< Travay 22 >

1 Frèm yo, grandèt mwen yo, koute sa m' pral di nou koulye a pou defann tèt mwen.
Britheren and fadris, here ye what resoun Y yelde now to you.
2 Lè yo tande l' ap pale ebre, yo rete byen dousman. Epi Pòl di yo:
And whanne sum herden that in Ebrew tunge he spak to hem, thei yauen the more silence.
3 Se jwif mwen ye. Mwen fèt lavil Tas nan peyi Silisi. Men, se isit lavil Jerizalèm mwen grandi. Se Gamalyèl ki te pwofesè mwen. Se li menm ki te moutre m' tout ti detay nan Lalwa zansèt nou yo. Mwen menm tou, yon lè mwen te gen zèl nou gen koulye a pou Bondye.
And he seide, Y am a man a Jew, borun at Tharse of Cilicie, nurischid and in this citee bisidis the feet of Gamaliel, tauyt bi the treuthe of fadris lawe, a louyere of the lawe, as also ye alle ben to dai.
4 Mwen te pèsekite moun ki t'ap swiv chemen Bondye a jouk pou m' te touye yo. Fanm kou gason, mwen te arete tout moun mete nan prizon.
And Y pursuede this weie til to the deth, byndynge and bitakinge `in to holdis men and wymmen,
5 Granprèt la ak chèf fanmi yo ki reyini la a, yo ka sètifye sa m'ap di la a se vre. Se yo menm menm ki te ban m' lèt otorizasyon pou frè jwif lavil Damas yo. Mwen tapral arete mezi disip ki te la, mennen yo Jerizalèm pou fè regle yo.
as the prince of prestis yeldith witnessyng to me, and alle the grettest in birth. Of whom also Y took pistlis to britheren, and wente to Damask, to bring fro thennys men boundun in to Jerusalem, that thei schulden be peyned.
6 Mwen te sou wout la toupre Damas, lè m' rete konsa yon gwo limyè soti nan syèl la, li klere tout kote m' te ye a. Lè sa a, li te bò midi konsa.
And it was don, while Y yede, and neiyede to Damask, at myddai sudeynli fro heuene a greet plente of liyt schoon aboute me.
7 Mwen tonbe atè, epi m' tande yon vwa ki di m': Sòl, Sòl, poukisa w'ap pèsekite mwen konsa?
And Y felde doun to the erthe, and herde a voice fro heuene, seiynge to me, Saul, Saul, what pursuest thou me? It is hard to thee to kike ayens the pricke.
8 Mwen mande: Ki moun ou ye, Seyè? Epi li di mwen: Mwen se Jezi, moun Nazarèt, w'ap pèsekite a.
And Y answeride, Who art thou, Lord? And he seide to me, Y am Jhesu of Nazareth, whom thou pursuest.
9 Moun ki te la avè m' yo te wè limyè a tou, men yo pa t' tande vwa ki t'ap pale avè m' lan.
And thei that weren with me sien but the liyt, but thei herden not the vois of hym, that spak with me.
10 Lè sa a, mwen mande: Kisa pou m' fè, Seyè? Seyè a di mwen: Leve, ale lavil Damas. Se la y'a di ou tou sa Bondye va ba ou lòd fè.
And Y seide, Lord, what schal Y do? And the Lord seide to me, Rise thou, and go to Damask; and there it schal be seid to thee, of alle thingis which it bihoueth thee to do.
11 Limyè a te tèlman klere, mwen te vin avèg. Se kanmarad mwen yo ki pran men m' ki mennen m' Damas.
And whanne Y saye not, for the clerete of that liyt, Y was led bi the hond of felowis, and Y cam to Damask.
12 Nan Damas te gen yon nonm yo rele Ananyas. Se te yon moun ki t'ap sèvi Bondye jan Lalwa nou an mande l' la. Tout jwif Damas yo te konsidere l' anpil.
And a man, Ananye, that bi the lawe hadde wytnessyng of alle Jewis dwellinge in Damask,
13 Li vin jwenn mwen, li kanpe toupre m', epi li di mwen: Sòl, frè mwen, se pou ou wè nan je ou ankò. Menm lè a, mwen wè ankò, epi mwen gade li.
cam to me, and stood niy, and seide to me, Saul, brother, biholde. And Y in the same our biheelde in to hym.
14 Li di m' konsa: Bondye zansèt nou yo te chwazi ou davans pou ou te ka konn volonte l', pou ou te ka wè sèl moun ki dwat devan li a, pou ou te ka tande l' pale ak bouch li.
And he seide, God of oure fadris hath bifor ordeyned thee, that thou schuldist knowe the wille of him, and schuldist se the riytful man, and here the vois of his mouth.
15 Ou pral sèvi l' temwen, ou pral fè tout moun konnen sa ou te wè ak sa ou te tande.
For thou schalt be his witnesse to alle men, of tho thingis that thou hast seyn and herd.
