< 1 Wa 7 >

1 Salomon te bati yon palè pou li menm tou. Li pran trèzan pou l' fini l'.
And Solomon built a house for himself in thirteen years.
2 Li bati yon kay yo rele Rakbwa peyi Liban an. Li te gen sansenkant (150) pye longè, swasannkenz pye lajè ak karannsenk pye wotè. Li te gen kat ranje gwo poto bwa sèd. Chak ranje te gen kenz poto ak gwo travès sèd chita sou tèt poto yo.
And he built the house with the wood of Libanus; its length [was] a hundred cubits, and its breadth [was] fifty cubits, and its height [was] of thirty cubits, and [it was made] with three rows of cedar pillars, and the pillars had side-pieces of cedar.
3 Plafon an te fèt an planch sèd. Li te kloure sou karannsenk travès ki te chita sou tèt poto yo.
And he formed the house with chambers above on the sides of the pillars, and the number of the pillars [was each] row forty and five,
4 Nan de miray sou kote yo, te gen twa ranje fennèt. Fennèt yo te bay yonn sou lòt.
and [there were] three chambers, and space against space in three rows.
5 Pòt yo ak fennèt yo te kare kare. Te gen twa ranje fennèt sou chak bò, yonn an fas lòt.
And all the doors and spaces formed like chambers [were] square, and from door to door [was a correspondence] in three rows.
6 Li bati yon lòt gwo pyès yo rele Chanm Poto yo. Li te gen swasannkenz pye longè, karannsenk pye lajè. Te gen yon lòt ti pyès sou devan l' avèk gwo poto ak dòmant.
And [he made] the porch of the pillars, [they were] fifty [cubits] long and fifty broad, the porch joining them in front; and the [other] pillars and the thick beam [were] in front of the house by the porches.
7 Yo bati yon lòt kay yo rele Chanm Fotèy la ou ankò Salon Jijman an. Se la Salomon te konn rann jijman. Miray yo te kouvri ak bwa sèd depi anba rive nan plafon an.
And [there was] the Porch of seats where he would judge, the porch of judgment.
8 Kay kote Salomon te rete a te nan yon lòt lakou dèyè Salon Jijman an. Li te bati tankou lòt kay yo. Salomon bati yon lòt kay menm jan an tou pou madanm li, pitit fi wa peyi Lejip la.
And their house where he would dwell, [had] one court communicating with these according to this work; and [he built] the house for the daughter of Pharao whom Solomon had taken, according to this porch.
9 Tout kay sa yo te bati ak bèl wòch taye, depi nan fondasyon yo jouk anba twati yo. Wòch yo te pare depi nan min wòch la. Yo te taye sou mezi. Fasad anndan ak fasad deyò wòch yo te taye ak si.
All these [were] of costly stones, sculptured at intervals within even from the foundation even to the top, and outward to the great court,
10 Fondasyon yo te fèt ak gwo wòch yo te taye nan min wòch la. Genyen ladan yo ki te gen douz pye longè.
founded with large costly stones, stones of ten cubits and eight cubits [long].
11 Anwo fondasyon an te gen menm kalite wòch taye sou mezi ak madriye sèd.
And above with costly stones, according to the measure of hewn stones, and with cedars.
12 Gwo lakou palè a te fèmen ak yon miray fèt ak twa ranje wòch pou chak ranje madriye sèd, tankou lakou anndan ak lakou devan Tanp lan.
[There were] three rows of hewn [stones] round about the great hall, and a row of sculptured cedar.
13 Wa Salomon voye chache yon bòs ki te rele Iram tou. Se te yon moun lavil Tir.
And king Solomon sent, and took Chiram out of Tyre,
14 Papa Iram te moun lavil Tir tou. Se te yon bòs fò nan travay kwiv. Manman li te moun nan branch fanmi Neftali a. Se te yon vèv. Iram te yon moun ki te gen anpil ladrès, anpil konesans ak bon konprann pou fè tout kalite bagay an kwiv. Se konsa li te vin kay wa a, li fè tout travay li yo.
the son of a widow woman; and he [was] of the tribe of Nephthalim, and his father [was] a Tyrian; a worker in brass, and accomplished in are and skill and knowledge to work every work in brass: and he was brought in to king Solomon, and he wrought all the works.
15 Iram koule de gwo poto kwiv won yo. Yo chak te gen vennsèt pye wotè. Wonn poto yo te mezire dizwit pye. Li mete yo kanpe devan Tanp lan.
And he cast the two pillars for the porch of the house: eighteen cubits [was] the height of [each] pillar, and a circumference of fourteen cubits encompassed it, even the thickness of the pillar: the flutings [were] four fingers [wide], and thus [was] the other pillar [formed].
16 Apre sa, li fè fè blòk kwiv tou pou ale sou tèt poto yo. Yo chak te mezire sèt pye edmi wotè.
And he made two molten chapiters to put on the heads of the pillars: five cubits [was] the height of one chapiter, and five cubits [was] the height of the other chapiter.
