< Egzòd 40 >

1 Seyè a pale ak Moyiz, li di l' konsa:
And YHWH speaks to Moses, saying,
2 -Sou premye jou premye mwa a, w'a moute Tant Randevou a kote pou Bondye rete a.
“On the first day of the month, in the first month, you raise up the Dwelling Place of the Tent of Meeting,
3 W'a mete bwat ki gen ròch kontra a ladan l'. y'a kache bwat la ak rido a.
and have set the Ark of the Testimony [in] there, and have covered over the Ark with the veil,
4 Apre sa, w'a pote tab la vini, w'a pran tout bagay ki pou sèvi ak tab la, w'a ranje yo sou li byen ranje. W'a fè pote lanp sèt branch lan tou, w'a moute ti lanp yo sou li.
and have brought in the table, and set its arrangement in order, and have brought in the lampstand, and caused its lamps to go up.
5 W'a pran lòtèl an lò pou boule lansan an, w'a mete l' devan bwat ki gen ròch kontra yo, w'a moute rido ki pou fèmen kote pou moun antre nan tant lan.
And you have put the golden altar for incense before the Ark of the Testimony, and have put the covering of the opening to the Dwelling Place,
6 W'a pran lòtèl pou boule bèt yo ofri yo, w'a mete l' devan kote pou moun antre nan Tant Randevou a.
and have put the altar of the burnt-offering before the opening of the Dwelling Place of the Tent of Meeting,
7 W'a mete basen lan nan espas ki ant Tant Randevou a ak lòtèl la. W'a mete dlo ladan l'.
and have put the laver between the Tent of Meeting and the altar, and have put water [in] there.
8 W'a moute galeri a fè wonn tant lan, w'a moute rido ki pou fèmen kote pou moun antre sou galeri a.
And you have set the court all around, and have placed the covering of the gate of the court,
9 W'a pran lwil yo sèvi pou mete moun osinon bagay apa pou Bondye a, w'a voye l' sou tant Bondye a, sou tout bagay ki ladan l'. Se konsa w'a mete tant lan ak tou sa ki ladan li apa pou mwen. y'a tounen bagay ki apa pou mwen nèt.
and have taken the anointing oil, and anointed the Dwelling Place, and all that [is] in it, and hallowed it, and all its vessels, and it has been holy;
10 W'a voye lwil la tou sou lòtèl pou boule ofrann bèt yo, ak sou tout bagay ki sèvi avè l'. Se konsa w'a mete lòtèl la apa pou mwen, l'a pou mwen nèt ale.
and you have anointed the altar of the burnt-offering, and all its vessels, and sanctified the altar, and the altar has been most holy;
11 W'a voye lwil la tou sou basen lan ak sou pye l' a. Se konsa w'a mete yo apa pou mwen.
and you have anointed the laver and its base, and sanctified it.
12 Apre sa, w'a fè Arawon ak pitit gason l' yo pwoche bò kote yo antre nan Tant Randevou a. W'a pran dlo, w'a benyen yo byen benyen.
And you have brought Aaron and his sons near to the opening of the Tent of Meeting, and have bathed them with water;
13 W'a mete rad seremoni yo sou Arawon. Lèfini, w'a vide lwil sou tèt li. W'a mete l' apa pou mwen pou l' ka sèvi m' prèt.
and you have clothed Aaron with the holy garments, and anointed him, and sanctified him, and he has acted as priest to Me.
14 W'a fè pitit gason l' yo pwoche tou. W'a mete chemiz sou yo.
And you bring his sons near, and have clothed them with coats,
15 W'a vide lwil sou yo menm jan ou te vide lwil sou papa yo pou yo ka sèvi m' prèt. Seremoni sa a va mete yo apa pou yo ka toujou sèvi m' prèt, de pitit an pitit.
and anointed them as you have anointed their father, and they have acted as priests to Me, and their anointing has been to them for a continuous priesthood throughout their generations.”
16 Moyiz te fè tou sa Seyè a te ba li lòd fè. Wi, li fè tout bagay jan Seyè a te mande l' la.
And Moses does according to all that YHWH has commanded him; so he has done.
17 Sou premye jou premye mwa nan dezyèm lanne a, yo kanpe tant lan.
And it comes to pass, in the first month, in the second year, on the first of the month, the Dwelling Place has been raised up;
18 Moyiz fè kanpe tant lan. Li mete sipò yo nan pozisyon yo, li poze ankadreman yo, li moute trenng yo nan plas yo, li drese poto yo.
and Moses raises up the Dwelling Place, and sets its sockets, and places its boards, and places its bars, and raises its pillars,
19 Li louvri twal tant lan sou kay la, epi li mete twati tant lan anwo l', jan Seyè a te ba li lòd fè a.
and spreads the tent over the Dwelling Place, and puts the covering of the tent on it above, as YHWH has commanded Moses.
