< Matio 26 >

1 Jesu n den maadimaadi laa maama kuli ki gbeni, o den yedi o hoadikaaba:
And it came to passe when Iesus had fynisshed all these sayinges he sayd vnto his disciples:
2 Yi bani ke mi pendima jaanma sieni dana lie, ke bi baa janbi o Joa Bijua ki teni ban cuo o ki joani o li dapoanpoanli po.
Ye knowe that after ii. dayes shalbe ester and the sonne of man shalbe delyvered to be crucified.
3 Laa yogunu bi kopadicianba yudanba leni Jufinba nikpeliba den taani bi kopadicianba bado yua n yi kayifa luolu nni.
Then assembled togedder the chefe prestes and the scribes and the elders of the people to the palice of the hye preste called Cayphas
4 Bi den jagi ki baa cuo Jesu leni bu nunfanbu ki teni ban kpa o.
and heelde a counsell how they mygt take Iesus by suttelte and kyll him.
5 Ama bi den yedi: Lan da tieni mi jaanma dana nni ke ku fuugu n da ti fii bi niba siiga.
But they sayd not on the holy daye lest eny vproure aryse amonge the people.
6 Jesu den ye Betani o kpaado Simono deni.
When Iesus was in Bethany in the house of Symon the leper
7 Wan den ka u saajekaanu kani ki di, o pua den cua o kani ki kubi yaa tiagu n tie alibati tanli, ke li gbie leni ya tulale n pia duncianga. O den wuli tulale yeni Jesu yuli po.
ther came vnto him a woman which had an alablaster boxe of precious oyntment and powred it on his heed as he sate at the bourde.
8 Bi hoadikaaba n den la lani, bi pala den beni ke bi yedi: Be yaa po ke o biani yaa tulale n tie na?
When his disciples sawe that they had indignacion sayinge: what neded this wast?
9 Bi bi baa fidi ki kuadi laa tulale yaa dunga n yaba, ki taa li ligi ki pa a luoda.
This oyntmet myght have bene well solde and geven to the povre.
10 Jesu den bani ban maadi yaala ki yedi ba: Be n teni ke yi yagini o pua yeni yama? Wan tieni npo yaala ne hani.
When Iesus vnderstod that he sayde vnto the: why trouble ye the woman? She hath wrought a good worke apon me.
11 A luoda ye leni yi yogunu kuli, ama mini wani kan yaa ye leni yi yogunu kuli.
For ye shall have povre folcke alwayes with you: but me shall ye not have all wayes.
12 Wan wuli laa tulale n gbannandi po yeni, o tieni la ki bogini nni mi piinma po.
And in yt she casted this oyntment on my bodye she dyd it to burye me wt all.
13 N waani yi i moamoani, ban baa waani o laabaalihamo handuna nni naankani kuli, bi baa tiadi ki togidi o pua ne n tieni yaala.
Verely I saye vnto you wheresoever this gospell shalbe preached throughoute all the worlde there shall also this that she hath done be tolde for a memoriall of her.
14 Li yaa puoli bi piiga n niliediba siiga yendo, ke bi yi o Judasa Isikslioto, den gedi bi kopadicianba yudanba kani ki yedi:
Then one of the twelve called Iudas Iscarioth went vnto the chefe prestes
15 Yi baa pa nni be min janbi o yipo? Bi den su o kujapiena piitaa.
and sayd: what will ye geve me and I will deliver him vnto you? And they apoynted vnto him thirty peces of sylver.
16 Ki cili lanyogunu o den lingi wan baa baa yaa folu ki janbi Jesu ki teni ba.
And from that tyme he sought oportunite to betraye him.
17 Ya dupen n ki pia daliali jaanma cilidaali, bi hoadikaaba den nagini Jesu kani ki yedi o: A bua tin gedi lepo ki ban hanbi mi pendima jaanjiema?
The fyrst daye of swete breed ye disciples cam to Iesus sayinge vnto him: where wylt thou that we prepare for ye to eate ye paschall lambe?
