< Προς Κορινθιους Β΄ 10 >

1 αυτοσ δε εγω παυλοσ παρακαλω υμασ δια τησ πραοτητοσ και επιεικειασ του χριστου οσ κατα προσωπον μεν ταπεινοσ εν υμιν απων δε θαρρω εισ υμασ
Now, I (the same Paul who, when present, indeed, am humble among you; but when absent, am bold toward you, )
2 δεομαι δε το μη παρων θαρρησαι τη πεποιθησει η λογιζομαι τολμησαι επι τινασ τουσ λογιζομενουσ ημασ ωσ κατα σαρκα περιπατουντασ
beseech you, by the mildness and clemency of Christ. And I request that, when present I may not be bold with that confidence with which I conclude to be bold against some, who conclude us to be really persons who walk according to the flesh.
3 εν σαρκι γαρ περιπατουντεσ ου κατα σαρκα στρατευομεθα
For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh;
4 τα γαρ οπλα τησ στρατειασ ημων ου σαρκικα αλλα δυνατα τω θεω προσ καθαιρεσιν οχυρωματων
(for the weapons of our warfare are not fleshly, but exceeding powerful for the overturning of strongholds; )
5 λογισμουσ καθαιρουντεσ και παν υψωμα επαιρομενον κατα τησ γνωσεωσ του θεου και αιχμαλωτιζοντεσ παν νοημα εισ την υπακοην του χριστου
overturning reasonings, and every high thing raised up against the knowledge of God; and leading captive every thought to the obedience of Christ;
6 και εν ετοιμω εχοντεσ εκδικησαι πασαν παρακοην οταν πληρωθη υμων η υπακοη
and are prepared to punish all disobedience, when your obedience is completed.
7 τα κατα προσωπον βλεπετε ει τισ πεποιθεν εαυτω χριστου ειναι τουτο λογιζεσθω παλιν αφ εαυτου οτι καθωσ αυτοσ χριστου ουτωσ και ημεισ χριστου
Do you look on things according to appearance? If any one is confident in himself that he is Christ's, let him, on the other hand, reason this from himself, that he is Christ's, so, also, are we.
8 εαν τε γαρ και περισσοτερον τι καυχησωμαι περι τησ εξουσιασ ημων ησ εδωκεν ο κυριοσ ημιν εισ οικοδομην και ουκ εισ καθαιρεσιν υμων ουκ αισχυνθησομαι
And, therefore, I should not be ashamed, if I should boast somewhat more of our power, which the Lord has given us for your edification, and not for your destruction.
9 ινα μη δοξω ωσ αν εκφοβειν υμασ δια των επιστολων
That I may not seem as if I would terrify you by letters;
10 οτι αι μεν επιστολαι φησιν βαρειαι και ισχυραι η δε παρουσια του σωματοσ ασθενησ και ο λογοσ εξουθενημενοσ
(for his letters, says one, are indeed weighty and strong; but his bodily presence weak, and his speech contemptible; )
11 τουτο λογιζεσθω ο τοιουτοσ οτι οιοι εσμεν τω λογω δι επιστολων αποντεσ τοιουτοι και παροντεσ τω εργω
let such a one conclude this, that such as we are in speech by letters, when absent, the same, also, when present, we will be in deed.
12 ου γαρ τολμωμεν εγκριναι η συγκριναι εαυτουσ τισιν των εαυτουσ συνιστανοντων αλλα αυτοι εν εαυτοισ εαυτουσ μετρουντεσ και συγκρινοντεσ εαυτουσ εαυτοισ ου συνιουσιν
But we dare not rank and compare ourselves with some who commend themselves: however, they, among themselves, measuring themselves, and comparing themselves with themselves, do not understand themselves.
13 ημεισ δε ουχι εισ τα αμετρα καυχησομεθα αλλα κατα το μετρον του κανονοσ ου εμερισεν ημιν ο θεοσ μετρου εφικεσθαι αχρι και υμων
Further, we will not boast of things not measured according to the line of measure, which the God of measure has allotted to us, to reach even to you.
14 ου γαρ ωσ μη εφικνουμενοι εισ υμασ υπερεκτεινομεν εαυτουσ αχρι γαρ και υμων εφθασαμεν εν τω ευαγγελιω του χριστου
For we do not stretch ourselves beyond our line, as not reaching to you; (but we are come as far as to you also, in the gospel of Christ.)
15 ουκ εισ τα αμετρα καυχωμενοι εν αλλοτριοισ κοποισ ελπιδα δε εχοντεσ αυξανομενησ τησ πιστεωσ υμων εν υμιν μεγαλυνθηναι κατα τον κανονα ημων εισ περισσειαν
We do not boast of things not measured, that is, of other men's labors; but we have hope when your faith is increased, to be by you abundantly enlarged with respect to our line;
16 εισ τα υπερεκεινα υμων ευαγγελισασθαι ουκ εν αλλοτριω κανονι εισ τα ετοιμα καυχησασθαι
to declare the gospel in the regions beyond you; and not in another man's line, to boast of things already prepared.
17 ο δε καυχωμενοσ εν κυριω καυχασθω
He, then, who boasts, let him boast in the Lord.
18 ου γαρ ο εαυτον συνιστων εκεινοσ εστιν δοκιμοσ αλλ ον ο κυριοσ συνιστησιν
For not he who commends himself is approved; but whom the Lord commends.

< Προς Κορινθιους Β΄ 10 >