< Jòb 32 >

1 Jòb te sitèlman sèten li te inonsan, twa mesye yo kite sa, yo pa chache reponn li ankò.
And his three friends also ceased any longer to answer Job: for Job was righteous before them.
2 Men, Eliyou ki te kanpe la fè yon sèl kòlè. Eliyou sa a, se pitit Barakèl, moun fanmi Bouz, nan branch fanmi Ranm lan. Li fè yon sèl kòlè sou Jòb, paske Jòb t'ap bay tèt li rezon, li t'ap bay Bondye tò.
Then Elius the son of Barachiel, the Buzite, of the kindred of Ram, of the country of Ausis, was angered: and he was very angry with Job, because he justified himself before the Lord.
3 Li te ankòlè sou twa zanmi Jòb yo tou. Yo pa t' jwenn anyen pou yo reponn Jòb. Konsa, yo menm tou, se Bondye yo te bay tout tò a.
And he was also very angry with [his] three friends, because they were not able to return answers to Job, yet set him down for an ungodly man.
4 Antan yo twa a t'ap pale, Eliyou te rete la san di anyen, paske yo te pi gran pase l'.
But Elius had forborne to give an answer to Job, because they were older than he.
5 Lè li wè mesye yo pa t' jwenn anyen ankò pou reponn Jòb, li fè yon sèl kòlè.
And Elius saw that there was no answer in the mouth of the three men; and he was angered in his wrath.
6 Li pran lapawòl, li di konsa: -Mwen menm, se jenn gason mwen ye. Nou menm, se granmoun nou ye. Se poutèt sa mwen te yon ti jan wont. Mwen te pè antre nan koze a.
And Elius the Buzite the son of Barachiel answered and said, I am younger in age, and you are elder, therefore I kept silence, fearing to declare to you my own knowledge.
7 Mwen t'ap di nan kè m': Kite granmoun pale! Kite sa ki gen laj sou tèt yo mete bon konprann yo deyò.
And I said, It is not time that speaks, though in many years [men] know wisdom:
8 Men, pou di vre, se lespri Bondye ki gen tout pouvwa a sèl ki pou antre nan tèt yon moun pou ba li bon konprann!
but there is a spirit in mortals; and the inspiration of the Almighty is that which teaches.
9 Se pa laj ki bay moun bon konprann. Se pa cheve blan ki fè moun konnen sa ki dwat.
The long-lived are not wise [as such]; neither do the aged know judgement.
10 Koulye a, mwen ta renmen nou koute m'. Kite m' di nou sa m' konnen sou koze a.
Therefore I said, Hear me, and I will tell you what I know.
11 Mwen tande byen tande tou sa nou di. Mwen te louvri zòrèy mwen gran louvri pou m' pa manke anyen nan pawòl nou yo, pandan n'ap chache mo pou nou di.
Listen to my words; for I will speak in your hearing, until you shall have tried [the matter] with words:
12 Mwen t'ap swiv sa n'ap di. Men, yonn nan nou pa rive fè Jòb fèmen bouch li. Nou yonn pa rive demanti msye.
and I shall understand as far as you; and, behold, there was no one of you that answered Job his words in argument,
13 Pa vin di m' nou konprann koulye a se Bondye ki pou reponn. Lèzòm pa kapab.
lest you should say, We have found that we have added wisdom to the Lord.
14 Se avè nou Jòb t'ap pale. Se pa avè m'. Konsa, mwen pral reponn msye yon lòt jan.
And you have commissioned a man to speak such words.
15 Jòb, ou wè mesye yo pa konn sa pou yo di ou. Yo pa jwenn anyen pou reponn ou ankò.
They were afraid, they answered no longer; they gave up their speaking.
16 Mwen t'ap tann yo. Men, koulye a yo fèmen bouch yo. Yo sispann pale, yo pa reponn ou.
I waited, (for I had not spoken, ) because they stood still, they answered not.
17 Atòkile, se mwen ki pral pale, mwen pral di ou sa m' konnen nan koze a.
And Elius continued, and said, I will again speak,
18 Mwen plen pawòl nan bouch mwen. Si m' pa pale m'a toufe.
for I am full of words, for the spirit of my belly destroys me.
19 Pawòl ki nan tèt mwen, ou ta di yon diven k'ap fèmante. Li prèt pou pete veso kote l' ye a.
And my belly is as a skin of sweet wine, bound up [and] ready to burst; or as a brazier's labouring bellows.
20 Se pou m' pale pou m' ka soulaje konsyans mwen. Se pou m' louvri bouch mwen reponn ou.
I will speak, that I may open my lips and relieve myself.
21 Mwen p'ap pran defans pyès moun. Mwen pa pral achte figi nou yonn la a.
For truly I will not be awed because of man, nor indeed will I be confounded before a mortal.
22 Mwen pa konn flate moun. Lèfini, si m' ta fè sa, Bondye ki kreye m' lan ta disparèt mwen lapoula.
For I know not how to respect persons: and if otherwise, even the moths would eat me.

< Jòb 32 >