< Jenèz 17 >
1 Le Abram rive sou katrevendisnevan laj, Seyè a parèt devan l', li di l' konsa. Mwen se Bondye ki gen tout pouvwa a. Se pou ou toujou fè sa m' di ou fè. Se pou ou mennen yon vi san repwòch.
When Abram was nynetye yere olde and ix. the LORde apeared to hym sayenge: I am the almyghtie God: walke before me ad be vncorrupte.
2 M'ap pase yon kontra avè ou, m'ap ba ou anpil anpil pitit pitit.
And I wyll make my bonde betwene the and me and wyll multiplye the excedyngly.
3 Lè sa a, Abram mete ajenou, li bese tèt li jouk atè. Bondye pale avè l' ankò, li di l'.
And Abra fell on his face. And God talked moreover with hym saynge:
4 -Men kontra m'ap pase avè ou la. W'ap zansèt moun anpil nasyon.
I am beholde my testamet is with the that thou shalt be a father of many natios.
5 Yo p'ap rele ou Abram ankò. Men y'a rele ou Abraram, paske m'ap fè ou tounen zansèt moun anpil nasyon.
Therfore shalt thou no more be called Abram but thy name shalbe Abraham: for a father of many nations haue I made the
6 M'ap ba ou anpil anpil pitit pitit. Y'ap tounen kantite nasyon. Anpil wa ap soti nan ras ou.
and I will multiplye the excedyngly and wyll make nations of the: yee and kynges shall sprynge out of the.
7 M'ap kenbe kontra m' lan avè ou, avèk tout ras ou. De pitit an pitit, se va yon kontra k'ap la pou tout tan. Se mwen k'ap Bondye ou, se mwen k'ap Bondye pitit pitit ou yo tou.
Moreover I will make my bonde betwene me and the and thy seed after the in their tymes to be an everlastynge testament So that I wyll be God vnto the and to thy seed after the.
8 Ou wè tè kote ou rete tankou moun vini koulye a? Mwen gen pou m' ba ou l' ansanm ak tout pitit pitit ou yo. tout peyi Kanaran an ap rele ou pa ou pou tout tan. Wi, se mwen menm k'ap Bondye yo tout.
And I will geue vnto the ad to thy seed after the the lande where in thou arte a straunger: Euen all the lande of Canaan for an everlastynge possession and wil be their God.
9 Bondye di Abraram. Men ou menm ansanm ak tout ras ou, de pitit an pitit, se pou nou dakò pou nou kenbe kontra a avèk mwen.
And God sayde vnto Abraha: Se thou kepe my testamente both thou and thy seed after the in their tymes:
10 Men sa pou ou menm ansanm ak tout pitit ou yo pou nou dakò fè: se pou tout gason nan mitan nou sikonsi.
This is my testamente which ye shall kepe betwene me and you and thy seed after the that ye circucyse all youre men childern ye shall circumcyse
11 Depi koulye a, se pou nou sikonsi tout gason. Se pou sa sèvi yon siy pou moutre gen yon kontra ki pase ant nou menm avè m'.
the foreskynne of youre flesh ad it shal be a token of the bond betwixte me and you.
12 Se pou nou sikonsi tout gason wit jou apre yo fèt, li te mèt pitit moun lakay la, osinon pitit moun lòt nasyon ou pran pou travay lakay ou.
And euery manchilde when it is viij. dayes olde shal be circucysed amonge you in youre generations and all servauntes also borne at home or boughte with money though they be straungers and not of thy seed.
13 Wi, se pou yo tout yo sikonsi, kit yo fèt lakay ou, kit yo fèt nan peyi etranje. Se va yon mak nan kò nou pou fè wè kontra mwen pase avèk nou an, se yon kontra ki la pou tout tan.
The seruaunte borne in thy housse ad he also that is bought with money must needes be circumcysed that my testament may be in youre flesh for an everlastinge bonde.
