< 2 Samyèl 3 >

1 Patizan fanmi Sayil yo ak patizan David yo pase lontan ap goumen yonn ak lòt konsa. Men, patizan David yo t'ap vin pi plis chak jou. Patizan fanmi Sayil yo menm t'ap bese.
And there was war for a long time between the house of Saul and the house of David; and the house of David grew continually stronger; but the house of Saul grew continually weaker.
2 Men sis pitit gason David vin fè antan li te lavil Ebwon: Pi gran an te rele Amon. Se Akenoam, moun lavil Jizreyèl, ki te manman l'.
And sons were born to David in Chebron: and his firstborn was Ammon the son of Achinoom the Jezraelitess.
3 Dezyèm lan te rele Kileyab. Se Abigayel, vèv Nabal la, moun lavil Kamèl, ki te manman l'. Twazyèm lan te rele Absalon. Se Maka, pitit fi Talmayi, wa lavil Gechou a, ki te manman l'.
And his second son [was] Daluia, the son of Abigaia the Carmelitess; and the third, Abessalom the son of Maacha the daughter of Tholmi the king of Gessir.
4 Katriyèm lan te rele Adonija. Se Agit ki te manman l'. Senkyèm lan te rele Chefatya. Se Abital ki te manman l'.
And the fourth [was] Ornia, the son of Aggith, and the fifth [was] Saphatia, the son of Abital.
5 Sizyèm lan te rele Jitreyam. Se Egla, yon lòt madanm David te genyen, ki te manman l'. Yo tout te fèt antan David te rete lavil Ebwon.
And the sixth [was] Jetheraam, the son of Aegal the wife of David. These were born to David in Chebron.
6 Pandan lagè a t'ap kaye ant patizan fanmi Sayil yo ak patizan David yo, Abnè te vin gen plis pouvwa chak jou sou patizan fanmi Sayil yo.
And it came to pass while there was war between the house of Saul and the house of David, that Abenner was governing the house of Saul.
7 Sayil te gen yon fanm kay ki te rele Rispa. Se te pitit fi Aja. Abnè te kouche avè l'. Yon jou, Ichbochèt rele Abnè, li di l' konsa: -Poukisa w' al kouche avèk yonn nan fanm kay papa m' yo?
And Saul had a concubine, Respha, the daughter of Jol; and Jebosthe the son of Saul said to Abenner, Why have you gone in to my father's concubine?
8 Lè Abnè tande sa, li fache anpil. Li di Ichbochèt konsa: -Eske se yon chen k'ap travay pou moun Jida yo mwen ye? Jouk jounen jòdi a mwen pa janm trayi Sayil, papa ou, ni patizan l' yo, ni zanmi l' yo. Mwen goumen rèd mare pou m' pa kite yo tonbe nan men David. Lèfini, pou koulye a w'ap fè m' repwòch pou yon ti pachat mwen te fè ak fanm sa a!
And Abenner was very angry with Jebosthe for this saying; and Abenner said to him, Am I a dog's head? I have this day wrought kindness with the house of Saul your father, and with his brethren and friends, and have not gone over to the house of David, and do you this day seek a charge against me concerning injury to a woman?
9 Se pou Seyè a ban m' pi gwo pinisyon ki genyen si mwen pa fè pwomès Bondye te fè David la rive vre.
God do thus and more also to Abenner, if as the Lord swore to David, so do I not to him this day;
10 Paske li te fè sèman l'ap wete baton kòmandman an nan fanmi Sayil la pou l' mete David wa sou moun Izrayèl yo ak sou moun Jida yo, soti depi teritwa Dann lan rive teritwa Becheba a.
to take away the kingdom from the house of Saul, and to raise up the throne of David over Israel and over Juda from Dan to Bersabee.
11 Ichbochèt pa t' ka reponn Abnè anyen sitèlman li te pè l'.
And Jebosthe could not any longer answer Abenner a word, because he feared him.
12 Abnè voye kèk mesaje bò kote David pou di li: -Ki moun ki pral gouvènen peyi sa a? Pase yon kontra avè m'. M'ap ede ou pou tout moun Izrayèl yo vin jwenn ou.
And Abenner sent messengers to David to Thaelam where he was, immediately, saying, Make your covenant with me, and, behold, my hand [is] with you to bring back to you all the house of Israel.
13 David reponn li: -Dakò. M'ap pase yon kontra avè ou. Men, m'ap mande yon sèl bagay. Piga ou vin wè m' san ou pa mennen Mikal, pitit fi Sayil la, avè ou. Se sèl jan pou ou parèt devan m'.
And David said, With a good will I will make with you a covenant: only I demand one condition of you, saying, You shall not see my face, unless you bring Melchol the daughter of Saul, when you come to see my face.
