< Πραξεις 18 >

1 μετα δε ταυτα χωρισθεις ο παυλος εκ των αθηνων ηλθεν εις κορινθον
After these things, withdrawing from Athens, he came unto Corinth;
2 και ευρων τινα ιουδαιον ονοματι ακυλαν ποντικον τω γενει προσφατως εληλυθοτα απο της ιταλιας και πρισκιλλαν γυναικα αυτου δια το διατεταχεναι κλαυδιον χωριζεσθαι παντας τους ιουδαιους εκ της ρωμης προσηλθεν αυτοις
and, finding a certain Jew, by name Aquila, of Pontus by birth, —lately come from Italy, and Priscilla his wife, because Claudius had ordered all the Jews to be leaving Rome, he came unto them,
3 και δια το ομοτεχνον ειναι εμενεν παρ αυτοις και ειργαζετο ησαν γαρ σκηνοποιοι την τεχνην
and, because he was of the same craft, he abode with them, and wrought, for they were tent-makers by their trade.
4 διελεγετο δε εν τη συναγωγη κατα παν σαββατον επειθεν τε ιουδαιους και ελληνας
And he began reasoning in the synagogue every sabbath, and was persuading both Jews and Greeks.
5 ως δε κατηλθον απο της μακεδονιας ο τε σιλας και ο τιμοθεος συνειχετο τω πνευματι ο παυλος διαμαρτυρομενος τοις ιουδαιοις τον χριστον ιησουν
When, however, both Silas and Timothy had come down from Macedonia, Paul began to be urged on in the word, bearing full witness unto the Jews that, Jesus, was, the Christ.
6 αντιτασσομενων δε αυτων και βλασφημουντων εκτιναξαμενος τα ιματια ειπεν προς αυτους το αιμα υμων επι την κεφαλην υμων καθαρος εγω απο του νυν εις τα εθνη πορευσομαι
But, as they began opposing and defaming, shaking out his garments, he said unto them—Your blood, be upon your own head! Pure, am, I: henceforth, unto the nations, will I go.
7 και μεταβας εκειθεν ηλθεν εις οικιαν τινος ονοματι ιουστου σεβομενου τον θεον ου η οικια ην συνομορουσα τη συναγωγη
And, removing from thence, he came into the house of a certain man by name Titius Justus, who worshipped God, whose house was adjoining unto the synagogue.
8 κρισπος δε ο αρχισυναγωγος επιστευσεν τω κυριω συν ολω τω οικω αυτου και πολλοι των κορινθιων ακουοντες επιστευον και εβαπτιζοντο
But, Crispus, the ruler of the synagogue, believed in the Lord, with all his house. And, many of the Corinthians, hearing, were believing, and being immersed.
9 ειπεν δε ο κυριος δι οραματος εν νυκτι τω παυλω μη φοβου αλλα λαλει και μη σιωπησης
And the Lord said by night, through means of a vision, unto Paul—Be not afraid! but be speaking, —and do not hold thy peace;
10 διοτι εγω ειμι μετα σου και ουδεις επιθησεται σοι του κακωσαι σε διοτι λαος εστιν μοι πολυς εν τη πολει ταυτη
Inasmuch as, I, am with thee, and, no one, shall set upon thee to harm thee; inasmuch as I have much people in this city.
11 εκαθισεν τε ενιαυτον και μηνας εξ διδασκων εν αυτοις τον λογον του θεου
And he remained a year and six months, teaching among them the word of God.
12 γαλλιωνος δε ανθυπατευοντος της αχαιας κατεπεστησαν ομοθυμαδον οι ιουδαιοι τω παυλω και ηγαγον αυτον επι το βημα
But, when Gallio was proconsul of Achaia, the Jews, with one accord, set upon Paul, and led him unto the judgment-seat,
13 λεγοντες οτι παρα τον νομον ουτος αναπειθει τους ανθρωπους σεβεσθαι τον θεον
saying—Contrary to the law, is this one seducing men to be worshipping God.
14 μελλοντος δε του παυλου ανοιγειν το στομα ειπεν ο γαλλιων προς τους ιουδαιους ει μεν ουν ην αδικημα τι η ραδιουργημα πονηρον ω ιουδαιοι κατα λογον αν ηνεσχομην υμων
But, as Paul was about to open his mouth, Gallio said unto the Jews—If, indeed, it had been some wrong or wicked recklessness, O Jews, with reason, in that case, should I have been bearing with you.
