< Ezayi 18 >

1 Lòt bò larivyè peyi Letiopi yo, gen yon peyi kote yo tande yon bri tankou bri zèl yon bann krikèt.
Woe to you, you wings of the land of ships, beyond the rivers of Ethiopia.
2 Mesaje ap soti nan peyi sa a, y'ap desann larivyè Nil lan nan pipirit fèt ak wozo. Nou menm mesaje yo, mete zèl nan pye nou. Tounen lakay nou. Pote nouvèl la bay moun peyi nou an. Se yon gwo peyi ki fò anpil, ki gen anpil larivyè k'ap koule ladan l'. Al pote nouvèl la bay moun bèl wotè yo, ki gen po yo boule nan solèy. Se yon pèp tout moun pè.
He sends messengers by the sea, and paper letters on the water: for swift messengers shall go to a lofty nation, and to a strange and harsh people. Who is beyond it? a nation not looked for, and trodden down.
3 Nou tout ki rete sou latè, leve je nou gade. Yo pral bay siyal la ak drapo kanpe sou tèt mòn yo. Louvri zòrèy nou, tande. Yo pral sonnen klewon an.
Now all the rivers of the land shall be inhabited as an inhabited country; their land shall be as when a signal is raised from a mountain; it shall be audible as the sound of a trumpet.
4 Seyè a di m' konsa: M'ap rete rete m' kote m' ye nan syèl la, m'ap gade anba san m' pa fè ankenn bri, tankou solèy la lè l'ap klere gwo midi, tankou lawouze k'ap tonbe nan mitan chalè lannwit nan sezon rekòt.
For thus said the Lord to me, There shall be security in my city, as the light of noonday heat, and it shall be as a cloud of dew in the day of harvest.
5 Paske, menm jan anvan rekòt rezen yo, lè yo fin fleri, lè rezen yo pral mi, yo debranche yo ak kouto, yo wete tout ti branch yo, yo ba yo lè, se konsa lènmi yo pral detwi moun peyi Letiopi yo.
Before the reaping time, when the flower has been completely formed, and the unripe grape has put forth its flower and blossomed, then shall he take away the little clusters with pruning-hooks, and shall take away the small branches, and cut them off;
6 Yo pral kite kadav sòlda yo konsa pou zwezo ki manje vyann epi ki rete nan mòn ak pou bèt nan bwa. Nan sezon chalè, zwezo va vin manje yo. Nan sezon fredi, se bèt nan bwa ki va vin manje yo.
And he shall leave [them] together to the birds of the sky, and to the wild beasts of the earth: and the fowls of the sky shall be gathered upon them, and all the beasts of the land shall come upon him.
7 Lè sa a, bann moun bèl wotè ki gen po yo boule nan solèy, pèp tout moun pè a, moun ki rete nan gwo peyi ki gen fò anpil la, yo menm ki rete nan peyi ki nan tèt dlo larivyè Nil lan, y'a pote kado bay Seyè ki gen tout pouvwa a. Y'a vin jouk sou mòn Siyon an kote moun fè sèvis pou Seyè ki gen tout pouvwa a.
In that time shall presents be brought to the Lord of hosts from a people afflicted and peeled, and from a people great from henceforth and for ever; a nation hoping and [yet] trodden down, which is in a part of a river of his land, to the place where is the name of the Lord of hosts, the mount Sion.

< Ezayi 18 >