< Thaburi 50 >

1 Thaburi ya Asafu Jehova, o we Ngai ũcio Mwene-Hinya, nĩaraaria, ageeta thĩ yothe kuuma irathĩro rĩa riũa nginya kũrĩa rĩthũagĩra.
A Psalm for Asaph. The God of gods, the Lord, has spoken, and called the earth from the rising of the sun to the going down [thereof].
2 Ngai aracangarara arĩ Zayuni itũũra rĩu ithaka mũno.
Out of Sion [comes] the excellence of his beauty.
3 Ngai witũ nĩ gũũka arooka na ndegũkira; mbere yake nĩ mwaki ũrakana, na akarigiicĩrio nĩ kĩhuhũkanio kĩnene.
God, our God, shall come manifestly, and shall not keep silence: a fire shall be kindled before him, and round about him there shall be a very great tempest.
4 Areeta igũrũ na thĩ nĩguo ituĩke aira agĩciirithia andũ ake:
He shall summon the heaven above, and the earth, that he may judge his people.
5 “Cookanĩrĩrai harĩ niĩ inyuĩ andũ akwa aamũre, o inyuĩ mwagĩire kĩrĩkanĩro na niĩ na ũndũ wa kũndutĩra igongona.”
Assemble you his saints to him, those that have engaged in a covenant with him upon sacrifices.
6 Narĩo igũrũ rĩanagĩrĩra ũthingu wake, nĩgũkorwo Ngai we mwene nĩwe mũtuanĩri ciira.
And the heavens shall declare his righteousness: for God is judge. (Pause)
7 “Inyuĩ andũ akwa, thikĩrĩriai na nĩngwaria, ũthikĩrĩrie, wee Isiraeli, na nĩngũruta ũira wa gũgũthita: nĩ niĩ Ngai, o Ngai waku.
Hear, my people, and I will speak to you, O Israel: and I will testify to you: I am God, your God.
8 Ndirakũrũithia nĩ ũndũ wa magongona maku, o na kana nĩ ũndũ wa maruta maku ma njino, marĩa makoragwo mbere yakwa hĩndĩ ciothe.
I will not reprove you on account of your sacrifices; for your whole burnt offerings are before me continually.
9 Ndibatarĩtio nĩ ndegwa yumĩte kiugũ gĩaku, kana mbũri ciumĩte ciugũ ciaku,
I will take no bullocks out of your house, nor he-goats out of your flocks.
10 nĩgũkorwo nyamũ ciothe cia gĩthaka nĩ ciakwa, na ngʼombe iria irĩ tũrĩma-inĩ ngiri na ngiri.
For all the wild beasts of the thicket are mine, the cattle on the mountains, and oxen.
11 Nyoni ciothe iria irĩ kũu irĩma-inĩ, gũtirĩ o na ĩmwe itooĩ, na ciũmbe ciothe cia werũ-inĩ nĩ ciakwa.
I know all the birds of the sky; and the beauty of the field is mine.
12 Ingĩkorwo hũtiĩ, ndingĩkwĩra, nĩgũkorwo thĩ nĩ yakwa, na kĩrĩa gĩothe kĩrĩ thĩinĩ wayo.
If I should be hungry, I will not tell you: for the world is mine, and the fullness of it.
13 Niĩ nĩndĩĩaga nyama cia ndegwa, o na kana nganyua thakame ya mbũri?
Will I eat the flesh of bulls, or drink the blood of goats?
14 Rutĩra Ngai igongona rĩa gũcookia ngaatho, na ũhingagĩrie Ũrĩa-ũrĩ-Igũrũ-Mũno mĩĩhĩtwa yaku,
Offer to God the sacrifice of praise; and pay your vows to the Most High.
15 na ũngayagĩre mũthenya wa mĩnyamaro; na nĩndĩrĩkũhonokagia, nawe ũngoocage.”
And call upon me in the day of affliction; and I will deliver you, and you shall glorify me. (Pause)
16 No rĩrĩ, mũndũ ũrĩa mwaganu Ngai ekũmũũria atĩrĩ: “Ũrĩ na kĩhooto kĩrĩkũ gĩa kuuga mawatho makwa, kana kwaria ũhoro wa kĩrĩkanĩro gĩakwa?
But to the sinner God has said, Why do you declare my ordinances, and take up my covenant in your mouth?
17 Nĩũmenete ũrutani wakwa, na ũgateanĩria ciugo ciakwa.
Whereas you have hated instruction, and have cast my words behind [you].
18 Rĩrĩa wona mũici, ũnyiitanagĩra nake; na ũgĩĩaga ũrũmwe na itharia.
If you saw a thief, you ran along with him, and have cast in your lot with adulterers.
19 Ũhũthagĩra kanua gaku kwaria ndeto njũru, na rũrĩmĩ rwaku naruo rũkaaragia maheeni.
Your mouth has multiplied wickedness, and your tongue has framed deceit.
20 Hĩndĩ ciothe waragia ndeto cia gũũkĩrĩra mũrũ wa thoguo, ũgagĩcambia mũrũ-wa-nyũkwa.
You did sit and speak against your brother, and did scandalize your mother's son.
21 Maũndũ macio ũmekaga o ngirĩte, nawe ũgeciiria atĩ niĩ ndariĩ o tawe. No rĩrĩ, rĩu nĩngũkũrũithia, nguonie maũndũ marĩa wĩkĩte.
These things you did, and I kept silence: you thought wickedly that I should be like you, [but] I will reprove you, and set [your offenses] before you.
22 “Mwĩcũraniei ũhoro ũyũ, inyuĩ mũriganagĩrwo nĩ Ngai, nĩguo ndikamũtambuure, na haage mũndũ wa kũmũteithũra.
Now consider these things, you that forget God, lest he rend [you], and there is no deliverer.
23 Mũndũ ũrĩa ũrutaga igongona rĩa gũcookia ngaatho nĩ niĩ atĩĩaga, na akahaarĩria njĩra nĩgeetha ndĩmuonie ũhonokanio wa Ngai.”
The sacrifice of praise will glorify me: and that is the way wherein I will show to him the salvation of God.

< Thaburi 50 >