< Ezayi 8 >

1 Seyè a pale avè m', li di m' konsa: -Pran yon gwo wòch plat ak yon sizo mason. Ekri pawòl sa yo sou li an gwo lèt: Prese piye, prese devalize.
And the Lord said to me, Take to yourself a volume of a great new [book], and write in it with a man's pen concerning the making a rapid plunder of spoils; for it is near at hand.
2 Lèfini, mwen pran de moun serye, Ouri, yon prèt, ak Zakari, pitit Jeberekiya a, pou yo sèvi m' temwen.
And make me witnesses [of] faithful men, Urias, and Zacharias the son of Barachias.
3 Apre sa, m' al kouche ak madanm mwen. Li vin ansent, li fè yon pitit gason. Seyè a di m' konsa: -W'a rele l': Prese piye, prese devalize.
And I went in to the prophetess; and she conceived, and bore a son. And the Lord said to me, Call his name, Spoil quickly, plunder speedily.
4 Paske, anvan pitit la ka pale pou l' di papa manman, moun peyi Lasiri yo va gen tan pran tout richès moun lavil Damas yo ak tou sa moun Samari yo pran nan piyay, y'a pote yo ale bay wa pa yo a.
For before the child shall know [how] to call [his] father or [his] mother, [one] shall take the power of Damascus and the spoils of Samaria before the king of the Assyrians.
5 Seyè a pale avè m' ankò, li di m' konsa:
And the Lord spoke to me yet again, [saying],
6 -Paske pèp la meprize dlo larivyè Siloe a k'ap koule tou dousman, paske yo tranble devan wa Rezen ak wa Pekak, pitit Remalya a,
Because this people chooses not the water of Siloam that goes softly, but wills to have Rassin, and the son of Romelias [to be] king over you;
7 mwen menm, Seyè a, m'ap fè wa peyi Lasiri a vin atake yo ak tout fòs li. L'ap vini tankou dlo gwo larivyè Lefrat la lè l'ap desann. L'ap gonfle, l'ap debòde sou tout rivaj li yo.
therefore, behold, the Lord brings up upon you the water of the river, strong and abundant, [even] the king of the Assyrians, and his glory: and he shall come up over every valley of yours, and shall walk over every wall of yours:
8 L'ap anvayi tout peyi Jida a, l'ap rive ra kou, l'ap kouvri tout peyi a. Bondye avèk nou! L'ap pwoteje peyi a anba zèl li!
and he shall take away from Juda [every] man who shall be able to lift up his head, [and every one] able to accomplish anything; and his camp shall fill the breadth of your land, [O] God with us.
9 Nou menm, moun tout nasyon yo, manyè konn sa! Nou mèt tranble! Nou menm ki rete nan peyi byen lwen, louvri zòrèy nou! Pare pou nou goumen! Men, konnen nou anba kou! Wi, mwen di nou pare pou nou goumen. Men, konnen nou anba kou!
Know, you Gentiles, and be conquered; listen you, even to the extremity of the earth: be conquered, after you strengthened yourselves; for even if you should again strengthen yourselves, you shall again be conquered.
10 Nou mèt fè plan nou. Men, sa p'ap mache! Nou mèt pale jan nou vle. Men, sa p'ap sèvi nou anyen, paske nou menm patizan Bondye yo, se Bondye ki avèk nou!
And whatever counsel you shall take, the Lord shall bring it to nothing; and whatever word you shall speak, it shall not stand amongst you: for God is with us.
11 Wi, Seyè a lonje men l', li pran m'. Li tou pale m' pou m' pa swiv chemen pèp la t'ap swiv la. Li di m' konsa:
Thus says the Lord, With a strong hand they revolt from the course of the way of this people, saying,
12 Pa rele konplo sa pèp la rele konplo. Ou pa bezwen pè sa pèp la pè a. Wi, ou pa bezwen gen kè sote.
Let them not say, [It is] hard, for whatever this people says, is hard: but fear not you their fear, neither be dismayed.
13 Chonje, se mwen menm, Seyè ki gen tout pouvwa a, pou nou konsidere tankou Bondye apa a! Se mwen menm pou nou pè. Se pou mwen nou dwe gen krentif.
Sanctify you the Lord himself; and he shall be your fear.
14 Paske se mwen menm ki yon Bondye apa. M'ap tounen yon wòch k'ap fè nou bite, yon wòch k'ap fè moun peyi Izrayèl yo ak moun peyi Jida yo tonbe! M'ap tounen yon move pa, yon pèlen pou moun lavil Jerizalèm yo.
And if you shall trust in him, he shall be to you for a sanctuary; and you shall not come against [him] as against a stumbling-stone, neither as against the falling of a rock: but the houses of Jacob are in a snare, and the dwellers in Jerusalem in a pit.
15 Anpil moun pral bite, y'ap tonbe, y'ap kase ren yo. Y'ap tonbe nan pèlen an, y'ap pran ladan l'.
Therefore many amongst them shall be weak, and fall, and be crushed; and they shall draw near, and men shall be taken securely.
16 Se pou patizan m' yo kenbe pawòl Bondye di m' lan. Se pou yo kenbe lòd Bondye yo nan kè yo!
Then shall those who seal themselves that they may not learn the law be made manifest.
17 Seyè a vire do l' bay moun fanmi Jakòb yo. Men, mwen menm m'ap konte sou li, m'ap mete tout espwa m' nan li.
And [one] shall say, I will wait for God, who has turned away his face from the house of Jacob, and I will trust in him.
18 Men mwen ansanm ak tout pitit Seyè a ban mwen yo! Seyè ki gen tout pouvwa a, li menm ki rete sou mòn Siyon an, li fè nou tounen yon siy nan mitan pèp la pou nou moutre sa ki pral rive.
Behold I and the children which God has given me: and they shall be [for] signs and wonders in the house of Israel from the Lord of hosts, who dwells in mount Sion.
19 Si pèp la mande nou pou n' al kay divinò ak moun k'ap rele mò, yon bann moun k'ap pale chwichwi pou moun pa ka konprann, si yo di nou: Eske moun pa gen dwa mande bondye yo sa pou yo fè? Eske yo pa gen dwa al rele mò yo pou vivan yo?
And if they should say to you, Seek those who have in them a divining spirit, and them that speak out of the earth, them that speak vain words, who speak out of their belly: shall not a nation diligently seek to their God? why do they seek to the dead concerning the living?
20 W'a reponn yo: Koute pawòl Seyè a, koute sa li te moutre nou an! Si nou koute moun k'ap di nou fè lòt bagay, n'ap toujou rete nan fènwa.
For he has given the law for a help, that they should not speak according to this word, concerning which there are no gifts to give for it.
21 Moun pral pwonmennen mache nan tout peyi a, y'ap dekouraje, y'ap grangou. Grangou pral fè yo move, y'a rive rele madichon pou wa yo a ansanm ak Bondye yo a. Y'a leve je yo gade nan syèl,
And famine shall come sorely upon you, and it shall come to pass, [that] when you shall be hungry, you shall be grieved, and you shall speak ill of the prince and your fathers' ordinances: and they shall look up to heaven above,
22 y'a bese je yo gade atè. Toupatou se va renk kè sere ak fènwa, yon fènwa k'ap fè kè tout moun kase. Y'ap pèdi nan gwo fènwa. Tout moun nan peyi a te mèt gen kè kase, rive yon lè sa gen pou chanje, fènwa a p'ap toujou rete la.
and they shall look on the earth below, and behold severe distress, and darkness, affliction, and anguish, and darkness so that [one can’t] see; and he that is in anguish shall not be distressed only for a time.

< Ezayi 8 >