18 O den goa ki yedi: Kua mani u dogu nni hme hme deni ki yedi o: Canba yedi daa: N yogunu nagini, baa jaani mi pendima jaanma leni n hoadikaaba a yaa dene.
And he sayd: Go into the cite vnto soche a man and saye to him: the master sayeth my tyme is at hande I will kepe myne ester at thy housse with my disciples.
19 Bi hoadikaaba den tieni Jesu n yedi ba yaala, ki hanbi mi pendima jaanjiema.
And the disciples did as Iesus had apoynted them and made redy the esterlambe.
20 Ku juagu n den baa, o den ka u saajekaanu kani leni bi piiga n niliediba.
When the even was come he sate doune wt the. xii.
21 Ban den di yaa yogunu o den yedi: N waani yi i moamoani, yi siiga nni yendo baa janbi nni.
And as they dyd eate he sayde: Verely I saye vnto you that one of you shall betraye me.
22 Bi pala den biidi boncianla ke yendo yendo yedi o: N Daano, li tie mini yoo?
And they were excedinge sorowfull and beganne every one of the to saye vnto him: is it I master?
23 O den goa ki yedi: Yua n taani ki tuuni leni nni ku saatiagu nni n baa janbi nni.
He answered and sayde: he yt deppeth his honde wt me in ye disshe the same shall betraye me.
24 O Joa Bijua caa nani lan diani ki bili opo maama. Ama fala baa ye leni yaa nilo n baa janbi o Joa Bijua. Li den baa tu laa joa po bi yaa den mali o.
The sonne of ma goeth as it is written of him: but wo be to yt ma by whom ye sonne of man shalbe betrayed. It had bene good for that man yf he had never bene borne.
25 Judasa, yua n den baa janbi o yeni den yedi: Canba, li tie mini yoo? Jesu den goa ki yedi o: Fini n yedi yeni.
Then Iudas wich betrayed him answered and sayde: is it I master? He sayde vnto him: thou hast sayde.
26 Ban den di ya yogunu, Jesu den taa dupen, wan den mia U Tienu seli, o den cabidicabidi ki teni bi hoadikaaba ki yedi: Ga mani ki hmani, line tie n gbannandi.
As they dyd eate Iesus toke breed and gave thankes brake it and gave it to the disciples and sayde: Take eate this is my body.
27 Lan pendi o den taa ki tadiñokaaga, wan den tuondi U Tienu, o den teni ba ki yedi: Yikuli n ño mani,
And he toke the cup and thanked and gave it them sayinge: drinke of it every one.
28 kelima line n tie n soama, o hantaadipaano ya soama yaama n baa wuli yaa niba n yaba po ke ban baa bi tuonbiadi sugili.
For this is my bloude of the new testament that shalbe shedde for many for the remission of synnes.
29 N waani yi ke moala liiga n kan go ño duven yua n tie ne hali min go baa ti taani leni yi n Baa diema nni ki ño o bonpaano yaa daali.
I saye vnto you: I will not drinke hence forth of this frute of the vyne tree vntyll that daye when I shall drinke it new with you in my fathers kyngdome.
30 Ban den yiini pisominba, bi den ñani ki gedi Olife Tiidi juali po.
And when they had sayde grace they went out into mounte olyvete.
31 Lani Jesu den yedi ba: Dinla ñiagu n baa tua yikuli po tingbali bonla. Kelima li diani: N baa pua o yankpaalo wan kpe, u pekulu mo baa yadi.
Then sayd Iesus vnto them: all ye shall be offended by me this night. For it is wrytten. I will smyte ye shepe herde and the shepe of ye flocke shalbe scattered abroode.
32 Ama n ya ti fii bi tinkpiba siiga, n baa ga yi liiga ki gedi Galile.
But after I am rysen ageyne I will goo before you into Galile.
33 Pieli den goa ki yedi o: Baa yaala n baa tieni a ya baa tua tingbali bonla yaaba n sieni po, mini wani ka.
Peter answered and sayde vnto him: though all men shulde be offended by ye yet wolde I never be offended.
