< Jesu Tondiba Tuona 16 >
1 Pɔli ń pundi Derbi yeni Listri mo, ki sua ke Jesu ŋɔdka ke bi yi o Timote, ke o ye likani, Juufipua yua n daani U Tienu nni ya bijua, ke o báa tie Gresi yua.
Among other places Paul went to Derbe and Lystra. At the latter place they found a disciple, named Timothy, whose mother was a Jewess who had become a believer in Christ, while his father was a Greek,
2 Ya kpiiba n den ye Listri yeni Ikoni den tieni o po kasiedi ŋamo
and who was well spoken of by the Brethren in Lystra and Iconium.
3 Pɔli den bua wan yegi yeni o ki gedi u sanu; lanwani ii, ke o ga o ki kuani o ku ciagu, kelima Juufinba den ye li dogi nni, ki bani ke o báa tie Gresi yua.
Wishing to take this man with him on his journey, Paul caused him to be circumcised on account of the Jews in that neighbourhood, for they all knew that his father had been a Greek.
4 Ban den caa ya dogi nni kuli, bi den caagu u tondu ti jaandiedi nni ke ban cɔlni Jesu ŋɔdkaaba yeni Jerusalema nikpelba ń den diani ki bili ya yikodi.
As they traveled from town to town, they gave the Brethren the decisions which had been reached by the Apostles and Officers of the Church at Jerusalem, for them to observe.
5 U Tienu nitaanli dudugdi den pugni, ki go yabdi ki pugdi daali kuli.
So the Churches grew stronger in the Faith, and increased in numbers from day to day.
6 Pɔli yeni o yegni den tɔgni ki ñani Friji yeni Galatia diema nni, ki sua ke foŋanma den kuani ba ke ban da gedi Asi diema nni ki kpaandi, ki tundi mi maama.
They next went through the Phrygian district of Galatia, but were restrained by the Holy Spirit from delivering the Message in Roman Asia.
7 Ban nagi Misia, ban bigni ke ban gedi Bitinia nni, ama Jesu foŋanma den ki puni ba u sanu.
When they reached the borders of Mysia, they attempted to go into Bithynia, but the Spirit of Jesus did not permit them.
8 Ban pendi ki balni Misia, ki jiidi Truasi dogu nni.
Passing through Mysia, they went down to Troas;
9 Li bonlegdikaali ń legdi Pɔli po ku ñiagu nni: Maseduani jua den se likani, ki yi o ki tua: “Cua Maseduani ki todi ti.”
and there one night Paul saw a vision. A Macedonian was standing and appealing to him — ‘Come over to Macedonia and help us.’
10 Li bonli ń legdi Pɔli po, ke ti jagi li yogu ke ti bobni ki fii ki gedi Maseduani kelima U Tienu yi ti ke ti tundi ki waani o laabaalŋamo bi ya po i.
So, immediately after Paul had seen the vision, we looked for an opportunity to cross over to Macedonia, concluding that God had summoned us to tell the Good News to the people there.
11 Tin fii Truasi, ti taa u sansieru ki gedi Samotrasi, li daalieli tin pundi Neyapoli.
Accordingly we set sail from Troas, and ran before the wind to Samothrace, reaching Neapolis the next day.
12 Tin ñani li kani, ti gedi Filipi yu n tien Maseduani ya dociamu, ki tie ya dogu n yabi ki cie, li diema nni ki den ŋua Roma bali, tin kali li kani dana bá
From there we made our way to Philippi, which is the principal city of that part of Macedonia, and also a Roman Settlement. In that city we spent several days.
13 Saba (mi fuodma daali ń pundi, tin ña ki fagdi yeni bu bulñɔcianbu, ki gedi bɔngu bá kani naani ke ti maali ke tin kadi jaandieli (jaandi yaali). Ti den kali ki maadi yeni ya puoba n taani ki cua likani.
On the Sabbath we went outside the gate to the river-side, where we supposed there would be a Place of Prayer; and we sat down and talked to the women who were gathered there.
14 Bi siiga nni ban yi ya pua Lidia, ke o tie Tiyatira pua, ki pugi U tienu den cengi ti. O Diedo ń luodi o pali ke wan ya fiini Pɔli ń maadi ya maama.
