< Jesu Tondiba Tuona 22 >

1 N kpiiba leni n baanba cengi mani min pia ya maama moalene ki ba maadi ki gaa n yuli!
Brethren, and fathers, hearken to my defence before you.
2 ban den gba ke o maadi leni ba ebulu maama nni bi den ŋmine suo. lani Polo den yedi ba:
And when they perceived that he addressed them in Hebrew, they were the more quiet: and he said to them:
3 N tie jufi ki mali Tasa dogu nni Silisi diema nni. Ama n den fandi u naa dogu nni, n den kua Gamalieli cogidieli. Ke o bangi nni ti yaajanba balimaama cap. N den pia li yankuali U Tienu po nani yikuli n tie maama dinni.
I am a man who am a Jew; and I was born in Tarsus of Cilicia, but was brought up in this city, at the feet of Gamaliel, and instructed perfectly in the law of our fathers; and I was zealous for God, as ye also all are.
4 N den waani yaaba n ŋua Jesu sanŋoadima fala ŋali ki ku ba, n den loli bi puoba leni bi jaba ki kuani ba a kadidiena nni.
And I persecuted this way, even to death; for I bound, and delivered up to prison, both men and women.
5 Bi kopadicianba bado leni bi cancannikpeliba taancianli kuli den tie n po siedinba. Bi den teni nni tisoankaana ke min ban teni ti kpiiba yaaba n ye Damasa, min den gedi naanpo ki baan loli yaaba n ye lipo ki ŋua mi naa sanŋoadima ki cuani ba Jelusalema na ki baa teni ban waani ba fala.
As the high priest is my witness, and likewise all the Elders; from whom I received letters, that I might go to the brethren in Damascus, and bring those who were there prisoners to Jerusalem, to receive capital punishment.
6 Min den ye u sanu nnin, ki nagidi Damasa, ke li bua ki pundi u yensiinu, lanyogunu mi yenyencianma den ǹani tanpoli ki jiidi ki lindi nni.
And as I travelled and began to approach Damascus, at noonday, from amidst tranquillity, a great light from heaven burst upon me.
7 N den baa tiipo ki gbadi u nialu ke u yedi nni: Solo, Solo, be yapo ke a wanginni fala?
And I fell to the earth: and I heard a voice, which said to me: Saul, Saul! why persecutest thou me?
8 n den yedi: a tie ŋmee yo n Diedo? lani o den yedi nni: n tie jesu Nasaleti yua ŋan wangi yua fala.
And I answered and said: Who art thou, my Lord? And he said to me: I am Jesus the Nazarean, whom thou persecutest.
9 Yaaba n den yegi leni nni den laa mi yenma yeni ŋanma, ama baa den gbadi yua n maadi leni nni nialu. Lani n den yedi nDiodo n baa tieni be?
And the men who were with me, saw the light, but heard not the voice that talked with me.
10 o Diodo den yedi nni: fii ki gedi Damasa, lankani bi ba waani a ŋan baa tieni yaala kuli.
And I said: My Lord, what must I do? And our Lord said to me: Arise, go to Damascus; and there will be told thee, all that it is commanded thee to do.
11 Nani min ki den nua liba kelima mi yenma yeni n den yendi maama, yaaba n den yegi leni nni den cuo n nuu ki dadi nni ke n pundi Damasa.
And as I could see nothing, because of the glory of that light, those with me took me by the hand, and I entered Damascus.
12 O joa den ye Damasa ki yi Ananiasa o den ŋua U Tienu ki fangi o ki kubi o balimaama. Ya jufinba n den ye Damasa kuli den tiendi o po o siediŋamo den cua n kani.
And a certain man, Ananias, who was upright according to the law, as all the Jews there testified concerning him, came to me.
13 O den yedi nni: N kpiilo Solo, guani ki ya nua. Lanyogunu n den guani ki noanli ki laa o.
And he said to me: My brother Saul! open thine eyes. And instantly my eyes were opened; and I looked upon him.
14 O den yedi nni: ti yaajanba U Tienu, tuodi ki gandi a ki bili ke ŋan bandi o yanbuama, ki le o nitenginkoa ki gbadi o ǹoabu nni maama.
And he said to me: The God of our fathers hath ordained thee to know his will, and to behold the Just One, and to hear the voice of his mouth.
15 Kelima a baa tie o siedo, bi nisaaliba kuli poi, ki wangi ba ŋan laa ki go gbadi yaala.
And thou shalt be a witness for him before all men, concerning all that thou hast seen and heard.
