< Jesu Tondiba Tuona 7 >
1 O kopadiciamo den yedi Etiena: yeni li tie moamoane bii?
Then sayde ye chefe prest: is it even so?
2 Etiena den guadi ki yedi o: n kpiba bi jaaba leni n baanba, cengi mani; Ti kpiagidi tienu den doagidi O yuli Abalahama ya yogunu ke o den ye mesopotami hali ki daa kaali halana.
And he sayde: ye men brethren and fathers harken to. The God of glory appered vnto oure father Abraha whyll he was yet in Mesopotamia before he dwelt in Charran
3 Oden yedi o: ña a danba kani leni a dandoguni ki gedi ya dogu ke n bati waani ŋa.
and sayd vnto him: come out of thy contre and from thy kynred and come into the londe which I shall shewe the.
4 o den tuo ñani ya dogu ke bi yi kalide ki ban kali halana. lan kani o ba kuumi puoli Otienu den gedini o ya dogu ke i jii kaa moala.
Then came he out of the londe of Chaldey and dwelt in Charran. And after that assone as his father was deed he brought him into this lande in which ye now dwell
5 Otienu naa den punio tin diedi kaaga ba taapuogu n ba ŋmaa naani. ama O den niani ke O bati teni o laa kaanu ban diedi wani leni opuoliŋoani o yaa ti ye. ba yeni wan kaa pia biga.
and he gave him none inheritaunce in it no not the bredeth of a fote: but promised yt he wolde geve it to him to possesse and to his seed after him when as yet he had no chylde.
6 utienu den yedi o yaali tie na: Abalahama puoliŋoanu ba ti fa tua canba ya dogu n kaa tie bi dogu. laa diemani yaaba ba teni ban tua bi yonbi, ki go wani ba fala bina kobina.
God verely spake on this wyse that his seade shulde be a dweller in a straunge londe and that they shulde kepe them in bondage and entreate them evyll. iiii. C. yeares.
7 Ama otienu yedi: ya dogu n ba ti taaba ban tua yonbi, mini utienu n ba jia u buudi. lan yaa puoli nba ti ñanba laa dogunni, ban ban suani n po.
But the nacion to whom they shalbe in bondage will I iudge sayde God. And after that shall they come forthe and serve me in this place.
8 Utienu go den teni Abalahama ku koanciagu ŋantaado. Abalahama mali Isaka ki kuano o madi dan niili daali. Isaka n ma Jakobo ki koani o moko. Jakobo den mali piiga n jabi lie lan n tie tie yajaanba, o den kuani ban moko.
And he gave him the covenaunt of circumcision. And he begat Isaac and circumcised him the viii. daye and Isaac begat Iacob and Iacob the twelve patriarkes
9 Ti yaajanba den kuadi bi waalo Josefi ke bi gedini o Ejibiti ti yonbidi, kelima bi den pia li nunponli o po.
And the patriarkes havinge indignacio solde Ioseph into Egipte. And God was with him
10 Ama Utienu den yee leni o ki den ga o fala buoli kuli nni, O go den puni o miyanfuoma ke cedi ke Ejibiti bado Falono pali den mani o po, ke o den cedi ko tua Ejibiti kuli liiga yua leni wani Falono diegu nni kuli.
and delivered him out of all his adversities. And gave him faveour and wisdome in the sight of Pharao kynge of Egipte which made him governer over Egipte and over all his housholde.
11 Mikoncianma den baa Ejibiti dogu kuli, leni Kanana dogu li den tie falaciamo. baa den pia bonjekaala.
Then came ther a derth over all the londe of Egipt and Canaan and great affliccion that our fathers founde no sustenauce.
12 Jakoabo den gaa laabali ke mijiema den ye Ejibiti lan wani ke o den kpa suani ti yaajanba yenma.
But when Iacob hearde that ther was corne in Egipte he sent oure fathers fyrst
13 ban guani ki gedi mi ta liema Josefi den doagidi o yuli o kpeliba kani, lani ke Falono moko den bandi wan tie ya nibuolu yua.
and at the seconde tyme Ioseph was knowen of his brethren and Iosephs kynred was made knowne vnto Pharao.
14 lani Josefi den suani ban wolo o po, o ba leni o diegu nubi kuli. bi kuli cuali den fii nubi piileele.
Then sent Ioseph and caused his father to be brought and all his kynne thre score and xv. soules.
