< Jesu Tondiba Tuona 15 >
1 Bi nitianba yaaba n den ñani Jude ki cua Sili ya Antiosa den bangi ti kpiiba ki tua: Yi yaa kua ku koanciagu nani Musa n bili maama yi kan tindi.
And certain men came down from Judaea, and taught the brethren, that unless ye be circumcised, in accordance with the rite of the law, ye cannot have life.
2 Polo leni Banabasa den yie bipo ki waagi ki nia leni ba leni u paalu. Lani yaapo li kani yaaba den jagi ki bili ke Polo leni Banabasa leni bi siiga bi tianba baa gedini laa maama Jelusama Jesu tondiba leni li kani nikpeliba po.
And Paul and Barnabas had much trouble and disputation with them. And it resulted, that Paul and Barnabas, and others with them, went up to the legates and Elders at Jerusalem, because of this matter.
3 Kilisiti n yini yaaba Antiosa po den todi ba li sancenli po. Bi den poandi Fenisi leni Samali diema kuli ki togidi bi nilanba n den lebidi ki daani maama ki teni ke lanpo bi kpiiba kuli pala mangi hali boncianla laa maama po.
And the church waited on them, and sent them away; and they travelled through all Phenicia and the territory of the Samaritans, narrating the conversion of the Gentiles, and causing great joy to all the brethren.
4 Ban den pundi Jelusalema, Kilisiti n yini yaaba, bi tondiba leni bi nikpeliba den biali ba. Bi den togidi U Tienu n tuuni leni ba ki tiendi yaala kuli.
And when they came to Jerusalem, they were received by the church, and by the Elders, and by the legates; and they recounted all that God had wrought by them.
5 Li sua ke Falisieninba cagili siiga, bi tianba yaaba n den daani den fii ki yedi ke li tie tiladi bi nilanba n kua ku koanciagu ki go waani ba ban kubi Musa balimaama.
And some who from the sect of the Pharisees had believed, rose up and said: It is necessary for you to circumcise them, and to command them to observe the law of Moses.
6 Jesu tondiba leni bi nikpeliba den taani ki baa juogi laa maama po.
And the legates and Elders assembled, to look into this matter.
7 Ban den juogi juogi ŋali boncianla Pieli den fii ki yedi ba: N kpiiba yibani ke li waagi leni U Tienu n den gandi nni yi siiga, ke min yaa wangi bi nilanba o laabaaliŋamo maama, ke ban tuo ki daani.
And when there had been much discussion, Simon arose and said to them: Men, brethren, ye know that, from the earlier days, God chose that from my mouth the Gentiles should hear the word of the gospel, and should believe.
8 U Tienu yua n bani bi niba pala kuli den tieni bi po seedi wan den puni ba U Tienu Fuoma Yua nani wan den puni ti moko maama.
And God, who knoweth what is in hearts, bore testimony concerning them, and gave the Holy Spirit to them, even as to us.
9 Waa den tieni gagidima ba kuli tinba leni bani siiga kelima o den ŋuudi ki ŋanbi bani moko yaa pala kelima ban den daani yeni po.
And he made no distinction between them and us; because he purified their hearts by faith.
10 Lanwani be yaa po ke yi moadi ki baa biigi U Tienu, ki bua ki tuni bi ŋoadikaaba ya tugili ke tinba leni ti yaajanba kuli n kaa fidi ki tugi yaali.
And now, why tempt ye God, by putting a yoke on the necks of the disciples, which neither our fathers nor we could bear?
11 Ama ti daani ke ti tindi kelima ti Diedo Jesu kilisiti ŋanbili po nani bani moko yeni.
But we believe, that we as well as they, are to have life by the grace of our Lord Jesus Messiah.
12 Li nitaanli yeni kuli den ŋmini suo ki cengi Banabasa leni Polo n bi togidi U Tienu n den teni ke bi tieni ya bancianma leni ya bonlidinkaala bi nilanba siiga.
And the whole assembly were silent, and listened to Paul and Barnabas, who related how God by their hands had wrought signs and prodigies among the Gentiles.
