< Eklezyas 9 >

1 Mwen kalkile anpil sou bagay sa yo. Mwen repase bagay sa yo byen repase nan tèt mwen. Mwen wè se Bondye k'ap dirije lavi tout moun, ni moun ki gen bon konprann, ni moun ki mache dwat yo. Li kontwole tou sa y'ap fè, kit yo renmen, kit yo rayi. Pesonn pa konn anyen sou sa k'ap tann yo pi devan.
For, unto all this, I applied my heart, and, my heart, considered all this, that, the righteous and the wise and their servants, were in the hand of God, —neither love nor hatred, could any man know, every one, was before Him.
2 Se menm sò a ki gen pou rive tout moun, ni mechan an, ni moun ki mache dwat la, bon an kou move a, moun ki kenbe pye Bondye a kou moun ki pa kenbe pye Bondye a, moun ki ofri bèt pou touye pou Bondye kou moun ki pa ofri bèt pou Bondye. Konsa, yon moun debyen pa pi bon pase moun k'ap fè sa ki mal la. Moun ki fè sèman pa pi mal pase moun ki pè fè sèman.
Every one, was like every one else, one destiny, had the righteous and the lawless, the good and the pure and the impure, and he that sacrificed, and he that did not sacrifice, —as the good man, so, the sinner, he that took an oath, as he who, of an oath, stood in fear.
3 Se menm sò a pou tout moun. Sa tou, tankou tout lòt bagay ki rive sou latè, se yon malè. Se konsa, moun pase tout lavi yo ak mechanste nan kè yo, y'ap kite lide moun fou travay nan tèt yo, epi yo rete konsa yo mouri.
This was a misfortune in all that was done under the sun, that, one destiny, had they all, —yea also, the heart of the sons of men, was full of wickedness, and, madness, was in their heart, while they lived, and, after that, [they went] unto the dead.
4 Men, toutotan yon moun vivan toujou gen espwa pou li. Yon chen vivan miyò pase yon lyon mouri.
For, whosoever was united to all the living, for him, there was hope, —inasmuch as, a living dog, fared better than a dead lion.
5 Wi. Moun vivan yo konnen yo gen pou yo mouri. Men moun mouri yo pa konn anyen. Yo pa bezwen tann anyen ankò pou sa yo fè. Talè konsa tout moun bliye yo.
For, the living, knew that they should die, —but, the dead, knew not, anything, neither had they any longer a reward, because forgotten was their memory.
6 Tout santiman yo te gen nan kè yo pou moun yo te renmen, pou moun yo te rayi, pou bagay yo te anvi, tou sa disparèt avèk yo. Yo p'ap janm patisipe nan anyen k'ap fèt sou latè ankò.
Both their love and their hatred and their envy, already had perished, —and, portion, had they none any longer, unto times age-abiding, in aught that was done under the sun.
7 Ale non, monchè, manje manje ou ak kè kontan, bwè diven ou san kè sote. Bondye deja dakò ak tou sa w'ap fè.
Go thy way—eat, with gladness, thy food, and drink, with a happy heart, thy wine, —when already God is well pleased with thy works.
8 Se pou rad anwo ou toujou byen pwòp, tèt ou toujou byen penyen ak lwil santi bon.
Continually, let thy garments be white, —and, ointment upon thy head, let it not be lacking.
9 Jwi lavi avèk fanm ou renmen an, pandan tout jou w'ap viv lavi ki pa vo anyen an, lavi Bondye ba ou pou viv sou latè a. Jwi tout jou sa yo ki yonn pa vo lòt, paske se sèlman sa ki pou ou nan lavi a, apre tout traka ou bay tèt ou pou fè travay ou sou latè.
Enjoy life, with thy wife whom thou lovest, all the days of thy life of vanity, which he hath given thee under the sun, all thy days of vanity, —for, that, is thy portion in life, and in thy toil wherewith, thou, art toiling under the sun.
10 Tou sa ou jwenn pou ou fè, fè l' ak tout fòs ou. Paske, kote ou prale a, nan peyi kote mò yo ye a, nanpwen travay pou ou fè, pa gen lide ki pou mache nan tèt ou, pa gen konesans, pa gen bon konprann. (Sheol h7585)
Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, with thy might, do, —for there is no work nor calculation nor knowledge nor wisdom, in hades, whither, thou, art going. (Sheol h7585)
11 Yon lòt bagay mwen wè ankò sou latè, se pa toujou moun ki konn kouri ki genyen nan kous, se pa toujou vanyan gason ki genyen nan lagè. Yon moun ki gen konprann pa toujou gen manje pou l' manje, yon moun ki gen lespri pa toujou gen anpil byen. Moun ki gen kapasite pa toujou jwenn gwo pozisyon. Chans ak malchans la pou tout moun.
I again saw under the sun, that not, to the swift, was the race, nor, to the strong, the battle, nay! nor, to the wise, food, nor yet, to the intelligent, riches, nor, even to the well-informed, comeliness, —for, time and accident, happened to them all.
12 Moun pa konnen lè lè yo ap rive. Tankou pwason ki pran nan senn, tankou zwezo ki pran nan pèlen, se konsa moun pran tou lè yon malè sèk tonbe sou yo.
For, indeed, man could not know his own time, like fishes which were caught in a cruel net, and like little birds which were caught in a trap, —like them, were ensnared the sons of men, by a time of misfortune, when it fell upon them suddenly.
13 Men yon lòt bagay mwen te wè ankò: Se yon bèl egzanp ki moutre sa bon konprann ka fè pou moun.
Even this, had I seen of wisdom, under the sun, —and, of great import, was the same unto me: —
14 Vwala se te yon ti bouk tou piti ki pa t' gen anpil moun ladan l'. Yon gran wa vin atake l' ak yon gwo lame. Li sènen bouk la toupatou, li fè pare yon bann bagay pou kraze miray ranpa bouk la.
A little city, and men therein few, —and there came against it a great king, and surrounded it, and built against it large siege-works;
15 Te gen yon nonm nan bouk la ki te gen lespri, men se te yon pòv malere. Se li ki te sove bouk la avèk konesans li. Apre sa, tout moun bliye l'.
but there was found therein, a man, poor [but] wise, and, he, delivered the city by his wisdom, —yet, no one, remembered that poor man.
16 Mwen te toujou di: Konesans pi bon pase gwo kouraj, men yo meprize konesans moun ki pòv. Yo p'ap koute yo lè y'ap pale.
Then said, I, Better is wisdom than strength, —although, the wisdom of the poor man, be despised, and, his words, not heard.
17 Pito ou koute pawòl yon moun ki gen konprann ap di ou tou dousman pase pawòl chèf k'ap rele byen fò nan mitan yon bann moun sòt.
The words of the wise, in quietness, are heard, —beyond the outcry of one who ruleth over dullards.
18 Konesans pi bon pase tout zam pou fè lagè. Men, fòt yon sèl moun ka fè anpil byen pèdi tou.
Better is wisdom, than weapons of war, —but, one sinner, may destroy much good.

< Eklezyas 9 >