< Προς Εφεσιους 1 >

1 παυλοσ αποστολοσ ιησου χριστου δια θεληματοσ θεου τοισ αγιοισ τοισ ουσιν εν εφεσω και πιστοισ εν χριστω ιησου
Paul an apostle of Christ Jesus through [the] will of God To the saints who are being in Ephesus and faithful in Christ Jesus;
2 χαρισ υμιν και ειρηνη απο θεου πατροσ ημων και κυριου ιησου χριστου
Grace to you and peace from God [the] Father of us and [the] Lord Jesus Christ.
3 ευλογητοσ ο θεοσ και πατηρ του κυριου ημων ιησου χριστου ο ευλογησασ ημασ εν παση ευλογια πνευματικη εν τοισ επουρανιοισ εν χριστω
Blessed [be] the God and Father of the Lord of us Jesus Christ, the [One] having blessed us with every blessing spiritual in the heavenly realms in Christ,
4 καθωσ εξελεξατο ημασ εν αυτω προ καταβολησ κοσμου ειναι ημασ αγιουσ και αμωμουσ κατενωπιον αυτου εν αγαπη
even as He chose us in Him before [the] foundation of [the] world to be for us holy and blameless before Him in love
5 προορισασ ημασ εισ υιοθεσιαν δια ιησου χριστου εισ αυτον κατα την ευδοκιαν του θεληματοσ αυτου
having predestined us for divine adoption as sons through Jesus Christ to Himself according to the good pleasure of the will of Him
6 εισ επαινον δοξησ τησ χαριτοσ αυτου εν η εχαριτωσεν ημασ εν τω ηγαπημενω
to [the] praise of [the] glory of the of grace of Him, (in *K*) (which *N(k)O*) He has freely given us in the Beloved [One],
7 εν ω εχομεν την απολυτρωσιν δια του αιματοσ αυτου την αφεσιν των παραπτωματων κατα τον πλουτον τησ χαριτοσ αυτου
in whom we have redemption through the blood of Him, the forgiveness of trespasses, according to (the riches *N(k)O*) of the grace of Him,
8 ησ επερισσευσεν εισ ημασ εν παση σοφια και φρονησει
which He lavished upon us in all wisdom and in understanding
9 γνωρισασ ημιν το μυστηριον του θεληματοσ αυτου κατα την ευδοκιαν αυτου ην προεθετο εν αυτω
having made known to us the mystery of the will of Him according to the pleasure of Him, which He purposed in Him
10 εισ οικονομιαν του πληρωματοσ των καιρων ανακεφαλαιωσασθαι τα παντα εν τω χριστω τα επι τοισ ουρανοισ και τα επι τησ γησ
for [the] administration of the fullness of the times, to bring together the all things in Christ, the [things] (then *k*) (in *N(k)O*) the heavens and the [things] upon the earth, in Him,
11 εν αυτω εν ω και εκληρωθημεν προορισθεντεσ κατα προθεσιν του τα παντα ενεργουντοσ κατα την βουλην του θεληματοσ αυτου
in whom also we have obtained an inheritance having been predestined according to [the] purpose of the [One] all things working according to the counsel of the will of Him
12 εισ το ειναι ημασ εισ επαινον δοξησ αυτου τουσ προηλπικοτασ εν τω χριστω
for to be us to [the] praise (of the *k*) glory of Him, the [ones] having first trusted in Christ;
13 εν ω και υμεισ ακουσαντεσ τον λογον τησ αληθειασ το ευαγγελιον τησ σωτηριασ υμων εν ω και πιστευσαντεσ εσφραγισθητε τω πνευματι τησ επαγγελιασ τω αγιω
in whom also you yourselves having heard the word of truth, the gospel of the salvation of you, in whom also having believed you were sealed with the Spirit of promise Holy
14 οσ εστιν αρραβων τησ κληρονομιασ ημων εισ απολυτρωσιν τησ περιποιησεωσ εισ επαινον τησ δοξησ αυτου
(who *N(k)O*) is [the] guarantee of the inheritance of us to [the] redemption of the acquired [possession] to [the] praise of the glory of Him.
15 δια τουτο καγω ακουσασ την καθ υμασ πιστιν εν τω κυριω ιησου και την αγαπην την εισ παντασ τουσ αγιουσ
Because of this I myself also I myself also having heard of the among you faith in the Lord Jesus and the love toward all the saints
16 ου παυομαι ευχαριστων υπερ υμων μνειαν υμων ποιουμενοσ επι των προσευχων μου
not do cease giving thanks for you mention (of you *k*) making in the prayers of mine
17 ινα ο θεοσ του κυριου ημων ιησου χριστου ο πατηρ τησ δοξησ δωη υμιν πνευμα σοφιασ και αποκαλυψεωσ εν επιγνωσει αυτου
that the God of the Lord of us Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, (may give *NK(o)*) to you [a] spirit of wisdom and revelation in [the] knowledge of Him,
18 πεφωτισμενουσ τουσ οφθαλμουσ τησ καρδιασ υμων εισ το ειδεναι υμασ τισ εστιν η ελπισ τησ κλησεωσ αυτου και τισ ο πλουτοσ τησ δοξησ τησ κληρονομιασ αυτου εν τοισ αγιοισ
enlightened [are] the eyes of the (heart *N(K)O*) of you in order for to know you what is the hope of the calling of Him, (and *k*) what [are] the riches of the glory of the inheritance of Him in the saints,
19 και τι το υπερβαλλον μεγεθοσ τησ δυναμεωσ αυτου εισ ημασ τουσ πιστευοντασ κατα την ενεργειαν του κρατουσ τησ ισχυοσ αυτου
and what [is] the surpassing greatness of the power of Him toward us those believing according to the working of the might of the strength of Him,
20 ην ενηργησεν εν τω χριστω εγειρασ αυτον εκ των νεκρων και εκαθισεν εν δεξια αυτου εν τοισ επουρανιοισ
which (He worked *NK(o)*) in Christ having raised Him out from (the *o*) dead and (having sat *N(k)O*) (him *O*) at [the] right hand of Him in the heavenly realms
21 υπερανω πασησ αρχησ και εξουσιασ και δυναμεωσ και κυριοτητοσ και παντοσ ονοματοσ ονομαζομενου ου μονον εν τω αιωνι τουτω αλλα και εν τω μελλοντι (aiōn g165)
above every principality and authority and power and dominion and every name being named not only in age this but also in the [one] coming, (aiōn g165)
22 και παντα υπεταξεν υπο τουσ ποδασ αυτου και αυτον εδωκεν κεφαλην υπερ παντα τη εκκλησια
And all things He put under the feet of Him and Him gave [to be] head over all things to the church
23 ητισ εστιν το σωμα αυτου το πληρωμα του τα παντα εν πασιν πληρουμενου
which is the body of Him, the fullness of the [One] all in all filling.

< Προς Εφεσιους 1 >