< Abakouk 2 >

1 Mwen moute sou fò a pou m' veye. Mwen kanpe sou tèt miray ranpa a, m'ap tann pou m' wè sa Seyè a pral di m', ki repons li pral ban mwen apre tout plenyen mwen plenyen ba li a.
I will stand upon my watch, and seat myself upon the tower, and will watch to see what he will say to me, and what I shall answer when I am reproved.
2 Men repons Seyè a ban mwen. Li di m' konsa: -Ekri sa mwen pral fè ou wè a. Grave l' byen grave sou wòch plat pou moun ka li l' fasil.
And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make [it] plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.
3 Ekri l' paske se poko lè pou sa m' pral fè ou wè a rive. Men, li p'ap pran lontan ankò pou l' rive. Li gen pou l' rive vre. Si li pran reta pou l' rive, ou mèt tann. Paske, wè pa wè, li gen pou l' rive lè pou l' rive a.
For the vision [is] yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it may tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.
4 Men mesaj la: Moun ki pa mache dwat devan Bondye p'ap chape. Men moun ki mache dwat yo va viv paske yo te kenbe konfyans fèm yo nan Bondye.
Behold, his soul [which] is lifted up, is not upright in him: but the just shall live by his faith.
5 Richès fè moun pèdi tèt yo pi mal pase bweson. Moun ki gen lògèy pa ka rete trankil. Tankou simityè, yo pa janm gen ase. Tankou kote mò yo ye a, yo pa janm gen kont yo. Yo mache pran tout nasyon yo pou yo. Yo mete tout pèp yo anba ponyèt yo. (Sheol h7585)
Yes also, because he transgresseth by wine, [he is] a proud man, neither keepeth at home, who enlargeth his desire, as hell, and [is] as death, and cannot be satisfied, but gathereth to him all nations, and collecteth to him all people: (Sheol h7585)
6 Men, tout pèp sa yo pral pase yo nan betiz, yo pral rele chalbari dèyè yo, yo pral bay istwa sou yo. Yo pral di: Madichon pou moun k'ap plede pran sa ki pa pou yo! Kilè y'a sispann fè sa? Madichon pou moun k'ap bay ponya epi k'ap fè moun peye gwo enterè mete sou li!
Shall not all these take up a parable against him, and a taunting proverb against him, and say, Woe to him that increaseth [that which is] not his! how long? and to him that ladeth himself with thick clay!
7 Talè konsa, se nou ki pral nan pran ponya. Moun nou dwe yo pral leve dèyè nou. Yo pral piye tou sa nou genyen.
Shall they not rise suddenly that shall bite thee, and awake that shall disturb thee, and thou shalt be for booties to them?
8 Nou te piye anpil nasyon. Koulye a rès moun ki te chape yo pral piye tou sa nou genyen paske nou te touye anpil moun, nou te fè peyi yo, lavil yo ansanm ak moun ki te rete ladan yo pase anpil mati anba men nou.
Because thou hast laid waste many nations, all the remnant of the people shall lay thee waste; because of men's blood, and [for] the violence of the land, of the city, and of all that dwell therein.
9 Madichon pou moun k'ap vòlò pou fè fanmi yo rich, k'ap bati kay sou mòn pou malè pa rive yo!
Woe to him that coveteth an evil covetousness to his house, that he may set his nest on high, that he may be delivered from the power of evil!
10 Se wont nou fè fanmi nou yo wont. Lè nou detwi anpil nasyon konsa, se pwòp tèt nou nou fè mal.
Thou hast consulted shame to thy house by cutting off many people, and hast sinned [against] thy soul.
11 Ata wòch ki nan miray yo ap denonse nou. Poto travès kay yo ap fè menm bagay la tou.
For the stone shall cry out of the wall, and the beam out of the timber shall answer it.
12 Madichon pou moun k'ap touye moun, k'ap fè lenjistis pou bati lavil yo!
Woe to him that buildeth a town with blood, and establisheth a city by iniquity!
13 Travay pèp yo ap fè a pral boule nan dife. Se pou gremesi nasyon yo ap fatige kò yo travay di. Se Seyè a menm k'ap fè sa rive konsa.
Behold, [is it] not from the LORD of hosts that the people shall labor in the very fire, and the people shall weary themselves for very vanity?
14 Menm jan lanmè a plen dlo, se konsa toupatou sou latè moun pral konnen pouvwa Bondye a.
For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea.
15 Madichon pou moun k'ap fè moun parèy yo bwè pou avili yo. Yo vide bweson ba yo jouk yo sou. Yo mete yo toutouni devan tout moun.
Woe to him that giveth his neighbor drink, that puttest thy bottle to [him], and makest [him] drunken also, that thou mayest look on their nakedness!
16 Moun p'ap fè lwanj pou yo. Okontrè, yo pral trennen yo nan labou. Se yo menm ki pral bwè pou yo sou jouk y'a mete yo toutouni devan tout moun tou. Seyè a nan kòlè li pral fè yo bwè gode chatiman li pare pou yo a. Yo t'ap chache lwanj? Se wont y'a wont pito.
Thou art filled with shame for glory: drink thou also, and let thy foreskin be uncovered: the cup of the LORD'S right hand shall be turned to thee, and shameful vomiting [shall be] on thy glory.
17 Yo te koupe tout gwo rakbwa peyi Liban an. Koulye a, se yo yo pral koupe voye jete. Yo te touye tout bèt li yo. Koulye a, bèt li yo pral fè yo kouri al kache. Tou sa pral rive yo paske yo te touye anpil moun, yo te fè peyi yo, lavil yo ansanm ak moun ladan yo pase anpil mati anba men yo.
For the violence of Lebanon shall cover thee, and the spoil of beasts, [which] made them afraid, because of men's blood, and for the violence of the land, of the city, and of all that dwell therein.
18 Kisa yon estati an bwa ka fè pou nou, pou nou fè moun travay fè li pou nou? Kisa yon estati fèt ak metal yo fonn ka fè pou nou? Se manti ase l'ap ban nou. Sa sa ap rapòte nou lè nou fè zidòl ki pa ka pale pou nou mete konfyans nou nan yo?
What profiteth the graven image that its maker hath graven it; the molten image, and a teacher of lies, that the maker of his work trusteth therein, to make dumb idols?
19 Madichon pou moun k'ap pale ak yon bout bwa, epi k'ap di l': Leve non! Madichon pou moun k'ap pale ak yon moso wòch ki pa gen lapawòl, epi k'ap di l': Kanpe non! Eske bout bwa ak moso ròch ka di ou anyen? Ou kouvri yo avèk plak lò ak plak ajan, se vre. Men yo pa gen lavi.
Woe to him that saith to the wood, Awake; to the dumb stone, Arise, it shall teach! Behold, it [is] laid over with gold and silver, and [there is] no breath at all in the midst of it.
20 Seyè a kanpe nan kay ki apa pou li a. Se pou tout moun sou latè pe bouch devan li.
But the LORD [is] in his holy temple: let all the earth keep silence before him.

< Abakouk 2 >