< Amòs 2 >

1 Seyè a di konsa: Moun lavil Moab yo ap plede fè peche sou peche san rete. Mwen fin pran desizyon m', mwen p'ap chanje lide. Yo pa respekte zosman wa Edon an. Yo boule yo fè yo tounen sann.
Thus says the Lord; For three sins of Moab, and for four, I will not turn away from it; because they burnt the bones of the king of Idumea to lime.
2 M'ap voye dife nan peyi Moab la. L'a boule gwo kay lavil Keriyòt yo ra tè. Moun Moab yo ap mouri nan mitan batay la, antan moun k'ap goumen yo ap rele byen fò, epi klewon ap kònen.
But I will send forth a fire on Moab, and it shall devour the foundations of its cities: and Moab shall perish in weakness, with a shout, and with the sound of a trumpet.
3 M'ap touye chèf k'ap gouvènen nan mitan yo ansanm ak tout lòt chèf ki nan peyi a. Se Seyè a menm ki di sa.
And I will destroy the judge out of her, and kill all her princes with him, says the Lord.
4 Seyè a di konsa: Moun peyi Jida yo ap plede fè peche sou peche san rete. Mwen fin pran desizyon m', mwen p'ap chanje lide. Yo voye sa mwen te moutre yo a jete. Yo p'ap fè sa m' te ba yo lòd fè a. Yo kite menm zidòl zansèt yo te sèvi a fè yo pèdi wout yo.
Thus says the Lord; For three sins of the children of Judah, and for four, I will not turn away from him; because they have rejected the law of the Lord, and have not kept his ordinances, and their vain [idols] which they made, which their fathers followed, caused them to err.
5 Se poutèt sa, m'ap voye dife nan peyi Jida a. L'a boule gwo kay lavil Jerizalèm yo ra tè.
And I will send a fire on Juda, and it shall devour the foundations of Jerusalem.
6 Seyè a di konsa: Moun pèp Izrayèl yo ap plede fè peche sou peche san rete. Mwen fin pran desizyon m', mwen p'ap chanje lide. Yo pran moun serye ki pa ka peye dèt yo, yo vann yo tankou esklav. Yo pran pòv malere ki pa gen senk pou peye dèt yo, yo vann yo pou gremesi.
Thus says the Lord; for three sins of Israel, and for four, I will not turn away from him; because they sold the righteous for silver, and the poor for sandals,
7 Y'ap pilonnen malere anba pye yo. Y'ap fè pòv yo vin pi pòv. Papa kou pitit al dèyè fi k'ap sèvi nan kay la. Konsa, yo trennen non Bondye nan labou.
wherewith to tread on the dust of the earth, and they have struck upon the heads of the poor, and have perverted the way of the lowly: and a son and his father have gone into the same maid, that they might profane the name of their God.
8 Yo kouche bò lotèl yo sou rad moun te mete nan plan lakay yo. Nan tanp bondye yo a y'ap bwè bweson yo te fè moun bay pou amann.
And binding their clothes with cords they have made them curtains near the altar, and they have drunk wine gained by extortion in the house of their God.
9 Men, nou menm pèp mwen, se pou nou mwen te detwi moun Amori yo nèt, yon bann moun ki te wo tankou pye palmis, ki te gen kouraj tankou pye bwadchenn. Mwen koupe branch yo ra tè. Mwen dechouke rasin yo.
Nevertheless I cut off the Amorite from before them, whose height was as the height of a cedar, and he was strong as an oak; and I dried up his fruit from above, and his roots from beneath.
10 Mwen fè nou soti kite peyi Lejip. Mwen mennen nou pandan karantan nan dezè a. Mwen ban nou peyi moun Amori yo pou peyi pa nou.
And I brought you up out of the land of Egypt, and led you about in the desert forty years, that you should inherit the land of the Amorites.
11 Mwen te chwazi kèk nan pitit gason nou yo pou sèvi m' prèt, ak kèk nan jenn gason nou yo pou yo ka vin nazirit. Se pa konsa sa te fèt vre, moun Izrayèl? Se mwen menm, Seyè a, ki di sa.
And I took of your sons for prophets, and of your young men for consecration. Are not these things so, you sons of Israel? says the Lord.
12 Men, nou fè nazirit yo bwè diven, nou bay pwofèt yo lòd pou yo pa bay mesaj mwen ba yo pou pèp la.
But you gave the consecrated ones wine to drink; and you commanded the prophets, saying, Prophesy not.
13 Koulye a, mwen pral kraze nou anba pye m' menm jan yon kabwèt chaje ap foule tè.
Therefore, behold, I roll under you, as a waggon full of straw is rolled.
14 Nou te mèt konn kouri, nou p'ap chape. Gwonèg kou nou gwonèg, sa p'ap sèvi nou anyen. Vanyan kou nou vanyan, nou p'ap ka sove pwòp tèt nou.
And flight shall perish from the runner, and the strong shall not hold fast his strength, and the warrior shall not save his life:
15 Moun k'ap tire flèch yo p'ap ka rete kanpe. Moun k'ap kouri vit yo p'ap ka chape. Kavalye sou chwal p'ap ka sove lavi yo.
and the archer shall not withstand, and he that is swift of foot shall in no wise escape; and the horseman shall not save his life.
16 Jou sa a, ata sòlda ki pi vanyan yo ap lage zam yo atè, y'ap kouri met deyò tankou manman yo te fè yo. Se Seyè a menm ki di sa.
And the strong shall find no confidence in power: the naked shall flee away in that day, says the Lord.

< Amòs 2 >