< Matye 11 >
1 Lè Jezi fin bay douz disip li yo tout lòd sa yo, li kite kote li te ye a, li pati, li ale nan lòt lavil peyi a. Li t'ap mache bay mesaj la, li t'ap moutre moun yo anpil bagay.
After Jesus had finished giving directions to his twelve Disciples, he left that place in order to teach and preach in their towns.
2 Antan Jan Batis te nan prizon, li tande pale travay Kris la t'ap fè. Li voye kèk patizan pa l' ale mande Jezi:
Now John had heard in prison what the Christ was doing, and he sent a message by his disciples,
3 Eske se ou ki moun nou konnen ki gen pou vini an, osinon èske nou dwe tann yon lòt?
and asked – “Are you ‘the coming one,’ or are we to look for someone else?”
4 Jezi reponn yo: Ale rakonte bay Jan sa nou tande ak sa nou wè:
The answer of Jesus to the question was – “Go and report to John what you hear and see –
5 Je avèg yo louvri, moun ki t'ap bwete yo mache byen, moun ki te gen maladi lalèp yo geri, moun ki te soudè yo tande, moun ki te mouri yo leve. Pòv yo tande Bon Nouvèl la.
the blind recover their sight and the lame walk, the lepers are made clean and the deaf hear, the dead, too, are raised to life, and the good news is told to the poor.
6 Benediksyon pou moun ki pa jwenn nan mwen okazyon pou tonbe nan peche.
Blessed is the person who finds no hindrance in me.”
7 Lè patizan Jan yo al fè wout yo, Jezi pran pale ak foul la sou Jan. Li di yo konsa: Sa nou te al wè nan dezè a? Yon pye wozo van t'ap souke? Non.
While John’s disciples were going back, Jesus began to say to the crowds with reference to John,
8 Men, kisa nou te al wè menm? Yon nonm abiye ak bèl rad? Ala, moun ki mete bèl rad, se kay wa a yo jwenn yo.
“What did you go out into the wilderness to look at? A reed waving in the wind? If not, what did you go out to see? A man richly dressed? Why, those who wear rich things are to be found in the courts of kings!
9 Manyè di m' kisa nou te al wè menm? Yon pwofèt? Wi, mwen menm mwen di nou: li pi plis pase yon pwofèt.
What, then, did you go for? To see a prophet? Yes, I tell you, and far more than a prophet.
10 Men sa ki te ekri sou Jan: Men m'ap voye mesaje m' lan devan ou. Li va louvri chemen an devan pou ou.
This is the man of whom scripture says – ‘I am sending my messenger ahead of you, and he will prepare your way before you.’
11 Sa m'ap di nou la a, se vre wi: Nan tout moun ki fèt sou latè pa gen yonn ki pi konsekan pase Jan Batis. Malgre sa, moun ki pi piti nan Peyi Wa ki nan syèl la, pi konsekan pase l'.
I tell you, no one born of a woman has yet appeared who is greater than John the Baptist; and yet the least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.
12 Depi sou tan Jan Batis jouk jòdi a, Peyi Wa ki nan syèl la anba gwo goumen. Se moun ki konn goumen k'ap antre ladan l'.
From the time of John the Baptist to this very hour, the kingdom of heaven has been taken by force, and people using force have been seizing it.
13 Anvan Jan Batis te rive, tout pwofèt yo ansanm ak lalwa Moyiz la te pale sou Peyi Bondye a.
For the teaching of all the prophets and of the Law continued until the time of John;
14 Si nou vle kwè l': Jan Batis se Eli ki te gen pou vini an.
and – if you are ready to accept it – John is himself the Elijah who was destined to come.
15 Si nou gen zòrèy pou n' tande, tande.
If you have ears, listen.
16 Ak ki moun mwen ta konpare moun k'ap viv nan tan alèkile yo? Yo sanble timoun ki chita sou plas piblik, yonn ap rele lòt pou di l' konsa:
But to what will I compare the present generation? It is like little children sitting in the market-places and calling out to their playmates –
17 Nou jwe mizik cho pou nou ak fif nou, nou pa danse. Nou chante chante ki tris pou nou, nou pa kriye.
We have played the flute for you, but you have not danced; We have wailed, but you have not mourned.
