< Ebre 9 >

1 Premye kontra a te gen regleman pa l' pou jan yo dwe fè sèvis pou Bondye nan tanp ki sou latè a.
It had, indeed, then (even the first dwelling place) ordinances of service, also a worldly sanctuary,
2 Premye bagay yo fè, yo moute yon gwo tant: se te kote yo te mete apa pou sèvis Bondye a. Se la yo te mete gwo lanp sèt branch lan, tab la ansanm ak pen yo ofri bay Bondye yo.
for a dwelling place was prepared, the first, in which was both the lampstand, and the table, and the Bread of the Presentation—which is called “Holy”;
3 Dèyè dezyèm rido a, te gen yon lòt ti tant pi piti. Se te kote yo te mete apa nèt pou Bondye menm lan.
and after the second veil a dwelling place that is called “Holy of Holies,”
4 Se la lotèl an lò a te ye ansanm ak Bwat kote yo te sere kontra a. Se sou lotèl la yo te konn boule lansan. Bwat la menm te kouvri nèt ak lò. Anndan l' yo te mete yon ti ja an lò tou ki te gen laman dezè a. Bò kote ti ja a, yo te mete baton Arawon an ki te fleri, ansanm ak de moso wòch plat kote yo te ekri pawòl kontra a.
having a golden censer, and the Ark of the Covenant overlaid all over with gold, in which [is] the golden pot having the manna, and the rod of Aaron that budded, and the tablets of the covenant,
5 Anwo bwat la, yo te mete estati de zanj yo te rele cheriben. Se te pou fè moun konnen Bondye la. Zèl zanj yo te louvri, yo te kouvri tout kote yo ofri bèt pou touye pou peche yo. Men, nou pa gen tan koulye a pou n' pale an detay sou bagay sa yo.
and over it cherubim of the glory, overshadowing the propitiatory covering, concerning which we are not to particularly speak now.
6 Lè tout bagay fin nan plas yo konsa, prèt yo gen pou yo antre chak jou nan premye tant lan pou fè sèvis.
And these things having been thus prepared, into the first dwelling place, indeed, the priests go in at all times, performing the services,
7 Men, se granprèt la ase ki gen dwa antre nan dezyèm ti tant lan. Li fè l' yon sèl fwa chak lanne. Lè sa a, li pote san bèt yo te ofri bay Bondye a pou tèt pa l' ansanm ak pou peche pèp la fè san yo pa t' konnen.
and into the second, once in the year, only the chief priest, not apart from blood, which he offers for himself and the errors of the people.
8 Avèk tout aranjman sa yo, Sentespri fè nou wè chemen ki pou mennen nou kote Bondye ye a poko louvri toutotan premye tant la kanpe toujou.
By this the Holy Spirit was making evident that the way of the holy [places] has not yet been revealed, the first dwelling place yet having a standing,
9 Sa se yon siy pou te fè nou konprann davans sa k'ap pase koulye a. Sa vle di: pou moun k'ap fè sèvis sa yo, nanpwen kado yo ka fè Bondye, nanpwen ofrann bèt yo ka touye bay Bondye ki pou lave konsyans yo devan Bondye.
which [is] an allegory in regard to the present time, in which both gifts and sacrifices are offered, which are not able, in regard to conscience, to make perfect him who is serving,
10 Nan tout bagay sa yo, se yon keksyon de sa ki bon pou manje, de sa ki bon pou bwè, de tout kalite seremoni pou yo fè pou lave deyò kò moun. Prensip sa yo vo kichòy jouk lè Bondye vin chanje tout bagay.
only on the basis of food, and drinks, and different immersions, and fleshly ordinances—until the time of reformation imposed on [them].
11 Men, Kris la vini deja tankou granprèt k'ap bay benediksyon ki gen pou vini yo. Tant kote l'ap fè sèvis li a pi gwo, pi bon lontan. Se pa moun ki te bati li. Tant sa a pa fè pati bagay ki sou latè.
