< 2 Wa 8 >

1 Elize te pale ak madanm ki te manman ti gason li te fè tounen vivan sot nan lanmò a, li te di l' pou li pati ansanm ak tout fanmi l' al viv nan yon lòt peyi paske Seyè a te fè konnen talè konsa yon gwo grangou tapral tonbe sou tout peyi a pou sètan.
And Elisha spoke to the woman whose son he had revived, saying, “Rise and go, you and your household, and sojourn where you sojourn, for YHWH has called for a famine, and also, it is coming to the land [for] seven years.”
2 Fanm lan leve, li fè sa pwofèt la te ba li konsèy fè a. Li pati ansanm ak tout fanmi l' al rete nan peyi Filisti a pandan sètan.
And the woman rises, and does according to the word of the man of God, and goes, she and her household, and sojourns in the land of the Philistines [for] seven years.
3 Lè sètan yo fin pase, li tounen nan peyi Izrayèl, l' al jwenn wa a, li mande l' pou yo renmèt li kay li ak jaden li.
And it comes to pass, at the end of seven years, that the woman turns back from the land of the Philistines, and goes out to cry to the king for her house and for her field.
4 Li jwenn wa a t'ap pale ak Gerazi, domestik pwofèt Bondye a, paske wa a te mande l' pou l' te vin rakonte l' tout bèl bagay Elize te fè yo.
And the king is speaking to Gehazi, servant of the man of God, saying, “Please recount to me the whole of the great things that Elisha has done.”
5 Gerazi t'ap rakonte wa a kijan Elize te fè pitit gason yon fanm leve soti vivan nan lanmò lè madanm lan vin pale ak wa a pou kay li ak jaden l' yo. Gerazi di wa a: —Monwa, men madanm lan ansanm ak pitit gason Elize te fè leve soti vivan nan lanmò a.
And it comes to pass, he is recounting to the king how he had revived the dead, and behold, the woman whose son he had revived is crying to the king for her house and for her field, and Gehazi says, “My lord, O king, this [is] the woman, and this [is] her son, whom Elisha revived.”
6 Wa a mande madanm lan pou li rakonte l' jan sa te pase. Lè madanm lan fini, wa a bay yonn nan chèf li yo lòd renmèt madanm lan tou sa ki te pou li ansanm ak tou sa jaden yo te rapòte depi jou li te kite peyi a rive jouk jou li tounen an.
And the king inquires of the woman, and she recounts to him, and the king appoints a certain eunuch to her, saying, “Give back all that she has, and all the increase of the field from the day of her leaving the land even until now.”
7 Apre sa, Elize ale lavil Damas. Bennadad, wa peyi Siri a, te malad. y' al di wa a pwofèt la te nan lavil la.
And Elisha comes to Damascus, and Ben-Hadad king of Aram is sick, and it is declared to him, saying, “The man of God has come here.”
8 Wa a rele Azayèl, yonn nan chèf li yo, li di l' konsa: —Pote yon bagay fè pwofèt Bondye a kado. Lèfini, mande l' pou l' pale ak Seyè a pou konnen si m'ap leve anba maladi sa a.
And the king says to Hazael, “Take a present in your hand, and go to meet the man of God, and you have sought YHWH by him, saying, Do I revive from this sickness?”
9 Se konsa Azayèl al wè Elize, li pran tout kalite bon bagay li jwenn lavil Damas, li chaje yo sou karant chamo pote bay Elize. Lè li rive devan Elize, li di l' konsa: —Pitit ou, Bennadad, wa peyi Siri a, voye m' vin mande ou si l'ap leve anba maladi l' la.
And Hazael goes to meet him, and takes a present in his hand, even of every good thing of Damascus, a burden of forty camels, and he comes in and stands before him, and says, “Your son Ben-Hadad, king of Aram, has sent me to you, saying, Do I revive from this sickness?”
10 Elize reponn: —Seyè a fè m' konnen l'ap mouri, men ou menm, al di l' l'ap refè.
And Elisha says to him, “Go, say, You certainly do not revive, seeing [that] YHWH has showed me that he surely dies.”
11 Lè li fin di sa, Elize pran gade Azayèl nan je. Lè Azayèl wè sa, sa jennen l' anpil. Elize rete konsa, dlo pran kouri nan je l'.
And he sets his face, indeed, he sets [it] until he is ashamed, and the man of God weeps.
12 Azayèl mande l': —Mèt, poukisa w'ap kriye a? Elize reponn: —Paske mwen gen tan konnen tou sa ou pral fè pèp Izrayèl la pase. Ou pral met dife nan gwo fò yo, ou pral touye jenn gason l' yo ak nepe, ou pral kraze pitit yo, ou pral louvri vant fanm ansent yo.
And Hazael says, “Why is my lord weeping?” And he says, “Because I have known the evil that you do to the sons of Israel—you send their fortifications into fire, and you slay their young men with sword, and you dash their sucklings to pieces, and you rip up their pregnant women.”
13 Azayèl mande l': —Kisa m' ye menm pou m' ta rive fè tou sa? Mwen pa pi bon pase yon chen. Elize reponn li: —Seyè a fè m' konnen se ou ki pral wa peyi Siri.
And Hazael says, “But what [is] your servant—the dog, that he does this great thing?” And Elisha says, “YHWH has showed me you—king of Aram.”
14 Azayèl kite Elize, li tounen al jwenn mèt li ki mande l': —Sa Elize di ou? Li reponn: —Li di m' li sèten w'ap refè.
And he goes from Elisha, and comes to his lord, and he says to him, “What did Elisha say to you?” And he says, “He said to me, You certainly recover.”
