< Yohaannisa 1 >

1 Qaalay koyro de7ees. Qaalaykka Xoossaara de7ees; he Qaalay Xoossaa.
The one who expresses [MET] ([God’s character/what God is like]) has always existed (from the beginning [MTY] [of everything/before everything began]). He has always existed with God, and he has God’s nature.
2 Koyroppe Qaalay Xoossaara de7ees.
He always existed with God [before] he began [MTY] [to create anything].
3 Xoossay ubbabaa Qaalaa baggara medhdhis. Medhettidabaappe issoykka iya baggara medhettonabay baawa.
He is the one by whom [God] caused everything to exist. He is the one who created absolutely everything [LIT].
4 Iyan de7oy de7ees; he de7oy asaas poo7o.
He is the one who [caused everything to] live. He, who caused us people to live, [revealed to us the truth about God as] a light [MET] [reveals what is in the darkness].
5 Poo7oy dhuman poo7ees; dhumay poo7uwa xoonibeenna.
People do not want him to reveal [that what they do is evil] [MET], just [like] darkness [is evil]. But [just like] darkness cannot put out light [MET], [evil people have never prevented the one who was like a light from revealing God’s truth] (OR, [evil people have never] understood the [one who was like] a light.)
6 Xoossay kiittida, issi Yohaannisa giya asi de7ees.
A man whose name was John was sent by God {God sent a man whose name was John}.
7 Asa ubbay poo7uwan ammanana mela I poo7os markka gididi yis.
He came to tell people [about the one who was like] [MET] a light. He came to show that everything that the [one who was like a light] [MET] said was true, in order that he could enable all people to believe [in the one who was like a light].
8 I poo7uwabaa markkattanaw yisippe attin ba huu7en poo7o gidenna.
John himself was not the [one who was like a] light [MET]. Instead, he came to tell others about that [one who was like a] light.
9 Asa ubbaas poo7isiya tuma poo7oy alamiya yees.
[While John was doing that], the one who was truly [like] a light was about to show himself to the world. He was the one who enables all people [to know about God, as] a light [MET] enables [people to know what is in the darkness].
10 Qaalay alamen de7is. Xoossay Qaalan alamiya medhdhis, shin alamey iya eribeenna.
Although the one [who was like a light] was [here] on the earth, and although he was the one whom [God] caused to create everything, [most] people [MTY, HYP] did not realize who he [was]. (OR, although he was the one whom [God] caused to create everything, [most] people did not accept him.)
11 I bayssatakko yis, shin iyayssati iya ekkibookkona.
Although he came to the land that belonged to him [because he created it, most of] his own people, [the Jews], rejected him (OR, did not accept him).
12 Shin I bana ekkidayssatasinne iya sunthan ammanidayssatas Xoossaa nayta gidana mela maata immis.
But those [of us who welcomed him, God] authorized [that we would have a relationship with] him [MET] [like] children [have a relationship with their father]. We were people who believed [that what he said] about himself [MTY] [was true].
13 Entti Xoossafe yelettidosonappe attin asi yelettiya wogan woykko adde shenen woykko asa amon yelettibookkona. Xoossay I entta aawa.
We became [like God’s children], not because our ancestors [belonged to God], or because of someone’s sexual desires, nor because some man desired to have children like himself. Instead, we were caused by God {God caused us} to become [like] his children.
14 Qaalay ase gidis; aadho keehatethaanne tumaa kumidi nu giddon de7is. I aawas issi na7aa gididi ekkida iya bonchchuwa nuuni be7ida.
The one who expresses [MET] ([God’s character/what God is like]) became a human being, and he lived among us [for a while]. As a result, we saw how wonderful he is. He came from [God] his father, and there was no other person as wonderful as he. He was wonderful because he always acted (kindly toward us/in ways we did not deserve), and he always [spoke] truthfully to us [about God].
15 Yohaannisi iyabaa markkattis. Ba qaalaa dhoqqu oothidi, “Taani, ‘Taappe guyera yeyssi taappe kase de7iya gisho taappe aadhdhees’ gada markkattidayssi hayssa” yaagis.
