< Ezayi 45 >

1 Seyè a te chwazi wa Siris pou fè travay li. Li ba li men pou tout nasyon soumèt devan li. Li voye l' pou l' wete pouvwa wa yo, l'ap louvri de batan pòtay lavil yo devan li. P'ap gen pòtay k'ap rete fèmen pou li. Men sa Seyè a di wa Siris:
Thus, saith Yahweh, to his Anointed, to Cyrus—Whose right hand I have firmly grasped To subdue before him, nations, And the loins of kings, will I ungird, —To open, before him, the two-leaved doors, And, the gates, shall not be shut:
2 -Se mwen menm k'ap louvri chemen pou ou. M'ap fè mòn yo vin plat. M'ap kraze gwo pòtay an kwiv yo. M'ap kase ba fè yo de bout.
I, before thee, will go, And the hills, will I level—The doors of bronze, will I break in pieces, And the bars of iron, will I cut asunder;
3 M'a ba ou tout richès ki sere kote ki fènwa a, richès ki kache nan depo kote moun pa konnen. Lè sa a, w'a konnen se mwen menm ki Seyè a. Se Bondye pèp Izrayèl la ki te rele ou fè travay sa a.
Then will I give thee The treasures of darkness, Even the hoards of hidden places, —That thou mayest get to know That I—Yahweh, who am calling thee by thy name, am the God of Israel.
4 Mwen te rele ou pou ou te ka delivre fanmi Jakòb yo, sèvitè m' yo, moun pèp Izrayèl mwen te chwazi a. Mwen ba ou grad atout ou pa t' konnen m' lan.
For the sake of my servant Jacob, Even Israel my chosen Therefore have I called unto thee by thy name, I give thee a title though thou hast not known me, —
5 Se mwen menm ki Seyè a. Pa gen lòt! Se mwen menm sèl ki Bondye. Se mwen ki ba ou tout fòs ou atout ou pa t' konnen m' lan.
I, am Yahweh, and there is none else, Besides me, there is no God, —I gird thee, though thou hast not known me:
6 Mwen fè sa pou tout moun sou latè, depi kote solèy leve jouk kote solèy kouche, ka konnen pa gen lòt bondye pase mwen menm! Se mwen menm ki Seyè a. Pa gen lòt!
That men may get to know. From the rising of the sun And from the west. That there is none besides me, —I, am Yahweh, and there is none else:
7 Mwen mete limyè, mwen mete fènwa! Mwen bay kè poze, mwen bay kè sote. Se mwen menm Seyè a ki fè tou sa.
Forming light and creating darkness, Making prosperity, and creating misfortune, —I—Yahweh, who doeth all these.
8 M'ap rete nan syèl la, m'ap voye fòs pouvwa sou nou tankou lapli, pou nou ka gen batay la. Latè pral louvri de bra l' pou resevwa l'. Delivrans pral fleri sou latè, lajistis pral boujonnen toupatou. Se mwen menm Seyè a k'ap fè tou sa rive.
Let the drops fall ye heavens, from above, Yea, let, the skies, pour down righteousness, —Let the earth open and let them bear as their fruit—deliverance And let, justice, spring forth therewith, I—Yahweh, have created it.
9 Madichon pou moun k'ap diskite ak Bondye ki fè l' la! Li tankou yon krich nan mitan yon bann krich. Yon krich pa ka di moun k'ap ba li fòm lan: Sa w'ap fè la a? Travay ou fè a pa bon.
Alas for him who contendeth with his Fashioner, —A potsherd, [should contend] with the potsherds of the ground! Shall it be said by the clay, unto him that is fashioning it, What wouldst thou make? Or, thy work say, of thee, He hath no hands?
10 Madichon pou pitit k'ap di papa l' ki kalite pitit ou fè la a. Madichon pou pitit k'ap di manman l' ki kalite pitit ou met sou latè a la a!
Alas, for one who saith to a father, What begettest thou? Or to a woman What dost thou bring forth?
11 Seyè a, Bondye pèp Izrayèl la ki yon Bondye apa, li menm ki te fòme l' la, men sa li di: -N'ap mande m' sa m' pral fè pou pitit mwen yo? N'ap di m' sa pou m' fè?
Thus, saith, Yahweh, The Holy One of Israel And his Fashioner, As to things to come, they have asked me, Concerning my sons and concerning the work of my hands, they would command me!
12 Se mwen menm ki te fè latè. Mwen kreye moun pou yo viv sou latè. Se mwen menm ki te louvri syèl la ak men mwen. Mwen kontwole tou sa ki nan syèl la: solèy, lalin ak tout bann zetwal yo.
I, made the earth, And man upon it, I created, —I—mine own hands, stretched out the heavens, And all their host, I commanded:
13 Se mwen menm ki fè wa Siris kanpe pou li mete jistis sou latè. M'ap louvri tout wout devan li. Se li menm ki pral rebati lavil mwen an. L'ap fè moun pa m' yo te depòte yo tounen lakay yo san yo pa bezwen peye anyen, ni yo p'ap bezwen fè kado anyen pou sa. Se Seyè ki gen tout pouvwa a ki di sa!
I, have roused him up in righteousness, And all his roads, will I level, —He, shall build my city, And my captives, shall he let go, Not for price, nor for bribe, Saith Yahweh of hosts.
