< Jenèz 11 >

1 Nan konmansman, tout moun sou latè te pale yon sèl lang, yonn te konprann lòt.
And all the world was of one tonge and one language.
2 Apre yo pati soti kote solèy leve a, yo rive nan yon plenn nan peyi Chenea. Yo moute kay yo la, yo rete.
And as they came from the east they founde a playne in the lande of Synear and there they dwelled.
3 Lè sa a, yonn di lòt. Mezanmi, vini non! Ann fè brik. Ann kwit yo nan dife. Se konsa, yo pran brik sèvi wòch pou bati kay, yo pran asfat sèvi mòtye.
And they sayd one to a nother: come on let us make brycke ad burne it wyth fyre. So brycke was there stone and slyme was there morter
4 Apre sa, yo di. Annou wè! Ann bati yon gwo lavil pou nou rete ak yon gwo gwo kay tout won byen wo ki rive jouk nan syèl la. Konsa tout moun va respekte nou, yo p'ap ka gaye nou toupatou sou latè.
And they sayd: Come on let vs buylde vs a cyte and a toure that the toppe may reach vnto heauen. And let vs make us a name for perauenture we shall be scatered abrode over all the erth.
5 Seyè a desann pou l' wè lavil la ansanm ak gwo kay won moun yo t'ap bati a.
And the LORde came downe to see the cyte and the toure which the childern of Ada had buylded.
6 Epi li di. Koulye a, gade! Yo tout fè yon sèl pèp. Yo tout yo pale yon sèl lang. Gade sa yo konmanse ap fè. Talè konsa y'ap pare pou yo fè sa yo vle.
And the LORde sayd: See the people is one and haue one tonge amonge them all. And thys haue they begon to do and wyll not leaue of from all that they haue purposed to do.
7 Bon. N'ap desann, n'ap mele lang yo. Konsa, yonn p'ap ka konprann sa lòt ap di.
Come on let vs descende and myngell theire tonge even there that one vnderstonde not what a nother sayeth.
8 Se konsa Seyè a gaye yo toupatou sou latè. Yo sispann bati lavil la.
Thus ye LORde skatered them from thence vppon all the erth. And they left of to buylde the cyte.
9 Se poutèt sa yo rele lavil la Babèl, paske se la Seyè a te mele lang tout moun ki rete sou latè, li fè yo pati, li gaye yo toupatou sou latè.
Wherfore the name of it is called Babell because that the LORDE there confounded the tonge of all the world. And because that the LORde from thence skatered them abrode vppon all the erth.
10 Men pitit pitit Sèm yo. Dezan apre inondasyon an, Sèm te gen santan (100 an) lè li fè yon pitit gason yo rele Apachad.
These are the generations of Sem: Se was an hundred yere olde and begat Arcphachsad ij. yere after the floude.
11 Apre sa, li viv senksanzan (500 an) ankò. Li te fè lòt pitit gason ak pitit fi.
And Se lyved after he had begot Arphachsad. v. hundred yere an begat sonnes and doughters.
12 Apachad te gen trannsenkan lè li te fè yon pitit gason yo rele Chela.
And Arphacsad lyued. xxxv. yere and begat Sala
13 Apre sa, li viv katsantwazan (403 an) ankò. Li te fè lòt pitit gason ak pitit fi.
and lyved after he had begot Sala iiij. hudred yere and. iij and begat sonnes and doughters.
14 Chela te gen trantan lè li fè yon pitit gason yo rele Ebè.
And Sala was. xxx. yere old and begat Eber
15 Apre sa, li viv katsantwazan (403 an) ankò. Li te fè lòt pitit gason ak pitit fi.
ad lyued after he had begot Eber. iiij. hudred and thre yere ad begat sonnes and doughters
16 Ebè te gen trannkatran lè li fè yon pitit gason yo rele Pelèg.
When Eber was. xxxiiij. yere olde he begat Peleg
17 Apre sa, li viv katsantrantan (430 an). Li te fè lòt pitit gason ak pitit fi.
and lyued after he had begot Peleg foure hundred and. xxx. yere and begat sonnes and doughters.
18 Pelèg te gen trantan lè li fè yon pitit gason yo rele Reou.
And Peleg when he was. xxx. yere olde begat Regu
19 Apre sa, li viv desannevan (209 an) ankò. Li te fè lòt pitit gason ak pitit fi.
and lyued after he had begot Regu. ij. hundred and. ix. yere and begat sonnes and doughters.
20 Reou te gen tranndezan lè li fè yon pitit gason yo rele Sewoug.
And Regu when he had lyued. xxxij. yere begat Serug
21 Apre sa, li viv desansetan (207 an) ankò. Li fè lòt pitit gason ak pitit fi.
and lyued after he had begot Serug. ij. hundred and. vij. yere and begat sonnes and doughters.
22 Sewoug te gen trantan lè li fè yon pitit gason yo rele Nakò.
And when Serug was. xxx. yere olde he begat Nahor
23 Apre sa, li viv desanzan (200 an) ankò. Li te fè lòt pitit gason ak pitit fi.
and lyued after he had begot Nahor. ij. hundred yere and begat sonnes and doughters.
24 Nakò te gen ventnevan lè li fè yon pitit gason yo rele Terak.
And Nahor when he was. xxix. yere olde begat Terah
25 Apre sa, li viv sandiznevan (119 an) ankò. Li te fè lòt pitit gason ak pitit fi.
and lyved after he had begot Terah an hundred and. xix. yere and begat sonnes and doughters.
26 Terak te gen swasanndizan lè li fè twa pitit gason yo rele Abram, Nakò ak Aran.
And when Terah was. lxx. yere olde he begat Abram Nahor and Haran.
27 Men pitit ak pitit pitit Terak yo: Terak te papa Abram, Nakò ak Aran. Aran te papa Lòt.
And these are the generations of Terah. Terah begat Abram Nahor and Haran. And Haran begat Lot.
28 Aran mouri anvan papa l'. Li mouri lavil Our nan peyi Kalde kote l' te fèt la.
And Haran dyed before Terah his father in the londe where he was borne at Vr in Chaldea.
29 Abram ak Nakò te fè pozisyon. Abram marye ak Sarayi, Nakò marye ak Milka, pitit fi Aran. Aran te gen yon lòt pitit ankò yo te rele Jiska.
And Abram and Nahor toke them wyves. Abras wyfe was called Sarai. And Nahors wyfe Mylca the doughter of Haran which was father of Milca ad of Iisca.
30 Sarayi pa t' gen pitit, li pa t' ka fè pitit.
But Sarai was baren and had no childe.
31 Terak pran pitit li, Abram, pitit pitit li, Lòt, ki te pitit Aran, ansanm ak bèlfi li Sarayi ki te madanm Abram, pitit li. Li pati ak yo, li kite lavil Our nan peyi Kalde pou li ale nan peyi Kanaran. Men lè yo rive lavil Karan, yo te rete la.
Than toke Terah Abram his sonne and Lot his sonne Harans sonne and Sarai his doughter in lawe his sone Abrams wyfe. And they went wyth hym from Vr in Chaldea to go in to the lade of Chanaan. And they came to Haran and dwelled there.
32 Se la Terak mouri. Li te gen desansenkan (205 an).
And when Terah was ij. hundred yere old and. v. he dyed in Haran.

< Jenèz 11 >