< Jenèz 39 >

1 Moun Izmayèl yo te mennen Jozèf nan peyi Lejip. Rive la, Potifa, yon moun peyi Lejip ki te chèf nan gouvènman farawon an ak kòmandan gad palè yo, achte l' nan men yo.
Joseph had been taken to Egypt by the Ishmaelites, who had sold him to Potiphar, an Egyptian who was one of Pharaoh's officers, the commander of the royal guard.
2 Seyè a te kanpe la avèk Jozèf. Li te fè tout bagay mache byen pou li. Jozèf te rete kay mèt li, moun peyi Lejip la.
The Lord was with Joseph and made him successful. He lived in his Egyptian master's house.
3 Mèt li tout te wè Seyè a te avèk Jozèf. Seyè a te fè tout zafè l' mache byen.
His master noticed that the Lord was with him and made him successful in everything he did.
4 Potifa te kontan ak Jozèf ak jan li t'ap sèvi li. Li mete l' reskonsab kay li, li renmèt li tout sa li te genyen.
Potiphar appreciated Joseph and his service, and put him in charge of his household and made him responsible for everything he owned.
5 Depi lè Potifa te renmèt kay li ansanm ak tout sa li te genyen bay Jozèf, Seyè a beni kay moun peyi Lejip la poutèt Jozèf. Seyè a beni tout sa li te gen lakay li ak nan jaden l'.
From the time he put Joseph in charge and trusted him with all he had, the Lord blessed Potiphar's household because of Joseph. The Lord blessed everything he had, whether in his house or in his fields.
6 Potifa te lage tout zafè l' nan men Jozèf. Li pa t' okipe anyen ankò, se annik vin chita manje. Jozèf te vin yon bèl gason byen kanpe.
So Potiphar left Joseph to care for everything he owned. He didn't bother with anything except to decide what food he was going to eat. Now Joseph was handsome, having a good physique,
7 Se konsa madanm mèt li a vin tonbe pou li. Li di l': -vin kouche avè m' non!
so some time later he caught the eye of his master's wife. She propositioned him, saying, “Come here! Sleep with me!”
8 Men Jozèf derefize, li di l': -Mèt mwen an pa okipe anyen k'ap pase nan kay li a, paske mwen la. Li lage tout bagay nan men m'.
But he turned her down, telling his master's wife, “Look, my master trusts me so much he doesn't even bother to find out how his household is running. He's put me in charge of everything he owns—
9 Mwen gen menm otorite avè l' nan kay la, li pa defann mwen manyen anyen, esepte ou menm, paske se madanm li ou ye. Ki jan ou ta vle pou m' fè yon bagay konsa, pou m' fè peche sa a kont Bondye?
no one in this house has more authority than me! He hasn't held back anything from me except you, because you are his wife. So how could I do such an evil thing as this, and sin against God?”
10 Se chak jou li te nan kò Jozèf. Men, Jozèf te toujou derefize kouche avè l'.
Day after day she persisted in asking him, but he refused to sleep with her and tried to avoid her.
11 Yon jou, Jozèf vin pou fè travay li nan kay la. Lè sa a pesonn pa t' la:
But one day he went into the house to do his work and none of the other servants were there.
12 Madanm lan kenbe rad Jozèf, li di l': -Jòdi a, se pou ou kouche avè m'. Lè Jozèf wè sa, li chape kò l' met deyò, li kite rad la nan men madanm lan.
She grabbed him by his clothing, and demanded, “Sleep with me!” But leaving his clothing in her hand, he ran out of the house.
13 Madanm lan menm, lè li wè Jozèf te kite rad la nan men l' pou l' kouri ale deyò,
Seeing that he'd left his clothing in her hand, and had ran out of the house,
14 li rele domestik li yo, li di yo: -Nou wè sa! Mari mwen mennen yon ebre nan kay la, men koulye a li soti pou avili m'. Li vini jwenn mwen jouk isit la, li vle pou m' kouche avè l'. Mwen pete rele.
she shouted out to her servants, “Look at this! He brought this Hebrew slave here to dishonor us! This man came to try and rape me, but I screamed at the top of my voice.
15 Lè li tande m' rele a, msye kouri, li met deyò, li kite rad li la bò kote m'.
When he heard me scream for help, he left his clothing beside me and ran outside.”
16 Madanm lan kite rad la bò kote l', li tann mèt Jozèf la tounen lakay la.
She kept his clothing with her until her husband came home.
17 Li rakonte l' menm bagay la, li di l': -Esklav ebre ou mennen lakay la vin jwenn mwen jouk isit la pou avili m'.
Then she told him her story. It went like this: “That Hebrew slave you brought here tried to come and dishonor me.
18 Men, mwen pete yon rèl, li kouri met deyò, li kite rad li bò kote m'.
But as soon as I screamed and called for help, he left his clothing beside me and ran outside.”
19 Lè Potifa tande madanm li di l' sa domestik li a te fè l', li move sou Jozèf.
When Potiphar heard the story his wife told him, saying, “This is what your servant did to me,” he became angry.
20 Li fè arete l', mete l' nan prizon kote yo fèmen tout prizonye wa a. Se konsa Jozèf twouve l' nan prizon.
He took Joseph and put him in the prison where the king's prisoners were kept, and there he stayed.
21 Men Seyè a te kanpe la avèk Jozèf. Li moutre l' jan l' te renmen l', li fè chèf prizon an gen Jozèf konfyans.
But the Lord was with Joseph, showing him trustworthy love, and made the chief jailer pleased with him.
22 Li mete l' veye tout lòt prizonye yo. Se li menm ki te reskonsab tout bagay nan prizon an.
So the chief jailer put Joseph in charge of all the prisoners there and gave him the responsibility for running the prison.
23 Depi li te renmèt yon bagay nan men Jozèf, li pa t' bezwen okipe anyen ankò paske Seyè a te la avèk Jozèf. Seyè a te fè tout zafè l' mache byen.
The chief jailer didn't bother with anything for Joseph took care of it all for the Lord was with him and made him successful.

< Jenèz 39 >