< Jenèz 41 >

1 Dezan te fin pase. Farawon an fè yon rèv. Li wè li te kanpe bò larivyè Nil la.
And it comes to pass, at the end of two years of days that Pharaoh is dreaming, and behold, he is standing by the River,
2 Li wè sèt bèl vach byen gra moute soti nan larivyè a, yo t'ap manje zèb bò dlo a.
and behold, from the River coming up are seven cows, of beautiful appearance, and fat [in] flesh, and they feed among the reeds;
3 Apre sa, sèt lòt vach tout lèd, tout mèg, moute soti nan dlo a tou. Yo vin kanpe toupre lòt vach yo, bò dlo a.
and behold, seven other cows are coming up after them out of the River, of bad appearance, and lean [in] flesh, and they stand near the cows on the edge of the River,
4 Sèt vye vach mèg yo manje sèt bèl vach gra yo. Epi je farawon an vin klè.
and the cows of bad appearance and lean [in] flesh eat up the seven cows of beautiful appearance, and fat—and Pharaoh awakens.
5 Dòmi pran l' ankò, li fè yon lòt rèv. Li wè sèt gwo grap ble ki t'ap pouse sou yon sèl pye ble. Yo te plen grenn, yo te mi.
And he sleeps, and dreams a second time, and behold, seven ears are coming up on one stalk, fat and good,
6 Apre sa, sèt lòt grap vin parèt sou menm pye ble a. Yo te chèch, van nòde te fin boule yo.
and behold, seven ears, thin, and blasted with an east wind, are springing up after them;
7 Sèt grap chèch yo souse sèt bèl grap yo. Epi je farawon an vin klè ankò. Se rèv sa yo li te fè.
and the thin ears swallow the seven fat and full ears—and Pharaoh awakens, and behold, a dream.
8 Nan maten, li te boulvèse anpil, li voye chache dènye divinò ak nèg save ki nan peyi Lejip la. Li rakonte yo rèv la, men yo yonn pa t' kapab esplike rèv la ba li.
And it comes to pass in the morning, that his spirit is moved, and he sends and calls all the enchanters of Egypt, and all its wise men, and Pharaoh recounts to them his dream, and there is no interpreter of them to Pharaoh.
9 Se lè sa a, chèf kanbiz la di farawon an: -Koulye a mwen chonje mwen te fè yon fòt.
And the chief of the butlers speaks with Pharaoh, saying, “I mention my sin this day:
10 Yon jou, monwa, ou te ankòlè sou sèvitè ou yo. Ou te fè mete yo nan prizon lakay kòmandan gad palè ou la. Se te mwen menm, chèf kanbiz ou a, ansanm ak chèf boulanje ou la.
Pharaoh has been angry against his servants, and puts me in confinement in the house of the chief of the executioners, me and the chief of the bakers;
11 Yon jou lannwit, nou tout de nou reve. Chak moun te fè yon rèv diferan. Chak rèv te gen sans pa l'.
and we dream a dream in one night, I and he, each according to the interpretation of his dream we have dreamed.
12 Te gen yon jenn ebre avèk nou nan prizon an. Se te yon esklav kòmandan gad palè a. Nou rakonte l' rèv nou yo. Epi li esplike yo ban nou, li bay chak moun sans rèv li te fè a.
And there [is] with us a youth, a Hebrew, servant to the chief of the executioners, and we recount to him, and he interprets to us our dreams, [to] each according to his dream has he interpreted,
13 tout bagay pase jan li te di a: Sou twa jou vre, farawon an te mete m' nan plas mwen ankò. Pou chèf boulanje a menm, li te fè pann li.
and it comes to pass, as he has interpreted to us so it has been, me he put back on my station, and him he hanged.”
14 Farawon an voye chache Jozèf. Yo fè l' soti byen vit nan prizon an. Jozèf fè labab, li koupe cheve l', li chanje rad, epi li parèt devan farawon an.
And Pharaoh sends and calls Joseph, and they cause him to run out of the pit, and he shaves, and changes his garments, and comes to Pharaoh.
