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1 Vè menm epòk sa a, Ezekyas tonbe malad, li te prèt pou l' mouri. Pwofèt Ezayi, pitit Amòz la, vin wè li, li di l' konsa: —Men sa Seyè a voye di ou: Ou mèt mete lòd nan zafè ou paske ou pral mouri. Pa gen rechap pou ou.
In those days Hezekiah has been sick to death, and Isaiah son of Amoz the prophet comes to him and says to him, “Thus said YHWH: Give a charge to your house, for you are dying, and do not live.”
2 Ezekyas vire figi l' bay panno a fas, li lapriyè Seyè a.
And he turns around his face to the wall, and prays to YHWH, saying,
3 Li di: —Tanpri, Seyè! Chonje jan mwen te sèvi ou ak tout kè mwen san m' pa janm vire do ba ou! Mwen te toujou fè sa ou te vle m' fè. Epi li pran kriye kont kriye l'.
“Ah, now, O YHWH, please remember how I have habitually walked before You in truth and with a perfect heart, and I have done that which [is] good in Your eyes”; and Hezekiah weeps [with] a great weeping.
4 Lè Ezayi kite wa a, li pa t' ankò soti nan lakou ki nan mitan palè a lè Seyè a pale avè l', li di l' konsa:
And it comes to pass, [when] Isaiah has not [yet] gone out to the middle court, that the word of YHWH has been to him, saying,
5 —Tounen al jwenn Ezekyas, chèf pèp mwen an. W'a di l' pou mwen. Men sa Seyè a, Bondye David, zansèt ou a, voye di ou. Mwen tande lapriyè ou. Mwen wè jan sa fè ou mal, m'ap geri ou. Nan twa jou w'ap kanpe, ou pral nan Tanp Seyè a.
“Return, and you have said to Hezekiah, leader of My people, Thus said YHWH, God of your father David: I have heard your prayer, I have seen your tear, behold, I give healing to you. On the third day you go up to the house of YHWH;
6 M'ap kite ou viv kenzan ankò, m'ap delivre ou, ou menm ansanm ak lavil Jerizalèm anba men wa Lasiri a. M'a pwoteje lavil la poutèt David sèvitè m' lan, ak poutèt mwen.
and I have added fifteen years to your days, and I deliver you and this city out of the hand of the king of Asshur, and have covered over this city for My own sake, and for the sake of My servant David.”
7 Ezayi mande pou fè yon kataplas ak fig frans mete sou malenng wa a. Yo fè sa vre. Epi wa a geri.
And Isaiah says, “Take a cake of figs”; and they take and lay [it] on the boil, and he revives.
8 Lè sa a, wa a mande Ezayi: —Kisa ki pral fè m' konnen Seyè a pral geri m' pou nan twa jou m' ka al nan Tanp Seyè a?
And Hezekiah says to Isaiah, “What [is] the sign that YHWH gives healing to me, that I have gone up to the house of YHWH on the third day?”
9 Ezayi reponn li: —Men siy Seyè a pral fè ou wè pou ou ka konnen l'ap kenbe pawòl li. Gade kadran solèy la. Eske ou ta vle pou lonbraj la mache annavan sou dis ti mak, osinon pou l' fè bak sou dis ti mak?
And Isaiah says, “This [is] the sign to you from YHWH, that YHWH does the thing that He has spoken—[will] the shadow have gone on ten degrees, or does it turn back ten degrees?”
10 Ezekyas di l': —Se bagay fasil pou lonbraj la mache annavan sou dis ti mak. L'ap pi difisil pou l' fè bak sou dis ti mak.
And Hezekiah says, “It has been light for the shadow to incline ten degrees; no, but let the shadow turn backward ten degrees.”
11 Pwofèt Izayi lapriyè Seyè a epi Seyè a fè lonbraj la fè bak sou dis ti mak li te fin depase nan kadran solèy wa Akaz te fè a.