15 Jakoabo den jiidi Ejibiti leni ti yaajanba.
And Iacob descended into Egipte and dyed bothe he and oure fathers
16 ban kaa den yee bi den gedini bi kuli Sikema ki ban piiniba naani ke Abalahama den daa leni i ligi Hamola bijabi kani. lan n tie Sikema yaajanba.
and were translated into Sichem ond were put in ye sepulcre that Abraham bought for money of the sonnes of Emor at Sichem.
17 utienu nden niani Abalahama ya ŋoanianu nden nagida ki baa ba migbienma ti buolu den maa ki pugida bonciala Ejibiti dogunni.
When ye tyme of ye promes drue nye (which God had sworme to Abraham) the people grewe and multiplied in Egipte
18 Li den pundi ya yogunu ke badi toa yua kaa bandi Josefi den dini libali
till another kynge arose which knewe not of Ioseph.
19 Laa bado den janbi ti buolu ki den wangi ti yaajanba fala, ki teni ke bi lu bi canpanda leni u paalu ke ban da ya yee.
The same dealte suttelly with oure kynred and evyll intreated oure fathers and made them to cast oute their younge chyldren that they shuld not remayne alyve.
20 Laa yogunu yo bi den mali Musa. o den ŋani o tienu po. o danba den kubi o deeni ha li ŋmali ta.
The same tyme was Moses borne and was a proper childe in ye sight of God which was norisshed vp in his fathers housse thre monethes.
21 Ban den luni o ya yogunu Falona bisalo den piidi o ki wubi o nani o bimaadi ga yeni.
When he was cast out Pharoes doughter toke him vp and norisshed him vp for her awne sonne.
22 bi den cogini o Egibiti yaaba banma leni li yanfuoma kuli, o go den pia u paalu mi maama nni leni a tuonŋama nni.
And Moses was learned in all maner wisdome of the Egipcians and was mighty in dedes and in wordes.
23 Wan den ba li yankuali ya yogunu ki ba gedi ki ban lee o buolu nuba o den pia bina piina.
And when he was full forty yeare olde it came into his hert to visit his brethren the chyldren of Israhel.
24 Wan den pundi li kani o den sua ke Ejibiti nulo den wangidi fala o buolu nulo yendo, o den ga o koanli ki pua ki kpa Ejibiti yua.
And when he sawe one of them suffre wronge he defended him and avenged his quarell that had the harme done to him and smote the Egypcian.
25 O den tamake o kpiiba Isaleelenba yaaba ba bandi ke lenio yaa nu yo, ke Utienu baa faabiba leni fala. ama baa den faami ki bandi.
For he supposed hys brethren wolde have vnderstonde how yt God by his hondes shuld save them But they vnderstode not.
26 Laa daali ya fifama, o den laa ke Isaleele yaaba siiga nibi lie ke bi kuani ki pua bi yaba. o den tundi ba ki bua ban mangi, o den yedi ba: i kuli tie buolu yendu bee n teni ke yi wangidi yi lieba fala?
And the next daye he shewed him selfe vnto the as they strove and wolde have set the at one agayne sayinge: Syrs ye are brethren why hurte ye one another?
27 Ama yua n den paani o lielo yeni den yedi: ŋme dini ŋa li bali ke ŋan tua ti yudaano leni ti bujialo?
But he that dyd his neghbour wronge thrust him awaye sayinge: who made ye a rular and a iudge amonge vs?
28 A bua ki kpa n moko nani wonli ŋan den kpa Ejibiti yua maama yeni bii?
What wilt thou kyll me as thou dyddest the Egyptian yester daye?
29 Laa maama po, Musa den sani ki gedi ya dogu ke yi Madiana, li po o den mali bonjala lie.
Then fleed Moses at that sayenge and was a stranger in the londe of Madian where he begat two sonnes.
30 Bina piina puoli Maleki den doagidi o Sinayi joali fanpienmanni o den la ya fatuugu yaa niini ke mifantama co yeli yeli.
And when. xl. yeares were expired ther appered to him in the wyldernes of mounte Syna an angell of the Lorde in a flamme of fyre in a busshe.
31 Musa n den laa, laa bondoagidi kaala, li den lidini o. wan den nagida ki bua ki diidi bonŋanla, o den gbadi O diedo nialu
When Moses sawe it he wondred at the syght. And as he drue neare to beholde the voyce of the Lorde came vnto him:
32 N tie a yaajanba tienu Abalahama, Isaka leni Jakoabo tienu. Musa den digibi kaa tuo ki yaadi ki diidi.
I am ye God of thy fathers the God of Abraham the God of Isaac and the God of Iacob. Moses trembled and durst not beholde.