13 Ban den maadi ki gbeni, Jaka den yedi:
And after they ceased, James arose and said: Men, brethren, hearken to me.
14 N kpiiba, cengi mani nni. Simono togidi U Tienu n den kpa noanli ki laa bi nilanba po maama, ki gandi bi siiga ya niba n baa tie o nibuolu.
Simon hath related to you, how God hath begun to elect a people for his name from among the Gentiles.
15 Laa maama taa leni bi sawalipuaba maama nani lan diani i diani nni maama ki yedi:
And with this the words of the prophets accord, as it is written:
16 Lani yaa pendi n baa goa cua ki go sieni Dafidi diegu yaagu n baa. N baa fiini ku diegbebuona, ki go maa ki sieni gu.
After these things I will return, and will set up the tabernacle of David that had fallen; and will build that which was in ruins in it, and will raise it up:
17 lanwani yaa nisaali n sieni kuli baa lingi o Diedo, bani min yini yaaba ke ban tua n niba yeni.
so that the residue of men may seek the Lord, and all the nations on whom my name is called; saith the Lord, who doth all these things.
18 O Diedo, yua n tiendi wan jagi yaala, ŋali yogu yeni n yedi yeni. (aiōn )
Known, from of old, are the works of God. (aiōn )
19 Jaka den pugini ki yedi: Lani tin sua yaala tie ke tin da bili bi nilanba po yaala n pa, bani yaaba n lebidi ki ŋoadi U Tienu yeni.
Therefore I say to you, let them not crush those who from among the Gentiles have turned unto God.
20 Ama tin diani ki waani ba ke ban kubi bi yula, ki da biidi bi yula ki je i buli padijiema kuli, ki go kubi bi yula leni mi conconma buoli, ki da ŋmani ti yansoadikaadi ki da ŋmani mi soama.
But let word be sent to them, that they keep aloof from the defilement of a sacrifice to idols, and from whoredom, and from what is strangled, and from blood.
21 Kelima ki cili ŋali yogu li den pia dogu nni kuli yaaba n wangi Musa balimaama, kelima bi den cogi ma mi fuodima daali kuli li balimaama bangima diena nni.
For in every city, from former ages, Moses hath heralds in the synagogues, who read him every sabbath.
22 Lane Jesu tondiba leni bi nikpeliba leni kilisiti n yini yaaba kuli den sua ke li pundi ban gandi bi siiga bi nitianba, ki soani ba ban yegi leni Polo leni Banabasa ki gedi Antiosa. Bi den gandi Jude ke bi yi o Basabasa, leni Silasa bani bi kpiiba n den jigindi yaaba.
Then the legates and Elders, with all the church, chose men from among themselves, and sent them to Antioch, with Paul and Barnabas; namely, Jude, who was called Barsabas, and Silas, men who were chiefs among the brethren.
23 Bi den soani ba leni li tili ke li yedi: Tinba, yi kpiiba, Jesu tondiba leni bi nikpeliba, ti fuondi yinba yaaba n tie nilanba ki tie kpiiba ki ye Antiosa, Sili, leni Silisi yaa diema nni kuli.
And they wrote a letter by them, thus: The legates and Elders and brethren, to them that are in Antioch, and in Syria, and in Cilicia, brethren who are from the Gentiles, greeting:
24 Ti gbadi ke ti siiga yaaba bi tianba den gedi yipo, ti ki den teni yaaba ñoabonli ba kuli, ke bi ban maadi ya maama n yagi yi yama ki jieni yi.
We have heard, that some have gone from us and disquieted you, by discourses, and have subverted your minds, by saying, That ye must be circumcised and keep the law; things which we have not commanded them.
25 Li tie lani yaapo ke ti kuli taani yanyenma ki sua ke li ŋani tin gandi bi niba ki soani ba ban yegi leni ti buakaaba Banabasa leni Polo,
Therefore we all have thought fit, when assembled, to choose and send men to you, with our beloved Paul and Barnabas,
26 yaaba n den luni bi miana ti Diedo Jesu Kilisiti yaa yeli po.
men who have given up their lives for the name of our Lord Jesus Messiah.
