< Roma Yaaba 1 >

1 Mini Pɔli, Jesu Kiristu tuonsɔnlo, ke bi yini nni ke min tua ya tondo ke o gagdi ki baa wangi U Tienu laabaalŋamo,
Paul the seruaut of Iesus Christ called to be an Apostle put a parte to preache the Gospell of God
2 U Tienu bo tuodi ki niani, ki cedi ke bi sawalpuaba diani a tilŋama dianŋami nni, ke li ba tua yeni,
which he promysed afore by his Prophetes in the holy scriptures
3 Ke li nua o Bijua yua n mali, ki tie Dafiidi puolŋuanu, yaa tie ti gbannandi po.
that make mension of his sonne the which was begotte of the seed of David as pertayninge to the flesshe:
4 Ke li dɔgdi yeni U Tienu Foŋanma paaciamu, ki waani ke o tie U Tienu Bijua ki dugni o iedma bi kpienba siiga, wani yua n tie Jesu Kiristu, T Diedo.
and declared to be the sonne of God with power of the holy goost that sanctifieth sence ye tyme that Iesus Christ oure Lorde rose agayne from deeth
5 Wani ya po ke ti baa li ŋanbli, ki tua o tondba ki ba cedi o yeli po bi nilanba ń tuo ki ya cɔlni, ki go dugi o po.
by whom we have receaved grace and apostleshyppe to bringe all maner hethe people vnto obedience of the fayth that is in his name:
6 Yinba yaaba ke Jesu Kiristu yini ne, i mo ye li nibuoli siiga nni.
of the which hethen are ye a part also which are Iesus christes by vocacio.
7 N diani li tili ne yinba yaaba n ye Roma, ki tie U Tienu buakaaba, ke o gagdi ki yini yi ke yin tua niŋanba: U Tienu ti Báa yeni ti Diedo Jesu Kiristu ń puni yi li ŋanbli yeni mi yanduanma!
To all you of Rome beloved of God and saynctes by callinge. Grace be with you and peace from God oure father and from the Lorde Iesus Christ.
8 N dá ba tieni U Tienu balga Jesu Kiristu yeli po yinba ya po, kelima ŋanduna kuli bani i dudugdi ń caa ki se naani.
Fyrst verely I thanke my God thorow Iesus Christ for you all because youre fayth is publisshed through out all the worlde.
9 U Tienu, min tuuni yua ya po, ke li nua o Bijua laabaalŋamo, tie n kasiedi, ke n maadi i maama daali kuli kaa cedi.
For God is my witnes whom I serve with my sprete in the Gospell of his sonne that with out ceasinge I make mencion of you alwayes in my prayers
10 N miadi n jaandi nni kaa cedi, ke li ya tie o yanbuama po, min baa u sanu yeni li pamanli ki cua yiani.
besechinge that at one tyme or another a prosperous iorney (by ye will of god) myght fortune me to come vnto you.
11 Kelima n bua min la yi, ki bɔgdi yeni yi U Tienu Foŋanma paabu, yin fidi ki ya se taajala lie ke li paa.
For I longe to see you that I myght bestowe amoge you some spirituall gyfte to strength you with all:
12 Lani yaa ka, n ya cua i siiga, ti kuli ń taani ki baa li papaali kelima yinba yeni mini ń taani ki pia ya dandanli po.
that is that I myght have consolacion together with you through the commen fayth which bothe ye and I have.
13 N naataani, mii bua min wuoni yi ke n yen kali, ki jagi ke min cua i kani, ki la yi, ki cie ya luana n ye i siiga yeni ya nibuoli n sieni; ama hali yeni mɔla kuli, n dá ki ba sanu.
I wolde that ye shuld knowe brethre how that I have often tymes purposed to come vnto you (but have bene let hitherto) to have some frute amonge you as I have amonge other of ye Gentyls.
14 Li tie n po panli i, ke min gedi ki la Girekinba yeni bi yanbɔndanba, ki gedi ki la a gbanbanda yeni yaaba n ki kua cogu kuli.
For I am detter both to the Grekes and to them which are no Grekes vnto the learned and also vnto the vnlearned.
15 Lanyapo, li tie n po buamɔnma i, ke min kpaandi ki waani yinba yaaba n ye Roma po, o laabaalŋamo.
Lykewyse as moche as in me is I am redy to preache the Gospell to you of Rome also.
16 Kelima mii ji jie fee yeni min waani o laabaalŋamo: li tie U Tienu paaciamu faabma i, yua n daani kulipo; ki cili juufinba ki tuadi Gilekinba
For I am not ashamed of the Gospell of Christ because it is ye power of God vnto salvacio to all yt beleve namely to the Iewe and also to ye getyle.
17 Li laabaalŋamo n dɔgdi ki wangi U Tienu teginma yaama n ŋua li dandanli, ki go tie li dandanli po, nani lan diani maama: “O niteginka baa fo o dandanli po.
For by it ye rightewesnes which cometh of god is opened fro fayth to fayth. As it is written: The iust shall live by fayth.
18 U tienu panbienli ñani tanpoli ki ddɔgdi, ki yie bi niba tuonbiadi kuli po yeni yaali n ki tuagi i mɔmɔni sanu po bani yaaba n cedi ke bi tuonbiadi dɔgni i mɔmɔni.