20 Li pran ròch kontra yo, li mete yo nan bwat la. Li pase manch yo nan bag yo, epi li mete kouvèti a anwo bwat la.
And he takes and puts the Testimony into the Ark, and sets the poles on the Ark, and puts the propitiatory covering on the Ark above;
21 Apre sa, li pote Bwat Kontra a andedan kay la, epi li moute rido yo. Se konsa, li kache Bwat Kontra a, jan Seyè a te ba li lòd la.
and brings the Ark into the Dwelling Place, and places the veil of the covering, and covers over the Ark of the Testimony, as YHWH has commanded Moses.
22 Li mete tab la nan plas li nan Tant Randevou a, sou bò nò tant lan, pa deyò rido a.
And he puts the table in the Tent of Meeting, on the side of the Dwelling Place northward, at the outside of the veil,
23 Li ranje pen yo byen ranje sou tab la devan Seyè a, jan Seyè a te bay Moyiz lòd fè l' la.
and sets in order the arrangement of bread on it, before YHWH, as YHWH has commanded Moses.
24 Apre sa, Moyiz mete lanp sèt branch lan nan Tant Randevou a, sou bò sid tant lan anfas tab la.
And he puts the lampstand in the Tent of Meeting, opposite the table, on the side of the Dwelling Place southward,
25 Li ranje ti lanp yo devan Seyè a, dapre lòd Seyè a te bay Moyiz.
and causes the lamps to go up before YHWH, as YHWH has commanded Moses.
26 Li mete lòtèl an lò a nan Tant Randevou a, devan rido a.
And he sets the golden altar in the Tent of Meeting, before the veil,
27 Li fè boule lansan santi bon sou li, jan Seyè a te bay Moyiz lòd fè a.
and makes incense on it—spice-incense—as YHWH has commanded Moses.
28 Li moute rido yo kote pou yo pase antre nan tant lan.
And he sets the covering [at] the opening of the Dwelling Place,
29 Li mete lòtèl pou boule bèt yo ofri yo devan kote pou yo antre nan Tant Randevou a. Apre sa, li pran bèt yo ofri yo, li touye yo, li boule yo sou lòtèl la ansanm ak lòt ofrann yo, jan Seyè a te ba li lòd fè a.
and he has set the altar of the burnt-offering [at] the opening of the Dwelling Place of the Tent of Meeting, and causes the burnt-offering to go up on it, and the present, as YHWH has commanded Moses.
30 Li mete basen lan nan espas ki nan mitan Tant Randevou a ak lòtèl la, epi li mete dlo ladan l'.
And he puts the laver between the Tent of Meeting and the altar, and puts water [in] there for washing,
31 Moyiz, Arawon ansanm ak pitit Arawon yo lave men yo ak pye yo nan basen lan.
and Moses and Aaron and his sons have washed their hands and their feet at the same;
32 Depi y'ap antre nan Tant Randevou a, depi y'ap pwoche bò lòtèl la, yo te lave men yo ak pye yo, jan Seyè a te bay Moyiz lòd pou yo fè a.
in their going into the Tent of Meeting, and in their drawing near to the altar, they wash, as YHWH has commanded Moses.
33 Apre sa, li moute galeri a fè wonn tant lan ak lòtèl la, li mete rido kote pou yo pase antre nan tant lan. Se konsa Moyiz te fin fè travay la.
And he raises up the court all around the Dwelling Place, and around the altar, and places the covering of the gate of the court; and Moses completes the work.
34 Nwaj la kouvri Tant Randevou a, epi limyè prezans Seyè a plen tant lan.
And the cloud covers the Tent of Meeting, and the glory of YHWH has filled the Dwelling Place;
35 Moyiz pa t' kapab antre nan Tant Randevou a, paske nwaj la te rete anplas anwo tant lan, epi limyè prezans Seyè a te plen tant lan.
and Moses has not been able to go into the Tent of Meeting, for the cloud has dwelt on it, and the glory of YHWH has filled the Dwelling Place.
36 Pandan tout tan moun pèp Izrayèl yo t'ap vwayaje a, se sèlman lè nwaj la te leve soti anwo tant lan yo te ka derape.
And in the going up of the cloud from off the Dwelling Place the sons of Israel journey in all their journeys;
37 Men, si nwaj la pa t' leve anwo tant lan, yo pa t' pati. Yo te tann jouk nwaj la te leve.
and if the cloud does not go up then they do not journey, until the day of its going up.
38 Lajounen, nwaj Seyè a te rete anwo tant lan, men lannwit, se te yon dife tout pèp Izrayèl la te wè klere nan nwaj la. Se konsa sa te fèt pandan tout vwayaj la.
For the cloud of YHWH [is] on the Dwelling Place by day, and fire is in it by night, before the eyes of all the house of Israel in all their journeys.

< Egzòd 40 >