Among them was a woman, named Lydia, belonging to Thyatira, a dealer in purple cloth, who was accustomed to join in the worship of God. The Lord touched this woman’s heart, so that she gave attention to the Message delivered by Paul,
15 Ban tieni o mi ñinwulma bogdili, ki yadi mi yedŋanma o diegu po, ke o mia ti ki yedi, «I ya diidi ki sua ke n duu U Tienu po, yin cua n deni, ki ya ye.» Ke ti tuo o maama
and, when she and her household had been baptized, she urged us to become her guests. “Since you have shown your conviction,” she said, “that I really am a believer in the Lord, come and stay in my house.” And she insisted on our doing so.
16 Li sua ke ti caa i jaandi, pua ke o bu ti baadi ń cendi ti. O den kuandi o yonbdanba ŋalmani li baabuli po.
One day, as we were on our way to the Place of Prayer, we were met by a girl possessed by a divining spirit, who made large profits for her masters by fortune-telling.
17 li pua den ŋua tinba yeni Pɔli ki kpaandi ki tua, “Ya niba ne ti Mi tanpojoma Tienu tuonsɔnba i, bi tundi ki wangi yi mi faabma sanu i.”
This girl followed Paul and the rest of us, calling: “These men are servants of the most high God, and they are bringing you news of a way to Salvation.”
18 O tieni yeni ke laa luo dana bá. Ama Pɔli pali ń beni o po, wan gbagi ki yedi ki cicibiadga, “N maadi a Jesu Kiristi yeli po, ña o niinni” Ke ki ñani ki yaadi ki ŋa o.
She had been doing this for several days, when Paul, much vexed, turned and said to the spirit within her: “In the Name of Jesus Christ I command you to leave her.” That very moment the spirit left her.
19 O canbàanba ń la ke bi ŋalmani dandanli bodi, ke bi cuo Pɔli yeni Silasi ki gedi yeni ba bi paatieba kani.
When her masters saw that there was no hope of further profit from her, they seized Paul and Silas, dragged them into the public square to the authorities,
20 Ban kuani ba ti buudi yudaano kani, ki maadi, “Ya niba ne kuandi li ŋmadli ti dogu nni. Bi tie Juufinba i,
and took them before the Magistrates. “These men are causing a great disturbance in our town,” they complained;
21 Bi tundi ya bona ke Roma yikodi ki tuo ke lan ga bii lan cɔlni.”
“They are Jews, and they are teaching customs which it is not right for us, as Romans, to sanction or adopt.”
22 Bi dogtieba den taani ki fii, ki yie Pɔli yeni Silasi po, ke ti buudi danba biidi bi pala, ki landi bi tiadi, ki papadi, ki cabi bu ñɔbu ke ban pua ba a gbana.
On this the mob rose as one man against them, and the Magistrates stripped them of their clothing and ordered them to be beaten with rods.
23 Ban pua ba ki gbeni, ki cuo ba ki ban luoni li kpaadidieli nni, ki puogi li kpaadidieli guudka ke wanya guu bonŋanla.
After beating them severely, the Magistrates put them in prison, with orders to the Governor of the Jail to keep them in safe custody.
24 Wan gbadi ban bili o ya tuonli, ke o kuani ba liiga po kpaadidieli nni ki pilni bi taana i kudseseli.
On receiving so strict an order, the Governor put them into the inner cell, and secured their feet in the stocks.
25 ku yɔgsiigu ń yɔgdi, ke Pɔli yeni Silasi yiini i yani ki dondi U Tienu, ki jaandi, ke ya kpaada n sieni cengi ba.
About midnight, while Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and while the prisoners were listening to them,
26 Li ludli nni, mi tindigbima ń tieni, ki migi li kpaadidieli fiagli, lanyognu, a bulñɔna kuli ń luodi, yuakuli ya kudseseli ń cie ki baa.
suddenly there was an earthquake of such violence that the Jail was shaken to its foundations; all the doors flew open, and all the prisoners’ chains were loosened.
