< 2 Istwa 20 >

1 Kèk tan apre sa, moun peyi Moab yo ak moun peyi Amon yo mete ansanm ak moun Mawon yo, yo vin atake Jozafa.
And it comes to pass after this, the sons of Moab have come in, and the sons of Ammon, and with them of the peoples, to battle against Jehoshaphat.
2 Yo vin bay Jozafa nouvèl la, yo di l' konsa: -Men yon gwo lame soti nan peyi Edon lòt bò Lanmè Mouri a vin atake ou. Yo gen tan pran lavil Azason Tama. Azason Tama, se yon lòt non yo te bay lavil Angedi.
And [some] come in and declare [it] to Jehoshaphat, saying, “A great multitude has come against you from beyond the sea, from Aram, and behold, they [are] in Hazezon-Tamar—it [is] En-Gedi.”
3 Yon sèl laperèz pran Jozafa. Li pran desizyon mande Seyè a sa pou l' fè. Li bay lòd pou tout moun nan peyi a fè jèn.
And Jehoshaphat fears, and sets his face to seek for YHWH, and proclaims a fast over all Judah;
4 Moun soti toupatou nan lavil peyi Jida yo vin lapriyè nan pye Seyè a.
and Judah is gathered to inquire of YHWH; also, from all the cities of Judah they have come to seek YHWH.
5 Jozafa rete kanpe nan mitan tout pèp peyi Jida a, ansanm ak pèp lavil Jerizalèm lan, devan lakou nèf Tanp Seyè a.
And Jehoshaphat stands in the assembly of Judah and Jerusalem, in the house of YHWH, at the front of the new court,
6 Li lapriyè byen fò, li di: -Seyè, Bondye zansèt nou yo, se ou menm ki Bondye nan syèl la. Se ou menm k'ap gouvènen tout nasyon sou latè a. Se nan men ou tout fòs ak tout pouvwa ye. Pesonn pa ka kenbe tèt avè ou.
and says, “O YHWH, God of our fathers, are You not God in the heavens? Indeed, You are ruling over all kingdoms of the nations, and power and might [are] in Your hand, and there is none with You to station himself.
7 Ou se Bondye nou. Se ou menm ki te mete tout moun ki te rete nan peyi sa a deyò fè plas pou pèp Izrayèl la. Lèfini, ou bay tout pitit Abraram, zanmi ou lan, peyi a pou l' rele yo pa yo pou tout tan.
Are You not our God? You have dispossessed the inhabitants of this land from before Your people Israel, and give it to the seed of Your friend Abraham for all time,
8 Se isit la yo rete, yo bati yon tanp pou ou. Yo te di
and they dwell in it, and build a sanctuary in it for You, for Your Name, saying,
9 nenpòt malè ki ta ka tonbe sou yo pou pini yo: te mèt lagè, te mèt chatiman, te mèt move maladi osinon grangou, y'ap vin kanpe devan ou, devan Tanp sa a, paske se nan Tanp sa a ou ye. Nan tout mizè yo, y'a lapriyè nan pye ou. W'a tande yo, w'a delivre yo.
If evil comes on us—sword, judgment, and pestilence, and famine—we stand before this house, and before You, for Your Name [is] in this house, and cry to You out of our distress, and You hear and save.
10 Koulye a, men moun peyi Amon yo, moun peyi Moab yo ak moun peyi Edon yo vin atake nou. Lè zansèt nou yo t'ap soti kite peyi Lejip, ou pa t' kite yo antre nan peyi moun sa yo. Se konsa yo te chankre pou yo pa t' pase lakay yo, yo pa detwi yo.
And now, behold, sons of Ammon, and Moab, and Mount Seir, whom You did not grant to Israel to go in against in their coming out of the land of Egypt, for they turned aside from off them and did not destroy them,
11 Gade ki jan y'ap fè nou peye sa jòdi a! Men y'ap vin mete nou deyò nan peyi ou te ban nou an!
and behold, they are repaying to us—to come to drive us out of Your possession that You have caused us to possess.
12 Ou se Bondye nou. Se ou menm ki pou pini yo paske nou pa gen fòs pou n' kanpe devan tout gwo lame sa a k'ap vin atake nou an. Nou pa konn sa pou nou fè! N'ap tann sa ou pral fè pou nou.
O our God, do You not execute judgment on them? For there is no power in us before this great multitude that has come against us, and we do not know what we do, but our eyes [are] on You.”
13 Tout mesye peyi Jida yo te kanpe la devan kay Seyè a, ansanm ak madanm yo, pitit yo ak pitit pitit yo.
And all Judah is standing before YHWH, also their infants, their wives, and their sons.
14 Lespri Seyè a desann sou yon moun Levi ki te la nan mitan yo. Li te rele Jaziyèl. Se te yon moun nan branch fanmi Zakari. Zakari sa a te pitit Benaja ki te pitit Jeyèl. Jeyèl te pitit Matanya ki te pitit Asaf.
