< Ιωαννου Β΄ 1 >

1 ο πρεσβυτερος εκλεκτη κυρια και τοις τεκνοις αυτης ους εγω αγαπω εν αληθεια και ουκ εγω μονος αλλα και παντες οι εγνωκοτες την αληθειαν
To an eminent Christian Lady, and to her Children, from the Officer of the Church. I sincerely love you all, and not I only, but also all those who have learned to know the Truth.
2 δια την αληθειαν την μενουσαν εν ημιν και μεθ ημων εσται εις τον αιωνα (aiōn g165)
We love you for the sake of that Truth which is always in our hearts; yes, and it will be ours for ever. (aiōn g165)
3 εσται μεθ υμων χαρις ελεος ειρηνη παρα θεου πατρος και παρα κυριου ιησου χριστου του υιου του πατρος εν αληθεια και αγαπη
Blessing, mercy, and peace will be ours — the gift of God, the Father, and of Jesus Christ, the Father’s Son — in a life of truth and love.
4 εχαρην λιαν οτι ευρηκα εκ των τεκνων σου περιπατουντας εν αληθεια καθως εντολην ελαβομεν παρα του πατρος
It was a great joy to me to find the lives of some of your children guided by the Truth, in obedience to the command that we received from the Father.
5 και νυν ερωτω σε κυρια ουχ ως εντολην γραφων σοι καινην αλλα ην ειχομεν απ αρχης ινα αγαπωμεν αλληλους
And now, I pray you, Lady — not as though I were writing a new command for you; no, it is the command which we had from the first — Let us love one another.
6 και αυτη εστιν η αγαπη ινα περιπατωμεν κατα τας εντολας αυτου αυτη εστιν η εντολη καθως ηκουσατε απ αρχης ινα εν αυτη περιπατητε
And this is love — to live in obedience to the Father’s commands. This is the Command as you learned from the first, to live in a spirit of love.
7 οτι πολλοι πλανοι εισηλθον εις τον κοσμον οι μη ομολογουντες ιησουν χριστον ερχομενον εν σαρκι ουτος εστιν ο πλανος και ο αντιχριστος
I say this because many impostors have left us to go into the world — men who do not acknowledge Jesus as Christ come in our human nature. It is that which marks a man as an impostor and an anti-Christ.
8 βλεπετε εαυτους ινα μη απολεσωμεν α ειργασαμεθα αλλα μισθον πληρη απολαβωμεν
Take care that you do not lose the fruit of all our work; rather, reap the benefit of it in full.
9 πας ο παραβαινων και μη μενων εν τη διδαχη του χριστου θεον ουκ εχει ο μενων εν τη διδαχη του χριστου ουτος και τον πατερα και τον υιον εχει
Every one who goes beyond the limits of the Teaching of the Christ has failed to find God; the man who keeps to that Teaching — he has found both the Father and the Son.
10 ει τις ερχεται προς υμας και ταυτην την διδαχην ου φερει μη λαμβανετε αυτον εις οικιαν και χαιρειν αυτω μη λεγετε
If any one comes to you and does not bring this Teaching, do not receive him into your house or welcome him;
11 ο γαρ λεγων [ αυτω ] χαιρειν κοινωνει τοις εργοις αυτου τοις πονηροις
for the man who welcomes him is sharing with him in his wicked work.
12 πολλα εχων υμιν γραφειν ουκ ηβουληθην δια χαρτου και μελανος αλλα ελπιζω ελθειν προς υμας και στομα προς στομα λαλησαι ινα η χαρα ημων η πεπληρωμενη
Though I have a great deal to say to you, I would rather not trust it to paper and ink, but I am hoping to come and see you, and to speak with you face to face, so that your joy may be complete.
13 ασπαζεται σε τα τεκνα της αδελφης σου της εκλεκτης αμην
The children of your eminent sister send you their greetings.

< Ιωαννου Β΄ 1 >