< Jeremi 40 >

1 Seyè a pale ak Jeremi ankò apre Neboucharadan, chèf lagad la, te lage l' lavil Rama. Yo te fè Jeremi prizonye ansanm ak tout moun lavil Jerizalèm ak moun peyi Jida yo. Yo te mete l' nan chenn ansanm ak tout moun yo t'ap depòte lavil Babilòn.
The word that has been to Jeremiah from YHWH, after Nebuzar-Adan, chief of the executioners, has sent him from Ramah, in his taking him—and he a prisoner in chains—in the midst of all the expulsion of Jerusalem and of Judah, who are removed to Babylon.
2 Chèf lagad la pran Jeremi sou kote, li di l' konsa: -Seyè a, Bondye ou la, te di li t'ap fè malè sa a tonbe sou peyi a.
And the chief of the executioners takes Jeremiah and says to him, “Your God YHWH has spoken this calamity concerning this place,
3 Koulye a sa li te di li t'ap fè a, li fè l'. Sa ki lakòz? Se paske pèp ou a te antò devan Seyè a, yo pa t' vle koute l'.
and YHWH brings [it] in, and does as He spoke, because you have sinned against YHWH, and have not listened to His voice, even this thing has been to you.
4 Atòkile, m'ap wete chenn ki nan ponyèt ou yo, m'ap lage ou. Si ou vle vini ak mwen lavil Babilòn, ou mèt vini, m'a pran swen ou. Men, si ou pa vle tou, ou pa blije vini. Tout peyi a devan ou, ou mèt ale kote ou vle.
And now, behold, I have loosed you today from the chains that [are] on your hand; if [it is] good in your eyes to come with me [to] Babylon, come, and I keep my eye on you: and if [it is] evil in your eyes to come with me to Babylon, refrain; see, all the land [is] before you, to where [it is] good, and to where [it is] right in your eyes to go—go.”
5 Lè Neboucharadan wè Jeremi pa reponn, li di l' ankò: -Tounen al jwenn Gedalya, pitit Akikam, pitit pitit Chafan, lavil Mispa. Se li menm wa Babilòn lan mete pou gouvènen tout lavil nan peyi Jida yo. W'a rete avè l' nan mitan pèp la. Ou gen dwa tou ale kote ou vle nan peyi a. Lèfini, li bay Jeremi yon kado ansanm ak kèk pwovizyon pou l' manje, epi li voye l' ale.
And while he does not reply—“Or turn back to Gedaliah son of Ahikam, son of Shaphan, whom the king of Babylon has appointed over the cities of Judah, and dwell with him in the midst of the people, or wherever it is right in your eyes to go—go.” And the chief of the executioners gives a ration and gift to him, and sends him away,
6 Jeremi al jwenn Gedalya, pitit Akikam lan, lavil Mispa. Li rete la avè l' ansanm ak moun yo te kite nan peyi a.
and Jeremiah comes to Gedaliah son of Ahikam, to Mizpah, and dwells with him in the midst of the people who are left in the land.
7 Te gen yon rès lame peyi Jida a ki te andeyò lavil Jerizalèm. Chèf yo ansanm ak sòlda yo vin konnen wa Babilòn lan te mete Gedalya, pitit Akikam lan, chèf sou tout peyi a. Wa a te kite tout moun yo pa t' depòte yo sou kont li, tout moun pòv yo, fanm kou gason, granmoun kou timoun.
And all the heads of the forces that [are] in the field hear, they and their men, that the king of Babylon has appointed Gedaliah son of Ahikam over the land, and that he has charged him [with] men, and women, and infants, and of the poor of the land, of those who have not been removed to Babylon;
8 Se konsa, Izmayèl, pitit Netanya, Jokanan ak Jonatan, pitit Karejak, Seraya, pitit Tannoumèt, pitit Efayi yo, moun lavil Netofa, ansanm ak Jezanya, pitit Makat, yo moute lavil Mispa, y' al jwenn Gedalya ansanm ak tout sòlda yo.
and they come to Gedaliah at Mizpah, even Ishmael son of Nethaniah, and Johanan and Jonathan [the] sons of Kareah, and Seraiah son of Tanhumeth, and the sons of Ephai the Netophathite, and Jezaniah son of the Maachathite, they and their men.