18 Jan Batis vini, li pa manje, li pa bwè, yo di li gen yon move lespri sou li.
For, when John came, neither eating nor drinking, people said ‘He has a demon in him’;
19 Mwen menm, Moun Bondye voye nan lachè a, mwen vini, mwen manje, mwen bwè, yo di: Gade yon nonm! Se manje ak bwè ase li konnen! Se zanmi pèseptè kontribisyon ak moun k'ap fè sa ki mal li ye! Men tou, lè nou wè rezilta sa Bondye fè, nou rekonèt se li menm nan bon konprann li ki gen rezon.
and now that the Son of Man has come, eating and drinking, they are saying ‘Here is a glutton and a wine-drinker, a friend of tax collectors and outcasts!’ And yet wisdom is vindicated by her actions.”
20 Lè sa a, Jezi pran fè moun lavil kote l' te fè pifò mirak li yo repwòch, paske yo pa t' tounen vin jwenn Bondye.
Then Jesus began to reproach the towns in which most of his miracles had been done, because they had not repented,
21 Li di yo: Malè pou nou, moun lavil Korazen! Malè pou nou moun lavil Betsayda! Paske, si mirak ki fèt nan mitan nou yo, se nan mitan lavil Tir ak lavil Sidon yo te fèt, gen lontan moun sa yo ta mete rad sak sou yo. Yo ta kouvri kò yo ak sann dife pou fè wè yo vle tounen vin jwenn Bondye.
“Alas for you, Chorazin! Alas for you, Bethsaida! For, if the miracles which were done in you had been done in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes.
22 Se poutèt sa m'ap di nou: Jou jijman an, y'a peni nou pi rèd pase moun lavil Tir ak moun lavil Sidon yo.
Yet, I tell you, the doom of Tyre and Sidon will be more bearable in the day of judgment than yours.
23 Nou menm tou, moun lavil Kapènawòm: nou ta vle yo leve nou jouk nan syèl la? Enben, y'a desann nou jouk anba kote mò yo ye a. Paske, si mirak ki fèt nan mitan nou yo, se nan mitan lavil Sodòm yo te fèt, li ta la jouk jòdi a. (Hadēs )
And you, Capernaum! Will you exalt yourself to heaven? You will be flung down to Hades! For, if the miracles which have been done in you had been done in Sodom, it would have been standing to this day. (Hadēs )
24 Se poutèt sa m'ap di nou: Jou jijman an, y'a peni nou pi rèd pase moun lavil Sodòm yo.
Yet, I tell you, the doom of Sodom will be more bearable in the day of judgment than yours.”
25 Lè sa a, Jezi di: O Papa, ou menm ki mèt syèl la ak tè a, mwen di ou mèsi anpil dapre bagay ou te kache nan je gwo save ak moun lespri yo ou devwale yo bay ti piti yo.
At that same time Jesus uttered the words, “I thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that, though you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, you have revealed them to the childlike!
26 Wi, Papa mwen, sa pase konsa paske se konsa ou te vle li.
Yes, Father, I thank you that this has seemed good to you.
27 Papa m' renmèt mwen tout bagay. Pesonn pa konn kilès moun Pitit la ye, esepte Papa a. Konsa tou, pesonn pa konn kilès moun Papa a ye, esepte Pitit la, ak moun Pitit la vle fè konnen li.
Everything has been committed to me by my Father; nor does anyone fully know the Son, except the Father, or fully know the Father, except the Son and those to whom the Son may choose to reveal him.
28 Vini jwenn mwen, nou tout ki bouke, nou tout ki anba chay, m'a soulaje nou.
Come to me, all you who toil and are burdened, and I will give you rest!
29 Pran jouk mwen, mete l' sou zepòl nou. Pran leson nan men mwen. Paske mwen dou, mwen toujou soumèt mwen tout bon devan Bondye. Konsa, n'a viv ak kè poze.
Take my yoke on you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble, and you will find rest for your souls;
30 Paske, jouk m'ap ban nou an fasil pou pote, chay m'ap ban nou an pa lou.
for my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”