17 Li dekore wonn tèt poto yo ak desen ti chenn makònen yonn ak lòt. Te gen sèt desen konsa pou chak tèt poto.
And he made two ornaments of network to cover the chapiters of the pillars; even a net for one chapiter, and a net for the other chapiter.
18 Li mete de ranje grenad an kwiv anwo ak anba desen ti chenn lan sou tout wonn chak tèt poto yo.
And hanging work, two rows of brazen pomegranates, formed with network, hanging work, row upon row: and thus he framed [the ornaments] for the second chapiter. And he set up the pillars of the porch of the temple: and he set up the one pillar, and called its name Jachum: and he set up the second pillar, and called its name Boloz.
19 Tèt poto ki nan gwo lakou devan an te gen fòm yon flè choublak. Yo chak te gen sis pye wotè.
And on the heads of the pillars he made lily-work against the porch, of four cubits,
20 Sou rebò anwo chak tèt poto yo, te gen yon vant resoti ki te anwo desen ti chenn yo, ak desan pòtre grenad sou de ranje ki te fè wonn chak poto yo.
and a chamber over both the pillars, and above the sides an addition [equal to] the chamber in width.
21 Iram mete poto yo kanpe devan pòt antre Tanp lan, yonn sou bò dwat, yonn sou bò gòch. Li rele sa ki sou bò dwat la Jaken, sa ki sou bò gòch la Boaz.
22 Sou tèt chak poto te gen yon blòk an fòm yon flè. Se konsa Iram fini ak travay poto yo.
23 Apre sa, Iram fè yon gwo basen an kwiv tou won. Li te mezire kenz pye lajè anndan anndan ak sèt pye edmi fondè. Wonn li te mezire karannsenk pye.
And he made the sea, ten cubits from one rim to the other, the same was completely circular round about: its height [was] five cubits, and its circumference thirty-three cubits.
24 Sou tout wonn basen lan, sou deyò, te gen de ranje ti kalbas an kwiv, ti kras anba rebò a. Te gen dis kalbas pou chak pye edmi longè. Yo te fè yon sèl kò ak basen lan, yo te koule yo ansanm lè yo t'ap fè basen lan.
And stays underneath its rim round about compassed it ten cubits round;
25 Basen lan te chita sou do douz towo bèf an kwiv. Fas towo yo tout bay sou deyò: fas twa bay sou solèy leve, fas twa bay sou bò nò, fas twa bay sou solèy kouche, ak fas twa bay sou bò sid. Dèyè yo te anba basen lan.
And [there were] twelve oxen under the sea: three looking to the north, and three looking to the west, and three looking to the south, and three looking to the east: and all their hinder parts [were] inward, and the sea [was] above upon them.
26 Rebò basen lan te gen twa pous epesè. Rebò a te tankou rebò yon tas, li fè yon ti vire sou deyò tankou yon flè. Basen lan te ka kenbe dimil galon konsa.
and its rim [was] as the work of the rim of a cup, a lily-flower, and the thickness of it [was] a span.
27 Iram te fè tou dis kabwa an kwiv. Yo chak te gen sis pye longè, sis pye lajè ak kat pye edmi wotè.
And he made ten brazen bases: five cubits [was] the length of one base, and four cubits the breadth of it, and its height [was] six cubits.
28 Yo te fèt an ti panno kare kare ki te moute nan yon ankadreman.
And this work of the bases [was] formed with a border the them, and [there was] a border between the ledges.
29 Sou chak ti panno yo, te gen pòtre lyon, pòtre towo ak pòtre zanj cheriben. Sou rebò yo, anwo ak anba lyon yo ak towo yo, te gen yon ranje flè resoti.
And upon their borders between the projection [were] lions, and oxen, and cherubs: and on the projections, even so above, and also below [were] the places of lions and oxen, hanging work.
30 Chak kabwa te gen kat wou an kwiv ak lesye an kwiv tou. Nan kat kwen yo te gen yon zepòlman, antou kat pou kenbe basen lan anplas. Zepòlman yo te dekore ak yon ranje flè chak bò.
And [there were] four brazen wheels to one base; and [there were] brazen bases, and their four sides [answering to them], side pieces under the bases.
31 Anwo chak kabwa te gen yon ankadreman tou won pou basen yo. Ankadreman an te gen dizwit pous lajè anndan anndan. Li te gen desen sou tout kò l'. Pati anwo kabwa a te kare, li pa t' won.
And [there were] axles in the wheels under the base.
32 Wou yo te gen vennsenk pous wotè. Yo te anba panno yo. Lesye wou yo te fè yon sèl pyès ak rès kabwa a.
And the height of one wheel [was] a cubit and a half.
33 Wou yo te tankou wou cha lagè. Pen yo, jant yo, reyon yo, lesye yo, tout te fèt an kwiv.
And the work of the wheels [was] as the work of chariot wheels: their axles, and their felloes, and [the rest of] their work, [were] all molten.
34 Kat zepòlman ki te nan kwen anba chak kabwa yo te fè yon sèl pyès ak chasi kabwa a.
The four side pieces were at the four corners of each base; its shoulders [were formed] of the base.
