< 1 Jan 2 >

1 Pitit mwen yo, m'ap ekri nou lèt sa a pou nou pa fè peche. Men, si yon moun rive fè peche, nou gen yon avoka k'ap plede pou nou bò kot Papa a: Se Jezikri, moun ki te mache dwat devan Bondye a.
MY dear children, these things I write to you, that ye should not sin. And if any of us sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous:
2 Paske, Jezikri te ofri tèt li tankou bèt yo ofri bay Bondye, pou Bondye te ka padonnen peche nou yo, pa peche pa nou yo ase, men peche tout moun tou.
and he himself is the propitiatory victim for our sins: and indeed not for ours only, but for the whole world.
3 Si nou fè sa Bondye mande nou fè, lè sa a nou mèt sèten nou konnen li.
And hereby we know that we know him, if we keep his commandments.
4 Lè yon moun di: mwen menm, mwen konn Bondye, epi pou anmenmtan an li pa fè sa Bondye mande l' fè a, moun sa a se yon mantò. Verite a pa nan li.
He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and in him the truth is not.
5 Men, moun ki obeyi pawòl Bondye a, se moun sa a ki konmanse renmen Bondye tout bon vre. Men ki jan nou ka konnen nou fè yonn ak Bondye:
But whosoever keepeth his word, verily in him is the love of God perfected: by this we know that we are in him.
6 Lè yon moun di li fè yonn ak Bondye, se pou l' viv tankou Jezi te viv la.
He who saith that he abideth in him, ought as he walked, even so himself to walk.
7 Mezanmi, se pa yon kòmandman tou nèf m'ap ban nou nan lèt sa a. Se menm ansyen kòmandman yo te ban nou depi nan konmansman an. Ansyen kòmandman sa a, se menm pawòl nou te tande deja a.
Brethren, I write not a new commandment unto you, but an old commandment which ye had from the beginning: the old commandment is the word which ye have heard from the beginning.
8 Men, nan yon sans, se yon kòmandman tou nèf m'ap ban nou la a. Nou wè kòmandman sa a se yon bagay k'ap aji tout bon nan lavi Kris la ak nan lavi pa nou tou, paske fènwa a ap pase, limyè tout bon an gen tan ap klere.
Again, a new commandment I write unto you, which is a true thing in him, and in you, because the darkness is past, and the true light is now shining.
9 Moun ki di yo nan limyè epi pou anmenmtan yo rayi frè yo, moun konsa nan fènwa toujou.
He who saith, that he is in the light, yet hateth his brother, is in darkness even until now.
10 Se moun ki renmen frè yo ki nan limyè a. Konsa, pa gen anyen nan yo ki ka fè yon lòt tonbe nan peche.
He that loveth his brother is in the light, and occasion of stumbling in him there is none.
11 Men, moun ki rayi frè yo, yo nan fènwa toujou. Y'ap mache nan fènwa, yo pa konnen kote yo prale, paske fènwa a rann yo avèg.
But he that hateth his brother is in darkness, and walketh in darkness, and knoweth not whither he is departing, because the darkness hath blinded his eyes.
12 Timoun mwen yo, m'ap ekri nou paske Bondye padonnen peche nou yo poutèt Jezikri.
I write unto you, little children, because your sins are forgiven you for his name’s sake.
13 M'ap ekri nou, nou menm granmoun, paske nou konnen moun ki la depi nan konmansman an. M'ap ekri nou, nou menm jennmoun, paske nou kraze dyab la. M'ap ekri nou, nou menm timoun, paske nou konn Papa a.
I write unto you, fathers, because ye have known him that is from the beginning. I write unto you, young men, because ye have overcome the wicked one. I write unto you, little children, because ye have known the Father.
14 M'ap ekri nou, nou menm granmoun, paske nou konnen moun ki la depi nan konmansman an. M'ap ekri nou, nou menm jennmoun, paske nou gen anpil fòs: nou kenbe pawòl Bondye a nan kè nou, nou kraze dyab la.
I have written unto you, fathers, because ye have known him, who is from the beginning. I have written unto you, young men, because ye are strong, and the word of God abideth in you, and ye have overcome the wicked one.
15 Pa renmen lemonn, ni anyen ki soti nan lemonn. Si yon moun renmen lemonn, li pa gen renmen pou Papa a nan kè li.
Love not the world, neither the things which are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
16 Bagay ki soti nan lemonn se egzijans lachè, se gwo tanta, se lògèy k'ap vire tèt moun lè yo gen anpil byen sou latè. Tou sa pa soti nan Papa a. Se nan lemonn sa soti.
