< Ezayi 1 >

1 Men vizyon sou peyi Jida ak lavil Jerizalèm Bondye te fè Ezayi, pitit Amòz la, wè sou rèy wa Ozyas, wa Jotam, wa Akaz ak wa Ezekyas nan peyi Jida a.
The visions of Isaiah son of Amoz, that he has seen concerning Judah and Jerusalem, in the days of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, Hezekiah, kings of Judah.
2 Seyè a di konsa: -Ou menm syèl la, koute! Ou menm latè, pare zòrèy ou! Paske mwen menm, Seyè a, mwen pral pale! Pitit mwen te okipe yo, pitit mwen te elve yo, men yo vire do ban mwen.
Hear, O heavens, and give ear, O earth, For YHWH has spoken: “I have nourished and brought up sons, And they transgressed against Me.
3 Bèf ki bèf konnen mèt li. Bourik ki bourik konnen kote mèt li ba l' manje. Men, pèp Izrayèl la menm pa konn bagay konsa. Pèp mwen an pa konprann anyen.
An ox has known its owner, And a donkey the crib of its master, Israel has not known, My people have not understood.”
4 Malè pou peyi nou an, kote tout moun ap viv nan peche! Malè pou pèp ki plen krim sou konsyans yo, pou ras moun sa yo k'ap fè sa ki mal, pou bann pitit sa yo ki fin pèvèti! Yo lage pye Bondye Seyè a! Yo pa okipe Bondye pèp Izrayèl la ki yon Bondye apa. Yo vire do ba li.
Oh, sinning nation, a people heavy [with] iniquity, A seed of evildoers, sons—corrupters! They have forsaken YHWH, They have despised the Holy One of Israel, They have gone away backward.
5 Poukisa n'ap plede fè tèt di konsa? Pa gen kote ankò pou yo frape nou. Tout tèt la malad. Pa gen kò ankò pou sipòte.
Why are you struck anymore? You add apostasy! Every head has become diseased, and every heart [is] sick.
6 Depi nan po tèt nou rive anba pla pye nou, nanpwen kote nan kò nou ki pa malad. Se blese, se foule, se san k'ap koule. Yo pa netwaye yo, yo pa mare anyen sou yo, yo pa mete medikaman sou yo pou kalme doulè yo.
From the sole of the foot—to the head, There is no soundness in it, Wound, and bruise, and fresh striking! They have not been closed nor bound, Nor have they softened with ointment.
7 Peyi nou an fini. Dife fin boule tout lavil nou yo ratè. Moun lòt nasyon yo piye tout jaden nou yo, l'a devan je nou. Yo fini ak tout bagay nan peyi a nèt. Yon sèl lafliksyon tonbe sou nou, tankou lè lènmi pase nan peyi a.
Your land [is] a desolation, your cities burned with fire, Your ground—strangers are consuming it before you, And a desolation as overthrown by strangers!
8 Lavil Jerizalèm rete pou kont li sou do mòn Siyon an, tankou yon ti joupa, tankou yon ti tonèl nan mitan jaden. Lènmi sènen l' toupatou.
And the daughter of Zion has been left, As a shelter in a vineyard, As a lodge in a place of cucumbers—as a city besieged.
9 Si Seyè ki gen tout pouvwa a pa t' kite kèk moun nan nou chape, lavil la t'ap disparèt nèt tankou sa ki te rive lavil Sodòm ak lavil Gomò a.
Unless YHWH of Hosts had left a remnant to us, Shortly—we had been as Sodom, We had been like to Gomorrah!
10 Lavil Jerizalèm sa a! Chèf li yo tankou chèf lavil Sodòm. Moun li yo tankou moun lavil Gomò. Nou tout ki la a, koute sa Seyè a ap di chèf lavil yo. Pare zòrèy nou pou nou tande lòd Bondye nou an ap bay moun Jerizalèm yo.
Hear the word of YHWH, you rulers of Sodom, Give ear to the Law of our God, you people of Gomorrah,
11 Li di yo: Sa pou m' fè ak pakèt bèt n'ap plede ofri pou touye pou mwen yo? Mwen bouke ak belye mouton n'ap boule sou lotèl la, ak grès towo n'ap ofri ban mwen yo. Kanta pou san bèf, san mouton ak san kabrit yo menm, mwen pa bezwen sa.
“Why the abundance of your sacrifices to Me?” says YHWH, “I have been satiated [with] burnt-offerings of rams, And fat of fatlings; And blood of bullocks, and lambs, And I have not desired male goats.
12 Lè n'ap vin fè sèvis pou mwen, ki moun ki mande nou pou nou fè tout ale vini sa yo nan lakou tanp mwen an?
When you come to appear before Me, Who has required this of your hand, To trample My courts?
13 Nou mèt sispann fè bann ofrann sa yo ki p'ap sèvi nou anyen. Mwen pa ka sipòte lafimen lansan n'ap ofri m' lan. Mwen pa vle wè fèt lalin nouvèl nou yo, jou repo nou yo ak tout lòt reyinyon n'ap fè yo. M' pa ka sipòte fèt moun k'ap fè mechanste yo ap fè pou mwen.
Do not add to bring in a vain present, Incense—it [is] an abomination to Me, New moon, and Sabbath, calling of convocation! Do not render iniquity—and a restraint!
14 Mwen rayi fèt lalin nouvèl nou yo ak tout bèl seremoni n'ap plede fè yo. Se yon chay yo tounen pou mwen. Mwen pa ka sipòte yo ankò.