And the Spirit of YHWH has been on Jahaziel, son of Zechariah, son of Benaiah, son of Jeiel, son of Mattaniah, the Levite, of the sons of Asaph, in the midst of the assembly,
15 Jaziyèl di konsa: -Louvri zòrèy nou, nou tout moun peyi Jida, moun lavil Jerizalèm ansanm ak ou menm, wa Jozafa. Seyè a voye di nou: Pa dekouraje. Nou pa bezwen pè devan gwo lame sa a. Batay sa a se pa batay pa nou, se batay Bondye menm.
and he says, “Attend, all Judah, and you inhabitants of Jerusalem, and O King Jehoshaphat, Thus said YHWH to you: You do not fear, nor be afraid of the face of this great multitude, for the battle [is] not for you, but for God.
16 Denmen, nou mèt desann al atake yo. Yo pral pase moute sou ti bit flè yo. N'a kontre ak yo nan pwent ravin ki mennen nan dezè bò Jewouyèl la.
Tomorrow, go down against them, behold, they are coming up by the ascent of Ziz, and you have found them in the end of the valley, the front of the wilderness of Jeruel.
17 Nou p'ap bezwen nan goumen menm. N'ap annik pran pozisyon nou. Apre sa, tann. N'ap wè Seyè a ap ban nou gany. Wi, nou menm moun peyi Jida ak moun lavil Jerizalèm, nou pa bezwen pè, nou pa bezwen gen kè kase. Denmen, mache pran yo, paske Seyè a ap kanpe la avèk nou.
[It is] not for you to fight in this; station yourselves, stand, and see the salvation of YHWH with you, O Judah and Jerusalem—do not be afraid nor fear—tomorrow go out before them, and YHWH [is] with you.”
18 Lè sa a, wa Jozafa mete ajenou, li bese tèt li byen ba devan Seyè a jouk fwon li rive atè. Tout moun peyi Jida yo ak moun lavil Jerizalèm yo bese tèt yo byen ba devan Seyè a tou pou adore l'.
And Jehoshaphat bows—face to the earth—and all Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem have fallen before YHWH, to bow themselves to YHWH.
19 Moun Levi branch fanmi Keyat yo ansanm ak moun Levi branch fanmi Kore yo leve kanpe, yo pran fè lwanj Seyè a, Bondye pèp Izrayèl la, byen fò.
And the Levites, of the sons of the Kohathites, and of the sons of the Korahites, rise to give praise to YHWH, God of Israel, with a loud voice on high.
20 Nan denmen maten, byen bonè, pèp la leve, li pati pou dezè Tekoa a. Le yo tapral leve lamach, Jozafa pale ak yo, li di konsa: -Nou menm moun peyi Jida ak moun lavil Jerizalèm, koute sa m'ap di nou! Mete konfyans nou nan Seyè a, Bondye nou an! Nou p'ap vole gadjè. Se pou nou kwè sa pwofèt li yo di nou an. N'ap genyen batay la.
And they rise early in the morning, and go out to the wilderness of Tekoa, and in their going out Jehoshaphat has stood and says, “Hear me, O Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem, remain steadfast in your God YHWH, and be steadfast; remain steadfast in His prophets and prosper.”
21 Apre sa, li fè yon pale ak pèp la. Li fè kèk mizisyen pran mache devan sòlda yo ak rad yo konn mete lè gen gwo fèt seremoni. Yo t'ap mache devan sòlda yo, yo t'ap chante: -Lwanj pou Seyè a! Li p'ap janm sispann renmen nou!
And he takes counsel with the people, and appoints singers for YHWH, and those giving praise for the honor of holiness, in the going out before the armed [men], and saying, “Give thanks to YHWH, for His kindness [is] for all time.”
22 Lè yo tanmen chante ak kè kontan pou fè lwanj Seyè a, Seyè a lage yon sèl bouyay nan mitan moun Amon yo, moun Moab yo ak moun mòn Seyi yo ki te vin atake peyi Jida a, yo pèdi batay la.
And at the time they have begun with singing and praise, YHWH has put ambushes against the sons of Ammon, Moab, and Mount Seir, who are coming in to Judah, and they are struck,
23 Moun peyi Amon yo ak moun peyi Moab yo atake lame moun mòn Seyi yo, yo detwi yo nèt. Lèfini, yo vire yonn sou lòt nan yon chen manje chen, yonn touye lòt.
and the sons of Ammon stand up, and Moab, against the inhabitants of Mount Seir, to devote and to destroy, and at their finishing with the inhabitants of Seir, they helped, a man against his neighbor, to destroy.
24 Lè moun peyi Jida yo rive sou tèt yon ti bit kote yo ka wè tout dezè a, yo voye je yo gade kote lènmi yo ye a, yo wè yo tout te kouche mouri atè a. Pat gen yon moun ki te chape.
