elyasaf, pitit gason Reouyèl la, ki te chèf fanmi yo a.
And they that encamp next to them [shall be] the tribe of Gad; and the prince of the sons of Gad, Elisaph the son of Raguel.
15 Dapre resansman an, te gen karannsenkmil sisan (45.600) gason nan divizyon sa a.
His forces that were numbered, were forty-five thousand and six hundred and fifty.
16 Konsa, anba làbanyè Woubenn lan te gen twa divizyon. Sa te fè antou sansenkanteyenmil katsansenkant (151.450) gason. Se toujou yo menm ki pou mache an dezyèm pozisyon lè y'ap deplase.
All who were numbered of the camp of Ruben, were a hundred and fifty-one thousand and four hundred and fifty: they with their forces shall proceed in the second place.
17 Lè tout moun ap deplase, y'a mache nan menm pozisyon yo mete yo lè y'ap moute kan yo, anba làbanyè yo: de divizyon devan, de divizyon dèyè ak fanmi Levi yo nan mitan ap pote Tant Randevou a.
And [then] the tabernacle of witness shall be set forward, and the camp of the Levites [shall be] between the camps; as they shall encamp, so also shall they commence their march, each one next in order to his fellow according to their companies.
18 Tout moun k'ap mache anba làbanyè Efrayim lan va moute kan yo sou solèy kouche, chak divizyon apa. Se Elichama, pitit gason Amiyoud la, ki te chèf fanmi Efrayin lan.
The station of the camp of Ephraim [shall be] westward with their forces, and the head of the children of Ephraim [shall be] Elisama the son of Emiud.
19 Dapre resansman an, te gen karantmil senksan (40.500) gason nan divizyon sa a.
His forces that were numbered, are forty thousand and five hundred.
20 Moun Manase yo va moute kan yo sou menm bò a, adwat moun Efrayim yo. Se Gamliyèl, pitit gason Pedachou a, ki te chèf fanmi yo a.
And they that encamp next [shall be] of the tribe of Manasse, and the prince of the sons of Manasse, Gamaliel the son of Phadassur.
21 Dapre resansman an, te gen tranndemil desan (32.200) gason nan divizyon sa a.
His forces that were numbered, were thirty-two thousand and two hundred.
22 Moun Benjamen yo va moute kan yo sou menm bò a tou, agoch moun Efrayim yo. Se Abidan, pitit gason Gideyoni a, ki te chèf fanmi yo a.
And they that encamp next [shall be] of the tribe of Benjamin, and the prince of the sons of Benjamin, Abidan the son of Gadeoni.
23 Dapre resansman an, te gen trannsenkmil katsan (35.400) gason nan divizyon sa a.
His forces that were numbered, were thirty-five thousand and four hundred.
24 Konsa, anba làbanyè Efrayim lan, te gen twa divizyon. Sa te fè antou san witmil san (108.100) gason. Se toujou yo menm ki pou mache an twazyèm pozisyon lè y'ap deplase.
All that were numbered of the camp of Ephraim, were one hundred and eight thousand and one hundred: they with their forces shall set out third.
25 Tout moun k'ap mache anla làbanyè Dann lan va moute kan yo sou bò nò, chak divizyon apa. Se Ayezè, pitit gason Amichadayi a, ki te chèf fanmi Dann lan.
The order of the camp of Dan [shall be] northward with their forces; and the prince of the sons of Dan, Achiezer the son of Amisadai.
26 Dapre resansman an, te gen swasanndemil sètsan (62.700) gason nan divizyon sa a.
His forces that were numbered, were sixty-two thousand and seven hundred.
27 Moun Asè yo va moute kan yo sou menm bò a, adwat moun Dann yo. Se Pagiyèl, pitit gason Okran an, ki te chèf fanmi yo a.
And they that encamp next to him [shall be] the tribe of Aser; and the prince of the sons of Aser, Phagiel the son of Echran.
28 Dapre resansman an, te gen karanteyenmil senksan (41.500) gason nan divizyon sa a.
His forces that were numbered, were forty-one thousand and five hundred.
29 Moun Neftali yo va moute kan yo sou menm bò a tou, agoch moun Efrayim yo. Se Ayira, pitit gason Enan an, ki te chèf fanmi yo a.
And they that encamp next [shall be] of the tribe of Nephthali; and the prince of the children of Nephthali, Achire son Aenan.
30 Dapre resansman an, te gen senkanntwamil katsan (53.400) gason nan divizyon sa a.
His forces that were numbered were fifty-three thousand and four hundred.
31 Konsa, anba làbanyè Dann lan, te gen twa divizyon. Sa te fè antou sansenkannsètmil sisan (157.600) gason. Se toujou yo menm ki pou mache dèyè nèt, chak divizyon anba drapo pa yo.
All that were numbered of the camp of Dan, [were] a hundred and fifty-seven thousand and six hundred: they shall set out last according to their order.
32 Men kantite gason yo te jwenn nan pèp Izrayèl la dapre branch fanmi zansèt yo. Dapre resansman yo te fè a, divizyon pa divizyon, te gen sisantwamil senksansenkant (603.550) gason antou.
This [is] the numbering of the children of Israel according to the houses of their families: all the numbering of the camps with their forces, [was] six hundred and three thousand, five hundred and fifty.
33 Men yo pa t' konte moun branch fanmi Levi yo ansanm ak rès moun pèp Izrayèl yo, dapre lòd Seyè a te bay Moyiz la.
But the Levites were not numbered with them, as the Lord commanded Moses.
34 Moun pèp Izrayèl yo te fè tou sa Seyè a te bay Moyiz lòd fè a. Se konsa yo moute kan yo, chak divizyon apa, anba làbanyè pa yo. Lè y'ap deplase, yo mache pa divizyon, chak moun ansanm ak branch fanmi zansèt yo.
And the children of Israel did all things that the Lord commanded Moses; thus they encamped in their order, and thus they began their march in succession each according to their divisions, according to the houses of their families.

< Resansman 2 >