< Προς Εβραιους 8 >
1 κεφαλαιον δε επι τοις λεγομενοις τοιουτον εχομεν αρχιερεα ος εκαθισεν εν δεξια του θρονου της μεγαλωσυνης εν τοις ουρανοις
Of the thynges which we have spoke this is the pyth: that we have soche an hye preste that is sitten on ye right honde of the seate of maieste in heven
2 των αγιων λειτουργος και της σκηνης της αληθινης ην επηξεν ο κυριος ουκ ανθρωπος
and is a minister of holy thynges and of the very tabernacle which God pyght and not ma.
3 πας γαρ αρχιερευς εις το προσφερειν δωρα τε και θυσιας καθισταται οθεν αναγκαιον εχειν τι και τουτον ο προσενεγκη
For every hye prest is ordeyned to offer gyftes and sacryfises wherfore it is of necessitie that this man have somewhat also to offer.
4 ει μεν ουν ην επι γης ουδ αν ην ιερευς οντων των προσφεροντων κατα νομον τα δωρα
For he were not a preste yf he were on ye erth where are prestes that acordynge to ye lawe
5 οιτινες υποδειγματι και σκια λατρευουσιν των επουρανιων καθως κεχρηματισται μωυσης μελλων επιτελειν την σκηνην ορα γαρ φησιν ποιησεις παντα κατα τον τυπον τον δειχθεντα σοι εν τω ορει
offer giftes which prestes serve vnto ye ensample and shadowe of hevenly thynges: even as the answer of God was geven vnto Moses when he was about to fynnishe the tabernacle: Take hede (sayde he) that thou make all thynges accordynge to the patrone shewed to the in the mount.
6 {VAR1: νυν } {VAR2: (νυνι) } δε διαφορωτερας τετυχεν λειτουργιας οσω και κρειττονος εστιν διαθηκης μεσιτης ητις επι κρειττοσιν επαγγελιαις νενομοθετηται
Now hath he obtayned a more excellent office in as moche as he is the mediator of a better testament which was made for better promyses.
7 ει γαρ η πρωτη εκεινη ην αμεμπτος ουκ αν δευτερας εζητειτο τοπος
For yf that fyrst testament had bene fautelesse: then shuld no place have bene sought for the seconde.
8 μεμφομενος γαρ αυτους λεγει ιδου ημεραι ερχονται λεγει κυριος και συντελεσω επι τον οικον ισραηλ και επι τον οικον ιουδα διαθηκην καινην
For in rebukynge the he sayth: Beholde the dayes will come (sayth the lorde) and I will fynnyshe apon the housse of Israhel and apon the housse of Iuda
9 ου κατα την διαθηκην ην εποιησα τοις πατρασιν αυτων εν ημερα επιλαβομενου μου της χειρος αυτων εξαγαγειν αυτους εκ γης αιγυπτου οτι αυτοι ουκ ενεμειναν εν τη διαθηκη μου καγω ημελησα αυτων λεγει κυριος
a newe testament: not lyke the testament that I made with their fathers at that tyme whe I toke them by the hondes to lede them oute of the londe of Egipte for they continued not in my testament and I regarded them not sayth the lorde.
10 οτι αυτη η διαθηκη ην διαθησομαι τω οικω ισραηλ μετα τας ημερας εκεινας λεγει κυριος διδους νομους μου εις την διανοιαν αυτων και επι καρδιας αυτων επιγραψω αυτους και εσομαι αυτοις εις θεον και αυτοι εσονται μοι εις λαον
For this is the testament that I will make with the housse of Israhell: After those dayes sayth the lorde: I will put my lawes in their myndes and in their hertes I will wryte the and I wilbe their God and they shalbe my people.
11 και ου μη διδαξωσιν εκαστος τον πολιτην αυτου και εκαστος τον αδελφον αυτου λεγων γνωθι τον κυριον οτι παντες ειδησουσιν με απο μικρου εως μεγαλου αυτων
And they shall not teache every man his neghboure and every man his brother sayinge: knowe the lorde: For they shall knowe me from the lest to the moste of them:
12 οτι ιλεως εσομαι ταις αδικιαις αυτων και των αμαρτιων αυτων ου μη μνησθω ετι
For I wilbe mercifull over their vnrightwesnes and on their synnes and on their iniquiries.
13 εν τω λεγειν καινην πεπαλαιωκεν την πρωτην το δε παλαιουμενον και γηρασκον εγγυς αφανισμου
In yt he sayth a new testament he hath abrogat the olde. Now that which is disanulled and wexed olde is redy to vannysshe awaye.