And Judah has come to the watchtower in the wilderness, and they look toward the multitude, and behold, they [are] carcasses fallen to the earth, and none [had] an escape,
25 Jozafa ansanm ak lame li a desann al piye tou sa lènmi yo te kite. yo jwenn kantite bèt, pwovizyon, rad ak anpil lòt bagay ki te gen valè. Yo pase twa jou ap ranmase. Men te gen sitelman, yo pa t' ka pran tout pote ale.
and Jehoshaphat comes in, and his people, to seize their spoil, and they find among them, in abundance, both goods and carcasses, and desirable vessels, and they take spoil for themselves without prohibition, and they are seizing the spoil [for] three days, for it [is] abundant.
26 Sou katriyèm jou a, yo sanble nan fon benediksyon an pou fè lwanj Seyè a pou tou sa li te fè pou yo. Se poutèt sa yo rele fon an Beraka, non ki rete pou li jouk jounen jòdi a.
And on the fourth day they have been assembled at the Valley of Blessing, for there they blessed YHWH: therefore they have called the name of that place, “Valley of Blessing,” to this day.
27 Lèfini, tout moun peyi Jida yo ak moun lavil Jerizalèm yo ak wa Jozafa alatèt yo tounen lavil Jerizalèm ak gwo kè kontan, paske se Seyè a menm ki te ba yo okazyon fè fèt sou do lènmi yo.
And they return, every man of Judah and Jerusalem, and Jehoshaphat at their head, to go back to Jerusalem with joy, for YHWH has made them rejoice over their enemies.
28 Lè yo rive lavil Jerizalèm, yo ale nan Tanp Seyè a, pandan yo t'ap jwe gita, bandjo ak twonpèt.
And they come to Jerusalem with psalteries, and with harps, and with trumpets, to the house of YHWH.
29 Lè moun lòt nasyon yo vin konnen jan Seyè a te kraze lènmi peyi Jida yo, yo tout te soti pè anpil.
And there is a fear of God on all kingdoms of the lands in their hearing that YHWH has fought with the enemies of Israel,
30 Se konsa rèy Jozafa a pase dous, san bri san kont. Bondye te fè tout peyi ki te nan vwazinaj yo viv byen avè l'.
and the kingdom of Jehoshaphat is quiet, and his God gives rest to him all around.
31 Lè Jozafa moute sou fotèy wa peyi Jida a, li te gen trannsenkan sou tèt li. Li pase vennsenkan ap gouvènen lavil Jerizalèm. Manman l' te rele Azouba. Se te pitit fi Chilki.
And Jehoshaphat reigns over Judah, a son of thirty-five years in his reigning, and he has reigned twenty-five years in Jerusalem, and the name of his mother [is] Azubah daughter of Shilhi.
32 Jozafa te swiv Asa, papa l', pye pou pye nan tou sa li te fè. Li te fè sa ki dwat devan Seyè a.
And he walks in the way of his father Asa, and has not turned aside from it, to do that which is right in the eyes of YHWH.
33 Tansèlman, tanp zidòl yo te la toujou nan peyi a, kifè pèp la pa t'ap sèvi Bondye zansèt yo a ak tout kè yo.
Only, the high places have not been removed, and still the people have not prepared their heart for the God of their fathers.
34 Tou sa Jozafa te fè depi premye jou li te moute wa a rive jouk dènye jou a, n'a jwenn sa ekri nan liv Istwa Jeou, pitit Anani an, ki yon pòsyon nan liv Istwa Wa peyi Izrayèl yo.
And the rest of the matters of Jehoshaphat, the first and the last, behold, they are written among the matters of Jehu son of Hanani, who has been mentioned on the scroll of the kings of Israel.
35 Yon lè, Jozafa, wa peyi Jida a, te pase kontra ak Okozyas, wa peyi Izrayèl la, ki te fè anpil bagay ki te mal devan Seyè a.
And after this Jehoshaphat king of Judah has joined himself with Ahaziah king of Israel (he did wickedly in doing [this]),
36 Yo mete ansanm, yo fè fè anpil gwo batiman nan pò lavil Ezyongebè pou al fè trafik sou lanmè jouk nan peyi Tasis.
and he joins him with himself to make ships to go to Tarshish, and they make ships in Ezion-Geber,
37 Men Elyezè, pitit gason Dodava a, moun lavil Marecha, te avèti Jozafa. Li te di l': -Paske ou te mete tèt ou ak Okozyas, Seyè a pral kraze sa ou te bati a. Batiman yo kraze, yo pa janm rive vwayaje pou peyi Tasis.
and Eliezer son of Dodavah, of Mareshah, prophesies against Jehoshaphat, saying, “For your joining yourself with Ahaziah, YHWH has broken up your works”; and the ships are broken, and have not retained [power] to go to Tarshish.

< 2 Istwa 20 >