[One day] when John was telling people about him, [he saw Jesus]. Then he shouted to them, “I told you [previously] that someone will come later who is more important than I am, since he existed [long] before me. This [is the man I was talking about]!”
16 Nuuni ubbay iya aadho keehatethaa kumethaafe anjjo bolla anjjo ekkida.
We have all benefited very much from what he has done. Again and again, he has acted in kind way toward us in ways we did not deserve.
17 Xoossay higgiya Muse baggara immis, shin aadho keehatethaynne tumatethay Yesuus Kiristtoosa baggara yis.
Moses proclaimed [God’s] laws [to our ancestors]. But what Jesus Christ did for us [was much better]. He acted in kindness toward us in ways we did not deserve and told us the truth [about God].
18 Xoossaa be7ida asi oonikka baawa; ba Aawa matan de7iya issi Na7aa xalaali baw Xoosse gididayssi iya qonccisis.
No one has ever seen God. But God’s only Son, [Jesus], who has always had a very close relationship with God, has told us about God.
19 Yerusalaamen de7iya Ayhude halaqati, kahinetanne Leeweta, “Neeni oonee?” gidi, Yohaannisa oychchana mela iyaakko kiittin, Yohaannisi enttaw markkattida markkatethay hayssa.
The Jewish [leaders] [SYN] in Jerusalem [city] sent some [Jewish] priests and (Levites/men who worked in the temple) to where John was, to ask him some questions. They said to him, “What do you [claim about] yourself?”
20 Yohaannisi, “Taani Kiristtoosa gidikke” yaagidi, geeshshidi markkattisippe attin kaddibeenna.
So John told them the truth, and he told them clearly [DOU]. He said, “[I] am not (the Messiah/God’s chosen king)!”
21 Entti, “Yaatin, neeni oonee? Neeni Eliyaaseyye?” yaagidi oychchidosona. Yohaannisi, “Akkay gidikke” yaagis. Qassi entti, “Neeni yaana geetettida nabiyayye?” yaagidi oychchidosona. Yohaannisi, “Akkay” gidi zaaris.
Then they asked him, “Then what [do you say about yourself]? Are you [the prophet] Elijah [that was prophesied to return] {([someone/another prophet]) [prophesied would return]} [before the Messiah]?” He replied, “No, [I] am not.” Then they asked him, “Are you the prophet [like Moses that] ([we are waiting for/God promised to send])?” He replied, “No.”
22 Yaatin, “Neeni oonee? Nuuni nuna kiittidayssatas odana mela neeni nena oona gay?” yaagidosona.
So they asked him, “Then who do you [claim to be]? [Tell us] so that we can [go back and] report to those who sent us. What do you say about yourself?”
23 Yohaannisi zaaridi, “Nabiya Isayaasi gidayssada, ‘Godaa ogiya suurisite!’ gidi bazzo biittan waassiya uraa qaalay tana” yaagis.
John replied, “[I] am the one [the prophet Isaiah said] would proclaim [this new message] loudly [to the people who would pass by] in this desolate area: ‘Prepare [yourselves to receive] the Lord when he comes [MET], [just like people prepare] a road [for an important official].
24 Qassi Farisaaweti kiittida asati
Some of those people [who were questioning] John were ones who had been sent by the Pharisee [religious group] {whom the Pharisee [religious group] had sent}.
25 Yohaannisakko, “Neeni Kiristtoosa woykko Eliyaasa woykko nabe gidonna ixxiko, yaatin ays xammaqay?” gidi oychchidosona.
They asked John, “Since [you say] you are not the Messiah, nor [the prophet] Elijah, nor the prophet [like Moses], [what authority] do you have? [Furthermore], why are you baptizing [Jews, treating them as though they were non-Jews who wanted to become Jews]?”
26 Yohaannisi zaaridi, “Taani haathan xammaqays, shin hintte eronna asi hintte giddon eqqis.
John replied, “I am [just] baptizing people with water [to prepare them to welcome the Messiah]. But [right now] someone is among you whom you people do not know.