16 Koulye a, kisa w'ap tann ankò? Leve non, rele Bondye, resevwa batèm pou tout peche ou yo ka lave.
And now, what dwellist thou? Rise vp, and be baptisid, and waische awei thi synnes, bi the name of hym clepid to help.
17 Apre sa, mwen tounen lavil Jerizalèm. Antan m' te nan tanp lan ap lapriyè, mwen fè yon vizyon.
And it was don to me, as Y turnede ayen in to Jerusalem, and preyede in the temple, that Y was maad in rauysching of soule,
18 Mwen wè Seyè a ki di mwen: Fè vit, kite Jerizalèm, paske moun Jerizalèm yo p'ap asepte tou sa w'ap di sou mwen an.
and Y siy him seiynge to me, Hiye thou, and go out faste of Jerusalem, for thei schulen not resseyue thi witnessing of me.
19 Mwen reponn: Seyè, yo konnen byen pwòp mwen te konn al nan sinagòg yo, mwen te konn mete tout moun ki te kwè nan ou nan prizon, fè bat yo byen bat.
And Y seide, Lord, thei witen, that Y was closing togidir `in to prisoun, and betinge bi synagogis hem that bileueden `in to thee.
20 Menm lè yo t'ap touye Etyèn, moun ki te kanpe pou ou a, mwen te la tou. Mwen te dakò ak moun ki t'ap touye l' yo. Se mwen menm ki te veye rad yo.
And whanne the blood of Steuene, thi witnesse, was sched out, Y stood niy, and consentide, and kept the clothis of men that slowen hym.
21 Lè sa a, Seyè a di mwen: Ale, m'ap voye ou byen lwen, bò kote moun ki pa jwif yo.
And he seide to me, Go thou, for Y schal sende thee fer to naciouns.
22 Foul moun yo t'ap koute Pòl byen pwòp. Men, lè yo tande pawòl sa a, yo tout pran rele: Wete nonm sa a sou latè! Touye li! Li pa merite viv ankò!
And thei herden him til this word; and thei reiseden her vois, and seiden, Take awei fro the erthe siche a maner man; for it is not leueful, that he lyue.
23 Yo t'ap rele pi rèd, yo t'ap souke rad yo, yo t'ap voye pousyè tè anlè.
And whanne thei crieden, and kesten awei her clothis, and threwen dust in to the eir,
24 Kòmandan women an bay lòd fè Pòl antre nan kazèn lan. Li mande pou yo bat li pou fè l' pale. Li te vle konnen poukisa foul moun yo t'ap rele dèyè l' konsa.
the tribune comaundide hym to be led in to castels, and to be betun with scourgis, and to be turmentid, that he wiste, for what cause thei crieden so to him.
25 Lè yo fin mare l' pou bat li, Pòl di ofisye ki te la a: Eske nou gen dwa bat yon sitwayen women ki pa menm pase devan yon tribinal?
And whanne thei hadden boundun hym with cordis, Poul seide to a centurien stondinge niy to hym, Whether it is leueful to you, to scourge a Romayn, and vndampned?
26 Lè l' tande sa, ofisye a al avèti kòmandan an, li di li: Fè atansyon sa ou pral fè la a, tande! Nonm lan, se sitwayen women li ye wi.
And whanne this thing was herd, the centurien wente to the tribune, and telde to hym, and seide, What art thou to doynge? for this man is a citeseyn of Rome.
27 Kòmandan an vin jwenn Pòl, li mande li: Di mwen, èske se sitwayen women ou ye? Pòl reponn li: Wi.
And the tribune cam niy, and seide to hym, Seie thou to me, whether thou art a Romayn?
28 Kòmandan an di l' konsa: Mwen menm, mwen te peye gwo lajan pou m' te ka sitwayen women. Pòl reponn li: Mwen menm, mwen fèt sitwayen women.
And he seide, Yhe. And the tribune answeride, Y with myche summe gat this fredom. And Poul seide, And Y was borun a citeseyn of Rome.
29 Lamenm, moun ki tapral bat li pou te fè l' pale yo renka kò yo dèyè. Ata kòmandan an te pè lè l' vin rann li kont li te fè mare Pòl ki te yon sitwayen women avèk chenn.
Therfor anoon thei that schulden haue turmentid hym, departiden awei fro hym. And the tribune dredde, aftir that he wiste, that he was a citeseyn of Rome, and for he hadde boundun hym.
30 Kòmandan an te vle konnen egzakteman kisa jwif yo t'ap akize Pòl fè. Se konsa, nan denmen li fè lage chenn yo, epi li voye lòd bay chèf prèt yo pou yo reyini ansanm ak Gran Konsèy la. Li mennen Pòl, li mete l' devan yo.
But in the dai suynge he wolde wite more diligentli, for what cause he were accusid of the Jewis, and vnbounde hym, and comaundide prestis and al the counsel to come togidir. And he brouyte forth Poul, and sette hym among hem.

< Travay 22 >