35 Pati plat anwo kabwa a te dekore ak yon wonn nèf pous wotè ki te fè rebò ouvèti a. Zepòlman ki te nan kwen anwo yo ak panno yo te fè yon sèl pyès ak kabwa a.
And on the top of the base half a cubit [was] the size of it, [there was] a circle on the top of the base, and [there was] the top of its spaces and its borders: and it was open at the top of its spaces.
36 Yo te dekore panno yo ak zepòlman yo ak pòtre zanj cheriben, pòtre lyon ak pòtre pye palmis, tout kote yo te jwenn yon ti espas, ak flè sou tout wonn lan.
And its borders [were] cherubs, and lions, and palm-trees, upright, each [was] joined in front [and] within and round about.
37 Se konsa Iram te fè dis kabwa yo. Yo tout te fèt menm jan, menm fòm, menm gwosè.
According to the same form he made all the ten bases, [even] one order and one measure to all.
38 Iram te fè dis basen tou, yonn pou chak kabwa. Chak basen te mezire sis pye lajè. Yo chak te kenbe desan galon konsa.
And he made ten brazen lavers, each laver containing forty baths, [and] measuring four cubits, each laver [placed] on a several base throughout the ten bases.
39 Li mete senk kabwa sou bò sid Tanp lan, lòt senk yo sou bò nò. Gwo basen kwiv la menm, li mete l' sou bò dwat Tanp lan nan kwen sidès la.
And he put five bases on the right side of the house, and five on the left side of the house: and the sea was placed on the right side of the house eastward in the direction of the south.
40 Iram te fè plato pou sann, pèl ak kivèt. Se konsa li te fin fè tout travay Salomon te mande l' fè pou Tanp Seyè a.
And Chiram made the cauldrons, and the pans, and the bowls; and Chiram finished making all the works that he wrought for king Solomon in the house of the Lord:
41 Men sa li te fè: de gwo poto won yo, de blòk yon ti jan pi gwo pou ale sou tèt poto yo,
two pillars and the wreathen works of the pillars on the heads of the two pillars; and the two networks to cover both the wreathen works of the flutings that were upon the pillars.
42 katsan pòtre grenad ki pou ale sou de ran nan desen ti chenn ki fè wonn tèt poto yo,
The four hundred pomegranates for both the networks, two rows of pomegranates for one network, to cover both the wreathen works of the bases belonging to both pillars.
43 dis kabwa yo, dis basen ki pou ale sou kabwa yo,
And the ten bases, and the ten lavers upon the bases.
44 yon gwo basen tou won pou dlo, douz towo bèf pou soutni gwo basen lan,
And one sea, and the twelve oxen under the sea.
45 plato pou sann yo, pèl yo ak kivèt yo. Tou sa Iram te fè pou Tanp Seyè a te fèt an kwiv poli, dapre lòd li te resevwa nan men Salomon.
And the cauldrons, and pans, and bowls, and all the furniture, which Chiram made for king Solomon for the house of the Lord: and [there were] eight and forty pillars of the house of the king and of the house of the Lord: all the works of the king which Chiram made were entirely of brass.
46 Wa a te fè fonn yo nan moul tè nan fon larivyè Jouden an, ant lavil Soukòt ak lavil Zaretan.
47 Te sitèlman gen anpil bagay fèt an kwiv, Salomon pa t' chache konnen pèz yo.
There was no reckoning of the brass of which he made all these works, from the very great abundance, there was no end of the weight of the brass. In the country round about Jordan did he cast them, in the clay land between Socchoth and Sira.
48 Salomon te fè fè tout mèb yo te bezwen pou Tanp lan an lò: lotèl la, tab pou pen yo mete apa pou Bondye a,
And king Solomon took the furniture which [Chiram] made for the house of the Lord, the golden altar, and the golden table of show bread.
49 dis lanp sèt branch pou ranje devan pyès yo mete apa nèt pou Seyè a, senk sou bò dwat, senk sou bò gòch, flè yo, ti lanp yo ak pensèt pou lanp sèt branch yo,
And [he put] the five candlesticks on the left, and five on the right in front of the oracle, [being] of pure gold, and the lamp-stands, and the lamps, and the snuffers of gold.
50 gode yo, kouto pou netwaye lanp yo, bòl yo, plato pou lansan yo, plato pou pote chabon dife tou limen yo, gon pou pòt pyès ki apa nèt pou Seyè a, ak gon pou lòt pòt tanp lan menm. Tout bagay sa yo te fèt ak bon lò.
And [there were made] the porches, and the nails, and the bowls, and the spoons, and the golden censers, of pure gold: and the panels of the doors of the innermost part of the house, [even] the holy of holies, and the golden doors of the temple.
51 Lè wa Salomon te fin fè tout travay pou bati Tanp Seyè a, li fè yo pote tout ajan ak tout lò David, papa l', te ofri bay Seyè a ansanm ak tout lòt bagay li menm li te bay, li fè mete yo nan chanm trezò Tanp lan.
So the work of the house of the Lord which Solomon wrought was finished; and Solomon brought in the holy things of David his father, and all the holy things of Solomon; he put the silver, and the gold, and the furniture, into the treasures of the house of the Lord.

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