27 Li kpaadidieli guudka ń findi mi guama nni ki sua ke a gana kuli yaa, wan nɔdi o jugsiega ke o ba muu ki kpa o yuli, kelima o bi tama ke a kpaada kuli sani ki ciadi i.
Roused from his sleep, and seeing the prison doors open, the Governor drew his sword intending to kill himself, in the belief that the prisoners had escaped.
28 Ama Pɔli ń tiani paama ki maadi, “Da tieni a yuli bonbiigu keli maa tikuli ye nekanba i.
But Paul called our loudly: “Do not harm yourself; we are all here.”
29 Li kpaadidieli guudka den mia ke bi yendi u kaanu, ke o sani ki kua ki digbi yeni ti jawaandi ki baa ki gbaani Pɔli yeni Silasi nintuali.
Calling for a light, the Governor rushed in, and flung himself trembling at the feet of Paul and Silas.
30 ki ñani ba, ki maadi “N Diedi n ba tieni ledi i ki baa mi faabma?”
Then he led them out, and said: “What must I do to be saved?”
31 Ban jiini o “Ya duu O Diedo Jesu Kiristi po, a ba baa mi faabma fini yeni a dansanu kuli.”
“Believe in Jesus, our Lord,” they replied, “and you shall be saved, you and your household too.”
32 Ban maadi o O Diedo maama, wani yeni odiegu nni yaaba.
Then they spoke to him of God’s Message, and to all his household as well.
33 Lanyognu, li kpaadidieli guudka ń taa ba li ñiagu mɔno, ki gedi yeni ba o deni, ki ŋuudi ŋuudi bi nala, wani yeni o deni yaaba kuli ń tuo ban tieni ba mi ñinwulma bogdili yenma.
And that very hour of the night he took them and washed their wounds, and he himself and every one belonging to him were baptized without delay.
34 Wan kuani Pɔli yeni Silasi o dieli nni, ki seni ba mi jiema, wani yeni o diegu nni yaaba kuli pala ń mangi yeni wan tuo ki ga U Tienu maama.
Afterwards he took them up to his house and set before them something to eat, rejoicing that he, with all his household, had come to believe in God.
35 Lan fandi, ti buudi yudanba ń sɔni u tondu ban maadi li kpaadidieli guudka ke wan luodi ki ŋa bi niba yeni ban ña.
In the morning the Magistrates sent the police with an order for the men to be discharged.
36 O guudka ń caa Pɔli u tondu, ki maadi, “Ti buudi danba sɔni u tondu ke ban maadi nni min luodi ki ŋa yi yin ña: mɔlane, i ba fidi ki ña yeni mi yanduanma.
The Governor of the Jail told Paul of his instructions. “The Magistrates have sent an order for your discharge,” he said, “so you had better leave the place at once and go quietly away.”
37 Ama Pɔli ń maadi ba, “Bi pua ti asala siiga, ki naa buni ti, yeni tin tie Roma yaaba kuli - ki luoni ti li kpaadidieli nni. Bi jibua ban luodiki ŋa ti li wuoli nni bii? N, n! Ban cua bibá ki luodi ti”
But Paul’s answer to them was: “They have flogged us in public without trial, though we are Roman citizens, and they have put us in prison, and now they are for sending us out secretly! No, indeed! Let them come and take us out themselves.”
38 O guudka ń caa ti buudi yudanba u tondu, ban gbadi ke Pɔli yeni Silasi tie Roma yaaba, ti jawaandi ń cuo ba.
The police reported his words to the Magistrates, who, on hearing that Paul and Silas were Roman citizens, were alarmed,
39 Ti buudi yudanba ń cua ki mia ba sugli, ki luodi ki ñani ba, ki maadi ba ke ban ña ki fagdi yeni bi dogu.
and went to the prison, and did their best to conciliate them. Then they took them out, and begged them to leave the city.
40 Pɔli yeni Silasi ń ña li kpaadidieli nni ki cua Lidia deni. Pɔli yeni Silasi ń la bi kpiiba, ban paani bi pala, ki fidi ki ña li dogu nni.
When Paul and Silas left the prison, they went to Lydia’s house, and, after they had seen the Brethren, and encouraged them, they left the place.