< Ψαλμοί 73 >

1 ψαλμὸς τῷ Ασαφ ὡς ἀγαθὸς τῷ Ισραηλ ὁ θεός τοῖς εὐθέσι τῇ καρδίᾳ
God truly is good to [us] Israeli people, to those who totally want to do all that God desires.
2 ἐμοῦ δὲ παρὰ μικρὸν ἐσαλεύθησαν οἱ πόδες παρ’ ὀλίγον ἐξεχύθη τὰ διαβήματά μου
As for me, I almost [stopped trusting in God]; [it was as though] my feet slipped and I stumbled [MET],
3 ὅτι ἐζήλωσα ἐπὶ τοῖς ἀνόμοις εἰρήνην ἁμαρτωλῶν θεωρῶν
because I envied those who proudly [said that they did not need God], and I saw that they prospered [even though] they were wicked.
4 ὅτι οὐκ ἔστιν ἀνάνευσις τῷ θανάτῳ αὐτῶν καὶ στερέωμα ἐν τῇ μάστιγι αὐτῶν
Those people do not have any pains; they are [always] strong and healthy.
5 ἐν κόποις ἀνθρώπων οὐκ εἰσὶν καὶ μετὰ ἀνθρώπων οὐ μαστιγωθήσονται
They do not have the troubles/difficulties that other people have; they do not have problems like others do.
6 διὰ τοῦτο ἐκράτησεν αὐτοὺς ἡ ὑπερηφανία περιεβάλοντο ἀδικίαν καὶ ἀσέβειαν αὐτῶν
So they are proud, and their being proud is [like] a necklace [that they show to others], and they show off their violent actions like people show off their beautiful robes.
7 ἐξελεύσεται ὡς ἐκ στέατος ἡ ἀδικία αὐτῶν διήλθοσαν εἰς διάθεσιν καρδίας
From their inner beings they (pour out/do) evil deeds, and they are always thinking about more evil things to do.
8 διενοήθησαν καὶ ἐλάλησαν ἐν πονηρίᾳ ἀδικίαν εἰς τὸ ὕψος ἐλάλησαν
They scoff at [other people], and they talk about doing evil things to them; they are proud while they plan to oppress others.
9 ἔθεντο εἰς οὐρανὸν τὸ στόμα αὐτῶν καὶ ἡ γλῶσσα αὐτῶν διῆλθεν ἐπὶ τῆς γῆς
They say evil things about [God who is in] heaven [MTY], and they talk boastfully/proudly about things [that they have done] here on the earth.
10 διὰ τοῦτο ἐπιστρέψει ὁ λαός μου ἐνταῦθα καὶ ἡμέραι πλήρεις εὑρεθήσονται αὐτοῖς
The result is that people listen to what they say and praise them and do not think that they have done anything that is wrong.
11 καὶ εἶπαν πῶς ἔγνω ὁ θεός καὶ εἰ ἔστιν γνῶσις ἐν τῷ ὑψίστῳ
Wicked people say [to themselves], “God will certainly not [RHQ] know [what we have done]; [people say that] he is greater than any other god, but he does not know [everything].”
12 ἰδοὺ οὗτοι ἁμαρτωλοὶ καὶ εὐθηνοῦνται εἰς τὸν αἰῶνα κατέσχον πλούτου
That is what wicked people are like; they never worry about anything, and they are always becoming richer.
13 καὶ εἶπα ἄρα ματαίως ἐδικαίωσα τὴν καρδίαν μου καὶ ἐνιψάμην ἐν ἀθῴοις τὰς χεῖράς μου
[So, God], I think it is useless that I have [RHQ] always done what you want me to, and that I have not sinned.
14 καὶ ἐγενόμην μεμαστιγωμένος ὅλην τὴν ἡμέραν καὶ ὁ ἔλεγχός μου εἰς τὰς πρωίας
All day long I have problems, and every morning you punish me.