34 Jesu den yedi o: N waani a i moamoani ke dinla ñiagu ne liga, hali ke ku kootongu daa buudi, a baa nia taalima taa ke haa bani nni.
Iesus sayde vnto him. Verely I saye vnto ye that this same night before the cocke crowe thou shalt denye me thryse.
35 Pieli den yedi o: Baa li ya tie tiladi ke min taani ki kpe leni a, n kan nia ke mii bani a. Bi hoadikaaba kuli den yedi yeni.
Peter sayde vnto him: Yf I shulde dye with ye yet wolde I not denye ye Lyke wyse also sayde all ye disciples.
36 Lani, Jesu den yegi leni o hoadikaaba ki pundi ban yi yaa kaanu Jetesamene.
Then went Iesus with them into a place which is called Gethsemane and sayde vnto the disciples syt ye here whyll I go and praye yonder.
37 O den yedi ba: Kali mani nakanba min suagi liiga ki ban jaandi.
And he toke with him Peter and the two sonnes of zebede and began to wexe sorowfull and to be in an agonye.
38 O den taa Pieli leni Sebede bijaliediba ke bi yegi leni o. Li paboanli leni ti yanyagiciandi den cili ki cuo o. O den yedi ba: Li paboanli cuo nni hali ke li naani ke n baa kpe yeni. Sedi mani ne ki yaa ji leni nni.
Then sayd Iesus vnto them: my soule is hevy even vnto the deeth. Tary ye here and watche wt me.
39 Lani, o den suagi liiga waamu ki baa ki labini ki jaandi ki tua: N Baa, li ya baa tuo, han cedi yaa tadiñokaaga n gbie leni fala ne n lagidi ki ha nni. De lan da tua mini ka n bua maama, kali fini n bua maama.
And he went a lytell aparte and fell flat on his face and prayed sayinge: O my father yf it be possible let this cuppe passe from me: neverthelesse not as I wyll but as thou wylt.
40 O den guani o hoadikaaba kani ki sua ke bi goagoa, ke o yedi Pieli: Yii fidi ki jiidi leni nni baa waamu yo?
And he came vnto the disciples and founde them a slepe and sayde to Peter: what coulde ye not watche with me one houre:
41 Yaa gu mani ki jaandi ke yin da ti kua mi tulinma nni. Li pali bua, ama tigbannandi nan tadi.
watche and praye that ye fall not into temptacion. The spirite is willynge but the flesshe is weake.
42 O go den piadi mi liema ki jaandi ki yedi: N Baa, li ya tie ke a kan ñani n kani yaa tadiñokaaga n gbie leni fala ne kali min ño, a yanbuama n tieni.
He went awaye once moare and prayed sayinge: O my father yf this cuppe can not passe away from me but yt I drinke of it thy wyll be fulfylled.
43 O go den guani bikani ki sua ke bi goagoa, kelima mi guama den gbadi ba.
And he came and founde the a slepe agayne. For their eyes were hevy.
44 O go den ha ba ki piadi ki go jaandi mi tataama, ki go togidi o makpiama.
And he lefte them and went agayne and prayed ye thrid tyme sayinge ye same wordes.
45 Lani, o den guani o hoadikaaba kani ki tedi ba: Yi baa goa ki fuo yoo Diidi, u yogunu pundi ke bi baa janbi o Joa Bijua ki teni o ti tuonbiadi danba nuu nni.
Then came he to his disciples and sayd vnto them: Slepe hence forth and take youre reest. Take hede the houre is at honde and ye sonne of man shalbe betrayed into ye hondes of synners.
46 fii mani tin gedi. Diidi mani, yua n baa janbi nni n kpendi yeni.
Ryse let vs be goinge: beholde he is at honde yt shall betraye me.
47 Jesu n da den maadi, Judasa, yua n den tie bi piiga n niliediba siiga yendo, den pundi o kani. Bi kopadicianba yudanba leni Jufinba nikpeliba den soani yaa niligu n yaba ke bi kukubi mu jugisiemu leni i gbiami ki yegi leni o.