14 Si yon gason pa sikonsi, se pou yo disparèt li nan ras la, paske li pa t' kenbe kontra mwen fè ak nou an.
Yf there be any vncircuncysed manchilde that hath not the forskynne of his flesh cutt of his soule shall perish from his people: because he hath broke my testamet
15 Apre sa, Bondye di Abraram. Sarayi, madanm ou, p'ap rele Sarayi ankò. Men depi jòdi a y'a rele l' Sara.
And God sayde vnto Abraham. Sarai thy wyfe shall nomore be called Sarai: but Sara shall hir name be.
16 M'ap beni madanm ou, m'ap fè l' ba ou yon pitit gason. M'ap beni l', m'ap fè l' tounen manman moun anpil nasyon. Anpil nan pitit pitit li yo va wa.
For I will blesse her and geue the a sonne of her and will blesse her: so that people ye and kynges of people shall springe of her.
17 Abraram mete ajenou, li bese tèt li jouk atè. Men, li tonbe ri lè l' chonje jan l' fin granmoun. Li t'ap di nan kè l'. Eske yon nonm ki gen santan ka fè pitit ankò? Eske Sara, yon fanm ki gen katrevendizan, ka vin ansent?
And Abraham fell vpon his face ad laughte and sayd in his harte: shall a childe be borne vnto hym that is an hundred yere olde ad shall Sara that is nynetie yere olde bere?
18 Li di Bondye. Tanpri, beni Izmayèl. Pa kite l' mouri!
And Abraha sayde vnto God. O that Ismaell myghte lyve in thy syghte.
19 Men Bondye di l'. Non, se Sara madanm ou, ki gen pou fè yon pitit gason pou ou. W'a rele l' Izarak. M'ap kenbe kontra mwen avèk li, ansanm ak pitit pitit li yo. Pa bliye. Se va yon kontra k'ap la pou tout tan.
The sayde God: na Sara thy wife shall bere the a sonne ad thou shalt call his name Isaac. And I will make my bonde with him that it shall be an everlastynge bonde vnto his seed after him.
20 Ou mande m' pou m' pwoteje Izmayèl pou ou! M'ap fè l' pou ou! M'ap beni l', m'ap ba li anpil pitit ak anpil pitit pitit. Gen douz chèf k'ap soti nan fanmi li. M'ap fè pitit li yo tounen yon gwo nasyon.
And as concernynge Ismaell also I haue herde thy request: loo I will blesse him and encrease him and multiplye him excedyingly. Twelve prynces shall be begete and I will make a great nation of him.
21 Men, m'ap kenbe kontra mwen an avèk Izarak, pitit gason Sara pral fè pou ou a. L'ap fèt lanne k'ap vini an, lè konsa.
But my bonde will I make with Isaac which Sara shall bere vnto the: even this tyme twelue moneth.
22 Lè Bondye fin pale avèk Abraram, li kite l', li moute nan syèl.
And God left of talkynge with him and departed vp from Abraham.
23 Jou sa a Abraram pran Izmayèl, pitit gason li an, ak tout gason ki t'ap travay lakay li, kit yo te fèt nan kay la, kit se moun lòt nasyon li te pran pou sèvi l', li sikonsi yo tout menm jou a, jan Bondye te pase l' lòd la.
And Abraham toke Ismaell his sonne and all the servauntes borne in his housse and all that was bought with money as many as were menchildren amonge the me of Abrahas housse and circumcysed the foreskynne of their flesh even the selfe same daye as God had sayde vnto him.
24 Abraram poutèt pa l' te gen katrevendiznèvan lè l' te sikonsi.
Abraham was nynetie yere olde and. ix. when he cutt of the foreskynne of his flesh.
25 Izmayèl, pitit gason l' lan, te gen trèzan lè l' te sikonsi.
And Ismaell his sonne was. xiij. yere olde when the foreskynne of hys flesh was circumcysed.
26 Yo tout de, yo sikonsi yo menm jou
The selfe same daye was Abraha circucised and Ismael his sonne.
27 ansanm ak tout domestik ki te lakay li, kit yo te fèt la, kit se achte li te achte yo nan men moun lòt nasyon yo.
And all the men in his housse whether they were borne in his housse or bought wyth money (though they were straungers) were circumcysed with him.