< Loma 1 >

1 Mini Polo yua n tie JESU Kilisiti nacemo, U TIENU denyini ki gandi nni ke n tua o tondo o labaaliŋamo wangima po.
From Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, who has been called to become an apostle, and has been set apart to tell God’s good news.
2 Laa laabaaliŋamo, U TIENU den niani O sawalipuaba n diani O diani yi n gagidi ki ŋani niinni.
This good news God promised long ago through his prophets in the sacred scriptures,
3 O laabaaliŋamo maadi o Bijua maama, wan mali yua Dafidi puoliŋuanu nni yi gbanandi po.
concerning his Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord; who, as to his human nature, was descended from David,
4 Li doagidi leni U TIENU fuoma yua paaciamu po ke o tie U TIENU Bijua kelima o fiima bi tinkpiba siiga yaa po: wani n tie ti Diedo JESU Kilisiti.
but, as to the spirit of holiness within him, was miraculously designated Son of God by his resurrection from the dead.
5 Kelima o ya kani yo ti baa li ŋanbili paabu ki tua o tondiba, ki ba cuani o yeli po ti jigidi lio dandanli nni i nibuoli kuli siiga
Through him we received the gift of the apostolic office, to win submission to the faith among all nations for the glory of his name.
6 yi moko tie laa niba siiga yaaba, yinba JESU Kilisiti n yini yaaba.
And among these nations are you – you who have been called to belong to Jesus Christ.
7 N diani yi po yinba yaaba n ye Loma ki tie U TIENU buakaaba kuli, wani yini yinba yaaba ke yi gagidi O po. Ti BAA U TIENU leni o Diedo JESU Kilisiti n pa yi li ŋanbili leni mi yanduanma.
To all in Rome who are dear to God and have been called to become Christ’s people, may God, our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ bless you and give you peace.
8 N da kpa tuond U TIENU yi kuli po JESU Kilisiti ya yeli nni, kelima bi maadi yi dandanli maama ŋanduna nni kuli.
First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for you all, because the report of your faith is spreading throughout the world.
9 U TIENU, min tuuni yua po leni payenli, ki wangi O bijua yaa laabaaliŋamo, tie n siedo ke n taagi yikuli yela yogunu kuli.
God, to whom I offer the worship of my soul as I tell the goodness of his Son, is my witness how constantly I mention you when I pray,
10 N miadi U TIENU n jaandi nni ki naa cedi, ke li ya tie O yanbuama, min baa u sanu moala ki cua yi kani
asking that, if he be willing, I may some day at last find the way open to visit you.
11 kelima n bua ŋali boŋanla ki la yi, ki boagidi leni yi U TIENU fuoma n puni ya paabu, ke yin ya se ki pa.
For I long to see you, in order to impart to you some spiritual gift and so give you fresh strength –
12 Bi mo, n yaa cua yi kani ti kuli n baa li papaali kelima tin taani ki pia ya dandannli yaa po.
or rather that both you and I may find encouragement in each other’s faith.
13 N kpiiba mii bua ke lan ya boani yi, yogini yi n yaba n den jagi ki baa cua yi kani, ke min fidi ki baa bonluonkaala yi siiga nani min den baa nibuotoe siiga maama; ama ŋali moala bonla ba yen pigini n sanu ke mii fidi ki cua.
I want you to know, my friends, that I have many times intended coming to see you – but until now I have been prevented – that I might find among you some fruit of my labours, as I have already among the other nations.
14 Li tie tiladi min gedi bi nunfandanba leni bi yanluodanba po, yaaba n pia mi banma leni yaaba n ki pia mi banma kuli po.
I have a duty to both the Greek and the barbarian, to both the cultured and the ignorant.
15 Lani yaa po n bua ŋali boncianla ki ya wangi o laabaa; liŋamo yinba yaaba n ye Loma moko.
And so, for my part, I am ready to tell the good news to you also who are in Rome.
16 Kelima mii jie i fe o laabaaliŋamo wangima po. Li tie U TIENU paalu yaaba n daani kuli ya tindima po, ki cili jufinba ki ŋoadi bi nilanba.
For I am not ashamed of the good news; it is the power of God which brings salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first, but also to the Greek.
17 U TIENU teginma doagidi ke o nisaalo tiegi kelima li dandanli yaa po, leni li dandanli bebe yaa po, nani lan diani maama: O niteginkoa baa ye kelima li dandanli po.
For in it there is a revelation of the divine righteousness resulting from faith and leading on to faith; as scripture says – “Through faith the righteous will find life.”
18 U TIENU pabienli doagidi tanpoli po, ki ba cuo yaaba n yie O ki tiendi yaala n ki tiegi kuli, bani yaaba n moandi ki ñii i moamoani leni mi biadima.
So, too, there is a revelation from heaven of the divine wrath against every form of ungodliness and wickedness on the part of those people who, by their wicked lives, are stifling the truth.