15 Farawon an di Jozèf konsa: -Mwen fè yon rèv, pesonn pa ka di m' sa l' vle di. Men yo di m' depi yo rakonte ou yon rèv, ou ka esplike l'.
And Pharaoh says to Joseph, “I have dreamed a dream, and there is no interpreter of it, and I have heard concerning you, saying, You understand a dream to interpret it,”
16 Jozèf reponn farawon an: -Se pa mwen menm non! Se Bondye ki pral bay farawon an esplikasyon rèv la.
and Joseph answers Pharaoh, saying, “Without me—God answers Pharaoh with peace.”
17 Farawon an di: -Mwen reve mwen te kanpe bò larivyè Nil la.
And Pharaoh speaks to Joseph: “In my dream, behold, I am standing by the edge of the River,
18 Konsa, sèt bèl vach byen gra te moute soti nan larivyè a, yo t'ap manje zèb bò dlo a.
and behold, out of the River coming up are seven cows, fat [in] flesh, and of beautiful form, and they feed among the reeds;
19 Apre sa, sèt lòt vach tout mèg, tout lèd, tout chèch te moute soti nan dlo a dèyè lòt yo. Mwen poko janm wè vye vach lèd konsa nan tout peyi Lejip la.
and behold, seven other cows are coming up after them, thin, and of very bad form, and lean [in] flesh; I have not seen like these in all the land of Egypt for badness.
20 Vye vach mèg yo manje bèl vach gra yo.
And the lean and the bad cows eat up the first seven fat cows,
21 Lè yo te fin vale yo, se tankou si yo pa t' janm manje. Yo te rete menm jan yo te ye anvan an. Epi je m' vin klè.
and they come in to their midst, and it has not been known that they have come in to their midst, and their appearance [is] bad as at the commencement; and I awake.
22 Apre sa, mwen fè yon lòt rèv. Mwen wè sèt grap ble byen plen, byen mi ki t'ap pouse ansanm sou yon sèl pye ble a.
And I see in my dream, and behold, seven ears are coming up on one stalk, full and good;
23 Apre sa, sèt lòt grap parèt dèyè yo. Yo te chèch, van nòde te fin boule yo.
and behold, seven ears, withered, thin, blasted with an east wind, are springing up after them;
24 Grap mèg yo souse sèt bèl grap yo. Mwen rakonte rèv yo bay divinò yo, men yo yonn pa t' kapab esplike yo ban mwen.
and the thin ears swallow the seven good ears; and I tell [it] to the enchanters, and there is none declaring [it] to me.”
25 Jozèf di farawon an: -tout de rèv yo vle di menm bagay la: Bondye fè ou konnen sa li pral fè.
And Joseph says to Pharaoh, “The dream of Pharaoh is one: that which God is doing he has declared to Pharaoh;
26 Sèt vach gra yo, se sèt lanne. Sèt bèl grap yo se sèt lanne tou. Yo vle di menm bagay.
the seven good cows are seven years, and the seven good ears are seven years, the dream is one;
27 Sèt vach tout mèg, tout lèd ki vin apre lòt yo, se sèt lanne. Sèt grap ble boule yo, se sèt lanne tou. Sa vle di pral gen sèt lanne grangou.
and the seven thin and bad cows which are coming up after them are seven years, and the seven empty ears, blasted with an east wind, are seven years of famine;
28 Se jan m' sot di farawon an: Bondye vle fè ou konnen sa li pral fè.
this [is] the thing which I have spoken to Pharaoh: God has shown Pharaoh what He is doing.
29 Pandan sèt lanne pral gen bèl rekòt nan tout peyi Lejip la.
Behold, seven years are coming of great abundance in all the land of Egypt,
30 Apre sa, pral gen sèt lanne grangou. Lè sa a, moun pral bliye tout bèl rekòt yo te fè nan peyi a. Grangou pral fini nèt ak peyi a.
and seven years of famine have arisen after them, and all the plenty is forgotten in the land of Egypt, and the famine has finished the land,
31 Grangou ki pral tonbe sou peyi a pral rèd anpil. Moun p'ap wè tras rekòt ki te fèt nan peyi a.
and the plenty is not known in the land because of that famine afterward, for it [is] very grievous.