27 I taappe guyera yees. Taani hari attoshin iya caammaa wodoruwa billanaw bessike” yaagis.
He [will preach to you] after I [am gone]. [He is so important that] I am not worthy to [serve him as a slave] [MET] [by] untying his sandals.”
28 Hessi ubbay Yorddaanose Shaafappe hefinthan, Bitaaniya giya biittan, Yohaannisi xammaqiya bessan hanis.
Those things happened at [a place called] Bethany, on the [east] side of the Jordan [River], where John was baptizing people.
29 Yohaannisi wonttetha gallas Yesuusi baakko yishin be7idi, “Alamiya nagara quchchiya Xoossaa Dorssay hayssa!
The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him. He said to the people, “Look! Here is the [man whom] God [has appointed to be a sacrifice] [MET], [like] the lambs [that the people of Israel sacrificed! By sacrificing himself] he will [make it possible for everyone in] the world to be no longer [guilty for having] sinned.
30 Taani, ‘Taappe guyera issi asi yaana. I taappe kase de7iya gisho taappe aadhdhees’ gada odidayssi hayssa.
He is the one about whom I said [before], ‘Someone will come later who is more important than I am, since he existed [long] before me.’
31 I ooneekko taani erikke. Shin Isra7eele asaas iya qonccisanaw haathan xammaqashe yas” yaagis.
I myself did not [previously] recognize that he [was the Messiah]. But [now I know who he is], and I have baptized people with water to enable [you people of] Israel to recognize who he is.”
32 Yohaannisi hayssada yaagidi markkattis: “Geeshsha Ayyaanay saloppe holeda wodhdhishininne iyara de7ishin be7as.
John spoke clearly [what God had shown him about Jesus]. He said, “I saw [God’s] Spirit as he was descending from heaven in the form of a dove. The Spirit remained on Jesus.
33 Hessi hananaappe kase taani iya erikke. Shin haathan xammaqanaw tana kiittida Xoossay, ‘Geeshsha Ayyaanay wodhdhidi iyara de7ishin neeni be7anaysinne Geeshsha Ayyaanan xammaqanayssi iya’ yaagidi taw odis.
I myself did not know [previously] that he [was the Messiah]. However, [God] sent me to baptize people with water, [people who said they wanted to turn from their sinful ways. While I was doing that], God told me, ‘The man on whom you will see my Spirit descend and remain is the one who will put the Holy Spirit within you [(pl) to truly change your lives].’
34 Taani hessi hanishin be7ada, I Xoossaa Na7aa gididayssa markkattays” yaagis.
I saw [the Spirit descend on him], and I tell you that he is (the Son of God/the person who is both God and man).”
35 Qassi wonttetha gallas Yohaannisi ba tamaaretappe nam77atara issife eqqis.
The next day John was at the same place again (with two of us/with two of his disciples).
36 Yesuusi aadhdhishin Yohaannisi be7idi, “Xoossaa dorssay haysish!” yaagis.
When he saw Jesus passing by, he said, “Look! There is the man God [has appointed to be a sacrifice, like] the lambs [MET] [the people of Israel have sacrificed!]”
37 Yohaannisa nam77u tamaareti Yohaannisi geyssa si7idi Yesuusa kaallidosona.
(When we/those two disciples) heard John say this, we/they went with Jesus.
38 Yesuusi bana kaalleyssata guye simmi be7idi, “Ay koyeetii?” yaagidi oychchis. Entti zaaridi, “Asttamaariyaw, neeni awun de7ay?” yaagidosona.
Jesus turned around and saw us/them coming behind him. So he asked us/them, “What do you want?” We/They replied, “Teacher, [tell us] where you are staying, [because we want to talk with you].”
39 Yesuusi enttako, “Haa yidi be7ite” yaagis. Entti bidi I de7iyasuwa be7idosona. He gallas sa7ay tammu saate heera gidiya gisho iya matan pee7idosona.
He replied, “Come [with me], and you will see [where I am staying]!” So we/they went with him and saw where he was staying. We/They stayed with him until about 4 o’clock (OR, from about 4 PM until the next day).
40 Yohaannisi gidayssa si7idi, Yesuusa kaallida nam77u tamaaretappe issoy, Simoon Phexiroosa ishaa Inddiriyasa.
(One of us/One of the two men) who heard what John had said and who went with Jesus was Andrew, Simon Peter’s [younger] brother.