15 εἰ ἔλεγον διηγήσομαι οὕτως ἰδοὺ τῇ γενεᾷ τῶν υἱῶν σου ἠσυνθέτηκα
If I had said the things that the wicked people say, I would have been sinning against your people.
16 καὶ ὑπέλαβον τοῦ γνῶναι τοῦτο κόπος ἐστὶν ἐναντίον μου
And when I tried to think about all this, it was very difficult for me [to understand it].
17 ἕως εἰσέλθω εἰς τὸ ἁγιαστήριον τοῦ θεοῦ καὶ συνῶ εἰς τὰ ἔσχατα αὐτῶν
But when I went to your temple, [you spoke to me], and I understood what will happen to the wicked people [after they die].
18 πλὴν διὰ τὰς δολιότητας ἔθου αὐτοῖς κατέβαλες αὐτοὺς ἐν τῷ ἐπαρθῆναι
[Now I know that] you will surely put them in slippery places, and they will fall down and die.
19 πῶς ἐγένοντο εἰς ἐρήμωσιν ἐξάπινα ἐξέλιπον ἀπώλοντο διὰ τὴν ἀνομίαν αὐτῶν
They will be destroyed instantly; they will die in terrible ways.
20 ὡσεὶ ἐνύπνιον ἐξεγειρομένου κύριε ἐν τῇ πόλει σου τὴν εἰκόνα αὐτῶν ἐξουδενώσεις
They [will disappear as quickly] as a dream disappears when a person awakes in the morning; Lord, when you arise, you will (cause them to disappear/forget all about them).
21 ὅτι ἐξεκαύθη ἡ καρδία μου καὶ οἱ νεφροί μου ἠλλοιώθησαν
When I felt sad/bitter, and brokenhearted,
22 καὶ ἐγὼ ἐξουδενωμένος καὶ οὐκ ἔγνων κτηνώδης ἐγενόμην παρὰ σοί
I was stupid and ignorant, and I behaved like an animal toward you.
23 καὶ ἐγὼ διὰ παντὸς μετὰ σοῦ ἐκράτησας τῆς χειρὸς τῆς δεξιᾶς μου
But I am always close to you, and you hold my hand.
24 ἐν τῇ βουλῇ σου ὡδήγησάς με καὶ μετὰ δόξης προσελάβου με
You guide me by teaching me, and (at the end [of my life]/when I die), you will receive me and honor me.
25 τί γάρ μοι ὑπάρχει ἐν τῷ οὐρανῷ καὶ παρὰ σοῦ τί ἠθέλησα ἐπὶ τῆς γῆς
You are in heaven and I belong to you [RHQ], and there is nothing on this earth that I desire more than that.
26 ἐξέλιπεν ἡ καρδία μου καὶ ἡ σάρξ μου ὁ θεὸς τῆς καρδίας μου καὶ ἡ μερίς μου ὁ θεὸς εἰς τὸν αἰῶνα
My body and my mind may become very weak, but God, you continue to enable me to be strong; I belong to you forever.
27 ὅτι ἰδοὺ οἱ μακρύνοντες ἑαυτοὺς ἀπὸ σοῦ ἀπολοῦνται ἐξωλέθρευσας πάντα τὸν πορνεύοντα ἀπὸ σοῦ
Those who remain far from you will be destroyed; you will get rid of those who abandon you.
28 ἐμοὶ δὲ τὸ προσκολλᾶσθαι τῷ θεῷ ἀγαθόν ἐστιν τίθεσθαι ἐν τῷ κυρίῳ τὴν ἐλπίδα μου τοῦ ἐξαγγεῖλαι πάσας τὰς αἰνέσεις σου ἐν ταῖς πύλαις τῆς θυγατρὸς Σιων
But [as for] me, it is wonderful to be near to God and to be protected by Yahweh, and to proclaim to others all that he has done [for me].

< Ψαλμοί 73 >