19 Kelima o nilo n ba fidi ki bandi yaala kuli U NTIENU kani doagidi bi po, kelima U TIENU doagidi la bi po.
This is so, because what can be known about God is plain to them; for God himself has made it plain.
20 U TIENU gagidiŋanma ban ki nua yaama leni u paaciamu yu n ki pia gbenma leni wan tie maama kuli doagidi ke bi nua la ŋali ŋanduna tagima yogunu, li ya tie ke ti kpiagidi O o tuona nni. (aïdios g126)
For ever since the creation of the universe God’s invisible attributes – his everlasting power and divinity – are to be seen and studied in his works, so that people have no excuse; (aïdios g126)
21 Bi tie ban kan pa yaaba sugili, kelima ban bandi U TIENU, baa kpiagi O nani TIENU yeni, baa go tuondi O nani lan pundi maama, ama bi yaadi bi yankpaagifana nni. Bi yanpiima teni ke bi kua li biigili nni
because, although they learned to know God, yet they did not offer him as God either praise or thanksgiving. Their speculations about him proved futile, and their undiscerning minds were darkened.
22 Baa ke bi kpiagidi bi yula ke bi tie yanfodanba, bi tua yanluodanba.
Professing to be wise, they showed themselves fools;
23 bi lebidi U TIENU yua n kan kpe ya kpiagidi, ki kpiagidi a nannana, yaa n naani leni o nisaalo yua n ba kpe, leni ti bonyugiditi, ti yandi leni li bonbalinkaala.
and they transformed the glory of the immortal God into the likeness of mortal humans, and of birds, and beasts, and reptiles.
24 Li tie lani yaa po ke U TIENU mo ŋa ba ke bi pala n bua ban ya tiendi ya bonjoagindi kuli diedi ba. Lani bi jigidi bi yula hali ki tiendi yaala n pia i fe bi gbanandi po
Therefore God abandoned them to impurity, letting them follow the cravings of their hearts, until they dishonoured their own bodies;
25 bani yaaba n lebidi ki ŋa U TIENU n tie maama moamoani ki ŋua mi faama. Bi kpiagidi U TIENU n den tagi yaala, ki ŋa wani O tagido oba, yua n pundi ki ya baadi ti pagidi ŋali ya yogunu kuli. AMINA! (aiōn g165)
for they had substituted a lie for the truth about God, and had reverenced and worshiped created things more than the Creator, who is to be praised for ever. Amen. (aiōn g165)
26 Li tie lani yaa po ke U TIENU mo ha ba ke bi gbanandi fiima, yaama n tie ti cangidi ki teni ke baa jigini n paadi ba.
That, I say, is why God abandoned them to degrading passions. Even the women among them perverted the natural use of their bodies to the unnatural;
27 Bi jaba moko ŋa U TIENU n bili ke ban ya taagi leni bi puoba maama. bi gbanandi fiima co nani mi fantama yeni jatoaba po, ki teni ke bi cagini leni jatoaba. Lani wani bi baadi bani bi ba ya panpaani n dagidi bi yaadima po.
while the men, disregarding that for which women were intended by nature, were consumed with passion for one another. Men indulged in vile practices with men, and incurred in their own persons the inevitable penalty for their perverseness.
28 Nani ban den sua ke laa pundi ban bandi U TIENU yeni, U TIENU mo ŋa ba ke bi yantiana paadi ba, ke bi tiedi yaala n ki pundi
Then, as they would not keep God before their minds, God abandoned them to depraved thoughts, so that they did all kinds of shameful things.
29 Yaala n kaa tiegi kuli gbie bi pala nni, yaala n bia, leni mi ŋaliŋabuama, mi biadima, li nunponli, mi kukpama, li koali, mi niama, bu nunfanbiadibu, leni ku tugitongu.
They revelled in every form of wickedness, evil, greed, vice. Their lives were full of envy, murder, quarrelling, treachery, malice.
30 Bi go tie bi ñoakpalidanba ki maadi bi lieba po yaala n bia leni U TIENU yiekaaba leni bi yusiedanba, leni bi japaadanba, leni yaaba n pagi bi yula. Bi go cili ya biadima n kaa den kpa ye, ki tie bi danyiekaaba moko.
They became back-biters, slanderers, impious, insolent, boastful. They devised new sins. They disobeyed their parents.
31 Baa pia yanfuoma, baa kuandi ban niani ya ñoanianu, baa pia nitoaba po padingili leni niñingbadima.
They were undiscerning, untrustworthy, without natural affection or pity.
32 Ba ke bi bani U TIENU mabilikaama yaama n tiegi ki yedi ke li pundi ke yaaba n tieni laa bonbiadila buolu n kpe. Ama bi tiendi la bani biba, ki go saagi yaaba n tiendi yeni po i moamoani.
Well aware of God’s decree, that those who do such things deserve to die, not only are they guilty of them themselves, but they even applaud those who do them.

< Loma 1 >