< Jenèz 10 >

1 Apre gwo inondasyon an, pitit Noe yo, Sèm, Kam ak Jafè, te fè pitit. Men non pitit gason yo te fè.
Now these [are] the generations of the sons of Noe, Sem, Cham, Japheth; and sons were born to them after the flood.
2 Men pitit gason Jafè yo: Se te Gomè, Magòg, Madayi, Javan, Toubal, Mechèk ak Tiras.
The sons of Japheth, Gamer, and Magog, and Madoi, and Jovan, and Elisa, and Thobel, and Mosoch, and Thiras.
3 Gomè te fè twa pitit gason. Achkenaz, Rifat ak Togama.
And the sons of Gamer, Aschanaz, and Riphath, and Thorgama.
4 Se Javan ki te papa Elicha, Tasis, Kitim ak Wodanim.
And the sons of Jovan, Elisa, and Tharseis, Cetians, Rhodians.
5 Se tout pitit ak pitit pitit Jafè yo sa ki zansèt tout moun k'ap viv nan zile yo, yo chak sou tè pa yo, yo chak ak lang pa yo. Yo t'ap viv ansanm, fanmi ak fanmi, nasyon ak nasyon.
From these were the islands of the Gentiles divided in their land, each according to his tongue, in their tribes and in their nations.
6 Men pitit gason Kam yo. Se te Kouch, Mizrayim, Pout ak Kanaran.
And the sons of Cham, Chus, and Mesrain, Phud, and Chanaan.
7 Kouch te fè senk pitit gason: Seba, Avila, Sabta, Rama ak Sabteka. Rama menm te gen de pitit gason: Seba ak Dedan.
And the sons of Chus, Saba, and Evila, and Sabatha, and Rhegma, and Sabathaca. And the sons of Rhegma, Saba, and Dadan.
8 Kouch te gen yon lòt pitit gason yo te rele: Nimwòd. Nimwòd sa a, se premye moun ki te gwo chèf sou latè.
And Chus begot Nebrod: he began to be a giant upon the earth.
9 Se te yon gwo chasè devan Seyè a. Se poutèt sa yo di. Gwo chasè devan Bondye tankou Nimwòd.
He was a giant hunter before the Lord God; therefore they say, As Nebrod the giant hunter before the Lord.
10 Nan peyi kote li t'ap gouvènen an te gen lavil sa yo: Babèl, Erèk, Akad, Kalne nan peyi Chenea.
And the beginning of his kingdom was Babylon, and Orech, and Archad, and Chalanne, in the land of Senaar.
11 Apre sa, li kite peyi a, li ale lavil Asou. Men lavil li bati yo: Neniv, Reobòt-Ir, Kalak.
Out of that land came Assur, and built Ninevi, and the city Rhooboth, and Chalach,
12 Lèfini, li bati lavil Rezèm ant Neniv ak Kalak. Kalak sa a te yon gwo lavil.
and Dase between Ninevi and Chalach: this is the great city.
13 Mizrayim fè pitit. Se yo ki zansèt moun peyi Lidi, peyi Anan, peyi Leyab ak peyi Naftou,
And Mesrain begot the Ludiim, and the Nephthalim, and the Enemetiim, and the Labiim,
14 peyi Patwous, peyi Kaslou ak peyi Kaftò. Se nan peyi Kaslou sa a moun Filisti yo soti.
and the Patrosoniim, and the Chasmoniim (whence came forth Phylistiim) and the Gaphthoriim.
15 Premye pitit Kanaran se te Sidon. Apre sa vin Et.
And Chanaan begot Sidon his firstborn, and the Chettite,
16 Se Kanaran tout ki papa Jebis, Amori, Gigach,
and the Jebusite, and the Amorite, and the Girgashite,
17 Evi, Aka, Seni,
and the Evite, and the Arukite, and the Asennite,
18 Avad, Zema, Amat. Apre sa tout fanmi Kanaran yo gaye.
and the Aradian, and the Samarean, and the Amathite; and after this the tribes of the Chananites were dispersed.
19 Lizyè tè moun Kanaran yo pati depi lavil Sidon, li mete tèt sou Gera jouk li rive Gaza. Apre sa, li vire sou Sodòm ak Gomò, Adma ak Seboyim jouk li rive Lecha.
And the boundaries of the Chananites were from Sidon till one comes to Gerara and Gaza, till one comes to Sodom and Gomorrha, Adama and Seboim, as far as Dasa.
20 Se tout pitit ak pitit pitit Kam yo sa, yo chak sou tè pa yo, yo chak ak lang yo. Yo t'ap viv ansanm, fanmi ak fanmi, nasyon ak nasyon.
There [were] the sons of Cham in their tribes according to their tongues, in their countries, and in their nations.
21 Sèm te gran frè Jafè. Li te gen anpil pitit tou. Se li ki te zansèt tout pitit Ebè yo.
And to Sem himself also were children born, the father of all the sons of Heber, the brother of Japheth the elder.
22 Men pitit gason Sèm yo. Se te Elam, Asou, Apachad, Lidi ak Aram.
Sons of Sem, Elam, and Assur, and Arphaxad, and Lud, and Aram, and Cainan.
23 Men pitit Aram yo. Se te Ouz, Oul, Getè ak Mach.
And sons of Aram, Uz, and Ul, and Gater, and Mosoch.
24 Se Apachad ki te papa Chelak. Chelak menm te papa Ebè.
And Arphaxad begot Cainan, and Cainan begot Sala. And Sala begot Heber.
25 Ebè te gen de pitit gason. Yonn te rele Pelèg, paske se nan tan li moun sou latè te divize yonn ak lòt. Yo te rele frè l' la Joktan.
And to Heber were born two sons, the name of the one, Phaleg, because in his days the earth was divided, and the name of his brother Jektan.
26 Joktan te papa Almodad, Chelèf, Azmavèt, Jerak,
And Jektan begot Elmodad, and Saleth, and Sarmoth, and Jarach,
27 Adoram, Ouzal, Dikla,
and Odorrha, and Aibel, and Decla,
28 Obal, Abimayèl, Seba,
Eval, and Abimael, and Saba,
29 Ofi, Avila ak Jobab. Yo tout se pitit Joktan yo te ye.
and Uphir, and Evila, and Jobab, all these were the sons of Jektan.
30 Tè kote yo t'ap viv la te pran depi lavil Mecha, li moute kote lavil Sefa, jouk mòn ki bò kote solèy leve a.
And their dwelling was from Masse, till one comes to Saphera, a mountain of the east.
31 Se tout pitit ak pitit pitit Sèm yo sa, yo chak sou tè pa yo, yo chak ak lang pa yo. Yo t'ap viv ansanm, fanmi ak fanmi, nasyon ak nasyon.
These were the sons of Sem in their tribes, according to their tongues, in their countries, and in their nations.
32 tout moun sa yo se branch fanmi pitit Noe yo, dapre zansèt yo, nasyon pa nasyon. Apre gwo inondasyon an, tout nasyon ki sou latè soti nan pitit Noe yo.
These are the tribes of the sons of Noe, according to their generations, according to their nations: of them were the islands of the Gentiles scattered over the earth after the flood.

< Jenèz 10 >