< 1 Tesalonika 2 >

1 N ninjaba, yinba bani ke n pundma i kani laa tua fanma.
For you know, brethren, our coming unto you, that it was not in vain:
2 Ama tin la ya fala yeni, ya sugidi Filipi dogin nni, nani yin bani maama tin den taani ki cuo ke loli lan ya papaali yeni ti tienu, ki tin waani u tienu o laabaali ŋanmo ke yaani a maba.
but having suffered, and been abused, as you know, at Philippi, we were bold in our God to speak to you the gospel of God in much conflict.
3 Kelima tin den tundi ya tunda, naa den tie ki baandi yi yeni ya yantiali ki ŋani janbi maam.
For our exhortation was not from delusion, nor from impurity, nor in guile:
4 Ama yeni u tienu den diidi ki sua ki ti dagidi k o teni'ti o maama, yeni wani tin den maadi lan ya maama ka k bua tin mangi bi niba pala ka, ama tin den bua ki ya mangidi wani u tienu ya pali.
but as we were approved of God that the gospel should be intrusted unto us, so we speak; not as pleasing men, but God who is proving our hearts,
5 I bani ke tin den ye i siigan ya yognu, ti den ke wang'i ti ñɔmandi ka, ti gɔa den pia ŋalmani buama yantiali u tienu tie ti sieda lan ya bonli kuli po.
For at that time we were not in word of flattery, as you know, nor in a pretext of covetousness, God is our witness;
6 Tii den lingi bi nisaliba ya kpiagidi ka, yaabi ba ñaa i kan bii yaabi ba ñaa kaan tianu mɔ, ya yoginu ke ti den pia u paalu ke tieni yeni nani tin tie kilisiti tondiba po.
nor seeking glory from men, nor from you, nor from others, being able to be burdensome, as the apostles of Christ;
7 Ama t den ye mi siigan yeni mi yanjiima, nani o pomado n kubi o bila maama yeni.
but we were gentle in the midst of you, as if a nurse may cherish her children;
8 Yeni, ti pali den siadi li po, ti den ye yeni li pamanli, ke tin waani o laabaali ŋanmo, ba u tienu maami beba ka, ama tinba mɔno ya miali yenm po, kelima i buanma ti po i, den pundi lan kani.
being so desirous of you, that we are anxious not only to give the gospel of God, but our own souls, because you are beloved unto us.
9 Kelima, yi ya tiadi, n kpiiba, ti tuonli yeni ti fala u ñiagu yeni u yienu kuli, tin den tuuni ka ke bua ke tua oba kuli po tugili, ya yoginu ke ti den wangi yi o laabaali ŋanmo
For you remember, brethren, our labor and toil: night and day working, that we should burden no one of you, we preached unto you the gospel of God.
10 Yi tie sieda li po, u tienu mɔ tie sieda, ke tii den pia tagili yaali ke li ba fidi ke jagili ti yi siiga.
You are witnesses, and God, how sacredly and righteously and blamelessly we were unto you who believed:
11 Yi gɔ bani ke tin den ye yi siiga, ti den ye i po nani bibaa n tie maami o bid po yeni, ke puun yi i tundi, ke paagidi i pala, ki gɔ tiendi i po sied.
as you know, exhorting each one of you, as a father of his own children, and comforting you,
12 Ke yi ya cuoni maama n ŋani u tienu po, wan yua yi yi o badi dienma nni.
and testifying, that you walk worthily of God, who calls you into his own kingdom and glory.
13 Li ya po, yoginu kuli baa tiendi u tienu baliga ke dugini o ŋanbili po, yeni ya yoginu kuli ke ti gbadi u tienu maama, u tienu maama, yanma, ke ti den tuo ganma, ke la ke tie nisali yantiali ka, ama nani man tie maama, u tienu maama yanma tie maamɔni ke tuuni yabi pia ti dugidi mi po.
And on account of this we also give thanks to God incessantly, because, receiving the word of God from us by hearing, you received it not as the word of men, but, as it truly is, the word of God, who indeed works in you who believe.
14 N kpiiba yi den ŋɔdi u tienu n yini yabi jesu kilisiti nni ya jaandidiena ye Jide, kelima i doginu yaaba den waani fala nan bi ya dogun jifnba n den waanb 'ba ya fala.
For ye, brethren, became imitators of the churches of God which are in Judea in Jesus Christ: because you suffered the same things from your fellow tribes, as they also from the Jews;
15 Bani den kpa o diedo jesu yeni bi nisɔginkaaba. Ke waani ti mɔ kog laa fala biado, ba ke bua u tienu maama, bi tie bi niba kuli yibali.
who even killed the Lord Jesus and the prophets, and persecuted us, and are displeasing to God, and hostile to all men;
16 Bi yiedi ti po ke tin da wangi bi nilanba u tienu maama ke bi mɔ baa m faabma, bi tieni ke li pundi bi tuonbiadi po. Li pundi u tienu n cuo'ba.
forbidding that we should speak to the Gentiles in order that they may be saved; that they may fill up their sins always: but the wrath is come upon them to the uttermost.
17 Tinba, ynbi n ninjabi, yoginu ba tin siedi i kani, ama tin den siedi ke ŋaa'yi yeni ti gbannandi ne. Ti pali wani den ta yi po.
But, brethren, we having been absent from you for the space of an hour, in presence, not in heart, we were the more exceedingly anxious to see your face with much desire.
18 Ti den bua tin gɔ cua yi kani, mini yeni pɔl, ama ti bobini li po taalimi lie, ke sitaani pani'ti.
Because we wish to come to you, I Paul indeed both once and twice; and Satan hindered me.
19 Kelima bee n tie ti papaali saala po, bii ti pamanli, bii ti kpiagidi, laa tie yinba yeni nitɔba, ti yonbidaano jesu kilisiti n ba te gua cua a?
For what is our hope, or joy, or crown of rejoicing, except you, in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at his coming?
20 Kelima yinba n tie ti kpiagidi yeni ti pamanli
For you are our glory and joy.

< 1 Tesalonika 2 >