And Isaiah the prophet calls to YHWH, and He brings back the shadow by the degrees that it had gone down in the degrees of Ahaz—backward ten degrees.
12 Nan menm epòk sa a, wa peyi Babilòn lan, Mewodak Baladan, pitit gason Baladan, vin konnen wa Ezekyas te malad. Li voye yon lèt ba li ansanm ak yon kado.
At that time Berodach-Baladan son of Baladan, king of Babylon, has sent letters and a present to Hezekiah, for he heard that Hezekiah had been sick;
13 Ezekyas te kontan jès la. Li moutre mesaje wa Babilòn te voye yo tout richès li yo: pyès an ajan, lò, epis, boutèy odè, zam ansanm ak tout lòt bagay li te gen nan depo l' yo. Li fè yo wè dènye bagay li te gen lakay li ak nan tout peyi a.
and Hezekiah listens to them, and shows them all the house of his treasury, the silver, and the gold, and the spices, and the good ointment, and all the house of his vessels, and all that has been found in his treasuries; there has not been a thing that Hezekiah has not showed them in his house and in all his dominion.
14 Lè sa a, pwofèt Ezayi al jwenn wa Ezekyas, li mande l': —Kote mesye sa yo soti? Kisa yo di ou? Ezekyas reponn: —Yo soti nan yon peyi byen lwen, yo soti nan peyi Babilòn.
And Isaiah the prophet comes to King Hezekiah and says to him, “What did these men say? And from where do they come to you?” And Hezekiah says, “They have come from a far-off land—from Babylon.”
15 Ezayi di l' konsa: —Kisa yo wè nan palè a? Ezekyas reponn: —Yo wè tout sa ki nan palè a. Mwen fè yo wè dènye bagay mwen gen nan depo m' yo.
And he says, “What did they see in your house?” And Hezekiah says, “They saw all that [is] in my house; there has not been a thing that I have not showed them among my treasures.”
16 Ezayi di wa Ezekyas konsa: —Koute mesaj Seyè ki gen pouvwa a voye ba ou:
And Isaiah says to Hezekiah, “Hear a word of YHWH:
17 Yon lè gen pou rive. Lè sa a, y'ap pran dènye bagay ki nan palè ou la, tou sa zansèt ou yo te anpile depi nan tan lontan jouk jòdi a, y'ap pote yo ale nan peyi Babilòn. Yo p'ap kite anyen. Se Seyè a menm ki di sa.
Behold, days are coming, and all that [is] in your house, and [all] that your father has treasured up until this day, has been carried to Babylon; there is not a thing left, said YHWH;
18 Y'ap pran kèk nan pwòp pitit pitit ou yo, y'ap depòte yo, y'ap chatre yo pou yo ka sèvi nèg konfyans nan palè wa Babilòn lan.
and of your sons who go out from you, whom you beget, they take away, and they have been eunuchs in the palace of the king of Babylon.”
19 Ezekyas reponn Ezayi, li di l' konsa: —Mesaj Bondye ba ou pou di m' lan gen tan bon. Men li t'ap di nan kè l': Depi pa gen boulvès, depi pa gen lagè nan peyi a tout tan m'ap viv la!
And Hezekiah says to Isaiah, “The word of YHWH that you have spoken [is] good”; and he says, “Why not, if there is peace and truth in my days?”
20 Tout rès istwa Ezekyas la, jan li te vanyan sòlda, jan li te bati rezèvwa dlo a ak gwo kannal anba tè pou mennen dlo nan lavil la, nou jwenn tou sa ekri nan liv Istwa wa peyi Jida yo.
And the rest of the matters of Hezekiah, and all his might, and how he made the pool, and the conduit, and brings in the waters to the city, are they not written on the scroll of the Chronicles of the Kings of Judah?
21 Lè Ezekyas mouri, se Manase, pitit gason l' lan, ki moute wa nan plas li.
And Hezekiah lies with his fathers, and his son Manasseh reigns in his stead.

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