For the wrath of God apereth from heven agaynst all vngodlynes and vnrightewesnes of me which withholde ye trueth in vnrightewesnes
19 Kelima lan buali ke ban ya bani U Tienu po yaali ki duagi ba bá waamu; U Tienu wani o bá n waani ba.
seynge what maye be knowen of God that same is manifest amoge them. For God dyd shewe it vnto them.
20 Lanyapo, U Tienu ŋandi yaadi n ki pia bianu, O paaciamu yuu n ki pia gbenma yeni o yenyema ki duagi ba; bi nua likuli yeni bi nuni, hali ŋanduna tagma. Ti ya diidi wan tagi yaali kuli, bi niba ki pia ban ba yedi yaali ki faabi bi yula. (aïdios g126)
So that his invisible thinges: that is to saye his eternall power and godhed are vnderstonde and sene by the workes from the creacion of the worlde. So that they are without excuse (aïdios g126)
21 Kelima, ban bandi U Tienu, bi naa kpiagi o nani o tie U Tienu; baa tieni o balga yeni o tuonŋama; ama bi maalbiidi biani ba ke bi luoni bi pala ki ki kua li biigli nni.
in as moche as when they knewe god they glorified him not as God nether were thakfull but wexed full of vanities in their imaginacions and their folisshe hertes were blynded.
22 Bi tie ti japaadi ki maali ke bi tie yanfodanba i, ki na tie gaada.
When they couted them selves wyse they became foles
23 Bi lebdi U Tienu yua n ki pia juodma yudandi ki nan ŋua ya bonnannandi tie o nisaalo yua n ba kpe, lani yaa ka ti bonyugditi, ti yandi yeni a bonbalinkaana.
and turned the glory of the immortall god vnto the similitude of the ymage of mortall man and of byrdes and foure foted beastes and of serpentes.
24 Lani ya po i ke U Tienu tulni ba ti tuonjɔgindi po, ke ban ya tiendi bi pala ń faadi yaali; ke bi ji tie bi ŋmiali nni, yaali n pia i fee, hali ki biidi bi gbanu.
Wherfore god lykewyse gave the vp vnto their hertes lustes vnto vnclennes to defyle their awne boddyes bitwene them selves:
25 Bani yaaba n lebdi ki ŋa U Tienu mɔmɔni, ki nan ŋua mi tofaama, bani yaaba n kpiagdi U Tienu tagma ki nan ŋa wani o tagdo yua dagdi yeni ya kpiagdi n ki pia gbenma. Ami! (aiōn g165)
which tourned his truthe vnto a lye and worshipped and served the creatures more then ye maker which is blessed for ever. Ame. (aiōn g165)
26 Lanyapo i, ke U Tienu tulni ba ke bi faadi ti tuonjɔgindi yeni i fee tuona: Kelima bi puoba ŋa U Tienu ń tagi ba yaali ya po ki ŋɔdi ti cancagindi tuona.
For this cause god gave them vp vnto shamfull lustes. For even their wemen did chaunge the naturall vse vnto the vnnaturall.
27 Bi jaba moko, lani n yeni, bi ŋa ban tagi o pua yaali ya po, ki fiindi bi gbanu, ki ŋua b jalieba ki cagni bi yula ki fiagdi bi bá. Bi ba baa bi gaadyema ń dagdi yeni ya pani.
And lyke wyse also the men lefte the naturall vse of the woma and bret in their lustes one on another. And man with man wrought filthynes and receaved in them selves the rewarde of their erroure as it was accordinge.
28 Nani ban den ki maali ke ban bandi U Tienu yeni, U Tienu mo ŋmagdi ba bi pala ń bua ya tuonjɔgindi po i, ke ban ya tie ya bona n ki pia mayuli.
And as it semed not good vnto them to be aknowen of God even so God delivered them vp vnto a leawde mynd yt they shuld do tho thinges which were not comly
29 Bi pala gbie yeni yaali n ki tiegi kuli, mi biadma, mi ŋaanma, bu nunfanbiadbu, ki nanga, mi kuukpama, li kɔnkɔnli, mi niama, ku tugtongu,
beinge full of all vnrighteous doinge of fornicacio wickednes coveteousnes maliciousnes full of envie morther debate disseyte evill codicioned whisperers
30 Bi tie dokpala, jonjondanba, yenyiekaaba, japaadanba, maciandanba, tuonbiididanba, danyiekaaba yeni yanluodanba.
backbyters haters of God doers of wroge proude bosters bringers vp of evyll thinges disobedient to father and mother
31 Bi tie yanpiidanba, ŋanwaadanba, bi yama ki siadi bi nisaallielo po, baa pia niñingbadma mo.
with out vnderstondinge covenaunte breakers vnlovinge trucebreakers and merciles.
32 Bá ke bi bani U Tienu buudi po, ki bani ke yaaba n tie lan ya bona dagdi yeni mi kuuma; baa tie li bona baba ka, ama bi go taa yaaba n tie li bona po, ki go puuni ba i mɔni.
Which me though they knew the rightewesnes of God how that they which soche thinges commyt are worthy of deeth yet not only do the same but also have pleasure in them that do them.

< Roma Yaaba 1 >