< Egzòd 30 >

1 W'a fè yon lòtèl an bwa zakasya pou boule lansan.
"You shall make an altar to burn incense on. You shall make it of acacia wood.
2 W'a fè l' kare kare. L'a mezire dizwit pous longè, dizwit pous lajè ak trannsis pous wotè. Kat pwent ki depase yo va fè yon sèl pyès avèk lòtèl la. Se va kòn lòtèl la.
Its length shall be a twenty-one inches, and its breadth twenty-one inches. It shall be square, and its height shall be three feet five inches.
3 W'a kouvri tout anwo lòtèl la, kat kote l' yo ansanm ak kat kòn li yo ak pi bon kalite lò ki genyen. W'a fè yon bòdi an lò tout arebò l'.
You shall overlay it with pure gold, its top, its sides around it, and its horns; and you shall make a gold molding around it.
4 W'a fè de bag an lò, w'a tache yo anba bòdi a sou de bò lòtèl la. Se nan bag sa yo w'a pase manch ki pou sèvi pou pote lòtèl la.
You shall make two golden rings for it under its molding; on its two ribs, on its two sides you shall make them; and they shall be for places for poles with which to bear it.
5 W'a fè manch yo an bwa zakasya, epi w'a kouvri yo ak lò.
You shall make the poles of acacia wood, and overlay them with gold.
6 W'a mete lòtèl la devan rido ki pann devan Bwat Kontra a avèk kouvèti li sou li. Se la m'a vin jwenn ou.
You shall put it before the veil that is by the ark of the testimony, before the mercy seat that is over the testimony, where I will meet with you.
7 Arawon va boule lansan bon sant sou li chak maten lè l'ap netwaye lanp yo.
Aaron shall burn incense of sweet spices on it every morning. When he tends the lamps, he shall burn it.
8 L'a boule lansan tou chak swa lè l'ap ranje lanp yo. Se pou yo toujou fè ofrann lansan sa a devan lòtèl Seyè a, chak jou san sote yonn, de pitit an pitit.
When Aaron lights the lamps at evening, he shall burn it, a perpetual incense before YHWH throughout your generations.
9 Se pa pou nou ofri sou lòtèl la lansan ki pa fèt tout espre pou sèvis la, ni vyann bèt ki fèt pou boule, ni lòt manje. Ni se pa pou nou ofri ankenn bwason sou li non plis.
You shall offer no strange incense on it, nor burnt offering, nor meal offering; and you shall pour no drink offering on it.
10 Yon fwa chak lanne, Arawon va fè yon seremoni sou kòn lòtèl la pou Bondye ka fè gras. Yon fwa chak lanne, avèk san bèt yo touye pou mande padon pou peche a, l'a mande gras pou lòtèl la. Se pou yo toujou fè sa de pitit an pitit. Lòtèl sa a, se yon lòtèl ki fèt pou yo mete apa nèt pou Seyè a.
Aaron shall make atonement on its horns once in the year; with the blood of the sin offering of atonement once in the year he shall make atonement for it throughout your generations. It is most holy to YHWH."
11 Seyè a di Moyiz:
YHWH spoke to Moses, saying,
12 -Lè n'ap konte konbe moun ki genyen nan peyi Izrayèl la pou nou fè resansman, chak gason va bay Seyè a kichòy pou lavi yo, pou malè pa rive lè y'ap fè resansman an.
"When you take a census of the children of Israel, according to those who are numbered among them, then each man shall give a ransom for his soul to YHWH, when you number them; that there be no plague among them when you number them.
13 Chak moun y'a konte nan resansman an va peye de goud edmi, dapre jan yo konte lajan nan kote ki apa pou Bondye a. Chak moun va peye sa tankou yon ofrann yo mete apa pou Seyè a.
They shall give this, everyone who passes over to those who are numbered, half a shekel after the shekel of the sanctuary; (the shekel is twenty gerahs; ) half a shekel for an offering to YHWH.
14 Tout moun ki dwe bay non yo nan resansman an, sa vle di tout moun ki gen ventan osinon ki depase ventan, va peye menm lajan an bay Seyè a.
Everyone who passes over to those who are numbered, from twenty years old and upward, shall give the offering to YHWH.
15 Moun ki rich p'ap peye plis, ni moun ki pòv p'ap peye mwens, lè y'ap peye lajan an bay Seyè a pou lavi yo.
The rich shall not give more, and the poor shall not give less, than the half shekel, when they give the offering of YHWH, to make atonement for your souls.
16 W'a resevwa lajan sa a nan men pèp la, w'a depanse l' pou sèvis Tant Randevou a. Sa va sèvi pou Seyè a pa janm bliye pèp Izrayèl la. Se va bagay y'a peye pou sove lavi yo.
You shall take the atonement money from the children of Israel, and shall appoint it for the service of the Tent of Meeting; that it may be a memorial for the children of Israel before YHWH, to make atonement for your souls."
17 Seyè a di Moyiz konsa:
YHWH spoke to Moses, saying,
18 -W'a fè yon gwo basen an kwiv avèk yon pye an kwiv tou. W'a mete l' ant Tant Randevou a ak lòtèl la. W'a mete dlo ladan l'.
"You shall also make a basin of bronze, and its base of bronze, in which to wash. You shall put it between the Tent of Meeting and the altar, and you shall put water in it.
19 Arawon ak pitit gason l' yo va sèvi ak dlo sa a pou yo lave men yo ak pye yo.
Aaron and his sons shall wash their hands and their feet in it.