Whyll he yet spake: lo Iudas one of ye xii. came and wt him a greate multitude wt sweardes and staves sent from the chefe prestes and elders of the people.
48 Wani o jajanbido yeni den tuodi ki waani ku niligu yaa maalima n tie na ki yedi: Min baa gobini yua yeni, wani n yeni, yin cuo o mani.
And he that betrayed him had geven the a token sayinge: whosoever I kysse yt same is he ley hondes on him.
49 Lanyogunu liga Judasa den nagini Jesu kani ki yedi o: Canba, n juadi a, ki gobini o.
And forth wt all he came to Iesus and sayde: hayle master and kyssed him.
50 Jesu den yedi: N danli, tieni han cua ki baa tieni yaala. Lani bi niba yeni den nagini ki bibi Jesu ki cuo o.
And Iesus sayde vnto him: frende wherfore arte thou come? Then came they and layed hondes on Iesus and toke him.
51 Yaaba n den ye leni Jesu siiga yendo den tandi o nuu ki nudi o jugisiega, ki pedi ki joandi bi kopadicianba bado naacemo tubili.
And beholde one of them which were with Iesus stretched oute his honde and drue his swearde and stroke a servaunt of the hye preste and smote of his eare.
52 Jesu den yedi o: Goa ki huuni a jugisiega, kelima yua n baa taa jugisiega ki bolini kuli, jugisiega n baa bolini o.
Then sayde Iesus vnto him: put vp thy swearde into his sheathe. For all that ley hond on ye swearde shall perisshe with ye swearde.
53 Naani a tama ke mii pia sanu ki mia n Baa moalamoala bi? O baa pa nni ya malekinba n yaba ki cie piiga n toagola lie.
Ether thinkest thou that I cannot now praye to my father and he shall geve me moo then. xii. legions of angelles?
54 Ama n ya mia yeni, yaala n diani i diani nni ki yedi ke yaala n tie na kuli baa tieni tiladi, li baa tua lede?
But how then shuld the scriptures be fulfylled: for so must it be.
55 Laa yogunu Jesu den yedi ku niligu: Yi cua ku kukubi mu jugisiemu leni i gbiami nani yi lingi o sanjalo yeni ki baa cuo nni. N den ka U Tienu diegu nni daali kuli, ki bangi U Tienu maama, ama yii den cuo nni.
The same tyme sayd Iesus to the multitude: ye be come out as it were vnto a thefe with sweardes and staves for to take me. I sate daylie teachinge in the temple amoge you and ye toke me not.
56 Line kuli tieni ke bi sawalipuaba n den diani yaala n tieni ki dudi: Lani, bi hoadikaaba kuli den ha o ki sani.
All this was done that the scriptures of the Prophetes myght be fulfilled.
57 Yaanba n den cuo Jesu den gedini o bi kopadicianba bado Kayifa kani, li balimaama bangikaaba leni biu nikpeliba n den tuodi ki taani naankani.
Then all the disciples forsoke him and fleed. And they toke Iesus and leed him to Cayphas the hye preeste where the Scribes and the Elders where assembled.
58 Pieli den hoa Jesu foagima hali ki ban pundi bi kopadicianba bado deni. O den kua u lowaalu nni ki kali leni U Tienu diegu jiidikaaba, ki baa la lan baa juodimaama.
And Peter folowed him a farre of vnto the hye prestes place: and went in and sate with the servauntes to se the ende.
59 Bi kopadicianba yudanba leni bi cancannikpeliba kuli den lingi Jesu po mi seedifaama, yaama n baa pa ba u sanu ban cuo o.
The chefe prestes and the elders and all the counsell sought false witnes agenste Iesus for to put him to deeth
60 Baa den baa, baa ke bi seedituofadanba den tieni li kani boncianla. Seedituofadanba lie den ti nagini ki yedi:
but founde none: in somoche that when many false witnesses cam yet founde they none. At the last came two false witnesses
61 One yedi: N baa fidi ki mudi U Tienu diegu ki go maa gu dana taa siiga.
and sayd: This felowe sayde: I can distroye the temple of God and bylde it agayne in. iii. dayes.
