< Eblenba 12 >
1 To, kelima yaa siedinba n yaba boncianla lindi ti nani ku tawaligu yeni, tin tugidi mani yaa tugili n yie tipo kuli leni yaa tuonbiadi nyaba ki lindi ti, ki yaa siani yeni li juunli yaa nuama n bili tipo.
Seeing, therefore, that there is on every side of us such a throng of witnesses, let us also lay aside everything that hinders us, and the sin that clings about us, and run with patient endurance the race that lies before us,
2 Tin yaa siani ki nua Jesu yua n tie li dandanli cilika yenili ŋanbika. Kelima yaa pamanli n den bili o po yaa po, o den tuo li dapɔnpɔnli yaa kuuma, ki fali yaa fe n ye lienni, ki kali U Tienu bali kalikaanu jienu po.
our eyes fixed on Jesus, the leader and perfect example of our faith, who, for the joy that lay before him, endured the cross, heedless of its shame, and now “has taken his seat at the right hand” of the throne of God.
3 Yin kpaagikpaagi opo mani, wani yua n denjuuni yeni ti tuonbiadi danba n den yie opo maama kuli ke lan todi yi yin da cɔgi ki luo li papaali ki cedi.
Weigh well the example of him who had to endure such opposition from “people who were sinning against themselves,” so that you should not grow weary or faint-hearted.
4 Yin kɔni yaa kɔnli yeni tituonbiadi yeni, yi daa kɔni hali kebi wuli yi sɔma.
You have not yet, in your struggle with sin, resisted to the death;
5 Yi sundi U Tienu n tundi yiyaa tundi nani bibaa nbaa tundiobila maama ki yedi: «N bijua ŋan da fali o Diedo Ntundi a yaa tundifala, ki da luo lipapaali wan fuyeni a yaa yogunu.
and you have forgotten the encouraging words which are addressed to you as God’s children – “My child, think not lightly of the Lord’s discipline, do not despond when he rebukes you;
6 Kelima o Diedo tundi wan bua yua yeni fala, ki pua wan nua yua ke o tie o biga kuli.»
For it is him whom he loves that he disciplines, and he chastises every child whom he acknowledges.”
7 Yin juunimani yeni laa fala. U Tienu tiendi yi yeni kelima o nua yi ke tie o bijaba. Ki bonjaga n ye ke o baa kan tundi o tundifala?
It is for your discipline that you have to endure all this. God is dealing with you as his children. For where is there a child whom his father does not discipline?
If you are left without that discipline, in which all children share, it shows that you are bastards, and not true children.
9 Ti baanba yaaba n tie nisaaliba den tundi ti tundifala ke ti fangi ba. Lawani lii pundi tin miini ti yula ti Baa yua n ye tanpoli kani, ke tin yaa pia li miali.
Further, when our earthly fathers disciplined us, we respected them. Should we not, then, much rather yield submission to the Father of souls, and live?
10 Ti daanba den yen tundi ti tundifala u yogunu waamu bebe nani ban sua ke li dagidi maama, ama U Tienu tundi ti tundifala ti ŋamu po ke tin taani yeni o gagidiŋanma nni.
Our fathers disciplined us for only a short time and as seemed best to them; but God disciplines us for our true good, to enable us to share his holiness.
11 Li tie mɔmɔni ke tundifala kuliyen cili ki yaa tie pabiidili bonla kaa tie pamanli. Ama li yen yuandi ki cuani lan bangi yaaba yaa po mi teginma yeni mi yanduanma.
No discipline is pleasant at the time; on the contrary, it is painful. But afterwards its fruit is seen in the peacefulness of a righteous life which is the lot of those who have been trained under it.
12 Lanwani yin paagi mani yi nii yi n yɔgili, yeni yi duna ya n tadigi.
Therefore “lift again the down-dropped hands and straighten the weakened knees;
13 Yi taana n yaa ŋua yaasani n cuubi ke yua n diani taali n da kpigidi, ama lin paagi.
make straight paths for your feet,” so that the lame limb may not be put out of joint, but rather be cured.
14 Yin lingi mani mi yanduanma yeni bi niba kuli, ki go lingi mi gagidiŋanma, kelima yua n naa pia mani kan le o Diedo.
Try earnestly to live at peace with everyone, and to attain to that purity without which no one will see the Lord.
15 Yin fangi mani yi yula ke oba n da muni o yuli U Tienu ŋanbili. Yin go fangi mani yi yula ke yaa jiinu n bia ki to kuli n da tua a benkpela, ki cuani ti yanyagidi ki yaa jɔgindi bi niba bonciala.