33 O diedo den yedo: pidi a cacaadi kelima ŋan se ya kaanu yeni tie tingagidi kaaga.
Then sayde ye Lorde to him: Put of thy showes from thy fete for the place where thou stondest is holy grounde.
34 N laa n nubi n laadi yaa fala Ejibiti diema nni N go gbadi bi dunli moala n jiidi ki ba faabiba. gedi moala n ba suana Ejibiti.
I have perfectly sene the affliccion of my people which is in Egypte and I have hearde their gronynge and am come doune to delyver them. And now come and I will sende the into Egypte.
35 Musa yua ke bi den yie o, ki den tua: ŋme dini ŋa libali ke ŋan tua ti yudaano leni ti bujialo, wane ke o tienu go den suani wan tua bi yudaano leni bi faabi ka leni Maleki yua den doagido ku fatuugu nni yaa todima.
This Moses whom they forsoke sayinge: who made the a ruelar and a iudge: the same God sent bothe a ruler and delyverer by ye hondes of the angell which appered to him in the busshe.
36 Wani go den ñani ba Ejibiti leni mi bancianma leni sinakeene, Ejibiti nni mi ñincianmoama siiga, mi fanpiencianmani hali bina piina.
And the same brought them out shewynge wonders and signes in Egypte and in the reed see and in the wyldernes. xl. yeares.
37 wan Musa n go den yedi isaleele bila: Utienu baa ñani i siiga o sawali pualo nani mini.
This is that Moses which sayde vnto the chyldre of Israel: A Prophet shall the Lorde youre God rayse vp vnto you of youre brethren lyke vnto me him shall ye heare.
38 ya yogunu ke isaleele yaaba den taani ku fanpienciagun ni, Musa n den ye leni ba, ki go den gaani utienu Maleko n den maadi o yaala Sinayi juali leni ti yaajanba, o den soangidi ti po yaa maama n tie limiali maama, yaama n ñani Utienu kani.
This is he that was in ye congregacion in the wyldernes with the angell which spake to him in ye moute Syna and with oure fathers. This man receaved the worde of lyfe to geve vnto vs
39 Ti yaajanba, baa den tuo wan yedi yaala. bi den yie o, ke bi yantiana leni bi paala go den jigidi ki nuanli Ejibiti po.
to who oure fathers wolde not obeye but cast it from them and in their hertes turned backe agayne into Egypte
40 Bi den yedi Alono: duadi ti po i buli, ya buli n baa cuoni ti liiga; kelima Musa yua n ñani ti Ejibiti dogu yeni, tii bani yaali n tieno.
sayinge vnto Aaron: Make vs goddes to goo before vs. For this Moses that brought vs out of the londe of Egypte we wote not what is become of him.
41 bi den duadi laa dana nni bulo ke naanini ki naabiga. ki paadi li padili o po, ki mangidi bi pala leni ban fidi ki suani yaa tuonli leni bi nii.
And they made a calfe in those dayes and offered sacrifice vnto the ymage and reioysed in the workes of their awne hondes.
42 Lan wan Utienu den ŋaaba ki cedi ke bi kpiagidi tanpoli ŋabili, nani lan diani bi sawalipuaba tili n ni maama: naani yi den padi n po ti yandi, yaa yogunu ke n den ye leni yi bina biina mi fanpiencianma n ni bii? yinba isaleele ba yaaba.
Then God turned him selfe and gave them vp that they shuld worship the starres of the skye as it is written in the boke of the prophetes. O ye of ye housse of Israel gave ye to me sacrefices and meate offerynges by the space of xl. yeares in the wildernes?
43 Yi den tugi ya bulo n yi Moloko gbandieli, leni ya bulo n yi Lefana ŋmabiliga. laa bon naani kala kuli yi den tieni ki ba ya kpiagidi. lan yaa po yo, ke n cedi ke yi gedi ti yonbidi hali Babilona diema yaa kandima.
And ye toke vnto you the tabernacle of Moloch and the starre of youre god Remphan figures which ye made to worshippe them. And I will translate you beyonde Babylon.
44 Ti yaajanba den pia siedi gbandieli mi fanpiencianma n ni. nani Utienu n den puogi Musa wan tieni maama. Musa den tieni nani Utienu n den cili wani o ya nananli.
