< Hawaareta Oosuwa 24 >
1 Ichchashu gallasappe guye kahine halaqay Hananey, cimataranne Xerxeluusa giya issi xabaqaara Qisaariya bis. Entti deriya ayseyssa bolla Phawuloosa mootidosona.
And after five days Ananias the high priest with certain elders, and a certain orator Tertyllus, came down, who appeared before the governor against Paul.
2 Phawuloosi xeegettidi gelida wode, Xerxeluusi iya hayssada yaagidi mootis: “Bonchcho Filkkisa, nuuni ne baggara daro sarotethaa demmida, ne lo77o aysuwan nu biittay daro laamettis.
And he having been called, Tertyllus began to accuse him, saying,
3 Bonchcho Filkkisa, nuuni awunkka awude gidin daro galatan hessa ekkoos.
Receiving great peace through thee, and prosperity accruing to this nation through thy wisdom, we receive with all gratitude, both always, and everywhere, O most noble Felix.
4 Taani nena gam77isonnashin neeni ne keehatethan nubaa qanthan si7ana mela nena woossays.
But in order that I may not weary you excessively, I exhort you to hear us patiently according to your clemency.
5 Ha uray dhube gididi biitta ubban de7iya Ayhudeta giddon buqethi medhdhidi Naaziraweta bagga asaa kaaletheyssa gidoyssa erida.
For having found this man pestilential, and stirring up seditions to all the Jews who are throughout the world, and a ringleader of the sect of the Nazarenes:
6 Hari attoshin, Xoossa Keetha tunisana hanishin nuuni iya oykkida; nu higgiyada iya bolla pirddanaw qoppida.
who also endeavored to pollute the temple: whom we indeed arrested,
7 Shin shaalaqaa Luusiyosi yidi, wolqqan nu kusheppe iya wothi ekkis.
8 Iya mooteyssatikka neekko yaana mela kiittis. Neeni ne huu7en ha uraa filggada nuuni iya mootiya mootuwa ubbaa eranaw dandda7aasa” yaagis.
with whom you yourself, having made inquiry, are able to know concerning all these things of which we accuse him.
9 Ayhudetikka, “Ha oday tuma” gidi iya qofaa ma77idosona.
And the Jews were consenting, saying, Truly these things are so.
10 Deriya ayseyssi Phawuloosa oda gidi mallis. Phawuloosi hayssada gidi zaaris: “Neeni daro wodeppe doomada, ha asaas pirddashe de7eyssa erada ta odas ufayssan zaaro immays.
And Paul responded, the governor beckoning to him to speak; Knowing you to be a judge to this nation from many years, I cheerfully apologize as to the things concerning myself:
11 Taani Yerusalaame goynnanaw keyin tammanne nam77u gallasappe aadhdhonnayssa neeni ne huu7en eranaw dandda7aasa.
you being able to know, that there are not more than twelve days to me since I came up to Jerusalem to worship.
12 Ayhudeti tana Xoossaa Keethan gidin Ayhude Woosa Keethan gidin kataman gidin ooderakka palamishin woykko asa shiishada maqqishin issi asikka demmibeenna.
Neither did they find me in the temple disputing with any one, or causing an excitement of the multitude, neither in the synagogues, nor throughout the city:
13 Ha77ika entti tana mootiyabaas markka demmanaw dandda7okkona.
neither are they able to prove before you the things which they are now accusing me.
14 “Shin taani hayssa issibaa ammanays; taani higgen de7iyabaanne nabeti xaafida ubbabaa ammanada, nu aawata Xoossaa, entti worddo giya ogiyan goynnays.
But I confess this to you, that according to the way which they call heresy, so worship I the God of our fathers, believing all things which have been written in the law and in the prophets:
15 Entti bantta huu7en ammaneyssa mela xillotinne nagaranchchoti hayqoppe denddanayssa takka ammanays.
having hope towards God, which they themselves also receive, that there is going to be a resurrection, both of the just and unjust.
16 Hessa gisho, taani Xoossaa sinthaninne asaa sinthan ubba wode lo77o kahi taw daana mela minnays.
In this I also exercise, to always have a conscience void of offense toward God and men.
17 “Taani Yerusalaameppe keyoosappe daro laythafe guye ta biittaa manqotas maade immanawunne yarshsho yarshshanaw Yerusalaame bas.
And after many years I came to do alms and offerings to my race;
18 Taani Xoossa Keethan hessa oothada geeshsha wogaa pola simmin tana demmidosona. He wode taara asi baawa, ooshshikka keyibeenna.
in which they found me having been purified in the temple, not with rabble, nor with an uproar; and were certain Jews from Asia,
19 Shin Iisiyappe yida issi issi Ayhudeti hessan de7oosona; entti ta bolla oda koykko yidi tana ne bolla mootanaw dandda7osona.
whom it behooves to be present before me, and accuse me, if they should have anything against me.
20 Woykko taani shangguwa sinthe shiiqida wode oothida bali de7ikko hayssati ne sinthan de7eyssati odonna.
Or let them tell what injustice they found, while I was standing before the sanhedrim,
21 Taani entta giddon eqqada, ‘Hayqqidayssati denddana gada waassada odida gisho hachchi hintte sinthan ta bolla pirddoosona’ gas; hessafe harabaa oothabikke” yaagis.
except concerning this one voice, which I cried out standing in their midst, that concerning the resurrection of the dead I am judged before you this day.
22 Shin Filkkisi Xoossaa ogiyabaa geeshshi erida gisho, “Taani hintte oda shaalaqaa Luusiyosi yaa wode pirddana” yaagidi moyzis.
And Felix having learned more thoroughly the things concerning the way, deferred them, saying, When Lysias the chiliarch may come down, I will diagnose the things appertaining to you:
23 Filkkisi qassi Phawuloosa qachchonna naagana melanne iya dabbotappe oonikka iya oychchanaw yishin diggonna mela mato halaqaa kiittis.
having commanded the centurion to keep him, and let him have liberty, and prohibit no one of his friends from ministering unto him.
24 Guutha gallasappe guye, Filkkisi Ayhude bagga gidida ba machche Dirusillara yidi Phawuloosa kiitti ehisidi Yesuus Kiristtoosan ammanobaa iyappe si7is.
And after certain day, Felix with Drusilla his wife, being a Jewess, coming, sent for Paul, and heard him concerning the faith which is towards Christ Jesus.
25 Phawuloosi xillotethabaa, ba huu7e haariyabaanne yaanaw de7iya pirddabaa odishin, Filkkisi yayyidi, “Neeni ha77is ba; taw injjetida wode nena xeegisana” yaagis.
And he reasoning concerning righteousness and temperance and the coming judgment, Felix, being alarmed, responded, Go thy way for this time; and having received an opportunity, I will call for thee:
26 He wode Phawuloosappe gubbo ekkanaw qoppidi iya zaari zaari xeegisidi iyara odettees.
at the same time also hoping that money will be given to him by Paul; therefore indeed the more frequently sending for him, he conversed with him.
27 Nam77u laythafe guye, Filkkisa bessaa Phorqiyoos Fisxoosi ekkis. Filkkisi Ayhudeta ufayssanaw koyidi Phawuloosa billonna aggaa gis.
But two years having passed away Felix received Porcius Festus as his successor: and Felix, wishing to confer on the Jews a favor, left Paul bound.