Take care that no one fails to use the loving help of God, “that no bitterness is allowed to take root and spring up, and cause trouble,” and so poison the whole community.
16 Yin go fangi mani yi yula ke oba n da tie conconma daano, yeni yua n faliyaala n gagidi naniEsayiyen, yua n den kuadi onikpedikelima jeyenmapo.
Take care that no one becomes immoral, or irreligious like Esau, who sold his birthright for a single meal.
17 Yi bani ke lan pendi, wan den bua obaa n gaali o, waa den baa. Baa keo den lingi yeniti ninsiidi, waa den fidi ke o baalebidi jagili.
For you know that even afterwards, when he wished to claim his father’s blessing, he was rejected – for he never found an opportunity to repair his error – though he begged for the blessing with tears.
18 Yii nagini ban den baa fidi kisii yaa juali, yaali n co mi fantama. Yii nagini ku gbangbadibiadigu yeni li biigiciali yeni ku fanciangu
It is not to tangible “flaming fire” that you have drawn near, nor to “gloom, and darkness, and storm,
19 yeni kakaci piebima yeniu nialu fuugu nden ye naankani. Yaaba n den gbadilaanialuden mia ke wun da gomaadiba baamayenmaki pugini.
and the blast of a trumpet, and an audible voice.” Those who heard that voice entreated that they might hear no more,
20 kelima baa den fidi yaa ñɔbonli n tie ne: «Baa yaanga yaa sii li juali, ban ludi o a tana»
for they could not bear to think of the command – “If even an animal touches the mountain, it is to be stoned to death;”
21 Ban den laa yaala yeni kuli den pia i jeje hali ke Musa yedi: «N jie ti jawaandi hali ki digibi.»
and so fearful was the sight that Moses said – “I tremble with fear.”
22 Ama yi cua Siyono juali, lani ntie U Tienu yua n ye ki fo yaa dogu, yaa Jelusalema n ye tanpoli kani, malekinba yaaba n yaba ki pundi a tuda tuda yaa kani.
No, but it is to Mount Zion that you have drawn near, the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, to countless hosts of angels,
23 Yi cua yaaba n tie U Tienu bikpiala, ban diani yaaba yaa yelatanpoli po nitaanli kani, yi cua U Tienu kani, bi niba kuli bujialo kani. Yicuabi niteginkaabanaani n ye naakani, bani U Tienu n ŋanbi yaala ke bi dagidi cain kani.
to the festal gathering and assemblage of God’s firstborn whose names are enrolled in heaven, to God the judge of all people, to the spirits of the righteous who have attained perfection,
24 Yi cua Jesu kani, wani yua n tie o ŋantaadipaano yaa candanbaalo, yeni o sɔma kani yaama n mii ki maadi yaa maama n ŋani ki cie Abela yaa sɔma n den maadi yaala.
to Jesus, the intermediary of a new covenant, and to the sprinkled blood that tells of better things than the blood of Abel.
25 Fangi mani yi yula ki da yie ke yi kan cengi yua n maadi yeni yi mɔla. Kelima yaaba n den yie kaa cengi yua n sɔgini ba U Tienu maama ŋanduna nni naa den fidi ki sani ki ciadi. Lanwani ti yaa yie kaa cengi yua n ye tanpoli po, laa pia tama ke ti kan fidi ki sani ki ciadi.
Beware how you refuse to hear him who is speaking. For, if the Israelites did not escape punishment, when they refused to listen to him who taught them on earth the divine will, far worse will it be for us, if we turn away from him who is teaching us from heaven.
26 Laa yogunu o nialu den teni ki tinga digibi, ama mɔla o niani ti yaa ñɔnianu n tie na: «Yenma goga, nbaa teni ki tinga n digibi. Li kan yaa tie ki tinga bebe ka. N baa teni tanpoli moko n digidi.»
Then his voice shook the earth, but now his declaration is – “Still once more I will cause not only the earth to tremble, but also the heavens.”
27 Lan yedi: «Yenma goga, » yeni waani ti ke yaala n tagi ki baa fidi ki digibi kuli, baa pendi, ke yaala n kan digidi mo n suagi ki yaa ye.
And those words “still once more” indicate the passing away of all that is shaken – that is, of all created things – in order that only what is unshaken may remain.
28 Lanwani, kelima ti baa baa yaa diema n kan digibi, tin yaa ye leni i tuondi, ki kpiagidi U Tienu ki ŋua o yeni li fangili yeni ijejeke li mani opo.
Therefore, let us, who have received a kingdom that cannot be shaken, be thankful, and so offer acceptable worship to God, with awe and the deepest respect.
29 kelima ti Tienu tie yaa fantama n bolindi.
For our God is “a consuming fire.”