41 Inddiriyasi koyro ba ishaa Simoonara gayttidi, “Nuuni Kiristtoosa demmida” yaagis.
[After Andrew left Jesus], the first thing he did was to find his own [older] brother Simon and say to him, “We have found the Messiah!”
42 Inddiriyasi Simoona Yesuusakko ehis. Yesuusi Simoona be7idi, “Neeni Yoona na7aa Simoona; ne sunthay Keefa gidi xeegettana” yaagis.
Then he took Simon to Jesus. Jesus looked intently at him, and then said, “You are Simon. Your father’s name is John. You will be given {[I] will give you} the name Cephas.” [Cephas is an Aramaic name that means ‘solid rock’. It] means [the same in Greek as the name] Peter.
43 Wonttetha gallas Yesuusi Galiila biittaa baanaw qofa qachchis. I Filiphphoosara gayttidi, “Tana kaalla!” yaagis.
The next day [Jesus] decided to leave [the Jordan River valley]. He went to Galilee [district] and (OR, on the way there he) found a man named Philip. Jesus said to him, “Come with me!”
44 Filiphphoosi, Inddiriyasinne Phexiroosi de7ida Beetesayda giya katamaappe yida ase.
Philip and Andrew and Peter were all from Bethsaida [town].
45 Filiphphoosi Natina7eelara gayttidi, “Musey higge maxaafan, qassi nabetikka iyabaa xaafida Yoosefa na7aa Naazirete Yesuusa nuuni demmida” yaagis.
Then Philip [searched for] Nathaniel and found him, and said to him, “We have met [the Messiah], the one Moses [wrote about]! The prophets also [prophesied that he would come]. He is Jesus, from Nazareth [town]. His father’s name is Joseph.”
46 Natina7eeli zaaridi, “Naazirete katamaappe lo77obay keyanaw dandda7ii?” yaagis. Filiphphoosi, “Yada be7a” yaagis.
Nathaniel replied, “Nazareth? (Nothing good can come from [such an unimportant place]!/Can anything good come from [such an unimportant place]?) [RHQ]” Philip replied, “Come and see!”
47 Natina7eeli baakko yeyssa Yesuusi be7idi, “Geney baynna tuma Isra7eele asi hayssa!” yaagis.
When Jesus saw Nathaniel approaching, he said about Nathaniel, “Here is an example of a good Israelite! He never deceives anyone!”
48 Natina7eeli Yesuusakko, “Neeni tana awun eray?” yaagis. Yesuusi zaaridi, “Filiphphoosi nena xeeganaappe sinthe, neeni balase mithaa garssan de7ishin taani nena be7as” yaagis.
Nathaniel asked him, “How do you know what I [am like]?” Jesus replied, “I saw you before Philip called you, when you were [by yourself] under the fig tree.”
49 Natina7eeli zaaridi, “Asttamaariyaw, neeni Xoossaa Na7aa! Neeni Isra7eele kawo!” yaagis.
Then Nathaniel declared, “Teacher, you [must be] (the Son of God/the person who is both God and man)! You are the King of Israel [we have been waiting for]!”
50 Yesuusi iyaakko, “Taani nena balase mithee garssan be7as gida gisho ammanay? Neeni hayssafe aadhdhiyabaa be7ana!” yaagis.
Jesus replied to him, “You [RHQ] believe [those things about me] because I told you I saw you when you were under the fig tree. [I was able to see you supernaturally even though I was far away from you]. But you will see [me do] things that are more surprising than that!”
51 Qassi Yesuusi, “Taani hinttew tuma odays; saloy dooyettin, Xoossaa kiitanchchoti Asa Na7aa bolla keyishininne wodhdhishin hintte be7ana” yaagis.
Then Jesus said to him, “This is the absolute truth: [Just like what your ancestor Jacob saw long ago in a vision], some day you [(pl)] will see heaven opened up, and you will see God’s angels ascending from me and descending on me, the one who came from heaven.”

< Yohaannisa 1 >