< Oze 1 >

1 Men mesaj Seyè a te bay Oze, pitit Beeri, nan tan Ozyas, Jotam, Akaz ak Ezekyas te wa, yonn apre lòt, nan peyi Jida. Lè sa a, se Jewoboram, pitit Joas, ki te wa nan peyi Izrayèl.
A word of YHWH that has been to Hosea, son of Beeri, in the days of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, Hezekiah, kings of Judah, and in the days of Jeroboam son of Joash, king of Israel:
2 Premye fwa Seyè a t'ap bay Oze mesaj pou pèp Izrayèl la, li di l' konsa: -Leve non! Al marye ak yon fanm jennès nan san ki pral twonpe ou. Kanta pou pitit w'ap gen avè l' yo, y'ap gen menm san jennès la tou. Se konsa pèp la vire do ban mwen. Yo pa kenbe pawòl yo te gen avè m'.
The commencement of YHWH’s speaking by Hosea. And YHWH says to Hosea, “Go, take a woman of whoredoms for yourself, and children of whoredoms, for the land goes utterly whoring from after YHWH.”
3 Se konsa, Oze leve, li al marye ak Gomè, pitit fi Diblayim. Gomè vin ansent, li fè yon pitit gason.
And he goes and takes Gomer daughter of Diblaim, and she conceives and bears a son to him;
4 Seyè a di Oze konsa: -W'a rele l' Jizreyèl paske talè konsa, mwen pral pini wa Izrayèl la pou krim Jeou, zansèt li a, te fè lavil Jizreyèl. Mwen pral wete gouvènman an nan men moun ras Izrayèl yo.
and YHWH says to him, “Call his name Jezreel, for yet a little, and I have charged the blood of Jezreel on the house of Jehu, and have caused the kingdom of the house of Israel to cease;
5 Jou sa a, m'ap kraze tout zam pèp Izrayèl yo nan Fon Jizreyèl la.
and it has come to pass in that day that I have broken the bow of Israel in the Valley of Jezreel.”
6 Gomè vin ansent ankò. Li fè yon pitit fi. Lè sa a, Seyè a di Oze konsa: -W'a rele l' Lowouchama, paske m'ap san pitye pou moun Izrayèl yo ankò. p'ap gen padon pou yo.
And she conceives again, and bears a daughter, and He says to him, “Call her name Lo-Ruhamah [(Not Loved)], for I no longer pity the house of Israel, for I utterly take them away;
7 Men, m'ap gen pitye pou moun peyi Jida yo. Mwen menm, Seyè a, Bondye yo a, m'ap delivre yo. Men, mwen p'ap fè l' ni avèk flèch, ni avèk nepe, ni nan goumen, ni avèk chwal ak kavalye.
and I pity the house of Judah, and have saved them by their God YHWH, and do not save them by bow, and by sword, and by battle, by horses, and by horsemen.”
8 Apre Gomè fin sevre Lowouchama, li vin ansent ankò. Li fè yon pitit gason.
And she weans Lo-Ruhamah, and conceives, and bears a son;
9 Lè sa a, Seyè a di Oze: -W'ap rele l' Lorami, paske moun peyi Izrayèl yo pa moun pa m' ankò. Mwen menm, mwen pa Bondye yo ankò.
and He says, “Call his name Lo-Ammi [(Not My People)], for you [are] not My people, and I am not for you;
10 Moun pèp Izrayèl yo va tankou sab bò lanmè: moun p'ap ka ni konte yo, ni konnen kantite ki va genyen. Si koulye a Bondye ap di: Nou pa moun pa m' ankò, yon jou l'a di yo: Nou se pitit Bondye vivan an.
and the number of the sons of Israel has been as the sand of the sea that is not measured nor numbered, and it has come to pass in the place where it is said to them, You [are] not My people, it is said to them, Sons of the Living God;
11 Moun peyi Jida ak moun peyi Izrayèl va mete tèt yo ansanm ankò. Y'a chwazi yon sèl chèf pou mache alatèt yo. Y'a grandi. Zafè yo va mache nan peyi a. Wi, jou Jizreyèl la pral yon gwo jou.
and the sons of Judah and the sons of Israel have been gathered together, and they have appointed one head for themselves, and have gone up from the land, for great [is] the day of Jezreel.”

< Oze 1 >