20 Lè y'ap antre nan Tant Randevou a, y'a lave men yo ak pye yo nan dlo sa a. y'a fè menm jan an tou lè y'ap pwoche bò lòtèl la pou fè sèvis pou ofri Seyè a bèt ki fèt pou boule nèt nan dife a pou li. Konsa, yo p'ap mouri.
When they go into the Tent of Meeting, they shall wash with water, that they not die; or when they come near to the altar to minister, to burn an offering made by fire to YHWH.
21 Wi, se pou yo lave men yo ak pye yo pou yo pa mouri. Se yon lòd pou Arawon, pou pitit gason l' yo ak pitit pitit k'ap vin apre yo, lòd pou yo toujou swiv, de pitit an pitit.
So they shall wash their hands and their feet, that they not die: and it shall be a statute forever to them, even to him and to his descendants throughout their generations."
22 Seyè a di Moyiz ankò:
Moreover YHWH spoke to Moses, saying,
23 -Pran pi bon plant santi bon ki genyen: ven liv lami, dis liv kannèl bon kalite, dis liv fèy sitwonèl,
"Also take fine spices: of liquid myrrh, five hundred shekels; and of fragrant cinnamon half as much, even two hundred and fifty; and of fragrant cane, two hundred and fifty;
24 ven liv kas. W'a mezire yo dapre mezi yo sèvi nan kote ki apa pou Bondye a. W'a pran tou senk ka lwil oliv.
and of cassia five hundred, after the shekel of the sanctuary; and a hin of olive oil.
25 Avèk tou sa, w'a fè yon lwil jan moun ki konn fè odè a fè. Lwil sa a va sèvi pou mete moun apa pou sèvis Bondye. Se avèk lwil sa a w'a sèvi pou mete moun osinon nenpòt bagay apa pou sèvis Bondye.
You shall make it a holy anointing oil, a perfume compounded after the art of the perfumer: it shall be a holy anointing oil.
26 W'a voye lwil la sou Tant Randevou a, sou Bwat Kontra a,
You shall use it to anoint the Tent of Meeting, the ark of the testimony,
27 sou tab la ak tout bagay ki sèvi sou tab la, sou lanp sèt branch lan ak tout bagay ki sèvi ak li, sou lòtèl lansan an,
the table and all its articles, the lampstand and its accessories, the altar of incense,
28 sou lòtèl kote yo boule ofrann yo ak sou tout bagay ki sèvi sou li, sou basen lan ak tout pye l'.
the altar of burnt offering with all its utensils, and the basin with its base.
29 Se konsa w'a mete tout bagay sa yo apa pou mwen pou yo ka pou mwen ase. Tout bagay ki va touche ak yo va apa pou mwen tou.
You shall sanctify them, that they may be most holy. Whatever touches them shall be holy.
30 Lèfini, w'a vide lwil la sou Arawon ak sou pitit gason l' yo. Konsa w'a mete yo apa pou yo ka sèvi m' prèt.
You shall anoint Aaron and his sons, and sanctify them, that they may minister to me in the priest's office.
31 W'a pale ak pitit Izrayèl yo, w'a di yo: Nou wè lwil sa a, se ak li pou nou sèvi, de pitit an pitit, pou mete moun osinon nenpòt bagay apa pou mwen.
You shall speak to the children of Israel, saying, 'This shall be a holy anointing oil to me throughout your generations.
32 Nou pa dwe sèvi ak lwil sa a sou nenpòt ki moun, ni nou pa fèt pou fè yon lòt lwil ak menm konpozisyon an. Se yon bagay ki apa pou mwen nèt. Nou fèt pou nou konsidere l' pou sa li ye a.
It shall not be poured on man's flesh, neither shall you make any like it, according to its composition: it is holy. It shall be holy to you.
33 Si yon moun sèvi ak menm konpozisyon an pou fè lwil, osinon si yon moun sèvi avè l' sou yon moun ki pa prèt, se pou yo disparèt li nan mitan pèp la.
Whoever compounds any like it, or whoever puts any of it on a stranger, he shall be cut off from his people.'"
34 Apre sa, Seyè a di Moyiz konsa: -Pran epis sa yo: safetida, lorye, gonm bwa ak pi bon kalite lansan. W'a pran menm valè nan chak.
YHWH said to Moses, "Take to yourself sweet spices, gum resin, and onycha, and galbanum; sweet spices with pure frankincense: of each shall there be an equal weight;
35 W'a fè yon lansan ak yo san ankenn kras ladan l', menm jan moun ki konn fè odè yo fè sa. W'a mete yon ti sèl ladan l', w'a mete l' apa pou mwen.
and you shall make incense of it, a perfume after the art of the perfumer, seasoned with salt, pure and holy:
36 W'a pran ti gout ladan l', w'a pile l' fè l' fè poud. W'a sèvi avèk ti gout dèvan bwat ki gen ròch plat kontra a, nan Tant Randevou a kote pou m' kontre avè ou la. Se pou ou konsidere lansan sa a tankou yon bagay yo mete apa pou mwen ase.
and you shall beat some of it very small, and put some of it before the testimony in the Tent of Meeting, where I will meet with you. It shall be to you most holy.
37 Piga ou sèvi ak menm konpozisyon sa a pou fè lansan pou sèvi pou tèt pa ou. Sa se yon bagay ki rezève pou sèvis Bondye ase.
The incense which you shall make, according to its composition you shall not make for yourselves: it shall be to you holy for YHWH.
38 Si yon moun fè yon konpozisyon menm jan an pou sèvi l' odè, se pou yo disparèt li nan mitan pèp la.
Whoever shall make any like that, to smell of it, he shall be cut off from his people."

< Egzòd 30 >