14 Apre sa, David voye kèk mesaje bò kot Ichbochèt pou di li: -Renmèt mwen Mikal, madanm mwen. Mwen te bay san po ti kòk moun Filisti pou m' te ka marye avè l'.
And David sent messengers to Jebosthe the son of Saul, saying, Restore me my wife Melchol, whom I took for a hundred foreskins of the Philistines.
15 Ichbochèt voye pran Mikal lakay mari li, Paltyèl, pitit gason Layis la.
And Jebosthe sent, and took her from her husband, [even] from Phaltiel the son of Selle.
16 Paltyèl pati dèyè l', li t'ap kriye sou tout wout la jouk yo rive lavil Baourim. Men Abnè di Paltyèl konsa: -Tounen lakay ou non, monchè! Epi Paltyèl tounen tounen l'.
And her husband went with her weeping behind her as far as Barakim. And Abenner said to him, Go, return; and he returned.
17 Abnè al jwenn chèf fanmi moun Izrayèl yo pou fè yon koze ak yo. Li di yo konsa: -Depi lontan nou te vle se David ki pou te wa nou, pa vre.
And Abenner spoke to the elders of Israel, saying, In former days you sought David to reign over you;
18 Enben, men chans nou. Paske men sa Seyè a te di sou David: Mwen pral sèvi ak David, sèvitè m' lan, pou m' delivre pèp Izrayèl la, pèp mwen an, anba men moun Filisti yo ak anba men tout lòt lènmi l' yo.
and now perform [it]: for the Lord has spoken concerning David, saying, By the hand of my servant David I will save Israel out of the hand of all their enemies.
19 Anbè pale ak moun branch fanmi Benjamen yo tou. Lèfini, li pati pou Ebwon pou li al di David sa moun pèp Izrayèl yo ansanm ak tout moun branch fanmi Benjamen yo te tonbe dakò pou yo fè.
And Abenner spoke in the ears of Benjamin: and Abenner went to speak in the ears of David at Chebron, all that seemed good in the eyes of Israel and in the eyes of the house of Benjamin.
20 Li rive lakay David lavil Ebwon. Li te gen vin lòt gason avè l'. David fè yon gwo resepsyon pou Abnè ak pou vin moun ki te avè l' yo.
And Abenner came to David to Chebron, and with him twenty men: and David made for Abenner and his men with him a banquet of wine.
21 Abnè di David konsa: -Monwa, mwen prale koulye a, mwen pral sanble tout moun pèp Izrayèl yo bò kote ou. y'a pase yon kontra avè ou. Konsa, w'a ka gouvènen tout peyi a jan ou vle l' la. David bay Abnè pèmisyon pou li ale. Lèfini, Abnè pati ak kè poze.
And Abenner said to David, I will arise now, and go, and gather to my lord the king all Israel; and I will make with him a covenant, and you shall reign over all whom your soul desires. And David sent away Abenner, and he departed in peace.
22 Apre sa, Joab ak patizan David yo vin rive. Yo te sot fè yon pase kay lènmi yo, yo te tounen ak anpil bagay yo te pran lakay yo. Lè sa a, Abnè pa t' Ebwon ankò lakay David, paske David te gen tan kite l' ale ak garanti anyen p'ap rive l'.
And, behold, the servants of David and Joab arrived from their expedition, and they brought much spoil with them: and Abenner was not with David in Chebron, because he had sent him away, and he had departed in peace.
23 Lè Joab ak sòlda ki te avè l' yo rive, yo di Joab Abnè, pitit Nè a, te vin wè wa a, epi wa a kite l' ale ak garanti anyen p'ap rive l'.
And Joab and all his army came, and it was reported to Joab, saying, Abenner the son of Ner is come to David, and David has let him go, and he has departed in peace.
24 Joab al jwenn wa a, li di li: -Sa ou fè konsa? Abnè vin jwenn ou epi ou kite l' ale san ou pa fè l' anyen?
And Joab went in to the king, and said, What [is] this [that] you have done? behold, Abenner came to you; and why have you let him go, and he has departed in peace?
25 Ou konn ki moun yo rele Abnè, pitit Nè a! Si li vini, se pou l' ka woule ou, pou l' ka konnen tout vire tounen ou, pou l' konnen tou sa w'ap fè.
Know you not the mischief of Abenner the son of Ner, that he came to deceive you, and to know your going out and your coming in, and to know all things that you do?
26 Lèfini, Joab soti kay David, li voye moun al chache Abnè san David pa konnen. Yo jwenn Abnè bò sitèn dlo Sira a, yo fè l' tounen.