14 Men sa Seyè a di ankò: -Tout pwofi travay moun Lejip yo ak pwofi kòmès moun Letiopi yo pral vin pou nou. Moun bèl wotè ki rete nan peyi Seba yo va pase nan peyi nou an, y'a vin esklav nou. Y'a mache dèyè nou tankou prizonye nan chenn. Y'a mete ajenou devan nou, y'a lapriyè nan pye nou, y'a di: Se lakay nou ase Bondye rete. Nanpwen lòt bondye tankou li. Nanpwen lòt bondye pase l'.
Thus, saith Yahweh—The produce of Egypt and the gain of Ethiopia, and the Sabeans, men of great stature, Unto thee, shall come over, And thine, shall they become, After thee, shall they journey, In chains, shall they come over, —And unto thee, shall they bow down Unto thee, shall they pray [saying], —Surely, in thee, is a GOD And there is none else—no, God!
15 Tansèlman se yon Bondye moun pa ka wè. Bondye pèp Izrayèl la, se li ki konn delivre moun!
Surely, thou, art a GOD utterly hiding thyself, —O God of Israel, able to save!
16 Moun k'ap fè estati yo pral wont, yo tout pral tèt bese. Moun pral pase yo nan betiz.
They have turned pale and even been put to shame, all of them, —Together have they gone into disgrace, have the makers of images:
17 Men, Seyè a ap delivre pèp Izrayèl la pou tout tan. Nou p'ap janm wont ankò, nou p'ap janm bese tèt nou ankò devan pesonn jouk sa kaba.
Israel, hath been delivered by Yahweh, with an age-abiding deliverance, —Ye shall neither turn pale nor he put to shame, unto the ages of futurity,
18 Se Seyè a ki kreye syèl la. Se li menm sèlman ki Bondye. Se li menm ki fè latè, ki ba li fòm li. Se li menm ki fè l' chita fèm. Li pa t' fè l' pou l' te tounen yon dezè, men pou l' te yon kote pou moun rete. Men sa li di: Se mwen menm ki Seyè a. Nanpwen lòt.
For, Thus, saith Yahweh, Who created the heavens God himself! Who fashioned the earth—And made it Himself, established it, …Not a waste, created he it To be dwelt in, he fashioned it, …I, am Yahweh, and there is none else:
19 Se pa an kachèt mwen te pale, ni nan yon kote ki fè nwa. Mwen pa t' di moun ras Jakòb yo pou yo chache m' kote ki pa gen anyen. Mwen menm, se Seyè a mwen ye. Mwen pale laverite, mwen fè konnen sa ki dwe fèt.
Not in secret, have I spoken In a place of the earth that is dark, —I have not said unto the seed of Jacob, In a waste, seek ye me, —I, am Yahweh, Speaking the thing that is right, Declaring the things that are just.
20 Seyè a di ankò: -Sanble non! Sanble, moun lòt nasyon yo: Pwoche non! Pwoche devan tribinal la non, nou menm ki rive chape yo! Bann moun k'ap plede fè posesyon ak zidòl an bwa yo, k'ap lapriyè bondye ki pa ka delivre yo, yo pa konn anyen!
Assemble yourselves and come Draw near together, ye escaped of the nations, —They know not Who carry the wood of their carved image, And pray unto a GOD who cannot save.
21 Vin plede kòz nou! Mete tèt nou ansanm pou nou konnen sa nou pral di! Kilès moun ki te di davans sa ki gen pou rive a? Kilès ki te fè konnen sa depi lontan? Se pa t' mwen menm, Seyè a? Nanpwen lòt bondye pase mwen menm. Mwen se Bondye ki pa nan patipri. Se mwen ki ka delivre moun.
Tell ye—and bring near, Yea let them take counsel, together, —Who let this be known aforetime. In time past, declared it? Was it not, I—Yahweh? And there is none else that is God besides me, A GOD, righteous and ready to save, There is none, besides me!
22 Tounen vin jwenn mwen pou nou ka delivre, nou tout ki rete sou latè! Paske se mwen ki Bondye. Pa gen lòt!
Turn unto me—and be ye saved, all ye ends of the earth, —For, I, am GOD, and there is none else.
23 Mwen fè sèman sou tèt mwen, sa m'ap di la a se laverite klè. Pesonn p'ap ka demanti pawòl mwen yo. Tout moun pral vin ajenou devan mwen. Nan tout lang, y'ap pran non mwen pou yo fè sèman.
By myself, have I sworn, Gone forth out of my mouth, is righteousness as a decree And shall not turn back, —That, unto myself, Shall bow every knee, Shall swear every tongue:
24 Y'a di: Se nan Seyè a sèl nou jwenn jistis ak fòs kouraj! Tout moun ki t'ap kenbe tèt avè l' yo pral wont, y'ap vin nan pye l'.
Only in Yahweh—for me, Hath one said, Is there righteousness and strength, Unto him, shall come and turn pale—All who have been incensed against him:
25 Men, gremesi Seyè a, moun ras Izrayèl yo pral kanpe ankò. Yo pral fè lwanj mwen.
In Yahweh, shall be justified and shall boast themselves—All the seed of Israel.

< Ezayi 45 >