32 Si farawon an fè menm rèv la de fwa, sa vle di Bondye gen tan fin fè plan l' nèt. Se yon bagay Bondye pral fè talè konsa.
And because of the repeating of the dream to Pharaoh twice, surely the thing is established by God, and God is hurrying to do it.
33 Koulye a, se pou farawon an chwazi yon moun ki gen lespri ak bon konprann pou l' mete l' chèf sou tout peyi Lejip la.
And now, let Pharaoh provide a man, intelligent and wise, and set him over the land of Egypt;
34 Se pou ou mete chèf toupatou nan peyi Lejip la, pou yo ranmase yon senkyèm nan tout rekòt ki pral fèt pandan sèt bon lanne yo.
let Pharaoh make and appoint overseers over the land, and receive a fifth of the land of Egypt in the seven years of plenty,
35 Se pou yo ranmase pwovizyon pandan tout lanne ki pral vini yo. Se pou farawon an ba yo otorite pou yo anpile pwovizyon yo nan depo nan chak vil, lèfini pou yo veye yo.
and they gather all the food of these good years that are coming, and heap up grain under the hand of Pharaoh—food in the cities; and they have kept [it],
36 Konsa, pwovizyon sa yo va sèvi yon rezèv pou peyi a pandan sèt lanne grangou k'ap vin tonbe apre sa sou peyi Lejip, pou grangou pa fini ak peyi a.
and the food has been for a store for the land, for the seven years of famine which are in the land of Egypt; and the land is cut off by the famine.”
37 Farawon an ak tout moun pa l' yo te tonbe dakò ak sa Jozèf te di a.
And the thing is good in the eyes of Pharaoh, and in the eyes of all his servants,
38 Farawon an di moun pa l' yo: -Ki bò nou ka jwenn yon moun ki gen lespri Bondye sou li tankou nonm sa a?
and Pharaoh says to his servants, “Do we find like this, a man in whom the Spirit of God [is]?”
39 Farawon an di Jozèf: -Gade tout bagay Bondye fè ou konnen! Pa gen pesonn ki gen plis lespri, osinon plis bon konprann pase ou.
And Pharaoh says to Joseph, “After God’s causing you to know all this, there is none intelligent and wise as you;
40 M'ap mete ou chèf sou tout peyi mwen an. Se pou tout moun nan peyi a obeyi ou. Se sèlman paske mwen wa kifè mwen menm m'a pi gwo chèf pase ou.
you are over my house, and at your mouth do all my people kiss; only in the throne I am greater than you.”
41 Apre sa, farawon an di Jozèf: -Gade, m'ap mete ou chèf pou gouvènen tout peyi Lejip la.
And Pharaoh says to Joseph, “See, I have put you over all the land of Egypt.”
42 Li wete gwo bag ki te nan dwèt li a, li mete l' nan dwèt Jozèf. Li abiye l' ak yon rechanj fèt ak bèl twal fen. Li pase yon chenn an lò nan kou l'.
And Pharaoh turns aside his seal-ring from off his hand, and puts it on the hand of Joseph, and clothes him [with] garments of fine linen, and places a chain of gold on his neck,
43 Li fè l' moute sou yon cha. Se te pi bèl cha nan tout peyi a apre cha wa a. Li bay gad onè ki t'ap mache devan Jozèf yo lòd pou yo di byen fè: Abrèk. Se konsa farawon an te mete Jozèf chèf sou tout peyi Lejip la.
and causes him to ride in the second chariot which he has, and they proclaim before him, “Bow the knee!” And [he] set him over all the land of Egypt.
44 Farawon an di Jozèf: -Se mwen menm farawon an k'ap pale avèk ou. Pesonn pa gen dwa fè anyen ni al ankenn kote nan peyi Lejip san pèmisyon ou.
