< Malachi 1 >

1 Men mesaj Seyè a te bay Malachi pou fè pèp Izrayèl la konnen volonte li. Men desizyon Seyè a:
The burden of a word of YHWH to Israel by the hand of Malachi:
2 Seyè a di: Mwen renmen nou! Men, pèp la reponn: Ki jan ou renmen nou an? Men sa Seyè a reponn yo: Ezaou ak Jakòb, apa de frè yo ye. Mwen renmen Jakòb ak tout pitit pitit li yo.
“I have loved you, said YHWH, And you have said, In what have You loved us?
3 Men, mwen rayi Ezaou ak tout pitit pitit li yo. Mwen ravaje tout mòn peyi Ezaou a. Mwen fè peyi yo a tounen savann kote bèt nan bwa rete.
Is not Esau Jacob’s brother?” A declaration of YHWH, “And I love Jacob, and Esau I have hated, And I make his mountains a desolation, And his inheritance for dragons of a wilderness.
4 Si moun peyi Edon yo di: Yo detwi lavil nou yo, men n'ap rebati yo, Seyè a menm ap reponn yo: Nou mèt rebati yo, m'ap toujou kraze yo. Moun pral rele yo: Peyi mechan yo, nasyon ki fè Seyè a ankòlè tout tan an.
Because Edom says, We have been made poor, And we return and we build the ruins, Thus said YHWH of Hosts: They build, and I destroy, And [men] have called to them, O region of wickedness, O people whom YHWH defied for all time.
5 Moun Izrayèl yo pral wè sa ak pwòp je yo. Epi y'a di: Seyè a gen pouvwa menm andeyò peyi Izrayèl la.
And your eyes see, and you say, YHWH is magnified beyond the border of Israel,
6 Seyè ki gen tout pouvwa a ap pale ak nou koulye a, nou menm prèt yo ki pa respekte l'. Li di nou konsa: Yon pitit fèt pou l' respekte papa l'. Yon domestik fèt pou l' gen krentif pou mèt li. Mwen se papa nou. Poukisa nou pa respekte m'? Mwen se mèt nou. Poukisa nou pa gen krentif pou mwen? Epi nou gen kouraj pou nou di: Ki jan nou derespekte ou la?
A son honors a father, and a servant his master. And if I [am] a father, where [is] My glory? And if I [am] a master, where [is] My fear? Said YHWH of Hosts to you, O priests, despising My Name! And you have said, In what have we despised Your Name?
7 Men ki jan: nou pran manje ki pa bon pou fè sèvis pou mwen, nou ofri l' sou lotèl la ban mwen. Epi n'ap di: nou pa wè ki jan nou derespekte ou la a? Mwen menm, mwen di nou se lè nou di lotèl Seyè a pa merite yo respekte l'.
You are bringing defiled bread near on My altar, And you have said, In what have we defiled You? In your saying, The table of YHWH—it [is] despicable,
8 Lè nou mennen yon bèt je pete pou yo touye pou mwen, atò, sa se pa bagay ki mal? Lè nou mennen yon bèt k'ap mache bwete, yon bèt tou malad, sa se pa bagay ki mal? Seye pote yon bèt konsa bay yon gwo chèf non! Eske l'ap kontan? Eske la ba ou yon favè?
And when you bring the blind near for sacrifice, [saying], There is no evil, And when you bring the lame and sick near, [saying], There is no evil; Now bring it near to your governor—Does he accept you? Or does he lift up your face?” said YHWH of Hosts.
9 Koulye a, nou menm prèt yo, lapriyè nan pye Bondye pou l' gen pitye pou nou non! Eske la ban nou favè l'? Se nou menm ki va lakòz li pa fè sa pou nou!
“And now, please appease the face of God, And He favors us; This has been from your own hand, Does He accept your faces?” said YHWH of Hosts.
10 Seyè ki gen tout pouvwa a pale, li di: Mwen ta swete yonn nan nou ta fèmen tout pòt tanp lan pou nou pa limen dife pou gremesi sou lotèl mwen an. Mwen pa kontan menm ak nou. Se Seyè ki gen tout pouvwa a ki di sa. Mwen p'ap asepte ankenn ofrann nan men nou.
“Who [is] even among you, And he shuts the double doors? Indeed, you do not kindle My altar for nothing, I have no pleasure in you,” said YHWH of Hosts, “And I do not accept a present of your hand.
11 Toupatou sou latè, depi sou solèy leve jouk sou solèy kouche, moun lòt nasyon yo ap di jan mwen gen pouvwa. Toupatou y'ap boule lansan pou mwen, y'ap ofri m' bagay ki bon pou sèvis mwen. Paske moun toupatou respekte m'. Se Seyè ki gen tout pouvwa a ki di sa.
For from the rising of the sun to its going in, Great [is] My Name among nations, And in every place incense is brought near for My Name, and a pure present, For great [is] My Name among nations,” said YHWH of Hosts.
12 Men, nou menm, nou pa respekte lotèl mwen lè nou di: Lotèl Seyè a pa bon ankò. Se vye manje n'ap ofri sou li.
“And you are defiling it in your saying, The table of YHWH—it is defiled, As for its fruit—its food is despicable.
13 Lèfini, n'ap plede di: Nou bouke ak tout bagay sa yo. Nou pa pran ka m' ankò. Se Seyè ki gen tout pouvwa a ki di sa. Nou pran bèt nou vòlò, bèt enfim, osinon bèt malad, nou vin ofri ban mwen. Seyè a mande nou: Nou kwè mwen ka asepte bagay konsa nan men nou? Se Seyè a ki mande nou sa.
And you have said, Behold, what a weariness, And you have puffed at it,” said YHWH of Hosts, “And you have brought in plunder, And the lame and the sick, And you have brought in the present! Do I accept it from your hand?” said YHWH.
14 Madichon pou moun k'ap twonpe m' yo. Yo vin ofri bèt ki pa bon pou yo touye pou mwen epi yo kite bon ti mal yo te pwomèt y'ap ban mwen an nan bann mouton yo. Paske, se yon wa ki gen anpil pouvwa mwen ye. Moun tout nasyon va respekte m'. Se Seyè ki gen tout pouvwa a ki di sa.
“And a deceiver [is] cursed, who has in his drove a male, And is vowing, and is sacrificing a marred thing to the Lord, For I [am] a great King,” said YHWH of Hosts, “And My Name [is] revered among nations!”

< Malachi 1 >