For every thing which is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pomp of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.
17 Se pase lemonn ap pase, ansanm ak tou sa moun jwenn ladan l' yo ta vle genyen. Men, moun ki fè sa Bondye vle, y'ap viv pou tout tan. (aiōn g165)
And the world is passing away, and the lust thereof, but he who doeth the will of God abideth for ever. (aiōn g165)
18 Pitit mwen yo, dènye jou a pa lwen rive. Nou tande yo te di nou moun k'ap goumen ak Kris la gen pou vini. Men koulye a, se yon bann moun ki kanpe pou konbat Kris la. Se sa ki fè nou konnen dènye jou a pa lwen rive ankò.
My dear children, it is the last hour; and as ye have heard that antichrist is coming, even now there are many antichrists: by which we know it is the last hour.
19 Moun sa yo pa t' avèk nou tout bon, se poutèt sa yo kite nou. Si yo te avèk nou tout bon, yo ta toujou rete la avèk nou. Men, yo kite nou pou tout moun ka wè aklè yo yonn pa t' avèk nou tout bon.
They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us; but they departed, that they might be made manifest that they are not all of us:
20 Pou nou menm, nou te resevwa Sentespri Kris la te voye sou nou an, konsa nou tout nou konn verite a.
though ye have an unction from the Holy One, and know all things.
21 Si m'ap ekri nou lèt sa a, se pa paske nou pa konn verite a non. Men, okontrè, se paske nou konnen li. Paske nou konnen pa gen manti ki ka soti nan verite a.
I have not written to you because ye know not the truth, but because ye know it, and that no lie is of the truth.
22 Kilès k'ap bay manti la a? Se moun ki di Jezi pa Kris la. Moun sa a, se goumen l'ap goumen ak Kris la. Li voye ni Papa a ni Pitit la jete.
Who is the liar, but he that denieth that Jesus is the Messiah? This man is the antichrist, who denieth the Father and the Son.
23 Moun ki voye Pitit la jete, li voye Papa a jete tou. Moun ki rekonèt Pitit la, li rekonèt Papa a tou.
Every one that denieth the Son, neither doth he hold the Father; but he that acknowledgeth the Son, holdeth the Father also.
24 Se poutèt sa, pawòl nou te tande depi nan konmansman an, kenbe li nan kè nou. Si nou kenbe sa nou te tande depi nan konmansman an nan kè nou, n'ap toujou fè yonn ak Papa a ansanm ak Pitit la.
Let that abide in you therefore which ye have heard from the beginning. If that abide in you which ye heard from the beginning, ye also shall abide in the Son and in the Father.
25 Men sa Jezikri te pwomèt l'ap ban nou an: se lavi ki p'ap janm fini an. (aiōnios g166)
And this is the promise which he hath promised to us, even life eternal. (aiōnios g166)
26 M'ap ekri nou tou sa poutèt moun k'ap chache twonpe nou yo.
These things have I written unto you concerning those who are leading you astray.
27 Pou nou menm, Kris la te voye Sentespri a sou nou. Toutotan Sentespri a nan kè nou, nou pa bezwen pesonn moutre nou anyen, paske Sentespri a ap moutre nou tout bagay. Sa l'ap moutre nou an se verite, se pa manti. Se poutèt sa, ann fè sa Sentespri a ap moutre nou, ann toujou fè yonn ak Kris la.
But the unction which ye have received from him abideth in you; and ye need not that any person should instruct you. But as the same unction teacheth you concerning all things, and is true, and is no lie; and as it hath taught you, abide in him.
28 Wi, pitit mwen yo, ann toujou fè yonn ak Kris la. Konsa, lè Kris la va parèt, n'a gen konfyans. Wi, jou la vini an, nou p'ap wont devan l', yo p'ap kapab voye nou jete byen lwen li.
And now, my dear children, abide in him; that when he shall appear, we may have confidence, and not be put to shame by him at his coming.
29 Nou konnen Kris la se yon moun ki te mache dwat devan Bondye. Se pou nou konnen tou, tout moun ki fè sa ki dwat devan Bondye se pitit Bondye yo ye.
If ye know that he is righteous, know that every one who practises righteousness is born of him.

< 1 Jan 2 >