62 Bi kopadicianba bado den fii ki yedi o: A kan guani maamaba kuli? Yaa niba n ye ne tiendi po bee seedo na?
And the chefe preste arose and sayde to him: answerest thou nothinge? How is it yt these beare witnes ageynst the?
63 Jesu den hmini suoo. Bi kopadicianba bado den yedi: Hali U Tienu yua n fo po, waani ti a ya tie U Tienu n Gandi Yua, U Tienu Bijua.
But Iesus helde his peace: And the chefe Preeste answered and sayd to him: I charge the in the name of the lyvinge God that thou tell vs whether thou be Christ the sonne of God.
64 Jesu den goa ki yedi o: Fini n yedi yeni. N go waani yikuli ke moala liiga, yi baa ti la o Joa Bijua ke o ka u Paaciamu kuli Daano jienu po, ki go la o ke ñani lankani ki kpendi ti tawadi nni.
Iesus sayd to him: thou haste sayd. Neverthelesse I saye vnto you hereafter shall ye se the sonne of ma syttinge on the right honde of power and come in the clowddes of the skye.
65 Lani bi kopadicianba bado pali den beni ke o cuo wani oba ya tiadi ki padi ki yedi: O sugi U Tienu. Ti go bua seedinba ki tieni be? Moala yi gbadi ke o sugi U Tienu.
Then the hye preste rent his clothes sayinge: He hath blasphemed: what nede we of eny moo witnesses? Behold now ye have hearde his blasphemy:
66 Yi jagi be? Bi den goa ki yedi o: Li pundi wan kpe.
what thinke ye? They answered and sayd: he his worthy to dye.
67 Lani bi den sii ti ñinsandi o nunga nni, ki kudi o a nikula. Bi tianba den pabini o,
Then spat they in his face and boffeted him with fistes. And other smote him with the palme af their hondes
68 ki yedi: Fini U Tienu n Gandi Yua, hme pua ha? Bandi o.
on ye face sayinge: tell vs thou Christ who is he that smote the?
69 Pieli den kaa u lowaalu nni. Jafanyendo yua n tuuni laa diegu nni den nagini o ki yedi: A moko den ye leni Jesu, Galile yua.
Peter sate with out in the palice. And a damsell came to him sayinge: Thou also waste wt Iesus of Galilee:
70 O den nia bikuli nintuali ki yedi: Mii bani han bagi yaala.
but he denyed before the all sayinge: I woot not what thou sayst.
71 O den gedi bu buliñoajabu kani ke jafantoa laa o, ki yedi yaaba n ye likani: One moko den ye leni Nasaleti yua Jesu.
When he was goone out into the poorche another wenche sawe him and sayde vnto them that were there: This felowe was also with Iesus of Nazareth.
72 O go den nia mi liema ki poli ki yedi ke waa bani laa joa.
And agayne he denyed with an oothe that he knew the man.
73 Lan yen waamu yaaba n ye likani den nagini ki yedi Pieli: Moamoani lige, a moko tie bi jaba yeni siiga yua, kelima han maadi maama doagidi han tie naanpo yua.
And after a whyle came vnto him they yt stode bye and sayde vnto Peter: suerly thou arte even one of the for thy speache bewreyeth ye.
74 Lani Pieli den nia leni ti solindi leni a pola: Mii bani laa joa. Lanyogunu ku kootongu den buudi.
Then beganne he to course and to sweare that he knewe not the man. And immedyatly the cocke krewe.
75 Pieli ji tiadi Jesu n bi yedi o yaala: Hali ke ku kootongu daa buudi, a baa nia taalima taa ke haa bani nni. O den ñani ki ban buudi leni li paboanli.
And Peter remembred the wordes of Iesu which sayde vnto him: before the cocke crowe thou shalt deny me thryse: and went out at the dores and wepte bitterly.

< Matio 26 >