16 Moala a go jii be? fii ki teni ban batisi a, a tuonbiadi n ŋuudi ki ǹa, kelima a jaandi o Diodo yeli nni.
And now, why delayest thou? Arise, be baptized, and be cleansed from thy sins, while thou invokest his name.
17 Min den guani Jelusalema ki ye U Tienu diegu nni ki jaandi U Tienu, n den laa li bonlekaala.
And I returned and came hither to Jerusalem. And I prayed in the temple.
18 N den laa o Diodo ke o yedi nni: fii ki ǹa jelusalema ne tontoni kelima bi kan gaa ŋan tiendi npo ya siedi.
And I saw him in a vision, when he said to me: Make haste, and get thee out of Jerusalem; for they will not receive thy testimony concerning me.
19 N den yedi: n Diedo, bani biba bani ke n den caa li balimaama diena nni ki co bi siiga nni yaaba n tuo ki daani a, ki kuandiba a kadidiena nni ki tendi ke bi pua ba i gbiani.
And I said: My Lord, they well know that I have delivered up to prison, and have scourged in all synagogues, those who believed in thee.
20 N den taa leni yaba n den wuli a siedo Etiena soama ki ku o, ki saa bipo i moamoani ke li pundi, ki se ki guu yaaba n ku o tiayiekaadi.
And when the blood of thy martyr Stephen was shed, I also was standing with them, and performed the pleasure of his slayers, and took charge of the garments of those that stoned him.
21 Lani o Diedo den yedi nnifii ki gedi kelima n ba soani a ŋali foagima, bi nilanba po.
But he said to me: Depart; for I send thee afar, to preach to the Gentiles.
22 Bi den cengi Polo ŋali ke o maadi ki pundi laa maama. Lane bi den tangi ki tua: kpa o mani. Laa pundi ya nibuolu n tie ne n ya ye leni miali.
And when they had heard Paul as far as this sentence, they raised their voice, and cried out: Away with such a man from the earth! for he ought not to live!
23 Bi den tangi ki pugidi, ki luni bi tiadi, ki yadi mi tama tanpoli.
And as they vociferated, and cast off their garments, and threw dust into the air,
24 A minteela yudanciamo den yedi ke ban kuani Pololi diepaali nni ki pua o i balijoe ki buali o ki bandi yaala n teni ku niligu tangi opo yeni.
the Chiliarch gave orders, to carry him into the castle: and he commanded, that he should be examined with stripes; that he might know, for what cause they cried out against him.
25 Ban den loli o ki baa pua o ya yogunu, Polo den yedi miteela kobiga yudaano yua n den se likani: Naani yi pia u sanu ki pua Loma yua i balijoe ki daa buni leni o?
And as they were stretching him with ropes, Paul said to the centurion who stood over him: Is it lawful for you to scourge a man, who is a Roman, and not yet found guilty?
26 Minteela kobiga yudaano n den gbadi laa maama, o den gedi ki ban waani a minteela yudanciamo ki yedi: A baa tieni be? o joa yeni tie Loma yua yo.
And when the centurion heard it, he went to the Chiliarch, and said to him: What doest thou? For this man is a Roman.
27 A minteela yudanciamo den cua Polo kani ki yedi o: waani nni, a tie Loma yua yo? o den guani ki yedi o yeni de.
And the Chiliarch came to him, and said to him: Tell me; Art thou a Roman? And he said to him: Yes.
28 A minteela yudanciamo den yedi o: N den pani ligiciame ki tua Loma yua. Polo den guani ki yedi o, mini wani n mali ki tie yene.
The Chiliarch replied and said to him: With much money I acquired Roman citizenship. Paul said to him: And I was born in it.
29 Lanyogunu yaaba n den ba pua o wan maadi den fuadi o kani. A minteela yudanciamo mo den jie boncianla kelima o teni ke bi loli Polo yua n tie Loma yua leni i kuseseli.
And immediately they who were intending to scourge him, fled from him: and the Chiliarch was afraid, when he learned that he was a Roman, because he had stretched him for scourging.
30 Lan den fii ki fa, ke minteela kobiga yudaano den li bua ki bandi jufinba n den li kuliti Polo yaala ya po, o den teni ke bi lodi Polo, ki go teni ke bi kopadicianba yudanba leni bi cancannikpeliba taancianli kuli n taani. Lani o den gedini Polo ki sieni o bi nintuali.
And the next day, he wished to know truly what the accusation was, which the Jews brought against him: and he unbound him, and commanded the chief priests, and the whole company of their head-men, to assemble; and he took Paul, and brought him down, and placed him among them.

< Jesu Tondiba Tuona 22 >