< Thaburi 37 >

1 Thaburi ya Daudi Tigaga gũthĩĩnĩka ngoro nĩ ũndũ wa andũ arĩa mekaga ũũru, o na kana ũiguage ũiru nĩ ũndũ wa arĩa mekaga mahĩtia;
Of David. Be not kindled to wrath at the wicked, nor envious of those who work wrong;
2 nĩgũkorwo acio makaahooha o narua o ta ũrĩa nyeki ĩhoohaga, na makue narua o ta ũrĩa riya rĩhoohaga rĩamunywo.
for, like grass, they will speedily wither, and fade like the green of young grass.
3 Wĩhoke Jehova na wĩkage wega; tũũra bũrũri-inĩ ũkenagĩra ũrĩithio wa thayũ.
Trust in the Lord, and do good; remain in the land, and deal faithfully:
4 Ĩkaga maũndũ ma gũkenia Jehova, na nĩarĩkũhingagĩria merirĩria ma ngoro yaku.
then the Lord will be your delight, he will grant you your heart’s petitions.
5 Rekagĩrĩria Jehova njĩra yaku; mwĩhokage o we, nake nĩarĩĩkaga maũndũ maya:
Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him, and he will act,
6 Nĩarĩtũmaga ũthingu waku ware o ta rũciinĩ, nakĩo kĩhooto gĩa ciira waku kĩare o ta riũa rĩa mũthenya barigici.
making clear as the light your right, and your just cause clear as the noon-day.
7 Hoorera mbere ya Jehova na ũmweterere ũtegũthethũka; ndũgathĩĩnĩke ngoro rĩrĩa andũ magaacĩra mĩthiĩre-inĩ yao, rĩrĩa mekũhingia mathugunda mao ma gwĩka ũũru.
In silence and patience wait on the Lord. Be not kindled to anger at those who prosper. At those who execute evil devices.
8 Tigaga kũrakara na wĩrigagĩrĩrie mangʼũrĩ; tigaga gũthĩĩnĩka ngoro, tondũ ũndũ ũcio no ũtũme wĩke ũũru.
Desist from anger, abandon wrath: be not kindled to anger it leads but to evil:
9 Nĩgũkorwo andũ ooru nĩmakaniinwo, no arĩa mehokete Jehova nĩmakagaya bũrũri.
for evildoers will be cut off, but the land will be theirs, who wait on the Lord.
10 No kahinda kanini, arĩa aaganu mage kuoneka rĩngĩ; o na mũngĩmacaria, mũtingĩmoona.
Yet but a little, and the wicked vanish: look at their place: they are there no more.
11 No arĩa ahooreri nĩo makaagaya bũrũri, na matũũre makenete nĩkũingĩhĩrwo nĩ thayũ.
But the humble will have the land, and the rapture of peace in abundance.
12 Andũ arĩa aaganu mathugundaga mokĩrĩre andũ arĩa athingu, na makamahagaranĩria magego;
The wicked plots against the righteous, snarls like a wild animal;
13 no Mwathani athekagĩrĩra andũ acio aaganu, nĩgũkorwo nĩoĩ mũthenya wao nĩũrooka.
the Lord laughs, for he sees that his day is coming.
14 Andũ arĩa aaganu macomorete hiũ cia njora, na makageeta ũta nĩguo maniine mũndũ ũrĩa mũthĩĩni na mũbatari, na moorage andũ arĩa njĩra ciao irũngĩrĩirie.
The wicked have drawn the sword, and bent the bow, to fell the poor, to slay those who walk uprightly;
15 No hiũ icio ciao cia njora igaatheeca ngoro ciao ene, na mota mao moinangwo.
but their sword will pierce their own heart, and their bows will be broken in pieces.
16 Nĩ kaba kĩndũ kĩnini kĩrĩ na andũ arĩa athingu, gũkĩra ũtonga mũingĩ wa andũ aaganu;
Better is the righteous person’s little than the wealth of many wicked.
17 nĩgũkorwo hinya wa andũ arĩa aaganu nĩũkaniinwo, no Jehova atiiragĩrĩra andũ arĩa athingu.
For the arms of the wicked will be broken, but the Lord upholds the righteous.
18 Matukũ ma andũ arĩa matarĩ ũcuuke nĩmooĩo nĩ Jehova, na igai rĩao rĩgũtũũra nginya tene.
The Lord watches over the days of the blameless, their heritage will continue forever.
19 Hĩndĩ ya mwanangĩko matikoona ũũru; na hĩndĩ ya ngʼaragu magaakorwo na irio cia kũigana.
They will not be shamed in the evil time, in the days of famine they will be satisfied.
20 No andũ arĩa aaganu nĩmagathira: Thũ cia Jehova igaathira ta ũrĩa ũthaka wa mĩgũnda ũthiraga, nĩikabuĩria, ibuĩrie o ta ndogo.
Because the wicked will perish: but the foes of the Lord, like a brand in the oven, will vanish, like smoke they will vanish.
