< Ezayi 65 >

1 Seyè a te di: -Mwen te tou pare pou m' te reponn lapriyè pèp mwen an, menm lè yo pa t' lapriyè m'. Mwen te toupre yo, menm lè yo pa t' chache m'. Pèp la pa lapriyè nan pye m', atout mwen te toujou pare pou m' di yo: Men mwen! Men mwen!
I became manifest to them that asked not for me; I was found of them that sought me not: I said, Behold, I am [here], to a nation, who called not on my name.
2 Chak jou mwen t'ap lonje men m' bay yon pèp ki t'ap kenbe tèt ak mwen, ki t'ap fè sa ki mal, ki t'ap fè sa yo pito.
I have stretched forth my hands all day to a disobedient and gainsaying people, to them that walked in a way that was not good, but after their sins.
3 Nan figi m' konsa, yo t'ap plede fè bagay pou fè m' fache. Yo ofri bèt pou touye pou zidòl nan jaden yo, yo boule lansan sou lotèl zidòl yo.
This is the people that provokes me continually in my presence; they offer sacrifices in gardens, and burn incense on bricks to devils, which exist not.
4 Lannwit, y' al nan simityè ak nan twou wòch pou fè sèvis pou mò ka di yo sa pou yo fè. Yo manje vyann kochon, yo bwè bouyon fèt ak vyann ki pa bon pou moun k'ap sèvi Bondye manje.
They lie down to sleep in the tombs and in the caves for the sake of dreams, [even] they that eat swine's flesh, and the broth of [their] sacrifices: all their vessels are defiled:
5 Apre sa, yonn di lòt: Pa pwoche m'. Pa manyen m', paske yo mete m' apa pou Bondye! Non, mwen pa ka sipòte sa y'ap fè a. Sa fè m' move, kòlè mwen tankou yon dife ki p'ap janm mouri.
who say, Depart from me, draw not near to me, for I am pure. This is the smoke of my wrath, a fire burns with it continually.
6 Seyè a te di: Men desizyon mwen fin pran nan kè m': Mwen p'ap bay kò m' kanpo toutotan mwen pa pini yo, toutan mwen pa regle yo
Behold, it is written before me: I will not be silent until I have recompensed into their bosom,
7 pou peche yo ak pou peche zansèt yo. Yo te boule lansan pou zidòl sou mòn yo, yo t'ap derespekte m' sou ti bit mòn yo. Se poutèt sa m'ap regle ak yo jan yo merite l' la.
their sins and [the sins] of their fathers, says the Lord, who have burnt incense on the mountains, and reproached me on the hills: I will recompense their works into their bosom.
8 Men sa Seyè a te di ankò: -Pesonn pa janm voye yon bon grap rezen jete. Okontrè, li sere l' pou fè diven ak li. Konsa tou, mwen p'ap detwi tout pèp la, m'ap sove moun k'ap sèvi m' yo.
Thus says the Lord, As a grape-stone shall be found in the cluster, and they shall say, Destroy it not; for a blessing is in it: so will I do for the sake of him that serves me, for his sake I will not destroy [them] all.
9 Nan tout fanmi Jakòb la, m'ap fè moun branch fanmi Jida yo pran mòn mwen yo pou yo. Se la moun mwen chwazi yo ak moun k'ap sèvi m' yo va rete.
And I will lead forth the seed [that came] of Jacob and of Juda, and they shall inherit my holy mountain: and mine elect and my servants shall inherit it, and shall dwell there.
10 Plenn Sawon an pral tounen yon jaden zèb pou mouton m' yo, pou moun k'ap sèvi m' yo. Mwen pral lonje bèf mwen yo, moun ki toujou ap chache fè volonte m' yo, nan fon Akò pou yo ka manje.
And there shall be in the forest folds of flocks, and the valley of Achor [shall] be for a resting-place of herds for my people, who have sought me.
11 Men pou nou menm ki vire do bay Seyè a, nou menm ki bliye mòn ki apa pou mwen an, epi ki al fè sèvis manje pou Gad, ki al fè ofrann bwason pou Mini,
But you are they that have left me, and forget my holy mountain, and prepare a table for the devil, and fill up the drink-offering to Fortune.
12 m'ap fè nou mouri nan lagè. Nou tout nou pral bese do nou pou yo koupe kou nou, paske mwen te rele nou, nou pa t' reponn. Mwen pale nou, nou pa t' koute m'. Nou fè sa ki mal devan je m', nou pito fè sa ki p'ap fè m' plezi.
I will deliver you up to the sword, you shall all fall by slaughter: for I called you, and you listened not; I spoke, and you refused to hear; and you did evil in my sight, and chose the things wherein I delighted not.
13 Se poutèt sa, men sa Seyè a di: -Moun k'ap sèvi m' yo va jwenn kont manje pou yo manje. Men nou menm n'a ret grangou. Sèvitè m' yo va jwenn kont pou yo bwè, nou menm n'ap ret swaf dlo. Sèvitè m' yo va gen kè kontan; men nou menm n'a wont.