And Joab returned from David, and sent messengers to Abenner after [him]; and they bring him back from the well of Seiram: but David knew [it] not.
27 Lè Abnè rive Ebwon, Joab mennen l' apa bò pòtay lavil la tankou si li te vle pale pou kont li avè l'. Epi li ba li yon kout ponya nan vant. Se konsa Joab touye Abnè paske Abnè te touye Asayèl, frè l' la.
And he brought back Abenner to Chebron, and Joab caused him to turn aside from the gate to speak to him, laying wait for him: and he struck him there in the loins, and he died for the blood of Asael the brother of Joab.
28 Lè David vin pran nouvèl la, li di: -Seyè a wè ni mwen ni moun gouvènman yo, nou pa gen anyen pou nou wè nan lanmò Abnè, pitit Nè a.
And David heard [of it] afterwards, and said, I and my kingdom are guiltless before the Lord even for ever of the blood of Abenner the son of Ner.
29 Se pou chatiman an tonbe sou tèt Joab ak tout fanmi li! Se pou toujou gen nan fanmi li moun k'ap gen ekoulman osinon move maladi po, gason k'ap blije fè travay fanm, gason k'ap mouri nan lagè, gason k'ap nan grangou.
Let it fall upon the head of Joab, and upon all the house of his father; and let there not be lacking of the house of Joab one that has an issue, or a leper, or that leans on a staff, or that falls by the sword, or that wants bread.
30 Se konsa, Joab ak Abichay, frè l' la, te ansasinen Abnè paske Abnè te touye Asayèl, frè yo a, lè batay Gabawon an.
For Joab and Abessa his brother laid wait continually for Abenner, because he killed Asael their brother at Gabaon in the battle.
31 Apre sa, David bay Joab ak tout moun ki te avè l' yo lòd pou yo chire rad ki sou yo, pou yo mete rad sak sou yo, lèfini pou yo mache devan sèkèy Abnè a ap kriye. Wa David menm t'ap mache dèyè sèkèy defen an.
And David said to Joab and to all the people with him, Rend your garments, and gird yourselves with sackcloth, and lament before Abenner. And king David followed the bier.
32 Yo antere Abnè Ebwon. Apre sa, wa a pran rele byen fò, li t'ap kriye sou tonm Abnè a. Tout pèp la t'ap kriye tou.
And they bury Abenner in Chebron: and the king lifted up his voice, and wept at his tomb, and all the people wept for Abenner.
33 Wa a pran chante pou plenn lanmò Abnè. Li di nan chante a: -Abnè, poukisa ou mouri bèt konsa?
And the king mourned over Abenner, and said, Shall Abenner die according to the death of Nabal?
34 Men ou yo pa t' mare, pye ou yo pa t' nan chenn. Ou mouri tankou moun ki tonbe nan men malfektè! Tout pèp la pran kriye ankò pou Abnè.
Your hands were not bound, and your feet [were] not [put] in fetters: [one] brought [you] not near as Nabal; you did fall before children of iniquity.
35 Apre sa, pandan tout rès jounen an, yo pote manje bay David pou li manje, men David fè sèman sa a: -Se pou Bondye ban m' pi gwo pinisyon ki genyen si mwen mete anyen nan bouch mwen anvan solèy kouche!
And all the people assembled to weep for him. And all the people came to cause David to eat bread while it was yet day: and David swore, saying, God do so to me, and more also, if I eat bread or any thing else before the sun goes down.
36 Tout pèp la vin konn sa. Sa te fè yo plezi. Pou di vre, tou sa David te fè te fè pèp la plezi.
And all the people took notice, and all things that the king did before the people were pleasing in their sight.
37 Se konsa tout moun David yo ansanm ak tout moun pèp Izrayèl yo te vin konnen tout bon vre wa a pa t' gen anyen pou l' te wè nan jan yo te ansasinen Abnè, pitit gason Nè a.
So all the people and all Israel perceived in that day, that it was not of the king to kill Abenner the son of Ner.
38 Wa a di moun k'ap sèvi avè l' yo: -Aa, mesye! Jòdi a pèp Izrayèl la pèdi yon chèf, yon gwo chèf wi!
And the king said to his servants, Know you not that a great prince is this day fallen in Israel?
39 Atout se wa Bondye chwazi a mwen ye, mwen santi m' fèb jòdi a. Pitit gason Sewouya yo twò mechan pou mwen. Se pou Bondye pini krimenèl sa yo pou mechanste yo fè a.
And that I am this day a [mere] kinsman [of his], and [as it were] a subject; but these men the sons of Saruia are too hard for me: the Lord reward the evil-doer according to his wickedness.

< 2 Samyèl 3 >