15 ει δε ζητημα εστιν περι λογου και ονοματων και νομου του καθ υμας οψεσθε αυτοι κριτης γαρ εγω τουτων ου βουλομαι ειναι
If, however, they are questions concerning discourse, and names, and law, that which ye have, ye shall see to it, yourselves; A judge of these things, I, am not disposed to be.
16 και απηλασεν αυτους απο του βηματος
And he drove them from the judgment-seat.
17 επιλαβομενοι δε παντες οι ελληνες σωσθενην τον αρχισυναγωγον ετυπτον εμπροσθεν του βηματος και ουδεν τουτων τω γαλλιωνι εμελεν
But they all, laying hold of Sosthenes the ruler of the synagogue, began to strike him before the judgment-seat; and, for none of these things, did Gallio care.
18 ο δε παυλος ετι προσμεινας ημερας ικανας τοις αδελφοις αποταξαμενος εξεπλει εις την συριαν και συν αυτω πρισκιλλα και ακυλας κειραμενος την κεφαλην εν κεγχρεαις ειχεν γαρ ευχην
Paul, however, still further abiding a good many days with the brethren, bidding them adieu, set sail for Syria; and, with him, Priscilla and Aquila; having shorn his head in Cenchreae, for he had a vow.
19 κατηντησεν δε εις εφεσον κακεινους κατελιπεν αυτου αυτος δε εισελθων εις την συναγωγην διελεχθη τοις ιουδαιοις
And they came down to Ephesus; and, as for them, he left them there, —but, himself entering into the synagogue, he reasoned with the Jews.
20 ερωτωντων δε αυτων επι πλειονα χρονον μειναι παρ αυτοις ουκ επενευσεν
And, when they requested him for a longer time to abide, he consented not;
21 αλλ απεταξατο αυτοις ειπων δει με παντως την εορτην την ερχομενην ποιησαι εις ιεροσολυμα παλιν δε ανακαμψω προς υμας του θεου θελοντος και ανηχθη απο της εφεσου
but, bidding them adieu, and saying—Again, will I return unto you, God willing, he sailed away from Ephesus;
22 και κατελθων εις καισαρειαν αναβας και ασπασαμενος την εκκλησιαν κατεβη εις αντιοχειαν
and, putting in at Caesarea, going up and saluting the assembly, went down unto Antioch;
23 και ποιησας χρονον τινα εξηλθεν διερχομενος καθεξης την γαλατικην χωραν και φρυγιαν επιστηριζων παντας τους μαθητας
and, spending some time, he went forth, passing through, in order, the country of Galatia and Phrygia, confirming all the disciples.
24 ιουδαιος δε τις απολλως ονοματι αλεξανδρευς τω γενει ανηρ λογιος κατηντησεν εις εφεσον δυνατος ων εν ταις γραφαις
But, a certain Jew, Apollos by name, an Alexandrian by birth, a learned man, came down to Ephesus, being, mighty, in the Scriptures.
25 ουτος ην κατηχημενος την οδον του κυριου και ζεων τω πνευματι ελαλει και εδιδασκεν ακριβως τα περι του κυριου επισταμενος μονον το βαπτισμα ιωαννου
The same, had been orally taught the way of the Lord, and, being fervent in his spirit, began speaking and teaching accurately, the things concerning Jesus, —properly knowing, only the immersion of John.
26 ουτος τε ηρξατο παρρησιαζεσθαι εν τη συναγωγη ακουσαντες δε αυτου ακυλας και πρισκιλλα προσελαβοντο αυτον και ακριβεστερον αυτω εξεθεντο την του θεου οδον
The same, also began speaking boldly in the synagogue; and Priscilla and Aquila, hearing him, took him unto them, and, more accurately, expounded unto him the way of God.
27 βουλομενου δε αυτου διελθειν εις την αχαιαν προτρεψαμενοι οι αδελφοι εγραψαν τοις μαθηταις αποδεξασθαι αυτον ος παραγενομενος συνεβαλετο πολυ τοις πεπιστευκοσιν δια της χαριτος
And, he being minded to pass through into Achaia, the brethren urgently wrote unto the disciples to welcome him, —who, arriving, was very useful unto them who had believed, with his gift;
28 ευτονως γαρ τοις ιουδαιοις διακατηλεγχετο δημοσια επιδεικνυς δια των γραφων ειναι τον χριστον ιησουν
for, with great force, began he confuting the Jews, publicly, shewing by the Scriptures that Jesus was, the Christ.

< Πραξεις 18 >