Therefore thus says the Lord, Behold, my servants shall eat, but you shall hunger: behold, my servants shall drink, but you shall thirst: behold, my servants shall rejoice, but you shall be ashamed:
14 Sèvitè m' yo va fè fèt tèlman y'a kontan, men nou menm n'a plenn, n'a gen kè sere, n'a rele, kè nou va kase.
behold, my servants shall exult with joy, but you shall cry for the sorrow of your heart, and shall howl for the vexation of your spirit.
15 Moun mwen chwazi yo va sèvi ak non nou pou joure moun. Mwen menm Seyè a, m'a fè nou mouri. Y'a di: Se pou Seyè a touye ou tankou l' touye moun sa yo! Men, m'a bay sèvitè m' yo yon bon repitasyon.
For you shall leave your name for a loathing to my chosen, and the Lord shall destroy you: but my servants shall be called by a new name,
16 Tout moun nan peyi a ki bezwen benediksyon va jwenn benediksyon nan men Bondye ki toujou kenbe pawòl li a. Tout moun nan peyi a k'ap fè sèman va fè l' nan non Bondye k'ap toujou kenbe pawòl li a, paske moun yo p'ap chonje tray yo te konn pase nan tan lontan yo, m'ap bliye sa.
which shall be blessed on the earth; for they shall bless the true God: and they that swear upon the earth shall swear by the true God; for they shall forget the former affliction, it shall not come into their mind.
17 Mwen pral fè yon lòt syèl ak yon lòt tè. Pesonn p'ap chonje sa ki te pase nan tan lontan. Sa p'ap janm vin nan tèt yo ankò.
For there shall be a new heaven and a new earth: and they shall not at all remember the former, neither shall they at all come into their mind.
18 Sa m' pral fè a ap bay kè kontan, moun ap fè fèt san rete. Mwen pral fè yon lòt lavil Jerizalèm kote tout moun pral fè fèt. Moun li yo pral kontan.
But they shall find in her joy and exultation; for, behold, I make Jerusalem a rejoicing, and my people a joy.
19 Mwen menm m'ap fè fèt pou Jerizalèm, m'ap kontan pou pèp mwen an. P'ap gen kriye ankò nan lavil la! P'ap gen rele mande sekou ankò!
And I will rejoice in Jerusalem, and will be glad in my people: and there shall no more be heard in her the voice of weeping, or the voice of crying.
20 Timoun p'ap mouri tou piti ankò! Granmoun ap fè tout tan yo! Pi bonnè pou yo mouri se va sou santan. Moun ki va rive gen santan anvan yo mouri, y'a mouri jenn! Moun ki va mouri anvan yo rive gen santan, se moun ki va gen madichon!
Neither shall there be there any more a [child that dies] untimely, or an old man who shall not complete his time: for the youth shall be a hundred years [old], and the sinner who dies at a hundred years shall also be accursed:
21 Moun va bati kay pou yo rete. Y'a plante jaden rezen pou yo manje rezen.
and they shall build houses, and themselves shall dwell in [them]; and they shall plant vineyards, and themselves shall eat the fruit thereof.
22 Yo p'ap bati kay ankò pou se lòt moun ki pou rete ladan yo. Yo p'ap plante jaden ankò pou se lòt moun ki pou manje l'. Pèp mwen an ap viv rive gen menm laj ak pyebwa. Pèp mwen chwazi a va jwi travay yo fè ak men yo kont kò yo.
They shall by no means build, and others inhabit; and they shall by no means plant, and others eat: for as the days of the tree of life shall be the days of my people, they shall long enjoy the fruits of their labours.
23 Yo p'ap kraze kò yo travay pou bontan ankò! Travay yo va rapòte yo! Pitit yo p'ap konn sa ki rele malè ankò! M'ap beni yo ansanm ak pitit yo jouk sa kaba.
My chosen shall not toil in vain, neither shall they beget children to be cursed; for they are a seed blessed of God, and their offspring with them.
24 Anvan menm yo fin lapriyè, m'ap gen tan reponn yo. Anvan menm yo fèmen bouch yo, m'ap gen tan ba yo sa yo mande a.
And it shall come to pass, [that] before they call, I will listen to them; while they are yet speaking, I will say, What is it?
25 Chen mawon ak mouton pral manje ansanm. Lyon pral manje zèb menm jan ak bèf. Sèpan p'ap yon danje ankò pou pesonn. Sou tout mòn ki apa pou mwen an, p'ap gen mechanste, p'ap gen rayisab ankò. Se Seyè a menm ki di sa!
Then wolves and lambs shall feed together, and the lion shall eat chaff like the ox, and the serpent earth as bread. They shall not injure nor destroy in my holy mountain, says the Lord.

< Ezayi 65 >