27 Lani yaa po ti soani yi kani Jude leni Silasa ke ban yaadi ki maadi leni yi tin diani yaala li naa tili nni.
And we have sent with them Jude and Silas, that they may tell you the same things orally.
28 U Tienu Fuoma Yua leni tinba kuli taa yanyenma ki sua ke li ŋani tin da tuni yi tugitoali kali yaali n tie tie tiladi na.
For it was pleasing to the Holy Spirit, and to us, that there should not be laid upon you any additional burden, besides these necessary things:
29 Lani n tie yin kubi yi yula ki da je i buli padijiema ki da go ŋmani mi soama, ki da ŋmani ti yansoadikaadi, ki go kubi yi yula ki da conbi conconbuoluba kuli. Li baa ŋani yipo yin yaa kubi yi yula ki da tieni lankuli. U Tienu n waani ti tiyaba!
that ye keep aloof from a sacrifice to idols, and from blood, and from what is strangled, and from whoredom. And if ye keep yourselves from these, ye will do well. Be ye steadfast in the Lord.
30 Lani Kilisiti n yini yaaba den cabi bi tondiba yeni ke bi guani Antiosa. Bi den teni li tili yaa nilugu n den taani yeni.
And they who were sent, came to Antioch, and assembled all the people, and delivered the letter.
31 Bi den cogi li ke li mangi ba ki go paagi bi pala.
And when they had read it, they rejoiced and were comforted.
32 Jude leni Silasa, yaaba n tie bani biba sawalipuaba, den tundi bi kpiiba ki paagi bi pala ke ban yaa se ke li pa li dandanli nni.
And with abundant discourse they strengthened the brethren; and the associates of Jude and Silas established them, because they also were prophets.
33 Ban den tieni li kani danaba, bi kpiiba den cabi ba leni mi yanduanma ke ban lebidi ki guani yaaba n den soani ba po.
And when, they had been there some time, the brethren dismissed them in peace to the legates.
34 Ama Silasa den sua ke li ŋani wan go sedi li kani waamu.
But it was the pleasure of Silas to remain there.
35 Polo leni Banabasa den waagi Antiosa, bani leni nitoaba boncianla ki bangi ki go wangi o Diedo maama.
Paul also and Barnabas remained at Antioch; and they taught and proclaimed, with many others, the word of God.
36 Danaba n den pendi, Polo den yedi Banabasa: Tin guani tin den wangi o Diedo laabaaliŋamo yaa dogi nni kuli, ki ban le lan tie ti kpiiba po maama.
And after some days, Paul said to Barnabas: Let us return, and visit the brethren in every city, in which we have preached the word of God; and let us see what they are doing.
37 Banabasa den bua ki ta Jan ban yi yua Maka wan yegi leni ba.
And Barnabas was disposed to take John, who was surnamed Mark.
38 Ama Polo den sua ke laa pundi ban go taa yua n den paadi leni ba Panfila diema nni kaa go ciani ba bi tuonli nni.
But Paul was not willing to take him with them; because he left them when they were in Pamphylia, and went not with them.
39 Mi niama den tieni bi siiga ŋali ke bi paadi leni bi yaba. Banabasa den ta Maka ke bi duodi ki kua ku ñinbiagu ki duodi ki gedi Sipila kpendegili po.
In, consequence of this strife, they separated from each other: and Barnabas took Mark, and they travelled by sea and went to Cyprus.
40 Polo den gandi Silasa wan yegi leni o. Bi kpiiba den mia o Diedo wan yaa ŋanbidi bi po, ke o fii ki gedi lipo.
But Paul chose Silas for his companion, and departed, being commended by the brethren to the grace of God.
41 O den goagoadi Sili diema nni leni Silisi yaa diema nni kuli ki pugindi Kilisiti nitaanli li papaali.
And he travelled through Syria, and through Cilicia, and strengthened the churches.