15 Men nan denmen, Azayèl pran yon dra, li plonje l' nan dlo, li mete l' sou figi wa a. Wa a toufe, li mouri. Azayèl moute wa sou fotèy Siri a nan plas Bennadad.
And it comes to pass on the next day, that he takes the coarse cloth, and dips [it] in water, and spreads [it] on his face, and he dies, and Hazael reigns in his stead.
16 Wa Joram, pitit gason Akab la, t'ap mache sou senkan depi li t'ap gouvènen peyi Izrayèl lè Joram, pitit gason Jozafa ki te wa peyi Jida a, moute wa nan plas papa l'.
And in the fifth year of Joram son of Ahab, king of Israel—and Jehoshaphat [is] king of Judah—Jehoram son of Jehoshaphat, king of Judah, has reigned;
17 Li te gen tranndezan lè li moute wa. Li gouvènen nan lavil Jerizalèm pandan witan.
he was a son of thirty-two years in his reigning, and he has reigned eight years in Jerusalem.
18 Li te marye ak yon pitit fi Akab. Tankou lòt moun fanmi Akab yo, li mache pye pou pye dèyè wa peyi Izrayèl yo. Li fè sa ki mal nan je Seyè a.
And he walks in the way of the kings of Israel, as the house of Ahab did, for a daughter of Ahab was to him for a wife, and he does evil in the eyes of YHWH,
19 Men, Seyè a pa t' vle detwi peyi Jida a, paske li te pwomèt David, sèvitè l' la, t'ap toujou gen yon moun nan ras li pou gouvènen peyi a devan Seyè a.
and YHWH was not willing to destroy Judah, for the sake of His servant David, as He said to him, to give a lamp to him—to his sons [for] all the days.
20 Sou reny wa Joram, moun peyi Edon yo pran lezam kont moun peyi Jida yo. Yo pran libète granmoun yo. Yo nonmen yon wa pou gouvènen yo.
In his days Edom has revolted from under the hand of Judah, and they cause a king to reign over them,
21 Se konsa Joram soti ak tout cha lagè li yo, li mache sou lavil Zayi. Lame moun Edon yo sènen l'. Pandan lannwit, li menm ak chèf cha lagè li yo, yo leve yo atake moun Edon yo ki te sènen yo, yo pase soti nan mitan yo, yo chape. Tout sòlda yo gaye al lakay yo.
and Joram passes over to Zair, and all the chariots with him, and he himself has risen by night, and strikes Edom that is coming around to him, and the heads of the chariots, and the people flee to their tents;
22 Se depi lè sa a, peyi Edon an soti anba lòd peyi Jida, yo granmoun lakay yo. Se menm lè a tou moun lavil Libna yo pran libète granmoun yo tou.
and Edom revolts from under the hand of Judah until this day; then Libnah revolts at that time.
23 N'a jwenn rès istwa Joram ak tou sa li te fè ekri nan liv Istwa wa peyi Jida yo.
And the rest of the matters of Joram and all that he did, are they not written on the scroll of the Chronicles of the Kings of Judah?
24 Lè Joram mouri, yo antere l' nan kavo zansèt li yo nan lavil David la. Apre sa, se Okozyas, pitit li a, ki moute wa nan plas li.
And Joram lies with his fathers, and is buried with his fathers in the City of David, and his son Ahaziah reigns in his stead.
25 Wa Joram, pitit Akab la, t'ap mache sou douzan depi li t'ap gouvènen peyi Izrayèl lè Okozyas, pitit Joram, moute wa sou fotèy peyi Jida a.
In the twelfth year of Joram son of Ahab, king of Israel, Ahaziah son of Jehoram, king of Judah, has reigned;
26 Li te gen venndezan. Li gouvènen nan lavil Jerizalèm pandan ennan. Manman l' te rele Atali. Se te pitit fi Akab, pitit pitit fi Omri, tou de wa peyi Izrayèl.
Ahaziah [is] a son of twenty-two years in his reigning, and he has reigned one year in Jerusalem, and the name of his mother [is] Athaliah daughter of Omri, king of Israel,
27 Okozyas mache pye pou pye dèyè moun fanmi Akab yo. Li te marye nan fanmi wa Akab. Li fè sa ki mal nan je Seyè a tankou yo.
and he walks in the way of the house of Ahab, and does evil in the eyes of YHWH, like the house of Ahab, for he [is] son-in-law of the house of Ahab.
28 Wa Okozyas mete tèt ansanm ak wa Joram, pitit Akab, pou y' al atake Azayèl, wa peyi Siri a. Lame yo kontre yonn ak lòt bò lavil Ramòt nan peyi Galarad. Sòlda peyi Siri yo blese Joram nan batay la.
And he goes with Joram son of Ahab to battle with Hazael king of Aram in Ramoth-Gilead, and the Arameans strike Joram,
29 Joram tounen lavil Jizreyèl pou l' te refè anba kou sòlda peyi Siri yo te ba li lavi Ramòt lè li t'ap goumen ak Azayèl, wa peyi Siri a. Okozyas, pitit Joram, wa peyi Jida a, desann lavil Jizreyèl al wè wa Joram, pitit Akab la, paske Joram te malad.
and Joram the king turns back to be healed in Jezreel of the wounds with which the Arameans strike him in Ramah, in his fighting with Hazael king of Aram, and Ahaziah son of Jehoram, king of Judah, has gone down to see Joram son of Ahab in Jezreel, for he is sick.

< 2 Wa 8 >