But Christ having come, Chief Priest of the coming good things, through the greater and more perfect dwelling place not made with hands—that is, not of this creation—
12 Kris la pase nan tant lan, li antre kote yo mete apa pou Bondye a, li ofri san an yon sèl fwa devan Bondye epi li fini. Lè sa a, se pa t' san bouk kabrit ni san ti towo bèf li te ofri. Se san pa l' menm li te ofri. Se sak fè li antre yon sèl fwa a devan Bondye, li tou peye pou l' te ka delivre nou pou tout tan. (aiōnios g166)
neither through blood of goats and calves, but through His own blood, entered in once into the holy places, having obtained continuous redemption; (aiōnios g166)
13 Si yo ka pran san bouk kabrit ak san towo bèf ansanm ak san vyann ti gazèl bèf yo boule sou lotèl la pou voye sou moun ki mete tèt yo nan kondisyon yo pa ka sèvi Bondye dapre lalwa, pou mete yo nan kondisyon pou yo fè sèvis Bondye,
for if the blood of bulls, and goats, and ashes of a heifer, sprinkling those defiled, sanctifies to the purifying of the flesh,
14 nou pa bezwen mande kisa san Kris la p'ap fè. Avèk pouvwa Sentespri ki la tout tan an, li menm li ofri tèt li bay Bondye tankou yon ofrann bèt ki bon nèt, san okenn defo. Se konsa, san l' ap lave konsyans nou, l'ap delivre nou anba esklavaj lalwa k'ap touye nou an pou nou ka sèvi Bondye vivan an. (aiōnios g166)
how much more will the blood of the Christ (who through the perpetual Spirit offered Himself unblemished to God) purify your conscience from dead works to serve the living God? (aiōnios g166)
15 Se poutèt sa, Kris la se yon avoka ki tabli yon nouvo kontra ant Bondye ak lèzòm. Konsa, moun Bondye rele yo, yo ka resevwa eritaj ki la pou tout tan an, jan Bondye te pwomèt la. Tou sa, paske Kris la mouri. Avèk mouri li mouri a, li delivre tout moun anba chenn peche yo te fè sou premye kontra a. (aiōnios g166)
And because of this, He is mediator of a new covenant, that [His] death having come for redemption of the transgressions under the first covenant, those called may receive the promise of the continuous inheritance, (aiōnios g166)
16 Lè gen yon kontra osinon yon testaman, se pou yo bay prèv moun ki te fè l' la mouri byen mouri.
for where a covenant [is], [it is] necessary to establish the death of the [one] having made [it],
17 Paske, yon testaman pa vo anyen toutotan moun ki fè l' la vivan toujou. Lè moun ki fè l' la mouri, se lè sa a testaman an bon.
for a covenant is affirmed at death, since it is not in force at all when the [one] having made [it] lives,
18 Se poutèt sa, menm pou premye kontra a se apre yo te fin fè san bèt yo te ofri yo koule li te bon.
for which reason, not even the first has been initiated apart from blood,
19 Premye bagay Moyiz te fè, li te li tout kòmandman yo bay pèp la, jan sa ye nan lalwa a. Apre sa, li pran san ti towo bèf yo ak san bouk kabrit yo, li mele l' ak dlo, li pran yon branch izòp ak yon moso lenn wouj, li wouze Liv lalwa a ansanm ak tout pèp la avèk melanj la.
for every command having been spoken, according to law, by Moses, to all the people, having taken the blood of the calves and goats, with water, and scarlet wool, and hyssop, he sprinkled both the scroll itself and all the people,
20 Lè sa a, li di: Sa se san ki sèvi pou siyen kontra Bondye mande pou nou kenbe a.
saying, “This [is] the blood of the covenant that God enjoined to you,”
21 Moyiz voye san an sou tout tant lan, sou tout bagay ki sèvi nan tant lan.
and he sprinkled both the Dwelling Place and all the vessels of the service with blood in like manner,
22 Dapre lalwa, san an mete prèske tout bagay nan kondisyon pou fè sèvis Bondye. Si san pa koule, nanpwen padon pou peche yo.
and with blood almost all things are purified according to the Law, and forgiveness does not come apart from blood-shedding.
23 Tout bagay sa yo se kopye Moyiz te kopye yo sou bagay tout bon ki nan syèl la. Si se pou yo te mete tout bagay sa yo ki yon senp pòtre bagay tout bon yo nan kondisyon pou fè sèvis Bondye konsa, bagay ki nan syèl la menm mande yon pi gwo kalite ofrann bèt toujou.
[It is] necessary, therefore, the pattern indeed of the things in the heavens to be purified with these, and the heavenly things themselves with better sacrifices than these;
24 Kris la pa t' antre nan yon kay moun te bati pou Bondye sou modèl kay Bondye a. Li antre nan syèl la menm, kote li kanpe koulye a devan Bondye pou nou.
for the Christ did not enter into holy places made with hands—figures of the true—but into Heaven itself, now to be manifested in the presence of God for us;
25 Granprèt jwif yo antre chak lanne nan kote ki apa pou Bondye menm lan avèk san bèt yo touye bay Bondye. Men, Kris la menm pa antre plizyè fwa pou ofri tèt li.
nor that He may offer Himself many times, even as the chief priest enters into the holy places every year with blood of others,
26 Si se pa t' sa, li ta blije soufri plizyè fwa tou depi lè Bondye te kreye tout bagay. Men, koulye a, lè tout bagay prèt pou fini, li parèt yon sèl fwa, li bay tèt li tankou bèt yo ofri pou wete tout peche, epi li fini. (aiōn g165)
otherwise it was necessary for Him to suffer many times from the foundation of the world, but now He has been revealed once, at the full end of the ages, for [the] annulling of sin through His sacrifice; (aiōn g165)
27 Tout moun gen pou mouri yon sèl fwa, apre sa, Bondye gen pou jije yo.
and as it is reserved for men to die once, and after this—judgment,
28 Konsa tou, Kris la ofri tèt li pou li mouri yon sèl fwa pou wete peche anpil moun. Li gen pou l' tounen yon dezyèm fwa. Men, lè sa a, se p'ap pou wete peche nou, se va pou delivre tout moun k'ap tann li yo.
so also the Christ, having been offered once to bear the sins of many, will appear a second time, apart from a sin-offering, for salvation to those waiting for Him!

< Ebre 9 >