My soul has hated your new moons and your set seasons, They have been on Me for a burden, I have been weary of bearing.
15 Lè n'ap leve bra nou anlè pou nou lapriyè nan pye m', m'ap bouche je m' pou m' pa wè nou. Nou mèt fè lapriyè sou lapriyè, mwen p'ap tande nou! Men nou plen san!
And in your spreading forth your hands, I hide My eyes from you, Also when you increase prayer, I do not hear, Your hands have been full of blood.
16 Manyè netwaye lavi nou non! Mete nou nan kondisyon pou fè sèvis pou mwen non! Sispann tout lenjistis mwen wè n'ap fè yo! Wi, sispann fè sa ki mal!
Wash yourselves, make yourselves pure, Turn aside the evil of your doings, from before My eyes, Cease to do evil, learn to do good.
17 Manyè aprann fè sa ki byen! Chache fè sa ki dwat devan mwen! Pran defans moun y'ap kraze yo! Defann kòz timoun ki san papa ak fanm ki pèdi mari yo.
Seek judgment, make the oppressed blessed, Judge the fatherless, strive [for] the widow.
18 Seyè a di konsa: -Nou mèt vini atò! Vini non! Ann regle koze a! Menm si peche nou yo ta tache wouj kou san sou tout kò nou, m'ap lave nou. M'ap fè nou vini blan kou koton. Nou te mèt tache wouj fonse, m'ap blanchi nou, m'ap fè nou blan kou lenn mouton.
Now come, and we settle this,” says YHWH, “If your sins are as scarlet, they will be white as snow, If they are red as crimson, they will be as wool!
19 Si nou dakò pou nou fè sa mwen di nou fè, n'a manje bèl rekòt peyi a va bay.
If you are willing, and have listened, The good of the land you consume,
20 Men, si nou derefize koute m', si nou rete ap fè tèt di toujou, nou tout gen pou n' mouri nan lagè. Se mwen menm, Seyè a, ki di sa ak bouch mwen.
And if you refuse, and have rebelled, You are consumed [by] the sword,” For the mouth of YHWH has spoken.
21 Yon lè, lavil Jerizalèm te renmen m' ak tout kè li. Koulye a, li tounen yon jennès! Yon lè, se moun ki mache dwat ase ki te rete ladan l', yo pa t' fè lenjistis. Koulye a se renk ansasen!
How has a faithful city become a harlot? I have filled it [with] judgment, Righteousness lodges in it—now murderers.
22 Lajan nou yo tounen labou, yo pa vo anyen! Bon diven nou yo tounen dlo!
Your silver has become dross, Your drink defiled with water.
23 Chèf nou yo leve vire do bay Bondye. Yo fè bann ak vòlò yo! Tout moun cho dèyè avantaj pa yo. Y'ap kouri dèyè moun k'ap bay lajan. Yo pa defann kòz moun ki san papa yo. Lè yon fanm san mari nan ka, yo pa gade l' menm.
Your princes [are] apostates, and companions of thieves, Everyone loving a bribe, and pursuing rewards, They do not judge the fatherless, And the plea of the widow does not come to them.
24 Se poutèt sa, koulye a, koute sa Seyè a, Bondye ki gen tout pouvwa a, Bondye pèp Izrayèl la, Bondye ki gen fòs kouraj la ap di: Nou se lènmi m'. Nou pa vle wè m'. Mwen pral pran revanj mwen. Mwen p'ap kite nou ban m' traka ankò.
Therefore—a declaration of the Lord—YHWH of Hosts, the Mighty One of Israel: “Oh, I relieve Myself from My adversaries, And avenge Myself against My enemies,
25 Mwen pral regle nou. Mwen pral netwaye nou nan dife, tankou lè y'ap netwaye fè. Mwen pral wete tout vye kras ki sou nou.
And I turn back My hand on you, And I refine your dross as purity, And I turn aside all your tin,
26 Mwen pral ban nou chèf ak majistra tankou sa nou te konn genyen nan tan lontan yo. Lè sa a, y'a rele lavil Jerizalèm: lavil kote moun mache dwat la, lavil ki renmen m' ak tout kè li.
And I give back your judges as at the first, And your counselors as in the beginning, After this you are called, A city of righteousness—a faithful city.”
27 Seyè a ap fè sa ki gen pou fèt. L'a sove lavil Jerizalèm. Seyè a ap rann jistis, l'a delivre moun Siyon ki va tounen vin jwenn li yo.
Zion is redeemed in judgment, And her captivity in righteousness.
28 Men, l'ap kraze sa k'ap fè sa ki mal yo ansanm ak sa k'ap viv nan peche yo. L'ap touye tou sa ki vire do bay Seyè a.
And the destruction of transgressors and sinners [is] together, And those forsaking YHWH are consumed.
29 N'a wont akòz gwo pye bwadchenn repozwa nou te konn sèvi yo, akòz bèl jaden nou te plante pou zidòl yo.
For [men] are ashamed because of the oaks That you have desired, And you are confounded because of the gardens That you have chosen.
30 N'ap tankou yon pye bwadchenn k'ap deperi, tankou yon jaden ki pa jwenn dlo.
For you are as an oak whose leaf is fading, And as a garden that has no water.
31 Menm jan yon ti tensèl mete dife nan yon pil fachin bwa chèch, se konsa sa gwonèg yo ap fè a ap tounen yon tizon dife nan dèyè yo. Pesonn p'ap ka fè anyen pou sove yo.
And the strong has been for tow, And his work for a spark, And both of them have burned together, And there is none quenching!

< Ezayi 1 >