21 Andũ arĩa aaganu makoombaga na matirĩhaga, no arĩa athingu maheanaga na ũtaana;
The wicked must borrow and cannot pay back, but the righteous is lavish and gives.
22 andũ arĩa Jehova arathimĩte nĩmakagaya bũrũri, no arĩa arumĩte nĩmakaniinwo.
For those blest by the Lord inherit the land, while those whom he curses will be cut off.
23 Jehova angĩkenio nĩ mũthiĩre wa mũndũ, atũmaga makinya make marũme wega;
The Lord supports the steps of those with whom he is pleased.
24 o na angĩhĩngwo, ndangĩgũa, nĩgũkorwo Jehova amũnyiitagĩrĩra na guoko gwake.
Though they fall, they will not be cast headlong, for the Lord holds their hands.
25 Ndaarĩ mũnini, na rĩu ndĩ mũkũrũ, no ndirĩ ndoona andũ arĩa athingu matiganĩirio, kana ciana ciao ikĩhooya irio.
Never, from youth to age, have I seen the righteous forsaken, or their children begging bread.
26 Hĩndĩ ciothe makoragwo marĩ ataana, na makombanagĩra matekwenda uumithio; ciana ciao nĩ ikaarathimwo.
They are ever lavishly lending, and their children are fountains of blessing.
27 Theemaga ũũru, na wĩkage wega, nawe ũtũũre bũrũri-inĩ nginya tene.
Turn away from evil and do good and you will live in the land forever.
28 Nĩgũkorwo Jehova endete o kĩhooto, na ndagatiganĩria arĩa ake ehokeku. Acio megũtũũra magitĩirwo nginya tene, no ciana cia arĩa aaganu nĩikaniinwo.
For the Lord loves justice, he does not forsake his friends. The unrighteous will be destroyed forever, and the seed of the wicked will be cut off.
29 Andũ arĩa athingu nĩo makaagaya bũrũri, na matũũre kuo nginya tene.
But the land will belong to the righteous, they will live upon it forever,
30 Kanua ka mũndũ mũthingu gatumũkaga ndeto cia ũũgĩ, naruo rũrĩmĩ rwake rũkaaria kĩhooto.
The mouth of the righteous murmurs wisdom, and words of justice are on their tongues.
31 Watho wa Ngai wake ũrĩ o ngoro-inĩ yake; makinya make matingĩtenderũka.
The law of their God is in their heart, their steps are never unsteady.
32 Andũ arĩa aaganu maikaraga moheirie arĩa athingu, magĩcaria o ũrĩa mangĩmooraga;
The wicked watches the righteous, and seeks to put them to death.
33 no Jehova ndakamatiganĩria moko-inĩ ma andũ acio aaganu, kana areke matuĩrwo atĩ nĩ ehia rĩrĩa magaaciirithio.
But the Lord leaves them not in their hand: at their trial they will not be held guilty.
34 Etagĩrĩra Jehova na ũrũmagĩrĩre njĩra yake. Nĩagagũtũũgĩria nĩguo ũgae bũrũri; rĩrĩa andũ arĩa aaganu makaaniinwo-rĩ, wee nĩũkeyonera ũndũ ũcio.
Wait on the Lord, and observe his way: he will lift you to honour the land will be yours, you will feast your eyes on the doom of the wicked.
35 Nĩnyonete mũndũ mwaganu na mũndũ ũtarĩ tha agaacĩire ta mũtĩ mũruru ũrĩ o imerero-inĩ rĩaguo,
I have seen the wicked exultant, lifting themselves like a cedar of Lebanon.
36 no thuutha wa kahinda o kanini akĩehera, akĩaga gũkorwo ho rĩngĩ; o na gũtuĩka nĩndamũcaririe, ndiigana kũmuona.
But the moment I passed, they vanished! I sought for them, but they could not be found.
37 Cũrania ũhoro wa mũndũ ũrĩa ũtarĩ ũcuuke, na ũrore ũrĩa mũrũngĩrĩru, ũhoro wake wa matukũ marĩa magooka nĩ ũhoro wa thayũ.
Preserve your honour and practise uprightness, for such a person fares well in the end.
38 No rĩrĩ, andũ arĩa ehia othe nĩmakaniinwo; no andũ arĩa aaganu mũthia wao nĩ kũũragwo makooragwo.
But transgressors will perish together. Cut off are the wicked forever.
39 Ũhonokio wa andũ arĩa athingu uumaga kũrĩ Jehova; we nĩwe kĩĩhitho kĩao kĩa hinya hĩndĩ ya mathĩĩna.
The righteous are saved by the Lord, who in time of distress is their refuge:
40 Jehova nĩamateithagia na akamateithũra; amateithũraga kuuma kũrĩ andũ arĩa aaganu na akamahonokia, tondũ moragĩra harĩ we.
the Lord helps and rescue them, from the wicked he rescues and saves them, because they take refuge in him.

< Thaburi 37 >