Oure fathers had the tabernacle of witnes in ye wyldernes as he had apoynted the speakynge vnto Moses that he shuld make it acordynge to the fassion that he had sene.
45 Lan ya puoli, Josue den gobidi ti yaajanba ke bi den kuani laa siedi gbandieli ya diema ya niini ke Utienu den teli yaa nubi n den cili ki kaa likani. bi den kali laa dogu n ni ki ban pundi hali Dafidi yogunu.
Which tabernacle oure fathers receaved and brought it in with Iosue into the possession of the gentyls which God drave out before the face of oure fathers vnto the tyme of David
46 Dafidi den ba Utienu ŋanbili, ke o den mia Otienu ki bua ki maa Jakoabo Tienu po ku diegu.
which founde favour before God and desyred that he myght fynde a tabernacle for the God of Iacob.
47 Ama, Salomo n den maa ku diegu.
But Salomon bylt him an housse.
48 Ki naa ña tanpoli joma Tienu ki ye bi nisaaliba n ma ya diegu ya niini, nani nani o sawali pualo n yedi maama.
How be it he that is hyest of all dwelleth not in teple made with hondes as saith the Prophete:
49 O diedo yedi: tanpoli tie n bali kali kaanu, ki tinga mo tie n taaŋmakaanu. be ya diebuolu ke yi ba ma, n po? bi lee n tua n po fuodi kaanu?
Heven is my seate and erth is my fote stole what housse will ye bylde for me sayth the Lorde? or what place is it that I shuld rest in?
50 Naani n yaa nu cele kaa tagi lan kuli?
hath not my honde made all these thinges?
51 Tupaalu danba ne; ya nusaala kaa tuo ki lebidi bi pala ke bi tuba go juagi, yi yaajanba n den tie maama yi moko tie yene kelima yi yiedi yogunu kuli Utienu fuomi yua.
Ye stiffenecked and of vncircumcised hertes and eares: ye have all wayes resisted the holy goost: as youre fathers dyd so do ye.
52 O lee sawapuale ke yi yaajanba ki waani o fala? bi den ku yaabi n den tuodi waani O tegini ka cuama. moala ke yi janbi o ki teni ke bi kpao. lani n bundi ke yi den tua nikpanla.
Which of the prophetes have not youre fathers persecuted? And they have slayne them which shewed before of the commynge of that iust whom ye have now betrayed and mordred.
53 Yi den ba Utienu balimaama yaama ke Malekinba den suagini yi po. ama yii tuo ki kubima.
And ye also have receaved a lawe by the ordinaunce of angels and have not kept it.
54 Ban den gbadi Etiena n maadibi maama, bi pala den beni hali boncianla, ke bi cegini bi ñina o po.
When they hearde these thinges their hertes clave a sunder and they gnasshed on him with their tethe.
55 Ama Etiena den gbie leni Otienu fuomi yua. o den yaadi ki nuanla tanpoli po ki la Otienu kpiagidi ke Jesu se Utienu najienu.
But he beynge full of the holy goost loked vp stedfastlye with his eyes into heven and sawe the glorie of God and Iesus stondynge on the ryght honde of God
56 O den yedi: diidi mani, n nua ke ke tanpoli luodi ke O joa bijoa se Utienu najienu.
and sayde: beholde I se the hevens open and the sonne of man stondynge on the ryght honde of god.
57 Bi tangi boncianla ki biindi bi tuba, ki taani ki libi o li kani.
Then they gave a shute with a loude voyce and stopped their eares and ranne apon him all at once
58 Bi den fuli o, ki ñani o u dogu n ni ki ban madi o a tana. siediba den landi bi tiadi ki biliti ya jawalo yaa kani ke den yi o Polo.
and caste him out of the cite and stoned him. And the witnesses layde doune their clothes at a yonge mannes fete named Saul.
59 Ban den madi o tana ya yogunu, Etiena den jani ki yedi: O diodo Jesu, ŋan ga n naano.
And they stoned Steven callynge on and sayinge: Lorde Iesu receave my sprete.
60 Lan ya puoli, o den gbaani o duna po ki tiani yenma ki yedi: O diedo, ŋan pa ba laa tuonbiadi sugili. laa maama puoli o den gbindi.
And he kneled doune and cryed with a loude voyce: Lorde laye not this synne to their charge. And when he had thus spoken he fell a slepe.