< Jòb 26 >

1 Jòb pran lapawòl ankò, li di l' konsa:
And Job answers and says:
2 -Ou gen tan konn konsole moun ki nan lafliksyon! Ou gen tan konn lonje men bay moun ki san fòs!
“How you have helped the powerless, Saved an arm not strong!
3 Ala bon konsèy ou bay moun ki san konprann lan! Ou gen tan gen anpil konesans nan ou!
How you have given counsel to the unwise, And made known wise plans in abundance.
4 Men, pou ki moun tout bèl diskou sa yo? Ki moun ki mete pawòl sa yo nan bouch ou?
With whom have you declared words? And whose breath came forth from you?
5 Bildad pran lapawòl ankò li di: -Nanm moun mouri k'ap viv nan fon lanmè a ap tranble anba tè a.
The Rephaim are formed, Also their inhabitants beneath the waters.
6 Peyi kote mò yo ye a louvri aklè devan je Bondye. Pa gen anyen ki pou anpeche Bondye wè sa k'ap pase ladan l'. (Sheol h7585)
Sheol [is] naked before Him, And there is no covering to destruction. (Sheol h7585)
7 Se li menm ki louvri syèl ki sou bò nò a anlè, san anyen pou soutni l'. Li pandye tè a ankò san anyen pou kenbe l'.
Stretching out the north over desolation, Hanging the earth on nothing,
8 Se li menm ki plen nwaj yo dlo. Se li menm ki pa kite pèz dlo a pete nwaj yo.
Binding up the waters in His thick clouds, And the cloud is not burst under them.
9 Se li menm ki kache lalin plenn lan dèyè yon nwaj.
Taking hold of the face of the throne, Spreading His cloud over it.
10 Se li menm ki trase yon wonn sou lanmè a, li separe limyè ak fènwa.
He has placed a limit on the waters, To the boundary of light with darkness.
11 Lè li bay poto ki soutni syèl la yon prigad, yo sezi, yo pran tranble sitèlman yo pè.
Pillars of the heavens tremble, And they wonder because of His rebuke.
12 Avèk fòs ponyèt li, li fè lanmè a vin dou devan li. Avèk ladrès li, li kraze Raab, gwo bèt lèd la.
By His power He has quieted the sea, And by His understanding struck the proud.
13 Avèk souf li, li fè syèl la vin klè. Avèk men li, li touye gwo koulèv ki t'ap kouri chape a.
He beautified the heavens by His Spirit, His hand has formed the fleeing serpent.
14 Sa se yon ti kal nan tou sa li fè. Se sa ase ki resi rive nan zòrèy nou! Men, ki moun ki ka konnen tou sa Bondye fè?
Behold, these [are] the borders of His way, and how little a matter is heard of Him, and who understands the thunder of His might?”

< Jòb 26 >