< Efesoona 5 >
1 Hiza, Xoossay dosiya naytada iya daanite.
So then, imitate God since you're his much-loved children.
2 Kiristtoosi nuna dosidi bana nu gisho Xoossaas sawiya imonne yarshsho oothidi immidayssada hintteka siiqon de7ite.
Live in love, just as Christ loved you. He gave himself for us, a gift and sacrificial offering to God like a sweet-smelling perfume.
3 Shin laymatethi, tunatethinne uuzetethi ammaniyaa asaas bessonna gisho hintte giddon ubbaraka si7ettofo.
Sexual immorality or any kind of indecency or greed should never be mentioned concerning you, as God's people should not be doing such things.
4 Xoossaa galatiteppe attin yeellayabaynne eeya odi woykko qidhey hinttew bessonna gisho hintte giddon ubbaka de7oppo.
Obscene talk, stupid chatter, and coarse jokes are totally inappropriate—instead you should be thanking God.
5 Hayssa erite; oonikka laymatey woykko tunabaa oothey woykko uuzettey Kiristtoosa kawotethaanne Xoossaa kawotethaa laattanaw dandda7enna. Uuzetethi eeqa goynno mela.
You know it's absolutely sure that no-one who is sexually immoral, or commits indecency, or who is greedy, or is an idol-worshiper will inherit anything in the kingdom of Christ and God.
6 Hayssata gaason Xoossaa hanqoy kiitettonna asaa bolla yaana gisho oonikka hinttena pathonna odan cimmofo.
Don't let anyone fool you with lying words, for it's because of such things that God's judgment is passed on the children of disobedience.
7 Hessa mela asaara issifetethi oothofite.
So don't partner with them in this.
8 Kase hintte dhuman de7ideta, shin ha77i Godaa baggara poo7on de7eeta. Hiza, poo7o asada poo7on simerettite.
At one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. You are to live as children of light
9 Poo7oy lo77otethi, xillotethinne tumatethi ayfees.
(and the fruit of light is everything that's good and right and true),
10 Godaa ufayssiyabaa oothanaw koyite.
demonstrating what the Lord really appreciates.
11 Go77i baynna dhuma ooso qonccisiteppe attin iyara issifoppite.
Don't have anything to do with the pointless things that darkness produces—instead expose them.
12 Entti geeman oothiya oosuwa hari attoshin odanawukka yeellayees.
It's shameful even to speak about the things such people do secretly,
13 Shin ubbabay poo7on keyaa wode qonccen benttees.
but when anything is exposed by the light then it's revealed as it is. Light makes everything visible.
14 Poo7oy ubbabaa qonccen bessees. Hessa gisho, “Neno dhiskkeysso barkka; hayqoppe dendda; Kiristtoosi ne bolla poo7ana” yaagettis.
That's why it's said, “Wake up, those of you who are sleeping, rise up from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.”
15 Hiza, hintte waanidi de7iyakko akeeki be7ite. Cinccata giditeppe attin eeyata gidoppite.
So be careful how you live your life, not foolishly, but wisely,
16 Laythay iita gidiya gisho injjetiya wode ubbaa go7ettite.
making the best use of opportunities because the days are evil.
17 Hessa gisho, Godaa sheney aybeekko akeekiteppe attin eeyoppite.
So don't be ignorant—find out what the Lord's will is.
18 Geeshsha Ayyaanan gallas gallas kumiteppe attin dhayokko hinttena kaalethiya gisho woyne ushshan mathottofite.
Don't get drunk on wine which will wreck your life, but be filled with the Spirit.
19 Mazmuren, sabaninne ayyaana yethan, issoy issuwara odetite. Qassi hintte wozanan zammarishenne sabbishe Godaa galatite.
Share together with one another, using psalms and hymns and sacred songs, singing and making music to the Lord to express what you feel.
20 Nu Godaa Yesuus Kiristtoosa sunthan ubba wode Xoossaa Aawa ubbabaas galatite.
Always thank God the Father for everything in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
21 Kiristtoosa bonchchuwas gidi issoy issuwas haarettite.
Each of you should be willing to accept what others tell you to do out of reverence for Christ.
22 Machcheto, Godaas haaretteyssada hintte azinatas haarettite.
Wives, do what your own husbands tell you to do, as you would if the Lord told you.
23 Kiristtoosi woosa keethaas huu7e gideyssada azinikka ba machchees huu7e. Qassi Kiristtoos ba asatethi gidida woosa keethaa ashsheyssa.
The husband is head of the wife in the same way as Christ is head of the church—his body and its savior.
24 Shin woosa keethay Kiristtoosas haaretteyssada machcheti bantta azinatas ubbaban haarettanaw bessees.
In the same way that the church does what Christ says, wives should do what their husbands tell them in all things.
25 Azinatoo, Kiristtoosi woosa keethaa dosidi bana iw immidayssada hintteka hintte machcheta dosite.
Husbands, you should love your wives in the same way as Christ loved the church and gave himself for it.
26 I woosa keethaa ba qaala baggara haathan meeccidi geeshshis.
He made it holy, he made it clean by washing in the water of the word,
27 Kiristtoosi woosa keethaa qiti woykko som77o tuussi woykko hessa melabay baynna I kumetha bonchchuwara geeshshinne borettonnaaro oothidi baakko shiishanaw koyidi hessa oothis.
so that he could make the church his own, with no flaw or blemish or any kind of fault, but holy and blameless.
28 Hessadakka, azinati banttana doseyssada bantta machcheta dosanaw bessees. Ba machchiw doseyssi bana dosees.
Husbands should love their wives just like this, as they love their own bodies. A man who loves his wife loves himself—
29 Bana ixxiya asi oonikka baawa, shin Kiristtoosi woosa keethaas ootheyssada ba asatethaa muzeesinne naagees.
for no one ever hated his own body, but feeds it and looks after it, just as Christ does for the church,
30 Nuuni Kiristtoosa asatethaa billiteta.
for we are parts of his body.
31 Xoossaa qaalay, “Hessa gisho, asi ba aawanne ba aayiw aggidi, ba machcheera issife daana; entti nam77ayka issi asho gidana” yaagees.
“This is why a man leaves his father and mother, and is joined to his wife, and the two are united in one.”
32 Hayssi gita xuura, shin taani hessa Kiristtoosabaanne woosa keethabaa leemiso oothada odays.
This is a deep hidden truth—but I'm talking about Christ and the church.
33 Gidoshin, hintte issoy issoy hintte machcheta hinttee, hinttena doseyssada dosite. Issi issi machcha ba azinaa bonchchanaw bessees.
However, each husband should love his own wife as he does himself, and the wife should respect her husband.