And Pharaoh says to Joseph, “I [am] Pharaoh, and without you a man does not lift up his hand and his foot in all the land of Egypt”;
45 Farawon an rele Jozèf Safna-Paneak. Li pran Asnat, pitit fi Potifera, yon prèt lavil On, li bay Jozèf li pou madanm. Jozèf al vizite tout peyi Lejip la.
and Pharaoh calls Joseph’s name Zaphnath-Paaneah, and he gives to him Asenath daughter of Poti-Pherah, priest of On, for a wife, and Joseph goes out over the land of Egypt.
46 Jozèf te gen trantan lè li te konmanse sèvi farawon an, wa peyi Lejip la. Li pati, li vwayaje toupatou nan peyi Lejip la.
And Joseph [is] a son of thirty years in his standing before Pharaoh king of Egypt, and Joseph goes out from the presence of Pharaoh, and passes over through all the land of Egypt;
47 Pandan sèt bon lanne yo, tè a te bay anpil anpil rekòt.
and the land makes in the seven years of plenty by handfuls.
48 Jozèf ranmase pwovizyon pandan sèt lanne bon rekòt yo nan tout peyi a, li mete yo nan depo nan lavil yo. Chak lavil te gen kont depo pou sere tout sa jaden alantou yo te bay.
And he gathers all the food of the seven years which have been in the land of Egypt, and puts food in the cities; the food of the field which [is] around [each] city has he put in its midst;
49 Li ranmase ble, li ranmase ble tankou ou ta di sab bò lanmè. Sitèlman te gen anpil ble, yo pa t' ka konnen kantite ki te genyen.
and Joseph gathers grain as sand of the sea, multiplying exceedingly, until he has ceased to number, for there is no number.
50 Anvan lanne grangou yo mete pye, Jozèf te gen tan gen de pitit ak Asnat, pitit fi Potifera, prèt lavil On an.
And to Joseph were born two sons before the year of famine comes, whom Asenath daughter of Poti-Pherah, priest of On, has borne to him,
51 Jozèf rele premye a Manase paske li t'ap di nan kè l': Bondye fè m' bliye tout soufrans mwen ansanm ak moun lakay papa m' yo.
and Joseph calls the name of the firstborn Manasseh: “For God has made me to forget all my labor, and all the house of my father”;
52 Li rele dezyèm lan Efrayim paske li t'ap di nan kè l': Bondye fè m' fè pitit nan peyi kote m'ap soufri a.
and the name of the second he has called Ephraim: “For God has caused me to be fruitful in the land of my affliction.”
53 Sèt bon lanne rekòt yo te fin pase nan peyi Lejip la.
And the seven years of plenty are completed which have been in the land of Egypt,
54 Sèt lanne grangou yo te konmanse jan Jozèf te di a. Grangou t'ap bat nan tout lòt peyi yo tou, men te gen manje toujou nan tout peyi Lejip la.
and the seven years of famine begin to come, as Joseph said, and famine is in all the lands, but in all the land of Egypt has been bread;
55 Men, yon lè grangou konmanse mete pye nan peyi Lejip la tou. Pèp la menm pran rele nan zòrèy farawon an, y'ap mande manje. Farawon an di moun peyi Lejip yo: -Al jwenn Jozèf. Se li menm ki va di nou sa pou nou fè.
and all the land of Egypt is famished, and the people cry to Pharaoh for bread, and Pharaoh says to all the Egyptians, “Go to Joseph; that which he says to you—do.”
56 Lè grangou a te toupatou nan peyi Lejip la, Jozèf louvri tout depo yo. Li vann moun peyi Lejip yo ble, paske grangou a te rèd anpil nan peyi Lejip la.
And the famine has been over all the face of the land, and Joseph opens all [places] which have [grain] in them, and sells to the Egyptians; and the famine is severe in the land of Egypt,
57 Moun soti toupatou nan tout lòt peyi yo vin achte ble nan men Jozèf nan peyi Lejip, paske grangou a te rèd anpil toupatou sou latè.
and all the earth has come to Egypt, to buy, to Joseph, for the famine was severe in all the earth.

< Jenèz 41 >