9 Gedalya di yo konsa: -Mwen ban nou pawòl mwen, nou pa bezwen pè soumèt nou devan moun Babilòn yo. Rete nan peyi a. Sèvi wa Babilòn lan. Tout bagay va mache byen pou nou.
And Gedaliah son of Ahikam, son of Shaphan, swears to them and to their men, saying, “Do not be afraid of serving the Chaldeans, abide in the land, and serve the king of Babylon, and it is well for you;
10 Mwen menm, m'ap rete isit lavil Mispa. Konsa, m'a pale pou nou ak moun Babilòn yo lè y'a vini. Nou menm, nou mèt al fè rekòt rezen, lòt fwi ak lwil. Mete yo nan depo. Nou mèt rete nan lavil kote n'a ye yo.
and I, behold, I am dwelling in Mizpah to stand before the Chaldeans who have come to us, and you, gather wine, and summer fruit, and oil, and put [them] in your vessels, and dwell in your cities that you have taken.”
11 Konsa tou, tout jwif ki te nan peyi Moab, nan peyi Amon, nan peyi Edon ak nan tout lòt peyi vin konnen wa Babilòn lan te penmèt kèk jwif rete nan peyi Jida, li te mete Gedalya, pitit Akikam, pitit pitit Chafan, chèf sou yo tout.
And also all the Jews who [are] in Moab, and among the sons of Ammon, and in Edom, and who [are] in all the lands, have heard that the king of Babylon has given a remnant to Judah, and that he has appointed over them Gedaliah son of Ahikam, son of Shaphan,
12 Yo kite peyi kote yo te gaye yo, yo tounen nan peyi Jida, yo vin jwenn Gedalya lavil Mispa. Yo fè yon bèl rekòt rezen ak lòt fwi an kantite.
and all the Jews from all the places to where they have been driven, return and enter the land of Judah, to Gedaliah, to Mizpah, and they gather wine and summer fruit—to multiply abundantly.
13 Yon jou, Jokanan, pitit Karejak, ansanm ak tout lòt chèf lame ki te andeyò yo vin jwenn Gedalya lavil Mispa.
And Johanan son of Kareah, and all the heads of the forces that [are] in the field, have come to Gedaliah at Mizpah,
14 Yo di l' konsa: -Ou pa konnen Baalis, wa peyi Amon an, voye Izmayèl, pitit Netanya a, pou touye ou? Men Gedalya pa t' vle kwè yo.
and they say to him, “Do you really know that Ba‘alis king of the sons of Ammon has sent Ishmael son of Nethaniah to strike your soul?” And Gedaliah son of Ahikam has not given credence to them.
15 Lè sa a, Jokanan al jwenn Gedalya an kachèt lavil Mispa, li di l' konsa: -Eske ou vle m' al touye Izmayèl pou ou? Pesonn p'ap konn anyen. Poukisa pou ou kite l' ansasinen ou? Si li touye ou, sa pral lakòz tout jwif ki te sanble bò kote ou yo pral gaye ankò. Sa pral lakòz ti ponyen moun ki rete nan peyi Jida a rive disparèt.
And Johanan son of Kareah has spoken to Gedaliah in secret, in Mizpah, saying, “Please let me go, and I strike Ishmael son of Nethaniah, and no one knows; why does he strike your soul? And all Judah who are gathered to you have been scattered, and the remnant of Judah has perished.”
16 Men, Gedalya reponn: -Pa fè sa, monchè! Sa w'ap di sou Izmayèl la pa vre!
And Gedaliah son of Ahikam says to Johanan son of Kareah, “You do not do this thing, for you are speaking falsehood concerning Ishmael.”

< Jeremi 40 >